Chapter 14: Fabulously dead

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Leone: Phwaaaaaaa !! This is good ! Here's for getting Tao back in one piece !

"... ... Between you and Esdeath, i'm getting used to being a plushie..."

Lubbock: I still can't believe it. That Esdeath is falling for you... How are you the lady killer ?!

"Hey, I'd gladly switch with you if that's what you want !"

Mine: She's really got some horrible taste, huh ? What part of this is that great, anyway ?

"Says the one who can't get any because she looks like a child."


Leone: Hmph. I'm the one who claimed him first ! That sadist bitch is crazy if she thinks I'm just gonna let her take him !

"Okay, first of, she is crazy. Second, I don't remember being owned by anyone !"

Stylish: Ufufu. As soon as everyone is in position, we can begin our stylish assault.

Leone: ... Dropped dead where I was, huh... ? Everyone else is probably the same at the moment... passed out. Guess I should wash my face and prepare for the trip to the capital.

Leone: Still so tired... Hmm ?


???: Kehehe. it's done, Stylish sir. This Trooma has already taken down one little birdie ! I am continuing the mission !

Mimi: is what he says, Stylish sir.

Stylish: Splendid. As expected of my knight. Shall we leap into enemy territory as well ? Now, Team Stylish ! It's time to begin our intensely hot assault !

Stylish: And remember, I want their bodies brought back with as little damage as possible ! Anyone who can bring one of them back alive will receive a passionate night alone with me !

Me: But is this really wise... ? Not informing Lady Esdeath of the enemy's location ?

Stylish: Fufu... With all the Teigu and subjects to experiment on in there, what should I do if she wouldn't let me get my hands on them ? 'Also, I have no desire to see a General who is so stupidly in love... Maybe I can tease... No, maybe I should punish Tao and then kill him.'

Hana: Then should we not call on Seryu ?

Stylish: She would inform the general, so for now we'll keep this for us. Even without her, as long as my rook and bishop are on the board, we'll be fine. Kaku. To perform meaintenance on that Teigu, I have to send it away for materials, so be careful with it, please.

Kaku: Wahahaha ! Allow me to show you that I can use my brain as well as my brawn !

Stylish: Toby ! You'll be taking care of the most fearsome one, correct ?

Toby: My body is in perfect condition. I don't think it's possible for me to lose to anyone.

Stylish: Then by all means, follow the plan, and show them how rough you can be !

Me: the combatants have broken into the hideout.

Stylish: yes... And now the show can start.

Lubbock: They're all over. Shit, a large group showed up ?! But how did they get this close ?!

Soldier: Enemy... Kill !

Lubbock: So there's even a few inside, huh... ?

Lubbock: Sorry. I need to hurry and meet up with the others. GAH- !!

Mimi: Another one has been dealt with.

Stylish: Fufu... My personal army has some endurance, you know. If you think of them as just another human, you'll be in trouble.

Mimi: ... Hm ?!

Stylish: What' the matter ?

Mimi: It seems, we aren't the only ones who are tough.

Lubbock: You know, there's more than one way to use thread !

Lubbock: For instance. If you bind it, you can even make weapons out of it ! Like that !!

Lubbock: To use thread like that... I run a bookstore, you know ? At the shop, there are many manga with ideas on how to use thread.

Soldiers: ... ... ...

Lubbock: Even more are here, huh... Ah, a whole group is a bit... Well, I guess I should show a bit of restraint and... Run away !!

Soldiers: ... ... ...

Lubbock: Uwaaaahh !! You don't have to be so fast !!


Lubbock: Gah ! Cold ! Wait, cold ?!

"Get down, Lubbock ! I'm reapin' !!"

Lubbock: YES SIR !!

???: My, my. Despite being an enemy, I stand in awe of your ability.

Lubbock: they got backup !

"... This one's on another level... Go wake everyone else, tell them we're under attack !"

Lubbock: Roger !

Toby: You're giving up your number advantage ? How foolish can you be ? You may call me Toby !!


"Wait... That wasn't flesh... You... Did Stylish turn you into a machine ?!"


Kaku: So you've finally come out ! Here there, armored bro. Seems like I'll be your opponent for today.

Tatsumi: ... That Teigu is...

Kaku: Huhu, like it ? It's Extase, the Cutter of Creation. My teigu and I are still getting to know each other, you see.


Mimi: As expected. Incursio is not proving very effective.

Stylish: Just as I calculated. If you give them opponents suited to dealing with them, they can be suppressed.

Mimi: But... the infantry is being decimated. There's too much noise for me to get an accurate picture... But they are taking heavy losses...

Stylish: Those poor souls... 'Fufu. I don't care at all. All the soldiers that were changed or enhanced were originally criminals anyway. The fools agreed to serve me in exchange for a reduced sentence. But truthfully, until they die... They are all just bodies for me to experiment on.'

Tatsumi: Give that... BACK NOW !!

Tatsumi: It belongs to Sheele !!

Kaku: Huh ? Who the hell is that ? If you really want to die that badly, I'll chop you up as much as you like !!

Mine: What, are you having a hard time out here ? You're as undisciplined as ever !

Tatsumi: M- Mine !!

Kaku: Shoot. So the small fry couldn't keep them busy inside, eh ? Didn't they all converse in there ?

Mine: I'll take care of this one. Seeing Extase in the hands of the enemy, just makes me sick !

Kaku: Take care, you say ?! Hey, think about your situation and try saying that again ?! Your hideout has been discovered, enemies are inside it as we speak. And you yourself are about to be attacked !!

Mine: And that's why I know you will die.

Kaku: ... LET'S SEE WHAT YOU'VE GOT !! 'Moronic girl, even Incursio couldn't do a thing to my enhanced body ! I can easily take a shot from any gun !'


Mine: I'm strong in a pinch. Your mistake, you judged strength merely on appearance.

Mine: ... ... ... Welcome home... Sheele...

Mimi: ... Kaku is dead... There are very few infantry still living.

Stylish: Oh poo... I guess I was mistaken. I suppose there's no other choice, huh. We'll have to retr-

Mimi: Ah ?! Th- The sky ! In the sky ! Something is coming !!

Stylish: Huh ? Why do you mean, someth- The special class Exotic species, air manta... ?!

Me: Someone is riding it... It's her !

Me: It's the former general, Najenda !! And others ! I see two other figures riding with her !!

Stylish: How superbly stylish !! To tame and use a special class exotic species as a form of transportation !

Hana: This isn't the time to be admiring her !

Najenda: ... "Evil descends upon the base", the divination Teigu is as fearsome as ever. Right on the mark. This is a sorry state of affairs. Our new fighting strength, I think it's about time you made your debut.

Stylish: Fufu... Indeed, I was a bit surprised. But this is rather convenient, you see. Now I can turn everyone into materials for my experiments, with my trump card !!


"Looks like you can still bleed. Even as a machine, your body as the same weak points. Sorry in advance, but this will be painful."

Toby: ... Fuh... I no longer have those kind of feelings.

Toby: You... How unrefined of you to interrupt...

Lubbock: I have no intention of just sitting back and watching, when our hideout and my friends are in a tight spot.

Toby: ... Well, even if we had continued as a one-on-one... It probably would have been my loss... Please tell me. Just what part of me was inferior to you... ?

"... You were too reckless. With no sense of pain, you can't tell when you're at a disadvantage."

Toby: Fu... My defense was weak, huh. Having no sense of pain is a problem, isn't it...


"Sent alone with bodyguards, he was one of their best."

Lubbock: ... if he didn't come at you with complete intent to kill, I would've been asking myself questions.

"What for ?"

Lubbock: You get recruited by Esdeath, and the moment you come back, someone from the Jaegers invades the hideout. That's some weird coincidence, right ?

"... You still don't trust me, do you ? If I wanted you guys out of the picture, I would've led Esdeath here directly. Not bother with someone like Stylish."

Tatsumi: What is that... ?! More enemies ?!

Mine: Wait a second ! ... ... It's the boss ! They must be reinforcements !

Tatsumi: Ohh ! What great timing ! And it's unfair !!

Mine: ... ... Why.

Tatsumi: She makes her appearance riding on something that cool ?! I wanna ride it too !!

Mine: Huh ?!

Trooma: 'Kekeke... Oh, adorable ! Young lady... Your back is wide open !!'


Trooma: GUOOOH !! GH... GHGHGH... It hurts... help...

Leone: You know... I like doing surprise attacks, but I haaaaaaate being victim to them ! It looks like you've been pretty strengthened up, but don't think you'll die easy because of that !

Leone: Fuuuu. The blow I took from the surprise attack was pretty effective. Ah, whoops, I beat him in one hit...

Tatsumi: Uh... Are you okay ?

Leone: My ability to recover is heightened when I transform, so this much is fine.

"Well, guess I was getting worried for nothing."

Akame: You're all safe !

Mine: With this, everyone's here !

"So there was still that many left, huh..."

Lubbock: But with these guys, that's it for whoever's setting the strings off.

Leone: And there's no scent of anyone else nearby.

"... No, there still the big man himself. Dr.Stylish must be watching from afar. So let's clean up before getting rid of him... Right... Ugh..."

Tatsumi: Huh ?! Wha- What's wrong with you guys ?!

Mine: Suddenly, my body... Won't move.

Tatsumi: Th- This feeling. It's like that time on the boat... ? Hypnosis ?!

Akame: No... This is... Poison... Huh...

Me: other than the Incursio, it seems to have an instantaneous effect, Stylish sir.

Stylish: Fufu... Trump card number 1, a stylishly mixed ultra-powerful paralysis poison... Since it's against Killers, I didn't think that just any poison would work. I took the liberty of scattering the strongest stuff right away. It seems the armor of Incursio is pretty heavily cutting the effectiveness of the poison. Well, it's just a matter of time.

Hana: Ah, but isn't that bad for our allies as well ?

Mimi: I've already administered the antidote to our allies, of course.

Stylish: Yes, yes. You have a resistance too, Hana.

Hana: Seriously ?! As expected of Sir Stylish, amazing !

Stylish: ... I didn't want to release a new drug like this on just lively healthy test subjects... Though... It's a valuable product that takes a great deal of effort to create... But it can't be helped !! Since our allies are being cut down like this !!

Me: As expected of Sir Stylish !

Mimi: How kind !

Hana: And it has no scent, it's a poison kind for me as well !

"Aight... Row call, who can still move here ?"

Tatsumi: Compared to the rest of you... Just me...


Leone: An ally... right...

Najenda: It seems dangerous for me or Chelsea to drop down. For now, I'll give orders from here.

???: Roooger.

Najenda: Now, exterminate the enemies before you !! SUSANOO !!

Susanoo: Understood.

Tatsumi: St... Strong... !! Who's that...

"... Organic type, Human Teigu, Susanoo..."

Me: Wha... ! A new guy is sweeping through all of the infantry !

Mimi: It can't be ! As long as they're an organism there's no way the poison doesn't work !

Stylish: ... I don't know. It may be an unknown Teigu. If that's so, I don't need any materials for experiments and, like this.


Stylish: Fufu. Human bombs for special situations ! With this, it's finished.

Mine: Is this... Perhaps... !

"I told you already. This is an organic-type Teigu... A human Teigu !"

Najenda: A place where it's easy to observe Akame and the others... And if poison's been scattered, then it's upwind... If someone's commanding them, wouldn't it definitely be around there ? ... Bingo. SUSANOO ! There are enemies hiding in the woods to the Southwest ! Squash them, no survivors !

Susanoo: Understood !

Mimi: We've been spotted !

Stylish: There's no choice ! We're retreating, no need to try the impossible here ! 'Poison won't work against an organic-type ! I need to either destroy the core or so something about the user... But it seems she won't let us run away no mater what...

Susanoo: ... ... ...

Me: Don't worry, sir Stylish !

Hana: If it were chess, we could be the bishop and rook ! We will definitely protect you !

Stylish: 'No, this situation is impossible... This isn't an opponent that you guys, made for reconnaissance, could beat. And the enemy is a human-teigu, not affected by my specialty of poison. Bad... This is unfair !'

Stylish: When it comes to this... prepare yourself for the worst ! Trump card number 2, danger beast, one dose ! This is all I've got ! HERE IT ISSSSSSSS !! THIS IS THE ULTIMATE IN STYLISHNESS !! BY BECOMING A DANGER BEAST MYSELF !! I'LL BLOW ALL OF YOU AWAY !!

Hana: Ohh, beautiful... ! As expected of Stylish sir ! Huh ?!


Mimi: u... Ugh... WAAAAAAAAAHH !!


"Wha... What the hell is that... ?!"

Leone: ... It's making me sick... That thing's just like... A monster.

Tatsumi: That thing's strong ! I gotta go too !

Akame: Tatsumi... if you can move, bring me with you.

"Good ! You're the only one who can cut that thing down to size !"

Tatsumi: All right ! Hold on tight ! I'll be going fast, Akame !

"Go... And show him the end of the line !!"

Akame: Eliminate.

Stylish: ... I... I still wanted to do all kinds of human experiments... Wh- Why... Do I have to be... So unfortunate ?

Akame: Since you were able to die quickly and easily, you're still fortunate.

*Jaegers left: 6*

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