Chapter 15: Regrouping

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Chelsea: Ahaha. You're so pure that it's hard to think you're a killer, Tatsumi. You're an interesting guy.

Leone: This is more fun that I thought.

"Yeah, flying's kind of an experience."

Akame: It's good !

Mine: ... ... ... It's not good !!

"Shut up or I'm throwing you overboard."

*800 Km Southeast from the Capital. Margue Plateau. Doten by tens of cut table mountains, a unique ecosystem has been formed. With high-level danger beasts, it isn't suitable for humans to live here... It is an "Unexplored Region".*

Najenda: It's because it's unexplored, that it's perfect for hiding. Currently, in order to find us a fitting place for a new base, the revolutionary army's reconnaissance team is searching around the capital. Until then, we're going to level up here.


"H- hey, that manta thing left with my teigus !"

najenda: Since it's a valuable vehicle, we can't be monopolozing it. It probably departed for the revolutionary army's headquarters, where its nest is. That way, it also becomes an automatic delivery that way.

Chelsea: What, Tao, you don't even know that ? Ahahaha.

"... Look, i'm no part of the revolutionary army. But if you keep that up, I'll make sure you get a head start back home."

Tatsumi: Ah... ! Couldn't we ride one of those and rush into the capital's palace that way ?

Akame: Impossible. The airspace above the palace has danger beasts that have been tamed with a Teigu.

"So their defenses at the very least are completely impassable, aren't they... Real glad I didn't try to force my way out of the palace..."

Najenda: Well, I've arranged it so our ride home will come once the heat's died down in the capital, so relax. Now, once again, I'll introduce the new members. First up is... Huh ?

Chelsea: Akame-chan, you're really cute when I take a look up close.

Akame: ... What're you doing out of nowhere ?

Chelsea: I'm Chelsea. Let's all be friends, as fellow killers. Here, I'll give you this.

Akame: ... ... ... I welcome you with open arms.

"She bribed her with food !!"

Tatsumi: Akame just got fed something artificial !!

Lubbock: She was hungry from the long trip !

Tatsumi: But Chelsea... Like, she doesn't look like any more of a killer than Mine and the others...

Najenda: Don't judge based on looks. She's a person of remarkable talent who's gotten as many jobs done as Akame has.

Najenda: And this is my new Teigu which I received from the revolutionary army as a loan, Speed of Lightning Susanoo.

Susanoo: ... ... ...

Najenda: Since he's an organism-type that moves on its own, there's little burden on the user... Even the current me can use him.

Tatsumi: Ah. Nice to meet you, again.

Tatsumi: Wha- What is it ?!

Susanoo: ... All right.

Najenda: He's unexpectedly a neat freak.

"About that, what's his ability ? Is he just strong in hand-to-hand combat ?"

Najenda: ... ... Fufu... Fufufufufu. Then let me show you. Prepare to be astonished ! Do it, Susanoo !!

Susanoo: ... Understood.

"... ... Okay, that's impressive and all, but.. Not what I was expecting... ?"

Lubbock: What even is this ?

Tatsumi: It looks like it's doing household chores, but...

Najenda: That's right !! Susanoo is originally a Teigu created for escorting important people ! Along with his battle ability, he's fully equipped with the skill to do various household chores so he can be of use around the clock ! Cleaning, laundry, whatever it may be ! The repertoire of food he can cook numbers in the thousands !!

Mine: That has nothing to do with battle !!

Najenda: No, no ! This is incredibly useful ! Well, of course, he has a trump card for battle as well. Right ?

Susanoo: Yeah.

"... ... So, impressions ?"

Tatsumi: they seem reliable. i'm worried about the teamwork, though.

Chelsea: hey, flat-chested shriiimp. Tiny tiny.

Mine: HAH ?!

Lubbock: Even if you can cook, and you're a looker, you're a Teigu. I still don't feel like i'm losing !

Susanoo: ... ... Huh ?

"I see what you mean... This is becoming even more dysfunctional..."

Ran: We have finished searching the doctor's household, but... We could not find any definite evidence as to where he's disappeared to. Several valuable experiment materials and tolls were left in the laboratory.

Esdeath: So he didn't run away... As I though, he was killed.

Bols: Since all of his enhanced soldiers were missing, we think he went into battle and was annihilated.

Esdeath: I see... Looks like Seryu's lost another savior of hers...

Seryu: ... ... ... ...

Esdeath: is your maintenance all right with Stylish ?

Seryu: It's all right ! There were materials left in the lab. Additions and upgrades are impossible, but I should be able to manage maintaining them...

Esdeath: I see.

Stylish: Seryu. Do you like the performance of the Judgement of the Ten Kings weapons ?

Seryu: Yes ! They're perfect, doctor !

Stylish: ... It's splendid that you were able to survive the experiments. With that strength, work towards your goal ! If you get hurt, I'm here for you.

Seryu: Yes !

Seryu: My parents... And my teacher... And my savior... ! All of the people important to me... Are being killed by the enemies...

Esdeath: Seryu...

Seryu: Captain... i'm so frustrated ! I want to... I WANT TO HURRY AND EXTERMINATE THEM !!

Esdeath: if you stay with me, I'll grant that wish... Definitely.

Seryu: ... ... Captain...

Esdeath: From now on, I'll watch over you, and have you be a direct subordinate of mine. You more than meet the qualifications...

Seryu: Thank you very much... This strength, this life... For Justice and the Captain.

Esdeath: Yes.

Wave: All riiight ! i'm gonna go and cheer Seryu up !

Kurome: I don't think you'll be able to do it.

Wave: My mom said that if a girl's sad, you have to help her, as a man. And now is that time ! Seryu !! I've come !

Tatsumi: I wonder if things are all right in the Capital... We can't do anything for a while, but...

"For what I could scavenge, it seem the mere existence of the Jaegers is suppressing crime."

Akame: ... With this, the villains won't be able to move as much as they're accustomed to.

Najenda: That's right. Let's take this chance to train. We can't assume that we'll get any more reinforcements. Think of it as the last group of people with talent in Night Raid. let's all complete missions, live on, and welcome the day of revolution !

*Night Raid. Remaining: 9 people*

Leone: Haaaa... Suu's food is so good ! The fatigue from training just flies away !

Akame: Thanks, Suu !

Susanoo: ... ... ...

"No Suu, i'm not letting you wash my cape with the rest. It needs hot water and to be put apart, or else it'll get dyed."

Tatsumi: Suu, let's do some training tomorrow !

Najenda: fu... Like I said, Susanoo is amazing ! Do you all understand...

"I'm surprised the revolutionary army would just lend it to you like that..."

Najenda: No, until now, Susanoo was sleeping. But he started moving in response to me.

Akame: Huh ? Nice, boss !

Najenda: Fu... Well, what is it... It must be, my charisma...

Susanoo: ... ... Najenda looks exactly like my old master.

"I- I see..."

Najenda: I'm sure she was a wonderful person...

Tatsumi: Why not tell us yourself ?

Susanoo: Yeah... He was a wonderful general !

Najenda: HE ?!

Leone: BUH-

Tatsumi: KU-

"PFRR... T- Tomboy much... ?"

Leone: BUHAHAHAHA, she looks exactly like a man, he says !! As expected of our boss, who's often called a hunk !

Tatsumi: Y- You can't laugh that much ! Hahahaha !!

Najenda: ... ... ... ... *Crack*

"Ah, uhhh... May I suggest that we run ?"


Lubbock: ... Tch. Everyone's completely gotten so attached to Suu... He's stolen my position from me !

Mine: You've always held your current gag position.


Mine: Oh, it's a Margue panther kitten. These guys aren't scared of people, huh. I'm telling you upfront, I'm not giving you any cake.

Kitten: ... ... ... ...

Mine: Ugh... It... It can't be helped...


Chelsea: Fufufu... It's all mine, meoooow.

Mine: CHELSEA !!

Chelsea: Mine, you have far too many openings.

Mine: Y- You...

"So even animals are in your range, huh ?"

Chelsea: yeah. I can transform into whatever I want. isn't it useful ? My Teigu, Gaea Foundation. Mine, you'll have to lose more of those gaps, or else you'll end up as the next one killed in action.

Mine: What ?! Your Teigu would be useless once you've been found out !

Chelsea: That's true. Since it's a make-up Teigu, and not a battle type. But that just makes it even more worth it to surprise you. Your surprised expression just now, was wonderful~.

Mine: ... Sh... SHE PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH !!

Chelsea: Ahahahahahahaha !!

Ran: Captain, is something the matter ?

Esdeath: ... I seem to look for Tao in crowds, against better judgement.

Ran: Captain... Actually, I've found several men within our troops who resemble him. If you wish, shall I introduce you ?

Esdeath: ... Such care is unneeded, Ran. In the world, there is only one of him... I won't accept anyone else.

Ran: Excuse me. 'How troubling... This sadistic woman who allied with the minister... I was thinking that even is she had ability, she would be scum, but a general this interesting... And a workplace this comfortable... It makes me wish to put a delay to my original objective...'

Esdeath! '... ... What is this uneasiness... ? Is a reunion with Tao drawing near... ? Or is it... That a large battle is drawing near...'

Najenda: Looks like you've all become able to smoothly take out the danger beasts around here.

"Can't really let our guard down with so many of these everywhere..."

Leone: Whatever, it's more fun this way.

Najenda: The air is thin here. Fighting real battles in a harsh environment, I'd say you've probably become a lot stronger.

Mine: That's right ! I can feel the results.

Najenda: How are they, Chelsea ? After watching Night Raid for a month.

Chelsea: ... yeah... They're strong... You're stronger than the last team I was in.

Mine: 'All right ! She admits it !'

Chelsea: But... It's not like all you need is strength to survive. I've read your old written reports, but... Sheele and Bulat. These two that had to step down or were killed in action... They may have been favorable as people, but as killers, I'd say they were failures.

Mine: WHAT- !

Chelsea: You all have to do something about how soft you are. Or else, from here on, it might not be enough no matter how many lives you have, hm ?

Mine: She'... Everything she does, pisses me off... !

Najenda: As always, she so blunt.

Susanoo: ... ... Well, for now. Let's cook the beasts you hunted. We won't leave any untouched.

Akame: First off, we'll fill our stomachs.

"These two really are in their own little world when it comes to that..."

Tatsumi: So what did you want to talk about, Mine ?

Mine: Aren't you guys annoyed ? How she criticized Bulat earlier today !

Tatsumi: ... Well of course... I don't want people just saying what they want of him.

Mine: Then we'll strike Chelsea speechless... And laugh at her, saying "You're also full of openings" ! And while she's standing shocked, i'll land the finishing blow and declare victory ! It's perfect !!

"... Perfectly petty, maybe."

Tatsumi: I feel that nothing good will come from allying with you...

Mine: What, of course you three are on my side, right ? Right ?

"... leave me out of this."

Tatsumi: I got it, I got it. But how are we even supposed to strike her speechless ?

Mine: You guys think that over. I'll think up my part. All right ? We'll carry it out tonight ! Speechless, all right ?!

Lubbock: ... ... ... Pushy as always.

"What a bitch, yes. Well, I've got stuff to do, so I'll leave you two at it."

Tatsumi: Hmmm... A way to strike her speechless, huh...

Lubbock: Let's see. We could use our Teigu and do something... I've got it ! I've got it !!

Tatsumi: Ohh !

Tatsumi (Stealth mode): 'To use a Teigu in this manner...'

Lubbock: All right, it's almost Chelsea's turn to get in the bath. You turn invisible and got to the hot spring through the back. Then,you'll sneak up on Chelsea while she's in the bath, and put a bucket on her head from behind. That'll surprise her !

Tatsumi: ... Is it okay, doing something like that...

Lubbock: Idiot. We have a just cause in Mine's orders ! You can only do it now !

Tatsumi: B... But, you won't be able to come with me, Lubbock.

Lubbock: ... It's okay. I'll let you do it. Go and get'em !

Tatsumi: Lubbock...

Lubbock: 'Yeah right ! With this, I'll be able to discern just how mad Chelsea will get after peeked at... If she just laughs and lets him off, then I'll go and go and go !

Tatsumi: I feel bad to watch too much, so i'll just get this over with... All right, let's go !'

Tatsumi: 'AHHHHHHHHHH !! A GUY !!'

Susanoo: You're there, aren't you ? I can tell.

Tatsumi: ... S- Suu. How ?

Susanoo: Incursio can make you invisible, but that's it. It can't make your presence disappear. Do not forget about this. If you do, you will die.

Tatsumi: ... ... yes...

Susanoo: ... Fu. An opening.


Chelsea: Ahahaha, it was actually me all aloooong~.

Tatsumi: AH ?!

Chelsea: Since I could tell it was your presence, I guessed your intention and thought I'd give you a scare.

Tatsumi: So you went through the trouble of transforming and waiting for me... I admit defeat.

Chelsea: Fufu... Deception is my specialty. You're ten years too early to think you can deceive me. And are you the type to get angry if I said that ?

Tatsumi: ... No... About the weakness of invisibility... I think what you said was accurate. I'll make sure to properly make use of the information in battles.

Chelsea: Huh... Looks like you're pretty wise. You see, I... Since just recently... I went through the experience of coming home from a mission, only to find my entire team dead. I just don't want these guys to end up the same way.

Tatsumi: ... ... Well well... You're pretty soft too, Chelsea.

Chelsea: That's not it. It's just a matter of me having a clean heart.


Chelsea: Ah, and also, next time, if you intrude on my bathing. I'll cut it off, so be prepared.

Tatsumi: 'Wh... What are you going to... C- Cut off... ?!'

"Could you two keep it down ? I can't even hear myself think."

Chelsea: HUH ?!

Tatsumi: Wait, you... Didn't you said you had things to do ?

"Yes. I did say I needed to wash my cape separately and with hot water. So I usually take water from the hot spring and wash it here. Also, too many openings, Chelsea. I was here even before you."

Chelsea: ... ... Fu... Don't lie. You were trying to peek, weren't you ?

"... ... ... Not worth it."

Chelsea: KUH-

*The next day, a body was found floating in the hot spring.*

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