Chapter 17: Beach Episode

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lubbock: ... An intruder from the base of the mountain... ?! The number is... one person... What's with this speed ?!

Lubbock: 'It isn't ordinary at all !'

???: It seems like the danger beasts in the mountains are all gone. So Stylish's posthumous mementos are basically all dead, huh... Guess I'll go to the top for now.

Lubbock: 'He's fast enough to climb halfway up the mountain in a few minutes... I don't know who it is, but I'm not gonna stick around to run into him... I'll hide and let him pass ! Tao isn't coming down from the top, either... It's starting to get suspicious.'

Esdeath: Mmmm~. It's undoubtedly Tao's scent. You're the real thing.

*Tao's status: Caught by Esdeath in an instant*

Esdeath: How dare you run away... I was lonely...

"Let go of me, you crazy woman ! Why are you even there ?!

Esdeath: i'm exterminating the Danger beasts that have been terrorizing the Capital area, a night patrol... ... You too, Tao, what're you doing here...

'... Shit, she's into me... I mean, in more ways than before... that came out wrong...'... Could you perhaps let go of me first..."

Esdeath: No. I won't let you run again.

"... ... ... I need not to justify myself. They were beast feasting on the people here, so I went and took it upon myself to erase them. that's all."

Esdeath: Hm... So you're here to exterminate them too. I wonder, what were you doing all that time ? Did you get in touch with the revolutionary army ?

"... I'm here to change that Empire, not replace it. And if I can't do it through politics, then... I will through strength."

Esdeath: I see... You've certainly leveled up, with your physique, becoming more prominent... You've tried hard in this amount of time ! You can still rise even further.

"He... Hehe... 'Hold on, what am I feeling right now ?!'"

Esdeath: I've more or less cleaned up all of the danger beasts here... They were annoying, but... I was able to meet you thanks to them. I don't understand how Fate works.

'To screw me over ! This is just me going from Charybdis to Scylla ! I can't fight, and one wrong step here will just result in my head flying !'

Esdeath: 'His face is cute when he thinks, too.' ... There's a lot of hindrances here. I know you're here. Come out. If you don't, I'll attack.

???: I thought I hid pretty well, but.. pretty good. As expected of the Empire's strongest. But for me to run into you... Well, I guess playtime is over for now.

Esdeath: Seems you know a lot. I'll escort you to the torture room.

'... ... ... ...'

Esdeath: You're not getting away.

"Eep- !"

???: Hmph... Since it's a special occasion... I guess i'll have you clean up a big toy !

"What the hell is this ?!"


???: Now, it's still a bit too early to announce my return to the Prime Minister. What shall we play with next ?

"... ... ... What the hell... Can someone pinch me... ?"

Esdeath: Tao... To think you had such interests, as I thought, we're truly meant for each other...

"I... Whatever, no point in arguing over that... This feels too real to be just a dream..."


"...I... You... What ?!"

Esdeath: It isn't a dream or an illusion. The smell of the saltwater, the ocean breeze, the temperature and humidity... It's probably all real.

"So that guy just now..."

Esdeath: It's most likely that we were teleported to a different location...

'... ... Shambala... I know I heard about Teigus that could manipulate space and such... Thinking again, Incursio's camouflage falls into that category too...'

Esdeath: It's probably an ability possesses only by a select few, even among Teigus... Just who is he ? For no, let's look at our surroundings.

"... Ocean all around, as far as the eye can see... This is some kind of tropical island... Just how far did that asshole take us ?"

Esdeath: Well, this is quite the pretty landscape. It's as if we're on a date, isn't it.

"... Dream at night. How can you be so damn calm in that context ?"

Esdeath: Among Teigus, there are those like mine that control ice, or even ones that allow you to control those you kill as if they were puppets. You can't go on if you don't keep an open mind.

"... Oh, I know about that already."

Esdeath: Back on subject... This date-like situation~ !

"Hands off ! Bad touch !!"


Esdeath: A... A colossal danger beast... ! So something like this existed...

'Aight... This is definitely some kind of Stylish's experiments... i'm not too scared about defeating it, but... What is it doing so far from the Capital ?'

Esdeath: ... ... I have no mercy, for hindrances. Something like you is worth making into a pincushion.

'... Demon God manifestation: Demon extract... Neither part of her weapon, nor her clothes, it's her own blood being empowered...'

Esdeath: ... Ho ? It's unexpectedly tough. This is becoming interesting.

"If you ask me... I'd say this spot on its head look awfully like a weak point."

Esdeath: So you noticed it, too. As I thought, we're suited for each other !!

Esdeath: Hoh... Still so tenacious... Tao ?!



"... Honestly, it feels like I just took out the second most dangerous creature on this island."

Esdeath: Splendid. I thought to charm you by showing you a good moment... But for you to just charm me even more... Even though I went and yelled out the name of my special move.


"There were more of them ?!"

Esdeath: Leave it to me. I'll provide it with a fitting death.

"... So unnecessarily flashy... But still, on a complete different scale from anyone else... This truly is the Empire's strongest. 'You best think this through carefully, Akame. This isn't an ice you can so easily cut through.'"

"Even if there was only two of them, it bears the question, what were they doing so far away from the capital ?"

Esdeath: Hiding, perhaps ? At any rate, this is a bit of a tight spot. After we're done resting, we'll investigate our surroundings first. We need to understand various things.

"What, where, who, and how, got it."

Esdeath: You seem... More compliant than before.

"Just because I don't particularly like you doesn't mean I hate you. And if my only ticket off this island is to work with you, then I'll do it. 'Even if that probably means back to square palace for me afterwards...'

Esdeath: Right. Panicking is suicidal, so keep that cool head from here on.

"And night just fell..."

Esdeath: Today was fun, though. And i'm sure where we are now. Currently, we're on an inhabited island far to the southeast of the Empire.

"... Inhabited island is easy to figure out, but how did you figure the latter ?"

Esdeath: Far enough to be in a different timezone... During our exploration, I found several flora and fauna described in reference books, but they were all native to the far south. And the deciding factor is the position of the stars. If you look, you can figure out our general location.

"So we were thrown that far... Did he intend to send us here, or was it at random..."

Esdeath: Either way... It means that you and I are the only two people on this inhabited island~.

"I... I need an adult..."

Esdeath: I am an adult. Now, Tao, what will you do ? It's your fate, pick it yourself.

"Isn't my compliance a factor ?!"

Esdeath: How uncooperative.

"You're the one because far too composed."

Esdeath: Because I have an idea of how to get back, don't worry. However, I'll need you to help. All right ?

"... Very well, I'll stake on that bet. Despite my best judgement..."

Esdeath: Just as I thought. There was a secret hidden where we arrived.

"That mark... So it wasn't dumb luck we came here, he had marked that place as a 'gate' of sort..."

Esdeath: Yes. Judging from that area of activation, he can probably only move a few people at a time. And I can also tell that it uses up a huge amount of energy. I doubt he can do it over and over. It seems there are many limitations.

"So if we keep watch over that spot..."

Esdeath: The Gate may open at some point. Since it was most likely how who threw the danger beasts here, this is our first way back.

'... The moment I see him again, he's getting a few teeth punched out.'

Esdeath: And so, before we go to the more tangible second way back...


Esdeath: We're finally alone together~ ! Let's get to know each other more !

"Stop ! That ! Time out !"

Esdeath: Do you want me to stop ? Then let let hear your story. First off, where did you learn the basics of swordsmanship ?

"... Years of having to survive in the mountains regions on the western borders. I wasn't exactly born there, but I had to learn survival the hard way when I was a child. The beasts there were all skilled hunters, due to the scarce preys, so... In return, I had to become even better of a hunter."

Esdeath: You must be skillful to have learned all of that on your own. I'm rather ignorant of fine arts myself... Like my subordinate's flute playing. At first, I had no idea what part of it was so good.

"... I take it you weren't born in the capital either..."

Esdeath: That's right. i'm from the Northern frontier lands. Have you heard of the Partas clan ?

"Can't say I have..."

Esdeath: They're a hunting tribe, with their specialty being danger beasts. I grew up there as the daughter of the tribe chief. You told me about yourself, so I'll talk too.

Esdeath: Father ! I caught some prey !

Chief: Yeah, you did well ! That's pretty considerable for your age. But I'm more amazing ! 'Cause I captured a great lizard !!

Esdeath: OH !

Chief: We'll take this apart and remove the materials. Lend a hand. This guy's weakened and tied up, so he can't move much. we'll do this bold and fast !


Chief: If we don't take out this lizard gem while it's alive, the value goes down.

Esdeath: What terrible screams, as always...

Chief: Well, it's painful for it, but it can't be helped. These guys often attack people and eat them. But this time, we were stronger, so they became the ones who get killed. It's his responsibility for being weaker than me. All right, Esdeath, you take out the eyeballs and crest.

Esdeath: Okay. I'll do it cleanly, just watch.

Chief: ... 'It's not just that Esdeath is strong, she can also land the killing blow on any prey without hesitation, even if it's weakened or running. She's a natural-born hunter. It might be that she's missing something in return, though... Well, it should be fine as long as she survives...'

*Eat, or be eaten. I grew up in a wonderful environment like that. The danger beasts and us... The exchange of lives between us as we did everything we could to each other was fun. The strong ones win... And the weak ones perish.*

Esdeath: Good thing I stuck it out for a few days in the mountains. I was able to catch a rare species of Evilbird. I'm sure Father's going to be happy...

Esdeath: ... ... ... Thi... This is... ? Are you okay ?!

Chief: Es... Death...

Esdeath: FATHER !!

Chief: This is nothing... It just means that we, who lost, were weak... Can't be helped... Live strong... Esdeath...

Esdeath: Something like that happened. I kept hunting danger beasts after that, but since prey was getting scarce, I signed up for the imperial army. It was just a matter of changing the target of hunting from danger beasts to humans. That's the story of my life.

"... You went from justified enemies from trampling on innocents... I can understand your slaughtering of enemy soldiers, they should be ready to death at any time, after all... But burying alive hundred of thousands of civilians, even citizens of your own Empire..."

Esdeath: That was just me cutting costs and doing it as an example. I would've done it regardless of it being justified or not. Besides, it was on the Capital's orders too. I mourn for my father, but that, too, was just because he was weak...

"... Such a cold heart... No wonder you would tame the Demon Extract."

Esdeath: Oh... So you know about my Teigu...

Honest: Hmmm, I've readied several teigus, but it doesn't look like any of them have any affinity with you.

Esdeath: This axe is splendid, and I like it, but it doesn't exactly feel right... It's been bothering me for a while, but... Is that urn over there also a Teigu ?

Honest: That's the Demon Extract Teigu. It's the lifeblood of an ultra-class danger beast that was said to have lived in the far North.

Esdeath: The... Blood is a Teigu ?

Honest: There's a legend that if you drink it, and it proves compatible with your body, you'll gain, that danger beast's power to control ice... All those who have actually drank it went insane, so it isn't anything worth having.

Esdeath: Well, that's quite interesting.

Honest: Wai- Are you going to drink it ?! Even if you are an incredibly sadist general, there are no guarantees of it being compatible.

Esdeath: I can't help but get the feeling... That this blood is calling for me.

Honest: ... I see. Then you certainly might have an affinity for it.

Esdeath: Exactly. For some reason, i'm sure... That this will fits me. If the instincts that I sharpened in the wild are off, then all it means is that it's over for me...

Honest: ... If I recall correctly, just one glass or so should be fine

Esdeath: I might as well drink it all. I feel that the effects would be stronger that way.

Honest: If you're already crazy, then the part about being driven insane should be fine.

Esdeath: Fuuuuuh... Huh, it tastes pretty... Good...

Esdeath: Kuh. Ku ku ku. What incredible destructive urges. I see... So they were all driven insane by this... However ! Too tepid... To try to taint me with only something of this degree ! I am always the one to dominate... Regardless of the enemy. I will act, of my own accord !

Honest: Oh... Ohhhh.. !

Esdeath: It's truly a good feeling, Prime Minister... Power is coursing through my entire body.

Honest: Looks like it's completely adapted to you. To celebrate the birth of the Empire's strongest... A toast.

"To think you'd tame an ultra-level danger beast... Down to its very own blood..."

Esdeath: i'm the one to dominate. I've always been like that.

'... Just like that very Empire, she's rotten to the core. Even if I were to press on and try to change her... Stockholm syndrome would taint me way before I could even hope to make a dent.'

???: Now then, it's about time I opened a path home. Shambala. Point B, release. There we go.

Girl: ... Hm ? What're you doing there ?

???: Ah ? It's nothing.

Girl: ... Your wordings are bad like that, but for some reason, it's like you're high-class, or you have style.

???: Well, of course... I'm the son of the Prime Minister.

Girl: Huh... The prime Minister, as in... That one ?

???: What do you mean by "That" ? "That"... Ah ?

Girl: GURP !

???: I respect him a lot, you know. Well, I'll surpass him one day, though. I think that to surpass your parent, is the ultimate form of filial piety.

Esdeath: Geez. I guess I'll tell you now about the second way back. It's to acquire a vehicle. Within the various species of Danger Beasts, there are those who we can ride upon to leave... Well, taming them and getting them to follow orders is an incredibly difficult task, but it's simple matter for me. I saw in reference books that this area is home to air mantas and ocean dragons. If we take care to keep a close watch on the skies, one should fly by.

"... By air mantas... You mean like this one right over there ?"

Esdeath: Huh ?! So one appears right as I say so ! What bad timing. After I shoot it down with an ice arrow, I'll break it ! I won't let it go away !!


'Th- The gate just activated... !! That's one strand of luck right there. I can sneak out and leave her here, it'd take her days to get back with the manta... But... Maybe... Maybe I am indebted to her... Should I... Return the favor...'

"... ... ... Naaah."


Esdeath: H- Huh ? Tao ?! Where... Where did you go ?!


Esdeath: This is... the summit from yesterday... Looks like I've returned. Tao... Where are you ? There was barely a few minutes between us passing the gate, did he run away amidst the confusion ?

'Stop talking, stop breathing, stop existing... No noise, no presence, no killing intent. I'm one with that rock. Please, go away.'

Esdeath: ... He isn't here... Was he... Thrown somewhere else ? At any rate... We're separated... Again...

Esdeath: However... What happens twice will happen thrice. We'll be able to meet again, won't we...

'Definitely... However, even you must understand, don't you ? The next time we'll meet... Will be, as mortal enemies...'

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