Chapter 18: Path to War

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

???: ... Livestock. Livestock. Livestock ! What great expressions on all of them. Damn pigs are fit only to exploit...

*Head of public finance: Gebaze*

Gebaze: Alcohol bought with the tax money of the citizens sure is delicious. Perhaps I'll pocked a little more starting next month.

Maid: Master, it is time for your massage.

Gebaze: Ohhh ! Today, I'll have the refreshing full-body massage course !


Chelsea: The job is done. Just what kind of massage course did he want anyways... Huh ? Sounds from the first floor ?!

Wave: We're the Jaegers ! We have information that Night Raid is coming to this house ! Due to this being an emergency, we're entering !

Kurome: Wave. We were too late...

Your POV:

Chelsea: And so, it was apparently a trap. That was close.

Mine: For you to be safe in that situation, you sure are tough.

Chelsea: Well, the guy owned two or three pet cats. I pulled through by transforming into one.

Mine: ... If it was me, it would have been difficult getting out. It's infuriating to say, but that Teigu's rather useful.

Chelsea: A pretty difficult situation for someone whose face is known like you, Mine. You can just leave it all up tome from now on.

Mine: Chelsea...

Chelsea: So watch over the hideout while I'm gone, substitute~.

Mine: ... ... YOU'RE SO INSULTING TO YOUR COMRADES !! As a person, I can't forgive you !!

"Not so fun when you're on the other end of these, huh ? How does it feel ?"

Mine: GHHHHHH !!

Akame: Well, with this incident... The Jaegers seem to be aiming solely for us now. It'll be bad if this continues.

Leone: they exterminated all of the new species of Danger Beasts, so the only thing remaining for them to get rid of is Night Raid. I guess we'll have to give them Tao, who was vacationing on an island in the South, and have them leave us alone.

"Please don't. The less I see that woman in my life, the healthier I'll be."

Mine: Stay still ! I'll kill you !

"Why not work on that arm reach of yours first, shrimp ?"

Lubbock: Being on a southern island alone with a beautiful woman... It's not like I'm jealous or anything.

"Look, I told you already, but if you want to switch with me, then by all means, be my guest."

Lubbock: But then why not just desert her ? It's her after all, it's not like anyone's jealous. No, really.

Leone: Lubbock, wipe your tears.

Najenda: She's been tenacious for as long as i've known her. She probably would've gotten back on her own power even if you had left her. So it's better to not have any regrets, and be able to use your full strength to fight her whenever you meet her as your enemy.

Tatsumi: For as long as you've known her... Speaking of which how old are you, boss ?

Najenda: In my mid-twenties. Esdeath is younger, though.

Tatsumi: Boss, you're that young ?! That's so unexpected !!

Najenda: ... ... ...

Najenda: We're having an important meeting after we eat ! Don't drink too much, everyone.

Akame: It's rude to talk about a woman's age, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: You're one to talk, you were talking about Leone's weight at some point...

"I mean... In a sense, it is impressive that she could become a General at such a young age."

Susanoo: The food is done.

Bandits: W- We're not Night Raid ! We were just stealing 'cause we had trouble getting food ! We haven't even killed anyone !

Seryu: So you admit to thievery ? If you are evil even once, only death awaits. Koro. Feast !


Bandit: ... Pl- Please wait ! I was threatened by them and was forced to help ! It's something that can be proved if you look into it ! Please let me receive a proper verdict !!

Seryu: But you still helped. A sin is a sin. You're not worth troubling the captain or anyone above her. I will pass judgement on evil myself ! I will carry out Justice.

Wave: Hey, Seryu. What happened to the bandits we captured ?

Seryu: They aren't around anymore. Let's move on, come on.

Wave: ...Wait. You just massacred those bandits, didn't you ? As Jaegers, we might have special privileges, but... As individuals, there are some things that we can't...

Seryu: Those guys weren't Night Raid, but since they were evil, it wasn't a fool's errand. let's continue to destroy evil at this pace.

Wave: ... S- Seryu... ... 'I had been getting the feeling, but... the current state of the Empire is pretty bad, isn't it. For her to be that warped... But, I have to repay my savior. i'm only going to carry out my duty as a soldier.'

Najenda: The subject this time, is the religion that is being spread throughout the citizens called the Path of Peace.

Chelsea: That religion that says doing good deeds contributes to happiness and longevity, huh.

Tatsumi: Ah; that came to my village as well ! That statue of God that the village head gave to me when we left was from that religion.

Najenda: Over the past ten years, the path of Peace has been increasing their adherents, and they've become quite influential on the Eastern side of the Empire. Soon, this Path of Peace will start an armed uprising. That is, a religious insurrection. We are going to use this for our on purposes.

Tatsumi: Huh ?! Wai... Wait just a second ! If an insurrection like that happens, just how many citizens are going to die ?! Rather, isn't it better if we move to stop something like that ?!

"You don't get it, Tatsumi. The corrupt politicians of the Empire have tormented the citizens for too long... Even if we prevent the Path of Peace's uprising, the citizens' anger would explode somewhere else. This country has just come this close to its end."

Tatsumi: ... I see... 'So that means, we can't avoid casualties... !!'

Chelsea: Well, it's better to listen until the end.

Lubbock: You remember what I said before about the Ban tribe revolt and the hero from the North, right ?

Tatsumi: They're both revolts that were suppressed by Esdeath, right ?

Lubbock: I think their mistakes were apposing the Empire all by themselves. The Empire is still incredibly powerful. After a while, the Path of Peace's insurrection would be suppressed as well, with large amounts of blood being shed in the end.

Najenda: And with that, it's finally the revolutionary army's turn. The moment the Path of Peace begins their armed uprising, we'll have an allied tribe in the west begin an attack. With this, the Empire will have enemies both within and from outside, but they can probably withstand even this.. Then, as a clincher, the revolutionary army will begin a revolt on the South side. They will advance towards the capital, and overthrow the empire !

"A three-pronged attack..."

Najenda: The Empire is underestimating the Revolutionary army. Since they're gathering the pus of the revolutionary members all in one place, you could even say we're grateful to them. The starting point is the frontier of the Empire. To get the the capital from there, they'll need to cut through several forts and castles, but we've already arranged betrayals by the crown princes of several of the castles. Since there were many case where those who were taking their jobs seriously were demoted, it was a simple matter to convince them.

Najenda: They'll be surprised, since the Revolution will go about repeated bloodless capitulations, and advance towards the Capital at a frightening speed. But even then, the Trump card of the Empire, Budo and his Imperial guards will most likely move to intercept. However, this means that the palace's security will drop sharply. And when that happens, it's the perfect opportunity to assassinate the Minister.

Akame: We will storm the palace, and eliminate the Minister. We will break the Empire from the inside-out.

Lubbock: Well, sly bastards like that seem like they'll get away at the end, though.

Leone: We won't let anything like that happen. he's the main culprit. He'll have to die, without fail.

Najenda: In return for the Western tribe's help, we've agreed to restore their original territory. Including the region Esdeath once turned into an ice cap.

"So you knew, huh."

Tatsumi: Restore ?

Mine: Originally, part of the western region of the Empire belonged to these tribes. Recovering that land is their dearest wish...

Tatsumi: 'Right, Mine is half descended from the Western tribes...'

Najenda: If the Empire collapses and the bad laws disappear, the anger of the citizens will also abate. If we continue to move things swiftly towards the sinking of the capital, there probably won't be too much bloodshed. Satisfied, Tatsumi ?

Tatsumi: Yeah. Sorry for getting so hung up partway through.

Susanoo: If the plans have been made, then all there is left to do is to execute, but... The reason as to why we can't do that yet must be connected to the job this time.

Najenda: ... That's exactly it, Susanoo ! As one would expect from my Teigu !

Lubbock: GH- !

Najenda: The path of Peace is the key to everything, but... At the moment, there seems to be some commotion going on within.

Lord: This world is currently, filled with a great sadness. I'm sure youa re all suffering from poverty and famine... But it is exactly because of times like these that you cannot allow your soul to be disturbed. Do good deeds. They will come back to you.

Devotee: Bu- But Lord ! Even if we do good deeds with all our might... If we die... If we die, would it not be useless ?

Lord: Even if one loses their life, it is nothing more than the end to one's flesh. The soul will not die. I'm sure that they will be happy in God's land.

Lord: ... Yesterday, an older brother who protected his younger brother from a wild beast began his journey to the land of God. His name is Joahim. I will never forget that hero's name for as long as I live. And i'm sure that he can stand tall in God's land, saying "I'm the man who saved my younger brother"...

Devotee: Lord.. My brother's name...

Woman: Uhhhhh !! The Lord even remembers about my husband who had died. It is wasted on me;..

Lord: Rakul was my 64,568th kindred soul... His suntanned form was indomitable. He was a fisherman of strong ethos, was he not ?

Woman: Yes. Yes he was, my Lord.

Lord: Their names and memories will remain. In a way, that means that not only will they live on God's land, but also in the transient world. Death is not the end.

Devotees: LORD ! LORD !! LORD ! LORD !!

Najenda: The Lord may hold tremendous charisma, but... His trusted assistant, Borick, is a spy brought in by the minister. Borick's goal is to seize the Path of Peace and stop the armed uprising from happening. He plans to eventually kill the Lord, and make him a Tre God, and stand at the peak himself.

Tatsumi: Isn't there any way you could pass information to them and prevent that ?

Najenda: There's a group within that sides with Borick, and they have a great deal of influence, as well as the backing of the Empire, too.

Chelsea: This is the most repulsive part about the minister. He doesn't even try to suppress the outer parts and instead tries to seize the inner workings.

Najenda: And this is the mission this time. We will go to the headquarters of the path of peace, and remove Borick !

Najenda: We have information that he mixes drugs into the food of a smal percentage of adherents. Once they're addicted, the fiend uses them as loyal playtoys. There's no need to hold back.

Lubbock: he's probably alternating though woman, playing around with them... I'll never forgive him !!

Susanoo: To put drugs in food is nothing if not an insult to the food... I shall never forgive him !!

"You two... Don't you think you're a bit off on what to be angry about... ?"

Leone: ... If we leave them alone, then more and more adherents will be addicted, huh... Well, we'll have to put a stop to that.

Najenda: lastly, about the Jaegers. At the moment, they're trying to hunt us down with all of their strength. If we keep ending up behind them, at this rate, we'll surely be caught?

Chelsea: And when they actually stepped in,it would've been bad without my abilities.

Najenda: So, this time, I propose that we lure them outside the Capital, and then wage war on them.

Mine: So we're finally going to have an all-out confrontation !

Najenda: Even within the Jaegers, I have a request from headquarters for us to kill Kurome and Bols if e have the opportunity.

"Kurome I can understand, but why Bols specifically ?"

Chelsea: They burned a village that was supporting the revolutionary army down to the ground, after all... Bols' corps, that is. Although it's probably also because of Bols' firepower being a threat as well.

Najenda: As long as the Jaegers continue to be led by Esdeath, it doesn't change the fact that they are the Minister's private army. You can fight them as enemies even after becoming acquainted with them, right ? Tao.

"... I... Am an assassin. And an assassin worst enemy are his own feelings. Shall I encounter them on the field of battle... The snow-cloaked death will collect their lives, regardless of my own conditions. For this country, and its citizens, I will shed all the blood deemed necessary."

Najenda: ... Good !

Chelsea: '... Those are good eyes. I can feel his resolve. If it's like this, something like pitying the enemy and dying... Something like that won't happen...'

"So, we need a way to lure the Jaegers out of the Capital... I think I am the perfect bait."

Tatsumi: Don't you mean you have the perfect bait ?

"... Did I stutter ?"

Ran: Captain. Reports came in. The Snow-cloaked Death have been sighted near the Eastern Romari main road.

Esdeath: ... Gather all of the Jaegers.

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