Chapter 19: Ambush

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Revolutionary: It's Esdeath and the others, the Jaegers ! All six of them are heading East on horseback ! Ms.Najenda's plan's right on the mark !

Soldier: It's up to you, Margue Falcon. Bring this information to Night Raid !

Soldier: 'Assassination of the leaders of a religion and a clash with the Jaegers. It's an incredibly dangerous mission, but you need to survive, Night Raid ! We need you in order to break down this depraved world...

Najenda: ... Six people. So all of the Jaegers have moved out. '... Considering Esdeath's movement sped, even if they had information on our path, they should be here at around noon tomorrow.'

Najenda: I received information from the revolutionary army's spies. You guys, nonchalantly attract attention as we planned.

Mine: Roger !

Lubbock: Weelll... It sure is nice to be able to see the girls in their swimsuits, in a place like this.

Tatsumi: Stop drooling over them. This is part of the plan too.

Lubbock: Huh ?! Are you stupid ? Are you a homo ?!

Tatsumi: NO I'M NOT !!

"Damn it, it's steaming with that cape..."

Lubbock: No one asked you to wear it !

Tatsumi: The cape and the swimming trunks make a weird contrast...

Leone: Tatsumiii ! Taooo ! Between Chelsea and me, whose swimsuit do you like better ?

Chelsea: Ohhh, I'd like to hear the answer to that.

Both: Now, which is it~ ?

Tatsumi: I... I, well, uh... Wow, as expected of Suu ! You're tight !

Leone: Ahh, he ran away. So, Tao- and he's gone too.

Chelsea: ... Where did he go ?

Leone: ... Go shake that tree.

"Eh ? Wah !! S- Stop !!"

Leone: Not until you give us a clear answer !

Lubbock: Damn it, if they had asked me, I'd yell "I love them both, of course !" and then I'd jump into their chests while singing the National Anthem ! Why'd you ask them... !

Leone: It's because you're that kind of man.

Mine: ... The people in the team whose faces aren't known are pretty noisy. Damn it, I wish I could've played a bit more...

Akame: ... ... ... Ah, no...

Mine: What's wrong, Akame ? Are you thinking about your sister ?

Akame: ... Yeah. She's chasing after me as a target, after all. I just end up thinking about a lot of things

Mine: ... Even if your sister dies, don't you say you're all alone, even if you say it by accident. You have us. You should be grateful.

Akame: ... Yeah...

Esdeath: So Night Raid is on the move as well... Najenda is going East, and Akame is moving South... Their party's been witnessed splitting into two groups after coming here.

Bols: If you go East, you'll come upon Kyorochi, where the headquarters for the Path of Peace is located. If you keep going South, you'll find cities that support the rebels. In any case, this is suspicious.

Wave: If we hurry, we can quickly catch up with them. let's go !

Esdeath: Wait. Night Raid's members are criminals from the Capital. Since the wanted posters haven't circulated to the local regions, they were seen and tracked. They were witnessed splitting in to two groups, and on top of that, the Snow-cloaked death is chasing after Najenda... Isn't this too convenient ?

Ran: Yes. I think there's a high probability of this being a trap. What's their reason for standing out on purpose ? To lure us out from the capital and defeat us ?

Esdeath: ... Two birds with one stone. Najenda is like that. She fights calmly, with a burning heart.

Ran: The Snow-cloaked death got their hands on a number of Teigus already... If Night Raid manage to take them out, they'd receive quite the substantial power. But if we manage to up them, we'll tire ourselves out, and be open for a pincer attack.

Wave: So that means it's dangerous to give chase...

Esdeath: ... No, we won't waste this opportunity. Night Raid, who've been cleverly hiding themselves until now, have neatly revealed themselves. We'll prepare for their trap, and squash them, Snow-cloaked death and all ! Seryu, Ran and I will follow Najenda's group. Bols, Kurome and Wave, you chase Akame's.

Kurome: ... ... ...

Esdeath: Be aware of your surroundings at all times. And I don't care if you have to retreat because the enemy's waiting for you with overwhelming numbers. We might be on the offense here, but I'm not telling you to do a suicide attack, after all. They are the final rats who oppose the capital. Chase them down and finish them, without fail !

Jaegers: ROGER !!

Bols: So our opponents are the capital's strongest, Night Raid... I wonder if someone like me can win...

Wave: It'll be all right. If we work together, we'll definitely win ! Your teigu's suited for fighting crowds, so in fact, it's heartening to be with you !

Bols: ... I wonder...

Kurome: You're saying cool things like that, but I feel like you're going to be the one holding us back the most, Wave.


Kurome: Yep. I kind of feel like you'd be weak when we really need you.

Wave: Well, you know, if I equip Grand Chariot !!

Kurome: then show me how strong you are.

Wave: Ohhh !! bring it on !!

Bols: No fighting, you two. There's something in front of us.

Wave: A scarecrow... ?

Bols: You're right ! It's suspicious to the point of there's no way it could be more suspicious ! It'll be bad if it's a trap. Let's take care and look at it.

Mine: 'Targets sighted ! Looking at their numbers, Esdeath split her group and went East after the boss herself. Just as planned !'

Mine: ... 'They really are similar... As expected of being sisters... That's why, I don't want Akame to do this. i'll take care of her ! I'll at least do it quickly, with one shot.'

Mine: She dodged it ! What was that superhuman reaction time just now ?!

Wave: Kurome Watch out !!

Bols: WAVE !!

Najenda: We failed on the sniping, but we blew away one... And it was the one who wasn't a target, this is good.

Bols: Night Raid... ? And this is all of them ?! So the East was a complete fake.

Najenda: Kurome and Bols. Even within the Jaegers, you two are priority targets. Prepare yourselves.

Bols: ... Priority targets... Because I've burned countless people... I feel that nothing can be done about it if I'm targeted by assassins... But... I, will not die !!

Kurome: ... Sis.

Akame: ... Kurome.

Kurome: I've really been wanting to see you. Thank god. If I cut you down, I can add you to Yatsufusa's collection.


Tatsumi: ... Wha... What is this ?! An earthquake ?!

Kurome: ... Unlike from before, if it's a dead body, I've become able to make anything a puppet.

Kurome: Even if it's the ultra-class danger beast, Desta-ghoul.

Najenda: 'It was a gamble as to whether Esdeath would split her forces into two. But I see, if Yatsufusa's this powerful, a little trap doesn't mean anything !'

Kurome: Now then, the Teigu battle is starting. I wonder how many are going to die~ ?

"As usual, the boss' planning is top-notch, even if it's thank to a bit of luck... Neither of us would stand a chance on that battlefield."

Chelsea: How come ?

"Yatsufusa's zombies are already dead. Therefore they can't be killed. The only way to put them out of commission is to utterly and completely destroy them. And since we have the lowest destructive strength out of the whole group..."

"... Well, destructive and defensive... We're simply not suited for direct confrontation. So our role here is to set an ambush on any of them trying to slip away, and bring them down."

Chelsea: So that's the ultra-class danger beast that's a material for Teigu... What absurd power.

Lubbock: Gh... So the battle begun...

Najenda: For the upcoming battle, Chelsea, Tao, I want you to attack the enemy or assist the others as the opportunity arises. You're pros of assassination, but you aren't suited for direct combat. I leave the timing and whatnot to you guys.


Chelsea: Rooooger. I'll work efficiently, just watch.

Najenda: Lubbock, you're lookout. Put up a barrier, and keep an eye on the skies. And, if Esdeath's part of the group is to come to us... Keep them away, using Cross Tail's "Trump card". It's an important mission... I've created plans so Esdeath and the others won't come, but there's no telling what'll happen in the actual battle. I want to leave it to you, since you have a flexible way of thinking.

Lubbock: Understood ! I will meet your expectations !

Lubbock: 'Ms.Najenda, I'll fulfill my role, without fail. And... Maybe it's about time I try confessing my feelings to her after we get back from this. If I'm careless, she'll get taken away by Suu. And it isn't the time to be thinking about that ! Focus, focus !'

Esdeath: Seryu, don't use up too much strength until we come across the enemy.

Seryu: Y- Yes ! ... Um...

Esdeath: What's wrong ?

Seryu: Recently, you've been paying special attention to me. You divided the teams up so we were together, too... Is there something inadequate about me ?

Esdeath: I got a report (From Wave) saying that your heart was dangerous. I'm trying to have you act at my side whenever I can.

Seryu: Huh ?! Uhh... ...

Esdeath: .. Fuh. At any rate, I said that I would look after you. Don't forget that, Seryu.

Seryu: Ah ! Thank you very much, captain !

Ran: Shall I try searching from the sky, using my Teigu ?

Esdeath: You can't fly for long periods of time, like my pet dragon, right ? Save it for when we fight the enemy.

Ran: ... But eve so, shouldn't it be about time we catch up to them ?

Esdeath: Strange. This is certainly a bit odd... It may be that this is a fake, and their true target is Kurome. Let's double back and chase after them.


Najenda: Here comes a big one ! It looks like everyone's having a hard time. GO ! USE YOUR TRUMP CARD TO BEAT THAT THING QUICKLY AND TURN THE TABLES !

*Susanoo's trump card. Like Koro's, is an increase in physical strength. However, while Koro uses his tremendous core strength, Susanoo sucks the life energy of his master into the Magatama in his chest, and manifests that power.

In exchange for causing his master to die after being used three times, the power gained.. Is immense.*

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