Chapter 20: Two lying corpses

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Seryu: What's with these guys suddenly appearing... ?! A Night Raid ambush ?!

Bandits: Hey, hey, they came down this road in small numbers, juts like we were told... It's General Esdeath !

Punk: Hyahhah ! She's just as beautiful as the rumors say ! Irresistible !

Bandit: Don't jump in one by one. we'll use our numbers to our advantages, and annihilate them. The fun'll come after that. We'll take our time striping you, and do lots of good things to you !

Esdeath: ... Band of thieves that make their territory to the East of the Empire. This meeting doesn't seem to be a coincidence.

Seryu: So Night Raid teamed up with them, as fellow evils !

Ran: ... What of the snow-cloaked-death then ? They were supposed to go after Najenda's group... Could it be...

Esdeath: Is something the matter, Ran ?

Ran: ... No, nothing. 'Looks like they're not in there.'

Esdeath: We will trample them underfoot. Leave two or three of them alive. There are some things I want to ask them.

Wave: Gh... Ugh... 'What an incredible hit... If I hadn't blocked with Grand Chariot's sword, it would've meant instant death... !'

Wave: Ugh ! 'If I don't go quickly, Bols and Kurome will... She's... Strong, but... She's kind of an airhead or an idiot, too...' I need to back them up... Shit ! Just where have I been blasted off to... ?!

Your POV:

Tatsumi: Wha... !! What's that Explosion ?! ...Kurome isn't here...

Kurome: That abnormal explosion just now was... Rubicante's self-destruct... If Bols is gone too, then it'll be tough for me to stay there... Big sis, I wonder what happened to her...

Bols: Fuh... Fuuh... Looks like I outran it... I did something terrible, to Kurome as well... I hope she's okay...

Esdeath: Hey Bols, why is that you make so much food, but you step outside when we eat ?

Bols: ... Because the sight of my terrible face, would make the food taste bad.

Esdeath: Hoh... So you don't want to show your face. Well, that just makes me want to see it even more.

Bols: Wai... Captain ? Sto- !

Esdeath: ... What ? That's nothing... I'm disappointed, Bols.

Bols: Huh... ?

Esdeath: No one's going to mind a face like that. We're all going to eat together.

Bols: ... I... Wish I could... Eat with everyone again...

"You can. When you meet them on the other side."

Bols: Huh ? S- Snow-cloaked ?!

"... It's a shame. I was hoping I could take Rubicante from you, but you just went and destroyed it... I suppose I'll have to make do with your life, then."

Bols: 'He was supposed to follow Najenda to the South... First Night Raid's ambush, now this...' Does that mean... You and Night Raid... ?

"That's why intelligent people should not stay as simple foot-soldiers. They always end up figuring out too much. In other circumstances, I would've satisfied myself with your Teigu... But I'm afraid I can't let you get away knowing that... Either of you."

Bols: E- Either...

Bols: ... You wouldn't...

"Wouldn't you ?"

Bols: ... ... ... Little girl, run. I will not let him attack you !

Kid: M- Mister...

Bols: Don't worry. The pain will be gone soon, and you'll be all better. Go, now !

Kid: T... Thanks, mister... But mister... Even if these wounds heal... the places that you burned won't become better.

Bols: ... Huh ?

Chelsea: That girl just now, was a child from a village that you burned. Because they were suspected of assisting us revolutionaries. Although I'm sure that because you burned them all in bunches, you probably don't remember each individual...

Bols: ... 'I had always know... That one day, I would receive punishment for all I had done... But... But even so... !' I have... To... Return home... Because they are both... Waiting... I have to... Return...

Bols: ... 'So white... So cold...'

"Such is the embrace of death, Bols."

Bols: ... No... T-... Tao...

"Even if it was a short while, we were comrades... And I enjoyed that time. So, if there is something... Something that I could do."

Bols: My... Family... Love...

"... Then be it. If it is your last will, then I will carry it. Farewell."


"... I don't regret what I did, Bols. But I regret having to do it."

Chelsea: Would you mind explaining what you just did ?

"Chelsea. As assassins, our job is to grant to adequate the adequate death to our targets. And the least you could do in that situation, is to make sure to grant them a quick and painless death."

Chelsea: ... Really. Fights between those who work in the background are repulsive... By the way, you have some blood on your cape now.

"I know."

Chelsea: ... Won't you wash it off ?

"... ... No. These stains will stay. Do you even know why I wear this cape to begin with ?"

Chelsea: ... Inspiring fear ?

"That as well, yes, but... This pure, snow-white cape symbolizes my heart, unwavering and cold as snow. But, as my heart slowly becomes tainted with regrets... So does it, slowly turning from snow-white to blood-stained. It's the same for all of us, isn't it ?"

Chelsea: ... ... I didn't take you for someone so... Melancholic.

Chelsea: ... Let's get going. Next is Kurome. We'll finish her off before she meets with Esdeath.

*Jaegers: 5 remaining.*

Lubbock: You finished off your targets without letting them run away. As expected of you guys.

"Well, I'm glad you were in the area, in any case."

Lubbock: Yeah, I panicked for a second when I saw a second Bols with you from far off.

Chelsea: We're going to chase after Kurome, and kill her before she meets up with Esdeath and the others.

Lubbock: ... Kurome's already left the boundaries of my barrier, but I know which direction she went in. You can chase after her, but it's seriously dangerous, isn't it ?! You're not someone who would do something so reckless in this situation, right ? Let's meet up with everyone else !

Chelsea: It'll be too late by then... If we let Kurome get away, she'll come at us again with eight new dolls. That's more dangerous, isn't it ?!

"Right now, she's tired and weakened from the fights, so it's the best time. Even though, we can't take any risks, so go back, report this to everyone, and have some reinforcement sent our way."

Lubbock: ... Got it. Don't be too reckless...

Chelsea: I won't. If she's already met up with Esdeath and the others, we'll retreat.

Lubbock: ... I'll get the reinforcements to you two as soon as I can, all right ?!

"Counting on it."

Chelsea: ... ... I really am getting soft, aren't I... ... Hrm. Now theeen, the second big job... ! Let's go at it with everything we've got, shall we ?

Mine: Ahhh, I want to change into my spare clothes already.

Susanoo: You can after you're done with your treatment.

Akame: Leone, is your injury okay... ?

Leone: yeah, i've recovered a lot, haven't I ? All that's left is for Lubbock the handyman to come here and attach my arm with his string Teigu, and I'll be fully recovered !

Tatsumi: Huh ?! That arm can be fixed ?!

Leone: Yeah, but it's a combination that's only possible with me and Lubbock. It can't be fixed normally This recovery ability is truly Lionelle's ace in the hole ! "The Undying Lion" !!

Najenda: That's quite something. My Teigu has instant recovery, though !

Leone: Yes, yes, we get it already.

Mine: Well, the fact that being hard to kill is your ace in the hole is juts like you, isn't it ?

Leone: What, jealous of my ace in the hole ?

Mine: Hmph. Pumpkin has no need for anything like that ! The more dangerous the situation is, the stronger my shots get.

Susanoo: I'm going to apply the medicinal herbs. This'll sting a bit.

Mine: It's able to blast through any difficult situation... OWWW OW OW OW OW !!

Tatsumi: It's tough to be uncool when you're trying to be cool, right ? I feel for you.


Najenda: ... Looks like he made it out all right, too. With this, we'll be able to trace Kurome's route.

Kurome: ... haah... Other than Natala and Doya, they broke all of my toys. It'll probably be impossible to gather that much ability again... i'm tired. Tasty sweets.

Bols: Ah... ! I knew it ! It's Kurome ! So you were safe ! Thank goodness !

Kurome: You too, Bols... It was such a huge explosion.

Bols: I went through the incineration squad's flame resistance ceremony, after all.

Kurome: Ah, right... ! I'm so glad...

Bols: i'm sorry, though??? My Teigu... I lost it.

Chelsea: 'The tone and personalities of the Jaegers that I learned from Tao... Seems there weren't any problems, and Yatsufusa's been deactivated as well. But I won't attack yet... According to Akame's information, Kurome is currently doping... ! I don't know how she'll move when I attack... ! I'll keep and eye out and wait until a more definitive opportunity presents itself... !'

Najenda: I see. So they finished off Bols, and went afetr Kurome on their own...

Mine: But... Boss. That movement of hers from when she dodged my sniping... I felt like that was something more than the doping we had heard about. Perhaps Kurome has something that Akame doesn't know of. Even if it's these two, I don't know if they would be able to land an attack... We should hurry with the reinforcements !

Najenda: Akame, Tatsumi, you were listening, right ? I don't think you're fully recovered, but... Chase after Chelsea and Tao, and cover them !

Tatsumi: Roger !

Akame: We'll head there immediately.

Bols: We'll arrive in town soon.

Kurome: They might be waiting to ambush us.

Chelsea: 'Hmm... What is it with this target ? There's something I can't put my finger on... She's not making any definite openings either. Even if he's still following behind, maybe I should hold back and retreat for now...'

Kurome: The captain'll probably return soon. Let's be careful until... Then...

Bols: K- Kurome ! Are you okay ?! A- Are you hurt somewhere ?

Kurome: It'll be fine... if I can eat my sweets.

Bols: You look like you're in pain... You poor thing. I know, I'll say a charm to make you feel better !

Chelsea: There... Now you won't be in pain anymore. Goodbye.

Kurome: Ah... B... Big... Si... S...

Chelsea: Both targets. Assassination complete. You can come out now.

"That was... Unexpectedly easy... Maybe she really was worn out by that battle..."

Chelsea: 'This girl... Her last words were "Big sis"... It's unfortunate, but...' The mission is a success. We need to fall back.

"You never stop to pay some respects to the ones you kill..."

Chelsea: Forget it. To me, it's just the karma of killing.

"Hmm... I can't help it."

Kurome: Hey...

Kurome: That charm just now... It's not working... It's very painful, and I'm suffering quite a lot.

Chelsea: i'm sure I gouged into a vital spot... !!

"That's why you always need to cut off their heads. It's the only way to really ensure that. But apart from what and why, the question left is.. How..."

Kurome: A while after big Sis left, they manufactured a new drug. A strong medicine that strengthens the body even more... On one hand, it's a bit strenuous. But surprisingly, even to me, it seems that if you want to kill me... You'll have to at least do something like squash my heart or separate my head from my body.

"... ... We're falling back !!"


Chelsea: Kuh ! To think that she's halfway to not being human anymore.. I'll transform and run away !

"Chelsea !!"

Chelsea: Shit... ! Don't mind this, we're out of here !!

Kurome: ... Hahh... Hahh... I can't move... This might be it for me. But, if that's the case, then while I'm still conscious, I'll kill them both.. ! She said "Both targets, assassination complete", just now... They must have...

Kurome: They must have killed Bols ! Natala, Doya ! Slice them to pieces ! And bring me back the Snow-cloaked death's head !


"Of course... Glass swords... Chelsea, get the hell out of he-"


"Gurg... While you can... But by the looks of it..."

Chelsea: yeah...

Chelsea: So the one who receives retribution, is me... Tch... I really wanted to go back and be praised... Well... ? Aren't I amazing ? Like that...

"... Definitely. Although..."

*... ... ... ... Shhhhhhhhhh*

"Rain, but no wind... Sorry, but this is not where I croak yet. No hard feelings..."

Tatsumi: All right, I'll turn invisible and go into town.

Akame: Be careful. Just see what the situation's like !

Tatsumi: Right.

Akame: ... ... ... Just what happened...

"That was... Beyond all our expectations... Gurf !"

Akame: T- Tao ?! Where did you come from ?!

"Down there... My only way out of this, was to throw myself down the canyon... Even if I did take several bullets on the way, as well as most broken bones on landing..."

Akame: But you did survive. Now, where's Chelsea ?!

"He must not... Tatsumi must not go in town... He can't see that..."

Tatsumi: 'The blood on the road led all the way to the city. If they've been captured, we need to rescue them. But they know what they're doing, so they might've returned to where the boss is already, without crossing paths with us. That's right. They wouldn't do anything reckless. That blood must be the enemy's blood as well.'

Tatsumi: '... A crowd... ?'

*Night Raid: 8 remaining members.*

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