Chapter 21: Demons

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Headquarters of the "Way of peace", Kyorochi*

Wave: Hmm... It really doesn't feel right to wear clothes like these.

Seryu: or rather, it feels like me and dresses just shouldn't go together...

Ran: It looks good on you, Seryu.

Seryu: But if I'm like this, I won't be able to carry out justice when the time comes !

Esdeath: Well, it's a welcoming party. So relax and enjoy yourselves. There might be some interesting entertainment.

"So that's the mansion of the advisor, Borick..."

Akame: The target this time.

Leone: Sure is a nice house, built with such filthy money.

Mine: We should keep the actual topography in mind.

Najenda: The Jaegers are apparently in this town as well. We'll keep calm, formulate a plan, and finish them. Don't let your comrade's death be in vain !!

Borick: My, I've been feeling threatened recently, so I asked the Minister to send reinforcements skilled in combat... But to think that Esdeath, said to be the strongest in the Empire, would come... There is nothing more reassuring than this ! There are only my loyal subordinates at this party, so please, feel free to enjoy yourselves.

Esdeath: We were tasked by the Prime Minister with guarding you... We'll be borrowing a few of your rooms.

Borick: Of course ! Fufu... I doubt you will be bored at my mansion.

Esdeath: I have no interest at all in those... but, I would quite like to meet those who are spyring on us from above the ceiling.

Borick: As expected, you had noticed them. I was lent this lot from the Empire in order to control the church. The very picture of violence...

Esdeath: Oho. Here I was wondering why I hadn't seen them in the capital. So they were here.

Borick: Now that you are here, General, these demons that I had been using solely for protection can be devoted to offense.
Seryu: P- Please wait ! There is a possibility that an evil Teigu-using team named Night Raid has infiltrated this town. If you are to fight them, you must have some Teigus of your own-

Ibara: There's no need to worry about it. We've defeated Teigu users before with our bare hands, just like this.

Seryu: just when did you...

Ibara: Heh heh... Your spirit's crazy, but you should probably cool your mind a bit.

Kimono/Suzuka: Actually, we have already retrieved and presented five Teigus to the minister...
Beard/Sten: Teigus may be strong, but their users are naught but human.
Tanned/Mez: Which means that there are countless ways to win against them, right ?

Seryu: ... Gh...

Borick: The Four Rakshasa demons are executioners employed by the Minister... As you would expect, their skill is quite impressive.

Ibara: Heh heh. That's how it is. You people should just sit back and drink wine inside this mansion...

Esdeath: Regardless of your achievements, you shouldn't let your guard down.

Ibara: Huuuh, amazing. As expected of General Esdeath. You're gonna make me fall for you.

Esdeath: 'Since he made us come here, even though he has pawns as powerful as these... That damn Minister, he must value this religious organization very highly.'

Wave: That surprised me... Hey, Kurome... Are you feeling all right ?

Kurome: D... Do I really look that bad... ?

Wave: yeah... Pretty bad.

Kurome: Hmm... I'll manage.

Wave: KUROME !! Shit ! If I had come here sooner... !! Bols is dead... And he had a wife and a kid... Just what am I supposed to tell them... ?!

Ran: But, you were blown away because you were protecting Kurome, right ? The Captain agrees that you are free of blame for this incident. I understand how you feel, but calm down !


Ran: No. I am definitely not saying it light-heartedly. I understand well, Wave... From the bottom of my heart...

Wave: ... Ran ?

Ran: Anyway, let us carry Kurome to shelter. We will talk then.

Esdeath: How's Kurome ?

Ran: She's still sleeping. The doctor says that if she's lasted this long, then her life should not be in danger.

Esdeath: I see... I dissected the body of the assassin that we retrieved, but I couldn't find anything telling. From the way the muscles look, it's obvious that they were a professional assassin, but that's all we know. You could say the lack of evidence is because of her being a pro... But what bothers me is that there should have been a second person with them...

Wave: How can you tell ?

Esdeath: Bols' neck had two wounds, made with two different weapons... Both were fatal, but I doubt they were inflicted at the same time... It was two assassins, and one of them slipped away.

Seryu: Well, can I feed the corpse of the evil person to Koro for now ?

Esdeath: Yeah. Also, we just received a mission from the Minister from an express messenger. We leave for Kyorochi. It seems that the target we are to guard may be the target we are to guard may be the target of Night Raid's journey.
Ran: ... So they beat us down during their trip... But that target was their true objective...

Esdeath: In this battle, I was done in by Najenda. According to the bandits we interrogated, the information about us crossing that path was from an outsider... It's just the kind of plan she would come up with. Not only were we slowed down, but we were even used to clean up a bandit gang...

Esdeath: But I will not fall for the same trick twice... We will trample them for sure in Kyorochi.

Kurome: Mm ! I rested a bit, so i'm all better now. I've recovered quite a bit.

Wave: Huh ? No way ! Weren't you hit in the vitals ?

Kurome: Captain. Please let me continue to work with you.

Kurome: as you can see, I can still fight.

Esdeath: ... So be it. As long as you're coming with us, I'll have you work your fill. We leave in 30 minutes.

Kurome: Thanks. And about that second one... You are right, they were two.

Esdeath: Another member of Night Raid ?

Kurome: No... It was the Snow-cloaked death.

Wave: What ?!

Ran: So they really rallied with them... It was another bait to make us send most of our forces to the south, after the fake Night Raid...

Wave: But man, Kurome surprised me... After all, it wouldn't have been strange if she had died from that wound. Heeey, Kuromeee.... ... She's not sleeping, is she ? Hey, I know you're recovering, but the captain's gonna subject you to soft torture course C if you're late... C's painful, you know... Huh... ,

Wave: H- Hey, Kurome !! Get it together !

Kurome: I... I'm o... Kay...

Wave: I knew that it wasn't possible ! The captain...

Kurome: Wait... Those in the assassin squad... If it's decided that they can't fight, then to keep them quiet, they're disposed of.

Wave: Wha... ?!

Kurome: If I'm kicked out of the Jaegers and sent back to the capital, I'll be...

Wave: It'll be okay ! If you tell the captain, she'll protect you !

Kurome: That's no good... I have to fight. I don't want to be disposed of. I wasn't born into this world to die like that. If I'm going to die, I'm going to die fighting... Just like how my friends did...

Wave: Kurome...

Kurome: i'm all right now, Wave. I'm sorry for making you worry. If the wounds heal, I'll be completely fine.

Wave: 'Kurome... It's as if she were trying to convince herself... As I thought, the injuries are severe. In addition to that, she can't replenish Yatsufusa's corpse dolls... I haven't been of much use this whole time... So now I'll have to do Kurome's part as well... !!'

*Kyorochi. This town, far to the East of the capital, flourishes due to the abundant natural resources below-ground. Recently, many buildings dedicated to the way of peace have been erected, and it is slowly changing into a metropolis with its own unique culture.*

Tatsumi: There aren't any wanted papers circulating this far from the Capital, huh.

Mine: The Jaegers might be distributing them now. We can't let our guard down ! AND AS I'M SAYING THAT, JUST WHAT'RE YOU DOING ?!

Tatsumi: Well I understand that, but... Isn't it dangerous if we are too tense ? The enemy can recognize this kind of atmosphere. Let's be casual about it.

Mine: ... 'Even though he was that sad after Chelsea died, he's calmly moving through the next mission. He's grown.'

Leone: Oh ! This place, next !

"L- Leone, while I understand and share that enthusiasm, I beg of you, slow down... My guts are screaming in agony right now..."

Leone: Stop lagging behind, we need to scout the zone for later.

"Yes, but I had half a pound of metal pumped right between my lungs and colon until recently, so please, just slow down. Take the time to enjoy the scenery... And to not reopen my wounds..."

Leone: Aww, need Onee-san to carry you or something ?

"Stop that. We just need to map out the town, so let's head to the Western edge so we don't cross paths with the rest."

Leone: That's true. Let's leave the East to Mine and Tatsumi, and the area near the church to Lubbock, who volunteered so enthusiastically.

Lubbock: Jeez, what a labyrinth-like townscape... Well, I guess it's nice to have this many people, since it's easy to blend in and search. 'Luckily, my name and face aren't known, so I'll gather tons of data and score some points for Ms.Najenda.'

Najenda: Good job, Lubbock~

Mez: Hey, Sten. Don't you think this guy's moving like he's surveying the area ? More than anything else, the way he walks.

Sten: My instinct's screaming that he's an enemy. That's the movement of one who's braved many a battle. It seems he's careful about it, but I can tell.

Mez: So he's a black hat. Let's kill him.
Sten: No, Mez. Call it the freeing of his soul.

*Kyorochi's outskirts, graveyard*

Spy: According to our data, there should be an underground passageway passing beneath this graveyard, which leads from the church to Borick's mansion.

Akame: *Munch munch*

Spy: We think it may be good to station a few men here, while carrying out the assassination.

Akame: If we could find out the location of the passageway's entrance, we could go to Borick's mansion's basement this way.

Spy: It would be difficult to find. After all, the graveyard is quite spacious.

Akame: Hmmm... *Munch*

Spy: there is also the possibility of traps within the passageway.

Akame: ... ... WATCH OUT !!

Akame: 'Feathers ?!'

Ran: After checking on a hunch, you are most definitely Akame. Reconnaissance from the skies, it is certainly worth doing.

Akame: The Teigu Mastema ! You're part of the Jaegers !!

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