Chapter 22: On top

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Lubbock: 'Shit !! They suddenly attacked me ! How did they see through me ?!

Mez: Annnnd GO !!

Mez: ... Hmm ? This guy's heart already stopped... How weak !

*Najenda and the others, AKA Night Raid. Rendezvoused with the revolutionary army's spy team immediately upon entering Kyoroch. And they began to formulate a plan to assassinate the religious sect counselor, Borick, a spy for the Minister. The appearance of the Jaegers was troublesome, but it was something they could have predicted. But the one thing that the revolutionary army didn't predict...*

Suzuka: Ufufu, so this is the hideout of the spies. Fooound you.

*Was the fact that executioners employed by the Minister, the four Rakshasa demons, were in Kyoroch.*

Suzuka: Oh, my. There doesn't seem to be anyone strong here. Perhaps there are multiple hideouts ? That's a bit unfortunate. Well, I guess I'll kill you all for now.

Spies: ... It looks like there's only one enemy. So if we all get her at once...

Suzuka: ... Aah~...

Spies: We hit her ! We can do this ! We'll finish her off in one go !!

Suzuka: Mmm... It isn't bad, but it's not good enough.

Spies: H- Huh... ?! HURGL !!

Suzuka: With your attacks, there isn't enough pain to be had... At this rate... In order to experience the ultimate pleasure, I might end up attacking that person...

Esdeath: What's wrong, Seryu ? You've got such a serious face on.

Seryu: Captain... That Borick guy, is vulgar, and he's gone too far ! I was wondering if it was even worth it for you to guard him... !

Esdeath: ... he's bait to draw out the enemies, Night Raid and the Snow-cloaked death. You can just think of him as such.

Seryu: That's true... if you say it like that...

Esdeath: You're too tense. Even when you're on a mission, you should try acting a little livelier.

Seryu: But, just what should I do... ?

Esdeath: Let's see, you can try... hey, children. Apparently, the owner of that dog wants to play too.

Seryu: C- CAPTAIN ?!

Kids: Dog ?! This is a dog ?!

Esdeath: It just happens to be break time now. Some entertainment once in a while isn't bad, you know.

Tatsumi: Whew, we sure went to a lot of places.

Mine: But it's a really fun and diverse place, isn't it. When everything's done, I'd like to enjoy myself shopping here.

Tatsumi: ... You take long to shop, so that'll probably take days.

Mine: Huh ? That's a pretty normal amount. A man who can't pardon a woman's shopping ? How shallow.

Tatsumi: ... A woman who immediately teases about a guy being shallow ? How shallow.



???: Please do not engage in sour arguments...

Lord: Excuse me. That was rather intrusive of me. I spoke without thinking.

Mine: A... Are you perhaps... The founder of...

tatsumi: the Path of peace ?!

Lord: yes. I check up on the outskirts of town like this every now and then.

Tatsumi: ... 'Borick isn't here... Well, a guy like him would probably be sitting comfortably in his base...'

Lord: I can see it clearly. You two are bound by the red thread of fate. So instead of fighting, you should profess your love.

Tatsumi/Mine: Huh ?

Lord: If you became a couple, I would say that fighting once in a while would be fine.

Tatsumi/Mine: ... H- Huh ?!

Ran: I will make this, a one-sided attack.

Spy: Hey, let's get farther away. We can't be dragging Ms.Akame down.

Soldier: That's true. It's irritating that we can't do anything more than cheer her on.

Ran: 'The feathers are lacking power because we are too far apart... Then I shall descend slightly... How about this ?'

Ran: 'Close. If I get a bit closer... Now that I've realized this... I've descended quite a bit from my initial position... By purposely dodging by only a hair's breath, and letting me think that I can beat her if I can get just a bit closer, she's tricking me into coming close enough for her to be able to reach me with a leap... as expected of a Killer, she is able to remain calm, even in a situation like this.'

Ran: 'What should I do in this situation... I am confident that I can finish her if I get closer and use my ace in the hole... but if I do that, I'll fall into a Teigu battle distance where I can be hit by her attacks. Then...'

Ran: 'My role is reconnaissance, so I will avoid a Teigu battle and retreat... It is my duty to let the Captain know that Night Raid has arrived.'

Akame: ... So he ran. A calm man.

Ibara: Heheheh. For a killer to let an enemy who saw her get away... What a disgrace. That's quite pitiful. I'll play with you instead. Akameeee~.

Akame: Ibara !! You're here, in Kyoroch ?! 'I had thought that we would fight the four Rakshasa demons during the Minister's assassination... During the final battles...'

Ibara: Heheheh, for the bad girl who betrayed the Empire, it's time for a spanking.

Akame: ... I consign you !

Ibara: Just try it !!

*Religious organization main branch. Borick's personal room*

Borick: Congratulations, you have been chosen for the glorious position of discipleship to our lord !

Woman: Is... Is that really true ?! To be able to witness the miracles of our lord personally... It's my dream come true !

Borick: ... 'Miracle, huh... ? We sent his blood sample to the Capital to have Dr.Stylish conduct research on it. And...'

*We found out that he's half danger beast, an existence that shouldn't be possible ! That is why he has the ability to use paranormal powers. It's something about his miraculous background that he himself doesn't even know. It was an incredible discovery.*

Borick: But, it seems that you still have some wickedness inside of you. Because of that, you wouldn't be able to serve your duty.

Woman: No... No way !

Borick: Take your clothes off. I will conduct a holy ceremony to cleanse you.

Woman: Yes, Lord Borick. Please !

Borick: 'The religious takeover will happen soon. 'Till then, i'll make the most of it...'

Your POV:

"This is starting to get infuriating... Being helpless like that while everyone else is probably risking their lives..."

Najenda: We got report saying the four Rakshasa demons are in town... You know there's no way you can fight them.

"I do... These guys don't have a Teigu, so going after them would be comparing raw physical abilities... Also called suicide. And besides..."

"... I have complete faith in everyone. They will come out on top."

Najenda: Well, for once you finally recover... I'll have a special task for you.

*Because the Jaegers confirmed the presence of Night Raid, they raised their alert level to an all-time high. On the other hand, because many of Night Raid's spies were killed, they haven't been able to move as efficiently. For these reasons, this state of stalemate continued.. For two weeks.*

Kids: Here ! There ! Big sis !

Seryu: Alright ! 'Playing with children during our break time is so relaxing... And...' Okay ! Next round ! let's have fun without any cheating !

Kids: Yeees !!

Seryu: 'To be able to guide them to the right path... While they're still young brings me so much joy... !'

Suzuka: Her ulterior motive is so obvious. She should tone it down.

Wave: Are you one of us now ?

Suzuka: It' more like I'm... Helping you guys out ? It's a chance for me to be ordered around by General Esdeath.

Wave: '... What is this ? She has the same feeling as Stylish...'

Suzuka: ... Hey, Seryu ! I think I just spotted something in the distance !

Seryu: What ? Evildoers ?!

Suzuka: Maybe... Would someone standing alone on a roof with a completely white cloak be an evil-doer ?

Seryu: ... WHERE ?!

"... So they're both following me... Good."

Seryu: there's no mistaking it ! That's the Snow-cloaked death !

Suzuka: I heard of them... They take Teigu left and right, is that it ?

Seryu: Yes... And what's more, they're part of Night Raid too !

Suzuka: Oh, looks like I hit the jackpot. But are you sure it is okay for you to move out on your own like this ? Won't you be punished ?

Seryu: Captain is on bodyguard duty for Borick right now. In this kind of situation, i'm allowed to make my own moves based on my own judgement.

Suzuka: I see.

Seryu: Such evildoers... White as snow, but consumed by evil... ! I will not let them get away with-



Suzuka: What ?! An ambush !

Mine: ... That bitch is mine to deal with ! You two go after the other one !

Suzuka: Hey, hold on !!

"Well. Looks like Operation 'Snow-cloaked Bait' was a resounding success. I'll leave you to clean up the leftovers."

Tatsumi: You bet. A bit sorry about this, but now that you're isolated all the way out here, we can't really let that opportunity go away.

Seryu: Gh...

Mine: Get up. It's time you pay in blood for what you did to Sheele.

Seryu: ... Heh... Finally... We meet again, Night Raid ! Koro and I will purge evil here and now... !! Even if I kill you, I'll just say that I couldn't hold back and apologize to the Captain... !

Tatsumi: Gh- ! So this is the rumored gimmicky body ! Why, you ! GAH !!

Suzuka: Fufu... You broke my nail~.

Tatsumi: You... You...

Suzuka: I was surprised that someone was able to defeat Mez, let alone Ibara... But it doesn't look like it was you. It's painfully obvious that you lack real battle experience.


Suzuka: And you severely lack the raw strength to fight non-Teigu users opponents. Against someone like me, you're no different from any of your friends. In fact, you're just even weaker.

"God-damn it !"

Tatsumi: You okay... ?

"I chipped my blade..."

Suzuka: 'if that one's armored so heavily, it will strain his body and should come apart... if I can hold on until then, it's my win. Patience is the key in a Teigu Fight.'

"... You okay, Tatsumi ?"

Tatsumi: 'I'm... Still so weak ! I've had so many regrets... So many !! Even if there a difference in strength, I have to overcome it... ! Besides...'

Tatsumi: It's not good enough to just defeat her.

"... yeah, now you're speaking my language. And I might have an idea about that."

Suzuka: So, why did you run into these ruins ? Are you going to hide and try to attack a blind spot again ? It's useless.

"No, that's not exactly it. See, we figured a way easier way to defeat you."

Tatsumi: And that is brute force !! RAKSHASA DEMON !!


Suzuka: ... Hey ! You've gotta be kidding me ! Are you seriously... ?!

"You're not going anywhere !!"


Suzuka: Gh... Stuck...

"Before you can even think about escaping, this whole place will come down on you ! SAY HELLO TO ALL YOU'VE KILLED ON THE OTHER SIDE !!"

Tatsumi: So yeah, that's how we beat her ! With sheer strength.

Mine: You good-for-nothing brutes.

"You of all people are calling us that after what you did ?"

Mine: For the last time, It was that nut woman's job !

Tatsumi: But, we all pushed through in the end ! You said so earlier, right ? That we should at least back each other up if we're in danger. I did it, didn't I ? How was that ? I was thinking of you !

Mine: ... You... You make it sound like I owe you or something. Besides, your backing up was so last minute. But... But you really bailed me out there... I thought I was done for. Thanks.

Tatsumi: ... Ye... yeah...

"... Well, you two stay all lovey-dovey for now. I'm gonna give the report to Najenda."

Both: W- We're not... !!

Esdeath: ... 'So much wasted potential...'

Kids: hurry ! Our break time will be over before you know it ! She promised me she'd teach me songs about the capital !

Kids: ... huh ? Where are Big Sis and that other girl ? Big sis ! Where are yooou ?

*Jaegers: Four members remaining.*

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