Chapter 23: Preparations

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Tatsumi: Well then, we'll be going now.

Susanoo: Don't go near the cathedral. We've heard reports of heightened security there.

Lubbock: Yeah. We can't even go near it without some kind of a plan, anyway. Doesn't help that we're about the only ones who can go there.

"Worst of all, I don't even have a wanted poster... It's just Esdeath being personally after me... Oh, and by the way, speaking of personally. We made lunches for you."

Tatsumi: Oh ! Thanks !

"Mostly Suu. Akame took care of the taste testing... By eating half of it."

Akame: ... I'm really sorry. I was just going to take a bite, but... It was so delicious...

Tatsumi: No. I'm thankful that there's still half of it left.

Mine: ... Oh. What are you up to, Tatsumi ? You're going out ?

Tatsumi: Yeah. We're going to go see how the town is.

Lubbock: We'll investigate, and if possible, whittle down their forces. That's about all we can do until the underground tunnel is finished.

Mine: ... Alright, then Tatsumi and I will go. Switch with me, Lubbock.

Lubbock: WHA ?!

Akame: Don't push yourself too hard. Even though it's been a month, you're not completely recovered yet.

Mine: i've been focused on getting better, so it's not a problem ! Besides, we can't rely on just Tatsumi and Lubbock. It'll be fine if I go instead.

Lubbock: For the record, I defeated two Rakshasa demons...

Mine: Whatever, switch, switch ! Come on ! Let's go, Tatsumi, investigation !

Tatsumi: Uh, yeah.

Akame: ... Mine... Could it be that you... 'You really wanted to eat those lunches... I know how you feel !'

'She probably doesn't realize they're in love...'

Lubbock: 'She must be thinking of something completely off...'

Susanoo: 'She must have regrets about those lunches...'

*Correct assumptions*

Lubbock: OW !! Damn it, with you guys... First you with Leone and Esdeath, next Tatsumi with Mine...

"Oh, I'll introduce you to Esdeath, see if you want to stay more than 10 seconds. By all means, please take my spot there."

Susanoo: It might have been good that you didn't go. Your wounds aren't completely healed yet.

Lubbock: ugh. Assassin techniques are way too scary. To think that my wounds wouldn't be done healing after this long.

"Be glad they weren't life-threatening. Trust me, the three pounds of lead I had pumped into me two months ago get that feeling."

Lubbock: but... I can't stand how I'm being nursed by a man !!

"... ... ... ..."

Lubbock: DON'T YOU DARE put on that nurse uniform !! I thought that Miss Najenda would say something like "Why did you push yourself so hard, you idiot !"... And nurse me with tears in her eyes !!

"... That's a man who has his priorities straight."

Susanoo: Looks like you probably wouldn't die even if you received a life-threatening wound.

Lubbock: ... By the way, Suu ! Um... What do you think of Miss Najenda ?

Susanoo: She's a master worthy of respect.

Lubbock: Is that it ? Are you completely serious ?

Susanoo: i'm serious. Besides, I have no interest in women.

Lubbock: ... What ?!

Susanoo: Because i'm a Teigu. I have no capacity for love.

"... Lubbock, did you really think that..."

Lubbock: Shut up ! That's what you meant ! What a relief...

Lubbock: well, isn't it contradictory that you have a heart but can't love ? Could it be that you just haven't found someone you like ? Don't worry, we'll help you find a perfect woman for you !

"Why are you throwing me in too ?! I have enough woman problems with that one chasing me around !"

Susanoo: ... I see. Sounds interesting.

Tatsumi: Some ruins were destroyed, but the city seems to be pretty lively.

Mine: If there's that much energy in the city, we should be able to stir a great rebellion.

Tatsumi: ... ... ... What do you want ?

Mine: You... Like the desert runner nuggets, right ? That's all you've been eating.

Tatsumi: ... Yeah, sure.

Mine: Hmph. Fine, then ! I'll give you mine.

Tatsumi: Um... Sure. Thanks... 'What's with her ?'

Mine: ... Fufu... he eats like a little kid.

Tatsumi the Dense: 'But seriously, what is she up to ? Is this another way of picking on me ?!'

Lord: Hello. We meet again.

Tatsumi: G... Great lord !!

Lord: I apologize for interrupting your cheerful lunch. But chance meetings like this rarely happen. So would you mind if we talked for a bit ?

Lord: I see... You two are travelers.

Tatsumi: I was surprised by the influence of the Path of peace. You sir are the founder, correct ?

Lord: Yes, that is right. Ever since I was born, I had mysterious powers to heal people's wounds and see prophetic dreams. As I kept healing, and prophesying, more and more people gathered around me, proclaiming me as a man of miracles... By those people, the oath of peace was created, and it became what it is now.

Tatsumi: ... Uh, um, about those people that follow you, do you sense anything with those mysterious powers ? For example... Darkness.

Mine: I- Idiot ! That was way too unnatural !

Lord: Hahaha. There is no such thing as a human without Darkness. It's true that I sense deep darkness from some of the leaders. But when you're in charge of such a large organization, you sometimes have to make difficult decisions. While I was by myself, I could only save those who were right in front of me. But now, we've come this far thanks to those leaders who created this organization. I've chosen to believe in them.

Tatsumi: ... Great lord...

Mine: 'If we get rid of Borick, and fill the leadership with revolution sympathizers, we should be able to to still create an uprising, even with the Great Lord's philosophy. But he's too trusting. He could be assassinated at any moment and become an actual spirit. E have to hurry with the Borick assassination...'

Lord: By the way... It looks like you two are getting along better than you were the last time we met. Please treasure this moment. You two have been blessed by god.

Najenda: I see. Something like that happened. He sound like a good lord.

Tatsumi: Yes... I know we'll end up taking advantage of him... But I can't help but not want that man to die.

Najenda: ... Don't get hasty. If you make a mistake, we'll crash head-on with Esdeath. We don't have enough soldiers to face her yet.

Tatsumi: How many do you think we will need to defeat her ?

"Fifty thousand elite soldiers, and at least ten Teigu users, including Akame."

Akame: That many... ?!

"You don't get just how on another level she is. And Esdeath is only half of the problem, Great general Budou is about as much as a pain in the ass."

Najenda: Esdeath is the one who did this to my body after all. Very well, I'll tell you about it...

*This was back when I was a General for the Empire.*

Prick: Miss Najenda, you are beautiful... please resign from being a general and become my wife.

Najenda: I can't do that.

Prick: Why ?! I am of noble blood ! You'll have security for the rest of your life !!

Najenda: I have things I've been called to do.

Prick: ... Miss Najenda...

Najenda: Things like that happened as well... When I was popular, I was very popular.

"Please stop patting yourself on the back, this has nothing to do with what we were discussing."

Najenda: I only told you because Tatsumi is being so lovey-dovey... Now back to the topic at hand... To the very South of the Empire, there's a mountain called "Farm".

*i was ordered to eliminate the bandits who took root here. Mt.Farm was actually the frontline base of the revolutionary army. The so-called bandits only attacked government officials who abused their power for their own benefit. As I was planning on joining the revolutionary army at some point, this was a great chance.

I ordered my army into battle formation at the base of Farm mountain, and spoke my true intention.*

Najenda: OUR TRUE ENEMIES ARE THE EVIL EMPIRE OFFICIALS THAT OPPRESS THE PEOPLE WITH THEIR POWER !! As of this moment, I am going to ally myself with the revolutionary army, and create a new country ! A place where the people can live in peace ! It will be a great and difficult war ! I also know that many of you have families at home as well ! I will not force any of you ! I will not hunt down any of you should you desert the army ! But if there are any of you who are still willing to follow me, PLEASE LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH !!


*With the many soldiers who joined my cause, I revolted against the Empire, and joined the revolutionary army.

Now that my army had joined as well, the mountain could no longer serve as a base. Therefore, we abandoned the mountain, and marched to join forces with the main revolutionary army. As expected, the Empire sent their troops against us, but they were just inexperienced, conscripted soldiers. We made quick work of them and kept marching on. And there was where my biggest miscalculation was...*

*Esdeath marched her army from a great distance away, to intercept us.*

Najenda: Esdeath marched her troops all the way here... ? That's impossible !

Esdeath: It's my treat to you. Charge right into them. I will fight the Teigu users.

Najenda: 'Not good... We can't face Esdeath unprepared...'

Soldier: It was a miscalculation, but the enemies are few. As long as we both have our Teigu, we can stand up to them !

Najenda: ... ... PUMPKIINNN !!


Najenda: 'Tch... I need to shoot them all down...'

Najenda: GAH... !!

Esdeath: To think that you would betray the Empire... I'm disappointed, Najenda. I won't let you die easily. I will tear you apart limb by limb.

Najenda: When did she... ! Gah...

Esdeath: I've always held you in high regards... As a commander.

Esdeath: Hm... Reinforcements... The main revolutionary army... ! I didn't think they'd be here already. My army is exhausted from extended marching. Another consecutive battle would be difficult... We'll save the fun for later. We're retreating !

*And thus, I lost a significant number of troops... I sustained like-threatening injuries as well, and was on the border of life and death*

Najenda: The difference in our abilities was shown painfully clearly to me... It's also possible that she didn't finish me off so that she could enjoy more wars to come...

Tatsumi: ... Boss...

Najenda: But either way, I'm alive, and i'm still here. In the end, I will be the victor... And purge this trauma.

"... You too, huh... ? But first, Borick must be assassinated..."

Kurome: ... 'What should I do... ? i'm still not healed.'

Wave: It's alright. I'll work hard to make up for last time.

Kurome: Wave...

Esdeath: I wasn't just on bring bodyguard duty this whole time... Night Raid... I've prepared the Teigu's trump card. Hurry and come... ! You're all in for a treat... !

Susanoo: ... Alright. We're through.
Leone: We can finally make our move.

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