Chapter 24: Three-pronged

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Borick: General, please continue to guard me for just two more weeks.

Esdeath: Two weeks, huh... The anniversary of the founding of the religious organization... There's also a big festival that day.

Borick: yes. The preparations are finally complete. The great lord will die, and become an actual god in heaven. And with the believers that I've gathered... I will announce, that I have become the new Lord.

Ran: ... It's my loss.

Borick: Hah hah hah ! You show promise, but there's too much difference in experience.

Esdeath: Letting him struggle, and then leaving him drunk on the triumphant feeling of a comeback. I appreciate you entertaining with Shogi.

Ran: A small task like that is nothing.

Esdeath: Najenda must realize that her time limit is approaching as well. They'll be here soon. We'll strengthen the security.

Your POV:

Susanoo: This is my best of the best. Are you ready... All of you ?

Susanoo: For Najenda, salt-flavored ramen, with slightly harder noodles. I have utter confidence in it's chicken flavor and the zesty salt !

Susanoo: For Mine, strawberry parfait. There's a secret ingredient in it as well !

Susanoo: For Lubbock, Bokkai shrimp, fresh from the water !

Susanoo: For Leone, Oden and chilled alcohol, a very expensive local product !

Susanoo: For Tao, a mountain of sticky rice and various grilled fishes with it, seasoned with the juice.


Susanoo: For Akame, an assortment of meats. It's cooked with my ultra-secret sauce !

Susanoo: Tatsumi said anything was fine, so a special Susanoo lunch-set.

Tatsumi: ... Isn't this a kid's meal... ?

Najenda: Well, now that we've gotten our favorites from Susanoo, let's eat well, be on high spirits, and...


Najenda: ... And you all started eating before I even began to speak, huh. Good to sea you all in high spirits already.

Mine: Hmm ! So sweet ! It's so good ! Hey Tatsumi, do you want to try some of-

Leone: Taooo ! If your sis' cup is empty, what are you supposed to do ?

"... Make sure she's not completely wasted for the job ?"

Leone: ... ... ...

"Fine, fine, I'll fill it up."

Leone: Goood, good ! Good job, Taooo !

Tatsumi: ... What was that, Mine ?

Mine: Hmph. Nothing.

Akame: Your cooking is amazing as always, Suu !

Lubbock: Whoa ?! Done already ?!

Tatsumi: Yeah, I don't know what we'd do without you.

Susanoo: I'm happy to hear you say that. But Tao, don't just leave a single grain of rice ! It's extremely bothersome !

"It'd be perfect if he wasn't so nit-picky..."

Najenda: The tunnel to the cathedral is complete. We will finally commence the Borick assassination mission.

Tatsumi: So we're going to target him at the cathedral and not his mansion, huh.

"We've heard reports that Borick's mansion has been riddled with traps. It's better not to target him on his home turd, don't you think ?"

Lubbock: Looking at the rough layout of the cathedral, there seem to be a lot of decorations and objects there, too. It's a great setup for us assassins, since we can hide ourselves easily.

Akame: According to an insider's information, the target offers a night prayer once every month... It'll be the day after tomorrow. It matches the intel from our spies as well, so we make our move that night.

Tatsumi: Is he really praying ?

Lubbock: It's just an act to gain popularity. I bet he's playing around with women every day.

Mine: But boss, don't you think they've already anticipated an attack from underground ?

Tatsumi: What ? Seriously ?!

Susanoo: Objectively speaking, they must already consider it to be a possibility.

Najenda: of course. But that's why we'll split into two teams. First, a diversion team from underground. They will charge head on, creating a great commotion and attracting the attention of our enemy. Susanoo, Leone, Tatsumi and I will be this team.

Leone: Since it's a team that needs to be defensive, all the members have great defense or a high recovery rate.

Najenda: The Jaegers will most likely respond to the attack, but don't take them head on. We'll lead them on a rabbit chase and focus on surviving. And shortly following the initial attack, the rest of the members will use the air manta to infiltrate the cathedral from the sky, and assassinate Borick in the midst of the chaos !

Tatsumi: Air manta ?! That thing we rode when we were in the woods ?!

Najenda: I asked the headquarter to send it our way. It would arrive as soon as tonight.

Tatsumi: I don't get to ride it... ?

Najenda: Akame, Mine, Lubbock, Tao. I'm counting on you !

Mine: Roger ! Our only target is Borick, right ?

Najenda: Yeah. We'll go in with a specific goal. If our goal is to assassinate Borick and not eliminate Esdeath, we can complete that objective even with our limited forces.

"If that's the case, how much of their forces we've whittled down until now will play a huge role."

Tatsumi: yeah. We'll have much fewer enemies to worry about.

Najenda: Protecting a target isn't Esdeath's strong point, because her forte is attacking.

Leone: She might leave an opening.

Akame: Borick... Will be eliminated.

Tatsumi: Is that... A reproduction of a boat ? Akame, I didn't know you could make stuff like this.

Akame: A comrade taught me.

Leone: You didn't know ? Well, she did usually make them in her room.

Tatsumi: I'd be fun to go on a trip on a ship like this.

Leone: Yeah, I'd like to see what it's like outside the Empire.

"It's a lot of the same, honestly. But it would be nice to go together."

Akame: Yeah. Once the country is at peace, let's go with everyone.

Mine: Hey. The boss is still in there, but there's room in the bath now.

Leone: Oh ? Then let's go in. Akame, wash my back !

Akame: Yep.

Leone: Wanna come with, Tao~ ?

"... ... I mean, if you're asking..."

Leone: Hahah, just kidding. You've grown accustomed to the teasing, haven't you ?

"... Whatever. I've got better things to do, so have fun, I guess."

Tatsumi: ... Geez, she's always like that...

Mine: Well, you say that, but you're not exactly insensitive to that.

Tatsumi: Shu- Shut up...

Mine: ... ... Hey, Tatsumi. I have something important to talk to you about after this mission. Will you listen ?

Tatsumi: ... Now you've made me curious... Can't you tell me now ?

Mine: Nooope. 'This is fine. The boss and I think in opposite ways. I want to make my will to live stronger, even if it's just by a tiny bit. To think that I'd start having feelings for him because he saved me... I'm so simple...'

"Keep him shut. Now's not the time."

Lubbock: Gaaaaaah, let me go, Suu ! Let me smash that stupid lovey dovey atmosphere ! I'm so jealous ! Besides, wasn't that line a complete rip-off from me ?!

Susanoo: Everyone's calm and focused...

Lubbock: Graaaahh !!

Susanoo: We're in optimal condition for the infiltration. All that's left now is, to give it everything we have !

*First, the diversion team will charge in from underground, use Incursio's invisibility to defeat the guard patrols, and head for the courtyard in the middle of the cathedral without being noticed. If you're seen outside, you'll run into a mass of guards and followers. Once you've entered the courtyard, Esdeath and Borick will be in the building right in front of you. Create a big commotion, and drag Esdeath out !*

Soldier: It... It's an emergency ! Bandits have appeared in the courtyard out of nowhere... !

Esdeath: I knew you'd choose tonight, Night Raid. Just as planned.

Borick: Co- Courtyard ?! They're right outside !!

Esdeath: Kurome, don't leave Borick's side.

Kurome: Roger !

Borick: Ge... General !! Please protect me yourself !!

Esdeath: Hold your head up, and act high and mighty like you always do ! How pathetic. I won't leave the cathedral no matter how much you worry.

Borick: Owch ?!

Esdeath: 'No matter how much commotion you cause, it's your loss if you can't assassinate Borick. Now... Come !'

Lubbock: Alright ! We'll charge in through the roof of the cathedral ! Mine, once we're almost there, use Pumpkin to blast a good-sized hole !

Mine: I know ! I'm ready to go !

Lubbock: But Pumpkin sure is a tough Teigu, it was fine even after going through an explosion.

Mine: That's true, but that was nothing compared to what it went through while the boss was using it.

Lubbock: It won't recoil or anything, right ?

Mine: No way. Leave it to me, you wimp. Besides, I'm a genius sniper.

Akame: What ?!

Ran: As expected, a second team from the skies. Looks like we had the better strategy this time. But knowing that I was here, and still attacking from the sky, my territory, was "Poor strategy". This is a textbook example.


Wave: So you're here, Night Raid. Revenge for Bols, Seryu, and Koro... And for Kurome's injury... I'll settle them all here !

Najenda: She's not coming out eve after we've made this much of a commotion...

Susanoo: Could she have fled ?

Leone: No, she's still here. I feel a repulsive, murderous aura coming from the cathedral... It's definitely Esdeath. She's eager to hunt us down.

Susanoo: It's almost time for Akame's group aerial assault, Najenda.

Najenda: 'For the assassination to be successful, we have to attract Esdeath's group's attention. There's no other choice !' Change of plans ! We'll charge into the cathedral instead !

Tatsumi: Roger !

Najenda: Susanoo ! Is the trump card ready ?

Susanoo: Yeah. It'll activate as soon as you say the keyword.

Najenda: 'We'll be in the greatest danger right after the assassination is complete. Esdeath will no longer have anyone to guard, and will be able to focus her complete attention on attacking us. If that's the case, the bast timing for the Magatama Manifestation is... Right after the assassination of Borick ! I'll use it to keep everyone alive after the mission !'

Esdeath: Long time no see, Najenda.

Najenda: Esdeath...

Borick: 'So that's Night Raid... Oho. That blondie, how seductive...'

Esdeath: You went through all the trouble of coming here, so I'll treat you with my Teigu. And let's catch up afterwards, in the torture chamber.

Najenda: I'll pass. I don't really wanna talk to you.

Esdeath: You're so cold. I even prepared a Trump card for you.

Najenda: ... I thought that your Teigu, Demon Extract, had no such thing as a Trump card.

Esdeath: That's right. That's why I invented it on my own. Isn't it amazing ?

Susanoo: ... Did she just want to brag ? A trump card isn't something you invent on your own, is it ?

Najenda: That's just like Esdeath, breaking limits.

Esdeath: But then again, it's a technique that uses a significant amount of energy, so I won't use it unless I have to. I look forward to the fight that forces me to use it.

Najenda: '... Akame's group still isn't here... Then we'll go on the offensive, and divert Esdeath's attention'

Esdeath: Kurome, focus on guarding him. We never know where their other members will strike from.

Kurome: Roger. 'If it's my sister, she'll definitely do something.'

Esdeath: I found some interesting specimens. I'll capture you all, and there are many things I want to ask you.

Najenda: Uh- GUH !

Esdeath: Freeze...

Esdeath: Capture complete.

Borick: Ha... Haha... Hahaha ! As expected from General Esdeath ! You defeated every last one of them ! You rebels have no business trying to kill me !! You fools ! Scum ! How pathetic ! You-


Esdeath: What ?!

Borick: Ack... Urk...

"Some say... That it's in the brink of victory that people lower their guard... But the truth is, it's once they already won, that they become vulnerable."

Kurome: 'From behind... I didn't sense anything... !'

"The bait, then the distraction... Your assessments were correct, but this was a three-pronged attack from the beginning. Now, the snow and ice... Shall we dance ?"

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