Chapter 26: Wild Dogs

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Shura: Hey, you !! Since you're going to be executed anyway, how about this ? Why don't we play a game ? See these five over there ? If you defeat them all, you will be acquitted and given prize money ! And of course, you're more than welcome to attack all at once !

Convicts: ... He... Hey... Of course we'll do it, right ? If we don't, we'll be killed anyway.

Shura: Oh ? Looks like they'll do this. This was a great idea. Making the death row criminals fight by using acquittal as bait.

Honest: It's a common technique in training assassins. Nothing beats hands-on experience.


???: Well then. As decided earlier in rock-paper-scissors, I'll be going first. Oh, my beloved Kousetsu... I will feed you now.

Shura: His name is Izou. He loves his sword more than anything else, and always makes blood rain.

Convicts: Ee... Eeek... He's a monster !!

???: Oh my. There's nowhere for you to escape. You poor things. At the very least, let me sing you a farewell song for your journey to heaven !

Shura: Her name is Cosmina. She is a singer who was convicted in a witch hunt in the western country.

Cosmina: Got them all !

???: What do you mean, "Got them all", you bitch ?! The hell are you doing, killing them all in one go ? What about my share ?!

Cosmina: Come on... I'll take care of you later~.

???: You're not good enough !

???: haah... What a bunch of useless guys... Hm ? This guy is still breathing.


???: Why won't you calm down ?! You should consider yourself lucky.


???: If you're going to die, then my way is the best.

???: Delicious !

Shura: her name is Dorothea. She's an alchemist with many modifications to her body. And that over there is Enshin. he's a pirate who was rampaging in the seas of the Southern islands.

Enshin: Ugh, I wanna kill someone, I feel restless.

Shura: And that fatass that's out of breath is Champ. He's a serial killer entertainer.

Champ: 'There aren't any kids here, so I don't have any motivation...'

Honest: I see... You've gathered a group of talented people with high potential... However, no matter how you look at it, they're all equipped with Teigu, aren't they... ?

Shura: I went through all the trouble of gathering Teigus scattered outside the Empire, the least you could do is let me use them.

Honest: Well, between you and them, I'm pretty sure every Teigu that wasn't destroyed is now back near the Capital.

Shura: besides, these guys all have world-class talents. They'll leave your Rakshasa demons or whatever in the dust.

Honest: Nufufu, what a cute provocation.

Shura: It's not a provocation. I can prove it to you, by killing that Seigi person who's been a problem to you, with our own powers.

Honest: ... Oh, that won't be necessary. Times like these, when the nation is in chaos, are the perfect opportunity to determine who is loyal and who is not. Any fools who oppose me, will be driven out of their positions and executed. Framing someone for a crime takes no effort at all... Nufufu.

Shura: 'He's rotten as always. It won't be easy surpassing Pops. Well, either way, it's playtime. All my toys are gathered.'

*Imperial Palace, council hall*

Honest: As you all should know, the revolutionary army has breached the EN gate without bloodshed. Do any of you have some ingenious plan to counter this threat ?

Ministers: Damn, surrendering without a fight again... All our commanders are spineless cowards ! What are our armies doing ? Stop wasting time putting down petty riots and send them to fight the revolutionary army !

Officer: Our armies have engaged them multiple times... However, the revolutionary army is full of experienced, former generals who are equipped with Teigu. Black Marlin... Extase... And even Scream... ! We don't stand a chance !

Minister: So most of the missing Teigu have been falling into the hands of the revolutionary army, thanks to that "Snow-cloaked death"... perhaps we've been underestimating them.

Honest: They're all panicking about this or that... So pathetic. I can't even eat in peace.

Shura: 'The reason Pops can be so calm in such a dire situation must be... The "Ultimate Teigu" that has been passed down through the Imperial Line...

???: Stop wavering, you fools. And you call yourselves rulers of the people ?

Ministers: Oh ! Great General Budo !!

Shura: 'And also because that geezer is here.'

Budo: if the revolutionary army reaches the Capital, my imperial guards and I will eliminate them. Do not fear.

Ministers: How reassuring. If the great General will fight for us, we can win ! There was no reason to fret in the first place.

Budo: ... A military officer is not to interfere with the government... I was born into a lineage of great Generals, every one of which has obeyed this rule. However, I cannot remain silent in a situation like this. You... After the revolutionary army is eradicated, I will need to eliminate the source of the Empire's instability itself. No matter who that may be.

Honest: Oooh, scary, scary. I don't know who you're talking about, but that person should prepare themselves.

Shura: 'Things are getting even more interesting. I came back at a great time !!'

Your POV:

*Night Raid had finally finished with their roundabout retreat, and returned to a hideout near the Capital.*

Najenda: Our spies are investigating the Capital for the latest information. Until we receive a report from them in a few days, don't leave the hideout.

"... No can do, i'm afraid. I have a few things in the Capital I have to attend."

Leone: Must be nice being a freelance assassin like you. All I can do is drink to recharge from this tiring trip.

"Pretty sure there's other stuff you can do..."

Leone: Make me something light to eat.

"Make it yourself. i'm not a maid, and I've got stuff to do."

Leone: ... ... I-

"You're not stuff."

Leone: ... Hm. Tao, did you get taller recently ?

"... Maybe... ?"

Leone: I... When I was being cut apart by Esdeath back at the cathedral... I was scared. It's kinda late, but can I... Return the favor to you ?

"... i'm suddenly very afraid at what you could mean, so I'll decline. I'm already running late after all."

Wave: 'Bol's family... They must come here every day...' Um... Are you having trouble with daily living ?

Wife: We received enough money from General Esdeath, as wages from working in the Jaegers.

Wave: When did the General do something like that... ?

Ran: She's the kind of person who gives the gold she receives from the Emperor straight to her soldiers. I'm sure there are other things she's taken care of that we have no knowledge about. 'A General that takes care of the families of those who died in action under her, would command a great amount of respect from her troops as well...'

Wife: We also have some savings from beforehand. I plan on raising my daughter well.

Wave: ... I see... Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you ever need anything. Oh, and one more thing. Please don't go near the Capital, no mater what. There's a crazy group that's causing chaos...

Citizen: Because of them, living in the Capital is worse than ever... well, because of the Revolution, the other parts of the Empire aren't exactly paradise, either...

Spy: By them, you mean... That newly-formed security organization... ?

Citizens: Hey ! they're coming ! Hurry and close the shop ! Hide all the boys and girls !

Citizen: You guys... Do not go outside, no matter what. They're the secret police, Wild Hunt... ! They do whatever they want using the title of the Prime Minister's son, and their cruelty knows no bounds.

Shura: They're all closed ? How boring. It's because you got too far with your investigations every time. They all got afraid.

Dorothea: I got bored, what as I supposed to do ? Besides, the whole point of me coming to the Capital was because I wanted to meet this scientist, Stylish !

Shura: My bad. I didn't think he'd be dead. It would've been so fun if we could have combined your alchemy and his science.

???: Wild Hunt ! How dare you kill our master and his family... ! We, the disciples of the Imperial Fist, will kill you, even if it means we are punished by law !

Izou: ... Kousetsu... It seems your mealtime has come.

Shura: they must be friends of the toy we broke the day before yesterday. Great, I like loyalty. You guys sit this one out. Here, I'll take you all on. Come at me.

Shura: HAHAHAHA !! Weak, weak !! i'm not even using my Teigu !! Come on !!

Enshin: Hey, hey. You're going to strip naked and crawl like the bitch you are. Your death will come after that.

Shura: Alright ! Your punishment is death by torture in public !


Wave: Ugh !!

Wave: Shit ! Them again... ?!

Shura: Yo. If it isn't the useless Jaegers. Since you were so slow, I went ahead and executed them in the name of the Empire.

Wave: Thi- This is too much ! A public execution like this is... !

Shura: I'm the son of the Prime Minister ! If you're going to go against me, I assume you have the guts to cross the prime Minster, right ?! Say something !

Wave: ... Ugh... I-

Ran: 'You can't just anger someone related to the prime Minister ! Please, you have to hold yourself back !' I apologize for the trouble, members of Wild Hunt.

Shura: ... You're not gonna lower your head ?

Wave: ... No... I apologize for my rudeness. Please forgive me. 'Damn it... is holding it in all that I can do... ?!'

Ran: I'll take care of the rest.

Shura: You're pretty good at getting on the good side of people. I'll let you off the hook.

Ran: ... Thank you for your kind words.

Spy: What is that... They're no different from bandits and criminals. How can everyone just put up with this ?

Citizen: What can we do ? If you cross them, you'll just get killed... So, it's better to wait it out and weather the storm. It's better than just being killed.

Spy: ... 'I've heard rumors... But I didn't think it would be this bad... ! We have to report this right away !'

Shura: Oho, what a surprise. The beautiful widow that never misses a cemetery visit. Just like the rumors said. Going to the outskirts like this every once in a while isn't so bad, huh ?

Wife: Uh, um... Can... I... Help you, sir ?

Shura: Yeah. I'm designated you as my new toy.

Enshin: You should feel honored. The son of the Prime Minister has laid his eyes upon you !

Daughter: S- Stop ! Don't pick on mommy !


Daughter: EEK !

Champ: Let's have our beautiful, romantic wedding, right on top of your Daddy's grave !

Shura: ... ... ... Hmm ?


Wife: Y... You're...

"On your side. That's all you need to know for now."

Enshin: ... Hey, isn't this one...

Shura: Snow-cloaked death, huh. The hell're you here for ?

"Just... Fulfilling someone's last request. And that include putting all of you dogs down."

Wife: You... You're the one who killed Bols, didn't you ?! Why are you doing that ?!

"I told you, that was Bols last will. Now, you can accept my help, or deal with these guys yourself. But if you agree to my help... Go down the road, you'll find a ride. It'll take you to the southern parts of the Empire where you'll be safe from these fuckers."

Wife: O... Okay...

Daughter: ... Mister Snow-cloaked...

"Little girl. Your father was a great man, and an even greater friend. Be proud of him."

Daughter: Y- Yes ! Thank you !

"... Now, to us. It's too bad I didn't take my Holy Eraser with me. i'll have to do what comes next with my own hands."

Shura: Heh... Hehehahaha !! You're funny ! I'll enjoy killing you slowly !!

"From snow-cloaked to blood-stained, the cold wind will keep on blowing... And blowing away any dirt that stains this Empire. Come at me !"

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