Chapter 27: Blood stains

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Leone: Tao ? Where the hell were you gone all this time ?

"Oh, just a few loose ends to tie, you know how it is. A little bit of fun."

Leone: ... W- Why are you covered in blood ?!

"Oh, that ? Don't worry, it's not mine."

Tatsumi: That makes us worry even more ! What did you do ?! What happened ?!

Shura: That... What the hell did he do... ?! What happened ?! ... You're fucking kidding me ! i'm gonna-

Honest: You're having too much fun and forgetting your real mission, Shura.

Shura: P- Pops !!

Honest: And on top of that, getting your entire team beaten half to death by a single enemy using his bare hands... How disgraceful. Just how low will you sink ?

Shura: Ugh... ! If only I knew how he did that...

Honest: That was something I'd like to know as well. After all, getting beaten down 6 against 1 by the Snow-cloaked death not even using their Teigu... I don't remember raising such a weakling son.

Shura: I have no idea... He yelled something, and then everything turned white until I woke up...

Honest: Hm. Well, one can learn many things by tasting defeat. Defeat Night Raid, take back what the Snow-cloaked has stolen, and redeem yourself.

Shura: ... ...


Shura: '... Damn it !! I even disappointed Pops !! That snow-cloaked death... I'll kill him as soon as I get the chance !!'

*Wild Hunt... Committed numerous atrocities for their enjoyment, but their primary goal was to be targeted by Night Raid. They believed that it would save them the time of looking for them. Night Raid received a flood of requests from citizens to assassinate Wild Hunt. The number of requests was the greatest Night Raid has ever seen, and was reflective of how truly brutal Wild Hunt was.

The group received a direct order from the revolutionary army as well. Their mission, to erase the villains that tyrannized the people, and if possible, take their Teigu. Night Raid moved into action immediately.*

Akame: The target is Wild Hunt, whose inhuman crimes know no bounds. We'll send them to their graves !!

Tatsumi: ... ... Hey, Tao went off on his own again...

Mine: That... He didn't even wash off the stains !

Kurome: Where are you going, Ran ? Let me guess... To Wild Hunt's station ?

Ran: Kurome...

Kurome: I think there's more to your story. That person who massacred all the school's children... Is a member of Wild Hunt, right ? And that's why you're going to Wild Hunt. To pick a fight in a way that's not "In plain sight".

Ran: So you deduced all that already. It must have been written all over my face.

Kurome: Wave probably hasn't realized it, though.

Ran: That's fine. he's more of a straight-forward type of person, so something like this wouldn't suit him.

Kurome: Yep. That's why I didn't tell him anything. But i'll help you. No matter how you look at it, what they're doing isn't helping the Empire in any way. And I'll never forgive them for killing innocent people on just a whim !

Ran: ... Thank you, Kurome. Well then, we don't usually work together like this, but i'm counting on you !
Kurome: Yeah !!

"Well... Mind if I cut in ?"

Kurome: Snow-cloaked ?!

"Careful with that. I'm not here to pick a fight. Well, not with you guys at least."

Kurome: You have some nerves showing yourself to us after killing Bols !!

Ran: Hold on, Kurome. It was you, wasn't it ? I heard the entirety of Wild hunt was beaten half to death a few days ago... It was you, wasn't it ? And it was the same moment Bols' family mysteriously vanished without a trace...

Kurome: Wait... It was you... ?

"... Bols' last will, was for his loved ones to be safe and sound. And I made sure of that. These wild dogs attack indiscriminately, so they had to be put down. Staining the snow red with filthy blood."

Ran: That explains the getup... Would that mean you're here to help ?

"Let's just say... We happen to have a common target this time."

Ran: ... ... ...

*Wild Hunt Headquarters*

Ran: Good evening. I'm here.

Cosmina: Oh ! Ran ! You came again ! Yaaay ! Will you play with Cosmina~ ?

Ran: If you're going to let me join Wild Hunt, of course I will...

Enshin: ... He's so desperate.

Ran: Where are the others ?

Cosmina: Well, they're not okay yet... We got into a fight with someone a while ago and got a bit hurt...

Ran: 'Right, all thanks to the snow-cloaked... So not only is Shura not here, but half of his subordinates aren't in shape either. This is turning out better than I imagined !' Mr. Champ. You see... ... ...

Champ: ... ... Seriously ?!

Ran: Yes.

Champ! A- Are we there yet ? Where's the shack full of super-cute children ?

Ran: We're almost there, Mr.Champ.

Champ: You really are good at getting on people's good sides. Not only did you bring bribes, now you even brought me some game.

Ran: Yes, because it's a chance for promotion.

Champ: Man... I wonder what kind of kids they are. After that whole fiasco at the cemetery, I really need to unwind. i'm really going to love them.

Ran: ... And after you love them... Why do you kill them all ?

Champ: Do you even have to ask ? It's so that the little angels will never grow up to be filthy adults ! Adults are worthless. they're all scum ! Angels should stay angels forever.

Champ: Hey ! What the hell is this ?! These are just some ruins ! There's not a single kid in here !

Ran: ... Do you remember, what you bragged about that one time you got drunk ?

Champ: Ah ?

Ran: That you massacred a whole group of children, in the town of Joyou.

Champ: Oh, yeeeah... There were so many of them. Just remembering it makes me so happy. Hey ! That doesn't have anything to do with this !!

Ran: Oh, but it does. I was those children's... Teacher !!


"Don't you know ? When you spill innocent blood, the only place awaiting you is hell."

Champ: Gh... Y- You again ?! Snow...

"Not anymore. Blame yourselves for that, you made the snow cloak blood-stained with your crimes. And now you're reaping what you've sown."

Champ: 'Shit... I don't have time to throw the Teigu orbs... !!'

Ran: I only had a few eyewitnesses. It took a long time, but I finally found you... This is probably nothing compared to the suffering that those children experienced, but...

Ran: Once applied to a wound, its internal compounds trigger immense pain... just like the General said. How appropriate for a precursor to your execution.

Champ: St... Stop !! Everyone will know that you're the one who killed me ! Are you okay with that ?!

"No need to worry. We'll just take the blame."

Ran: It took a very long time to gain the trust of you all. You killed countless people while I was trying to get into your group... But I will not allow this to pass any longer. I will erase you from the shadows, one by one. The last thing, is how to erase you.

"Well, that one's easy. When you prepare a fat, filthy pig like that, you first have to carve it, and draw out it's blood. Then, you make sure to keep every part that can be eaten... The eyes, the tongue, the ears, the feet...


Cosmina: That creepy scream ! Was it Champie ?!

Enshin: See ? I told you we should follow them. You should never trust guys like him.

Cosmina: or maybe you're just jealous ? Insecure men are unattractive, you know.

Enshin: Shut up. Anyway, we have to let Shura kno-

Kurome: if you already know what's going on, then I can't let you live.

Cosmina: She's... That girl from the Jaegers...

Enshin: So they're picking a fight with us as a team. Bring it. And they even chose a night with a full moon... When my Teigu is at its best.

*Moonlight sword dance: Shamshir. A curved blade Teigu capable of creating aerial blades. Its ability is affected by the Lunar cycle.*

Enshin: A woman's hand isn't meant to hold weapons. It's meant to serve me.

Cosmina: Everyooone~ ! Let's get Cosmina's concert starteeed ! Thank you for coming out to see me ! I hope you have a great time !!

*Great Tremor: Heavy pressure. A microphone Teigu. The voice emitted through it becomes ultra-sonic waves, and pulverizes the enemy.*

Ran: That noise... I didn't think I would be followed... I underestimated them.


Champ: I can... Finally... Fight... back... !! You two underestimated... My toughness !

*Ace solution: Die Leager. A six-orb Teigu. Each orb is imbued with an element that activates once thrown.*

Champ: Say something ! Ah ? Because of you, I remembered something that pisses me off. Back then, those angels wouldn't stop crying for you.

Champ: They just kept screaming, "Teacher ! Teacher !", what a turn-off. It ruined the entire experience. Now... Which orb should I use to kill you ? ... For the snow-cloaked death... Of course the flame orb ! EXECUTION BY INCINERATION !!

"... Incineration... You want to try burning the snow you stained in blood yourself ? Don't make me laugh !! Holy retriever... RETRIEVAL !!"


Champ: The... The hell ?!


"And finally, when you're done carving the pig... You cook and roast it, until only bones remain."

Ran: ... ... Finally... I was able to take revenge...

"... ... Don't push yourself. The wounds are severe, and you'll die if you don't get some help."

ran: No, not yet... There's still the rest...

"I wouldn't be so sure about that... You really thought I was here just alone ?"

Mine: Alright ! Go me ! And thanks for the backup !

Leone: Alright then, let's go join the others.

Enshin: Ugh... ! So... Strong...

Kurome: ... Big sis...

Mine: Who would have thought that we'd have the same target as the Jaegers ?

Kurome: ... We Jaegers will hunt down anyone who disturbs the peace ! No matter what that might be !!

Ran: 'We will hunt... Huh... You've changed so much since I met you, Kurome... That's why, you can't die here...

Mine: Kurome... You're also a target of the revolutionary army.

Akame: prepare yourself, Kurome.

Ran: Mastema... !!

Tatsumi: Another one ?!

Mine: Bastard !!

Mine: ... No... They're out of range. It felt like he used his last bit of energy to escape.

"That's because he did. His wounds were already severe, and now he pushed himself too far. It's only a question of minutes until he reaches his end."

Tatsumi: Where were you all this time ?

"Busy with a pig pretending to be a dog. With that, half of Wild Hunt have already been taken out, as well as one of the Jaegers. Quite the haul."

Lubbock: Yeah, all that's left it recover the Teigus left here. I kept an eye out for any witnesses, but no one saw us. So let's just get out of here before we attract the attention of others as well.

Leone: we'll get the rest of Wild Hunt next time.

Akame: ... ... 'Kurome'...

Ran: Ugh...

Kurome: Ran !! '... he's done for...'

Ran: ... This must be divine retribution... For prolonging his suffering instead of just killing him... To think, teaming up with the death would cost so much... It looks like this is it...

Kurome: No ! If you die, Wave will be sad ! And I will be too... !

Ran: please tell Wave... To always be his kind self... And to keep moving forward...

Kurome: Ran...

Kurome: We'll always be together... With Yatsufusa, we can make that happen.

Ran: 'Kuro... Me... Your psyche was warped... To this extent ? This is why, the Empire that raised such a miserable girl... please... Whether snow-cloaked or blood-stained... Make... It... Change...'

Kurome: This is how it should be. We Jaegers are a team. I don't want to say goodbye, just when we finally started getting close. Don't you think so too, Ran ?

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