Chapter 29: Hatred

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... ... Urk... That old man, he still packs as much of a punch as I remember... Body, status report..."

Body: Hhqjdkfshjgzcsgjdhjfzjdhzdvbzhv...

"Thank you, body... What about Lubbock... Doesn't seem like they brought him in the same cell as me..."

Suzuka: Oh. Looks like he's come to. This will make things quick.

"Huh... Fan-fucking-tastic, you guys again... This'll probably be stupid, but what are you even here for ?"

Dorothea: Guess that shock did mess up your brain quite a bit. It's either to interrogate you or to make you our plaything, isn't that obvious ?

Suzuka: Which means these two ladies here will disgrace the prisoner boy to their heart's content.

"... Could I get the torture room instead... I feel like I'd be safer there- HMMGF ?!"

Suzuka: better cover your mouth before you use it for something stupid. Fufu~. Admiring isn't really my hobby, but...

Dorothea: I almost completely didn't have sexual desires, but something about your blood got me all heated up... You look like you'd cry with such a sweet voice~.

Suzuka: Thanks for the fea-

'I'm saved ! I'm saved !!'

Esdeath: Next time... Tell all your guys to never lay a finger on Tao again.

'... I'm screwed ! I'm screwed !!'

Dorothea: ... Understood... I- I was just playing around. I don't feel like getting into a fight... 'Even in the kingdom I lived, there wasn't anyone with such an intent to fight. What a fearsome woman !'

"... ... Esdeath... With how things turned out, don't expect a thank you."

Esdeath: ... I've got a bunch of things I'd like to say and hear, but... As soon as I see your face up close, I feel like they all don't matter anymore ! Tao... I wanted to meet you sooo much... !

"'Why am I only attracting nutcases ?! What is wrong with me ?!' Get off me ! In what language do I need to tell you, I'll never join you !"

Esdeath: We can leave that talk for later. Just forget about the past, or if we're friends or foes for now. For now... You just...

"I said... GET LOST !!"

Esdeath: Urk... ?! 'I... Why did I move away... ? What happened... ?'

"I could never join you... And I will not forgive you either... It's this country that I love, and for someone like you who's hurting it, I have nothing but hatred !!"

Esdeath: ... ... ...

Shura: C'mon, c'mon ! You should just spill the beans already !! My specialty is killing people little by little by hitting 'em !!

Lubbock: Gahah !!

Shura: C'mon. Spill everything. Night Raid's hideout and who their members are ! And their Teigu's trump cards !

Lubbock: I don't... Know... Anything...

Shura: ... How admirable... You're so obstinate even though you're in this kind of desperate situation... That's very manly of you... But if I were to crush one of your balls, would that manliness side become more obedient ? Alright ! Here we go...

Lubbock: 'Everyone... Tao... Najenda...'

Shura: Ah... i'm tired of this guy. Hey, bring the water !


Lubbock: *Cough cough*

Shura: For fuck's sake. What a stubborn guy. I already told you that if you told me where Night Raid's hideout is, I could spare you. I could even make you my protege. And i'm sure you could manage with just one ball.

Lubbock: ... As if I'd tell you... Even for that much... !

Shura: ... But it sure is unfair. Tao, was it ? i'm sure he receiving a lot of love from Esdeath right now.

Lubbock: Wha ?!

Shura: That's how it was decided. We had two prisoners, and for pushing back the western tribes, Esdeath gets one as a prize. That's why we're focusing all the torture on you. Did you also know that the reason you were captured was because we were after the Snow-cloaked death ? You got mixed up in all this.

Shura: But you're the only one who's having it bad. You've got no reason to be obstinate, do you ?

Lubbock: ... ... ...

Shura: You seem smart, so I think you understand... I really think it's better for you to speak, before your eye gets a hole on it. Well, you can think about it as much as you need tonight. I'll come back tomorrow, and we'll keep going on hurting you for eternity as long as you don't speak. Today was just the first level.

Izou: How is the torture going ?

Shura: i'm sure he'll break soon. He got the eyes of a loser halfway through. He's the same as everyone else we got. As soon as we get to know Night Raid's hideout, we'll surround them with a large army !

Guard: ... man, this guy has no balls. can't even stop shaking in fear. Tch, and here I thought I'd get to try out some new torture techniques I learned from Lady Esdeath, but he's about to break already. It's the beginning of the end for Night Raid.

Shura: How was that, pops ?! I captured two Night Raid members, including the Snow-cloaked death !

Honest: well done. Especially with the latter, you're finally starting to make me feel you might be worthy of being my son.

Shura: By the way, about Esdeath... I saw her alone with Tao up in the mountains once.

Honest: And ?

Shura: isn't that proof that she's a traitor ? Let me bring the rest of the Jaegers into Wild Hunt so I can keep an eye on them. 'if I can do that, I can kill that Wave scum anytime I want ! And I'll turn Kurome into my toy, too.'

Honest: ... ... ... *Sigh*.

Shura: What're you sighing for ?

Honest: If she wanted to betray is, she'd be happily leading the revolutionary army right now. You're the one who should be concerned about your reputation, Shura. Do you know what this is ?

Shura: Ahn ?

Honest: A young man named Ran from the Jaegers did some investigating and found out that the person responsible for releasing the humanoid danger beast near the Empire's Capital was you, a friend of Dr.Stylish. And this is his undisputable proof.

Shura: WHAT ?! 'Ran !! That bastard ! He wasn't just trying to get on our good side... !'

Honest: These documents were a gift from General Esdeath. It would have been terrible if Budo had found out.

Shura: Ugh !

Honest: As requested by General Esdeath, Wild Hunt is hereby disbanded. I couldn't care less if you stir up a bit or two of trouble, but having your deeds uncovered so easily is pathetic. I hate people who are useless, Shura.


Honest: And that's why I'm protecting you from being punished as a criminal. Stay quiet for a while, Shura.

Shura: Ugh... Damn it !!

Dorothea: ... You're a surprisingly harsh father.

Honest: It's just tough love. I can't have him grow up to be useless. However, I do have to praise him for bringing a rare alchemist like you to me.

Dorothea: yes, you have my thanks as well for all the aid you've given me. That sample is especially wonderful ! Even if Stylish isn't alive, I can still research and use his techniques for myself.

Honest: Now, I hope that you can grant my request as well.

Dorothea: Please, leave it to me.

Shura: 'No, I can still make it up ! I can still invoke the authority of Wild Hunt for the rest of today. I'll make him spit out where Night Raid's hideout is and capture all of them. Even Pops won't be able to complain then ! If he doesn't talk, I'll have to resort to my final plan. Turn the Capital into an ocean of Fire, and draw Night Raid out ! Once they come out to rescue these two, I'll finish them off ! And if anyone gets in my way, I'll just teleport them into the middle of an active volcano with my Shambhala !'

Shura: HOW DO YOU FEEL LIKE SPITTING OUT THE LOCATION OF NIGHT RAID4S HIDEOUT ?! DON'T YOU HATE THAT BASTARD TAO ?! Stay alive so you can say something to him !! If you refuse or try to hide it from me, I'll take an eye from you. And then I'll cut your nose and ears off, and then I'll take your fingers ! It'd be better for you if you started talking sooner, don't you think ?

Lubbock: ... I GOT IT ! STOP ! ... Please, stop... I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything, so please...

Shura: Haha ! Looks like crushing one of your balls really did the trick ! Now you're talking !

Guard: He hasn't stopped shaking since last night, either.

Shura: Alright then, spit it all out. And don't leave out anything !

Lubbock: ... Tao's Teigu is the Holy retriever... It takes away other Teigus and his trump card lets him use them...

Shura: we already know that ! he's already captured, so I don't care about him. Tell me about Murasame, what's it trump card ?

Lubbock: It has one... but it doesn't.

Shura: Hah ?! What the hell's that supposed to mean ? You trying to be funny ?

Lubbock: I'm serious. It has one, but Akame can't use it right now... Supposedly. So I've never seen its trump card.

Shura: Tch. Useless. Fine, tell me about the hideout.

Lubbock: bring me a map of the area around the Empire Capital... I'll point it out, so please let me down...

Shura: Hey, bring me one. If you lie to me, I'll cut you up little by little, starting from your feet.

Lubbock: Uuuuugh... Agh... Come to think of it, there is something else. there's another Teigu user... With a trump card they can use.

Shura: Oh ? What is it ? ... Ah ? I can't hear you, idiot.

Shura: Huh ?

Lubbock: I keep strings in my mouth, too. You actually fell for my coward act. We of Night raid stand together, no matter what stands in our way ! We'd never resent one of our comrades ! 'If I just think of Miss Najenda, I can withstand any pain.'

Shura: ... 'Wa... Wait. You're kidding me. i'm gonna surpass pops, and take the title of Emperor for myself ! How... Can I... !!'

Guards: You... ! You... How dare you do such a thing to Prime Minister Honest's son !! Escaped prisoner !!

Lubbock: 'No, this is where it all begins ! i'm going to get out of here alive !

Lubbock: Alright... !

Lubbock: Wait, i'm still inside the palace ?! I don't care where ! Just get me outta here !!

*... ... ... ...*

Lubbock: Fuck ! I can't use it twice in a row ?!

"Forget that ! We need to force our way out of here !"

Lubbock: Tao ?! I thought you were... nevermind !

Guards: There's the rebels ! This way ! They're dangerous criminals who already broke out !

"Maggots like these keeps popping up... Let's hit the dash before Esdeath shows up after me again !"

Lubbock: Can you believe they tried convincing me you were enjoying your time with her ?

"These morons ! Let's go !"

Izou: Kousetsu, your meal time has come...

Lubbock: I can't just fake my death this time... GUOOOOOOOOOHH !!

Izou: ... Hm ?

Lubbock: This is a precious Teigu. You don't want to destroy it, right ?

Izou: I live for Kousetsu, and nothing else. Teigu are of no interest to me whatsoever.


Esdeath: Running away again... I told you, I will never let you escape again !

Lubbock: 'Fuck... is this the end for me... Miss... Najenda... A coward like me... Didn't crack, even after... I had a ball crushed... I... I did well, right... ?

"L... Lubbock..."

Lubbock: Tch, just watch. I'll make her fall for me someday.

"Yeah, keep on dreaming pal. If that ever happens, I'll be the first one to cry."

Izou: Your determination to live until the very end... You have earned my respect. Well, even if any of you had somehow made it past me, all that waited for you in this palace, was certain death.

Budo: ... Blood has been spilled in his majesty's palace... I must go make my amends.

Honest: ... Shura... Is... De- De- De- De-... Dead... ?

Dorothea: Yes. He was too eager...

Honest: I... I had... I had such great expectations for Shura... ! No, noo... Nooo... MY WORRISOME, FOOLISH SON ! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH !!

Honest: ... Oh, well. i'll make another son from scratch. I must take care not to give birth to another failure. Extreme care must be taken in choosing the birth mother this time, kufufufu...

Dorothea: 'He can reach closure that quickly and decisively... ? What an Empire.'

"... ... ... ..."

Esdeath: ... You really are stubborn. I can't believe you're refusing to eat. This is my specialty, won't you try it ?

"... ..."

Esdeath: It turned out especially well. it's a shame...

"... I've been taught to not hold grudges... To not let my emotions cloud my judgement, or interfere with what I must do. I have no hatred for the ones following orders, regardless of how... Enthusiastically they carry out these orders."

Esdeath: 'It's what he told me the very first time... Yet that he came to hate me took me off-guard... If the only thing surpassing this hatred is his love for this country, all that means is that I have to make him love me the same way... For that, I must make him my subordinate.' Tao. I'm telling you again, if you join me, all your past charges will be erased. You'll be released from here immediately. I've already made the arrangements. But if you refuse, you'll be treated as a great criminal and face public execution. Do you not understand ?

"No, you do not understand. There isn't a world where we both can be happy, I told you that didn't I ? And joining the Empire to save my own life, do you really think so low of me ?!"

Esdeath: Don't think of it as joining the Empire, but as becoming mine ! Tonight's your last chance !

"Even better. If in my last breath I can both spit on this Empire's face and use my last moment to spite you, it's all the better !"

Esdeath: Tao... !

Esdeath: ... It's already dawn...

"You can try all you want, my answer will not change. I've decided years ago on the path I was going to follow... And it involved a gap between us as wide as between heaven and earth."

Esdeath: ... I see. If you will never be mine, I'll at least give you death by my own hands. I won't let anyone else touch you. Tao of Night Raid, Snow-cloaked death... You will die.

*Night Raid: Six members remaining.*

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