Chapter 30: Execution grounds

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

*Against the soldiers united and trained for the common cause of overthrowing the rotten Empire, the lackluster Imperial army was helpless. The people who were oppressed by the Empire joyfully welcomed the arrival of the great Lord who aimed to end the dark ages, and gladly offered material goods to aid the cause. Most strongholds surrendered without a battle, even those which were not involved in a premeditated collusion with the Empire. Because if a battle broke out, the citizens would revolt violently. And thus, the revolutionary army's invasion proceeded at an astounding pace. Once they pass through the stronghold of Shisuikan, they will finally arrive at the Capital. However...*

*Shisuikan had become an impregnable fortress because Budo's Imperial guards were stationed there. The revolutionary army's invasion had come to an abrupt halt.*

Budo: Continue fortifying the defenses. If they come out on the offensive, everything will go according to plan. Once the invasion of the Western tribes is repelled, the elite soldiers that have been deployed there will return to the Capital, AND THAT WILL BE THE END OF THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY ! YOUR REWARDS WILL BE GREAT !! PUT YOUR LIVES ON THE LINE !!

Soldiers: YES, SIR !! GENERAL !! GENERAL !!

Emperor: Budo's been going to Shisuikan every now and then recently.

Honest: he is just making sure to prevent our merrily waltzing enemies from getting any closer. Please do not worry.

Emperor: Prevent ? Can we not simply reinforce our soldiers and crush them ?

Honest: The momentum is with the enemy at the moment. Clashing into them head on is not in our best interest. Furthermore, if we reinforce Shisuikan with even more imperial guards, the palace security will be dangerously thin.

Emperor: I see...

Honest: Fufufuh. Please do not worry, your majesty. The great general and General Esdeath have greatly influenced the people here. The revolutionary army hope to stir up another insurrection here with their rapid invasion pace, but that didn't go as they planned.

Honest: 'My impeccable timing in calling Esdeath back gave us the strategic upper hand. If she had been able to completely eradicate the Western tribe, we could have had her entire army back, but without her three brute warriors, that's an unrealistic expectation.' And with this next move, we'll further chip away at the Revolution's morale.

Spy: Wh... What... ? Public execution of the insurgent, the Snow-cloaked death... ?!

Spy: And the destruction of the Holy retriever, the symbol of the revolution... ? This is a trap to draw out the rest of Night Raid, no matter how you look at it !

Spy: Yes... And a rescue is absolutely impossible ! 'Because accordingly to the public notice, the executioners are... Esdeath and Budo !! The worst, invincible pair ! i'm sure this info reached Night Raid too, but don't come... ! This is certain death !

Your POV:

*The day of the Execution*

"... ... ..."

Budo: We even used the Teigu as bait, but will Night Raid really come to the rescue ?

Esdeath: Considering how naive Najenda is, it's very possible.

Budo: Do you not think that there's a greater chance of the palace being infiltrated, using this as a distraction ?

Esdeath: That's why the subordinates are back at the palace, isn't it ? Just be patient and sit still for a little while. The purpose of this spectacle is to show just how much of a threat you and I are. Or so they say.

Budo: Sounds like something the Prime Minister would think.

"... ... is this really what you wish for ?"

Budo: Hm ?

"Out there, behind the walls of the Palace... This entire country is in shambles, the blood of the people staining the ground as it's being spilled by the very Minister you serve... You know that, don't you ? That the Emperor is but a puppet in his hands...

Budo: ... My family has served to protect the Empire for generations. It is our duty to protect his majesty and the Empire.

"... An Empire is defined by its people, not its ruler... By siding with the latter against the former, you already broke that oath."

Budo: Say what you want. The current top priority is to eradicate the revolution that threatens the Empire. Afterward, the Prime Minister that brought about this situation in the first place will be dealt with accordingly.

Esdeath: '... Well, when that happens, your opponent will be me. I look forward to it.' Well then, it's almost time to begin. But I will be the one to kill Tao. I will be taking the corpse as well.

Budo: We've already agreed on this, do as you wish.

Esdeath: Alright. I've learned much about the human body from all the torturing I've done. I know exactly where to stab you if I want to kill you. I have high expectations for how long you can stay alive, Tao.

"Is that so... Laughing and smiling at that sorry excuse of a spectacle, all of them... So they want to be entertained ? They want to see me scream and wail, huh... And you really expect me to give you that satisfaction ?"

Esdeath: Huh ?

"i will not beg... I will not scream... In fact, I will not even give you the satisfaction of making things your way ! I LIVE AND DIE, SOLELY BY MY OWN TERMS ! SO JUST YOU WAIT, ALL OF YOU ! COUNT THE DAYS, UNTIL THIS ROTTEN APPLE OF AN EMPIRE FINALLY FALLS AND GETS TRAMPLED ON ! I BID YOU ALL FAREWELL !!"


Esdeath: Wh- What ?!

"*Ptu*. I told you, didn't I ? be it life or death... the record show, I took the blows ! And did it... My way !"

Esdeath: You... You bit off your own tongue ?!

"Not giving you the satisfaction of killing me yourself ! Down to my last moment, i'm telling you to fuck off !!"

Esdeath: is it Najenda ?!

Budo: So they actually came...

"... Out of everyone, I was expecting you to rush head-first... You haven't changed one bit, have you, Tatsumi ?"

Tatsumi: is this how you thank us for going out of our way for you ? Sorry, but this isn't the day for you to go yet.

Budo: You're another member of Night Raid, Tatsumi. Did you come here alone ?

Tatsumi: Alone ? And what if I did, what if I didn't ?

Budo: ... Akame isn't here, but... We can expect her to arrive at any moment.

Esdeath: I know. Something like that has happened before

Budo: All insurrectionists... Will be executed. Adramelech !

Tatsumi: Or, right, I seem to remember now... Right, I didn't come here alone after all.

Mine: Pumpkin !!

Budo: What ?! What is this power ?!


Crowd: ... ... H... How can a gun be so powerful... the great general... IF WE STAY HERE, WE'RE DONE FOR ! RUN !! THIS IS SERIOUS !!

Soldiers: LADY ESDEATH !!

Esdeath: I don't need help ! Evacuate the crowd !

Mine: How nice... Now we can fight without holding back. With no risks of civilians or even the target being at danger.

Esdeath: What ?

"... I'll ask it again, why do I attract the weird ones ?"

Leone: Hey, Esdeath ! I called dibs on Tao waaay before you did, so no way i'm handing him to you now !

"Stop provoking her ! And could you give me my Teigu back, I've got a tongue to re-attach."

Tatsumi: Leave that to me ! Ngh- !

"... Tatsumi ?"

Tatsumi: 'What's that... Thorns ? Did they wrap thorns around the handle ?'

"Just give me that. I already burned through my Incursio ammo, but... Release of the Lost arms, PERFECTOR !!"


"Hm... Shody work at best, but it'll do. At lest I won't bleed out now."

Esdeath: You don't have to hide it anymore... Come at me, with everything you have, Tao. And I will answer in return. And if... You can live through it, then that can only be destiny !

"You truly never listen to what you're told, do you ?"

Esdeath: 'i was going to wound him but intentionally miss the vital spots, and leave him on the brink of death so I could take him away, but... To think he would choose death himself rather than that... This will be much, much more entertaining !'

"... Tatsumi. This isn't the time to hold back anymore. Against these two, anything less than that will mean death."

Tatsumi: Yeah... I guess you're right.

Tatsumi: 'Incursio, your body is still alive, isn't it ? I don't care how agonizing it'll be, or how much pain I'll feel. Give me all the strength you can possibly give... !! Give it to me ! THE POWER TO OBLITERATE THIS EMPIRE, THIS INJUSTICE ! GIVE ME... EVERYTHING !!'

"This is... different... Did Incursio manage to evolve ?"


Esdeath: This power... !

Tatsumi: Now ! Go for it !

Mine: I know !!

"Holy retriever... RETRIEVA- !"

Esdeath: ... Akame isn't the only one I have to be wary about, it seems. A graze from this and I lose my Teigu... This has been fun... But this is checkmate.

Esdeath: What... Incursio... It must have evolved to resist the cold. And even if just for a moment, it overcame my frozen space... ! Huh ?!

Esdeath: 'These assassins ! They can conceal their presence to this extent ?!' Night Raid... So you were able to counteract Mahapadma... ! Now I really want to try out the new move I've created.


Budo: Imbeciles. How dare you create such chaos ?

Mine: 'He took that shot from Pumpkin, and he's not even fazed ?!'

Budo: Even if the palace does have a defensive barrier Teigu, that firepower is too dangerous.

Akame: Budo !

Budo: Akame... And, Night Raid. No matter what the cost may be, you will all be executed here !

Leone: I see... So then Lubbock is...

"Don't worry. He was admirable, down to the very last second..."

Leone: i'm sure he was, that idiot. The boss should be coming here along with the danger beasts she prepared for our escape. Once those danger beasts get dropped off, we should be fine.

"Don't think so. It was easy for you guys to get in because it was a trap. Getting out will be the difficult part. Because if we ever want to survive, we've got to do something about these two..."

Mine: the sky... !

Leone: Those dark clouds... They must be that Man's Teigu !

"They are... Even among Teigus, Adramelech's raw destructive power is unmatched... It's fitting to call it the ruler of the Heavens..."

Tatsumi: Haah... Hngh... ! 'Damn it... My entire body feels like it's being ripped to shreds. But... !

Budo: TAKE THIS !!

Tatsumi: 'We all have to push our bodies sometime... And I can't think of a more deserving time than now !'

"... Akame, Mine, You two keep Esdeath busy ! We'll deal with Budo !"

Budo: Deal with me ? You're an insolent and tenacious one, aren't you ? Repelling away my attacks !! You little shits... WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM ?!


Budo: My intentions were to capture you, so I was going easy on you and holding back. But now... I'm going to execute you !

Tatsumi: ... 'General... I, too, once strove for the very top of the ranks... ! And no, that's what i'm battling against. With every bit of my body and soul !' WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH !!

"Kh... Tatsumi..."

Budo: 'This kid... I knew he had high levels of prowess and ability... But even so, it's like a a power-up happened instantaneously... ! Could it have fused with him... ?! That's ridiculous... That's utterly impossible, isn't it ? Regardless... I'll end this now...'

"... the fact that you can instantly summon lightning down... I already knew that long ago. And you made the same mistake as you once did... STAY AWARE OF EVERY ENEMY !"

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