Chapter 31: Bound by Blood

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Budo: Nghhaaaa !!

Leone: Wooaah ! Go, Tao !

"Can you guys move ?! We need to get out of here !

Leone: Yeah... i'm okay...


Esdeath: They must've really pissed off Budo... the only person that could have driven Budo that far is... Tao !

"Huh ?!"

Esdeath: Your fight is with me ! I was the one tasked to execute him in the first place... So just leave him to me !

Budo: Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, Esdeath !!


Budo: ... I can't let my guard down for even a split second around you, can I... Akame !

Akame: Budo !!

Budo: You bastards... With that much spirit and those kinds of guts... It's a damn shame that you ended up aligned with the rebel army... BOTH MY TEIGU AND I ARE INCOMPARABLE TO WHAT WE WERE BEFORE... BECAUSE NOW, WE ARE BOTH ENRAGED !!

"... The ruler of the Heavens... That's Adramelech alright..."

Esdeath: Your opponent isn't Lightning, Tao... It's Ice !! Give me all you've got !

"I have no time to lose with you, Esdeath. But I'll entertain you for a little bit, if that's what you want. Let the snow cloak fall... Fuuuuuuuuuu..."

Esdeath: ... I see, a technique to hide your presence... Where did you learn it ?

"All thanks to you... After you froze over the western regions, throwing the few survivors to the wilds. Beast in the West are extremely good at tracking prey, did you know that ?... The scarceness of food there forced them to develop extraordinary sensitivity."

Esdeath: So you learned to hide your presence to not be killed by these beasts... I can see now how you can infiltrate any mansion regardless of security... You just slip in on plain sight. Even I can't tell where you are, so give it your all ! Try to take me down !

"... What prey fights back to the predator hunting it ? If you manage to shake it down, all you can do is escape. Wild beasts can feel the fear, but why would I be scared ? I already slipped by you once after coming back from this island."

Budo: So, you were just barely able to dodge them one after the other... Your dexterity must be top tier, even among the members of Night Raid. But how long will you be able to keep it up, I wonder ?


Akame: Boss ! Stay back ! Budo's still here !!

Budo: NAJENDA !! Now I'm really pissed !! ADRAMELECH !!


Budo: Urg- ?!

"If you could lay a hand on her... How would I ever be able to face Lubbock on the other side ? Stay right there, would you.

Najenda: ... ... ...

Leone: Tao... ? Uhh, wherever you are... What happened with Esdeath ?

"I managed to slip by her, quite literally. Now she's frantically looking all over the place for me."

Akame: Slip by the Esdeath ?

"I think the confusion could be enough for us to escape. All that's left is to do something about Budo, or else we'll never make it out alive..."

Budo: You won't be going anywhere !!

Tatsumi: Get on the Danger beast. I'll hold off Budo !


Mine: Then we'll just overwhelm you with numbers !!


Mine: 'Pumpkin... I've pushed it to the brink...'

Budo: Guh... All of that may have weakened me... But you have no means of escape. 'How many internal injuries I sustain, is of no matter. I will end them all here and now !!'

Tatsumi: Pffft... Don't give me that shit ! We're all... Getting out of here alive !!

Budo: ... You're just like that brat. i'm impressed by the mettle and resolve you've shown in the face of adversity. But in the end, the results are always the same. What awaits all assassins is... Execution.

"Tatsumi ! Get it together !!"

Tatsumi: 'I see... Lubbock showed his resolve and grit until the very end. If that's true... then there's no way I can falter to something like this !' HERE IS THE BEST OF MY METTLE AND RESOLVE !!

Budo: 'N- No way ! Where did he draw that kind of strength from ?!'

"Nice going ! Get everyone on board, we're on lift-off !"

Tatsumi: Are you alright, Akame ?

Akame: Yes... You were amazing, Tatsumi. You were able to land attacks on the great General...

Tatsumi: Nah. I still have a ways to go. I need to work harder- HNGGH ?!

Mine: Tatsumi ?!

Honest: the rebels infiltrated the execution grounds ? My, oh, my... That must've taken some balls.

Dorothea: But there's no way they can get past those two...

Honest: ... Even if their sole focus is on escape and nothing else... No matter what they try, the hostage will not survive.

Dorothea: Did you prepare a fail-safe ?

Honest: I wrapped poisoned barbs around the hilt of the Teigu. That poison is capable of killing a high-level danger beast instantly. it's not something any human would be able to withstand. If those rebel scum have any naive notion that they can survive, they've got a surprise coming. After all, that boy already slipped through my fingers once, nufufufufu...

Tatsumi: Guuuh... !

Mine: Tatsumi !!

*Was is fate, some sort of farce by destiny... But Tatsumi was the one to actually grab the poisoned barbs, and was immediately thrust into Incursio. And, so by happenstance, he was able to neutralize some of the effects of the poison with its resistance. But now... Even that has reached its limit. he's no longer in any condition to fight.*

Najenda: We need to hurry back and get him some treatment. Thankfully, a certain Teigu given to us is ready and waiting with the revolutionary army. He's probably just worn out from the sudden evolution. I'm sure he'll be fine after getting tended to.

Leone: ... Somehow... We all made it out alive... Didn't we ?

Akame: though we've seen better days...

"After going against the two strongest generals, I'd say this is an impressive result-"


Najenda: What was that ?! Thunderclouds... ?! It can't be !!

Budo: ... Do not make me repeat myself... Escape is not an option for you... !

Najenda: he's... Floating ?! Is this his Teigu's ability ?

Leone: Is he that super-human... ?!


Mine: ... Screw that !! No matter what it takes, we're all fucking going home ! Together !!

"... I'll make an opening. It'll only last for a split second, so you take that shot."

Mine: Who do you take me for ? I'm the genius sniper !

Budo: This is judgement !!


Budo: How futile !! All will fall before the might of this lightning strike !!

"Might, you say... ? Then try on this for size... Let that remind you, Budo ! STAND BACK !!"

Najenda: 'What the...'

Mine: 'He weakened ! This is my final attack ! Every last bit of my soul, my spirit !' GO PUMPKIN ! FORCE IT BACK AT HIM !!

Budo: It's useless ! I'll just throw it back at you with even more lightning ! Nghk... RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHH !!

Mine: 'I did it, I won... Tatsumi...'

Najenda: Mine ! I can't believe you were able to take out Budo...

Leone: Well, not the only one ! Tao, these are some chords you got, to even throw off the great general !

Najenda: ... we'll talk about that later... You truly are something else, Mine... Mine... ?

Esdeath: So he managed to escape after all... In the end, he used my own feelings for him as a mean to get his way... he knew I wasn't trying to kill him... I grew too attached. I let my feminine instincts get the better of me. But, it's not such a bad feeling... We shall meet again, Tao...

*The Great general is dead ! The news spread like wildfire throughout the Empire, shaking it to its very core. With the Imperial guard's morale shattered, Shisuikan was able to be taken by the revolutionary army. The influential and powerful who had been keeping their eyes o the tides of this battle, took sides with the revolution and revolted one after the other. Massive armies, now began rapidly closing in on the naked, exposed Capital.*

Tatsumi: At last, the revolution's victory is nearly at hand. And it's all thanks to you for defeating the Great general for us... Mine...

Mine: ... ... ...

Tatsumi: He was on another level entirely... Overwhelming in every way. So you had to use every last bit of your spiritual energy to take him out... I know that... So... For now, just rest a little while... And then come back to us when you're ready. Until then, I shall... Fight hard enough, for the both of us !

Spy: I'll take responsibility and look over her until she wakes up.

Najenda: Thank you.

Akame: Mine... After the battle is over, we'll all come to see you... Okay ?

Tatsumi: Okay... When that time comes, marry me. Mine, I love you.

"... They're gone."

Tatsumi: yeah.

Leone: Hrmm... Tatsumi's really become a fine man and all... But now, with the mood like this, I can't really make fun of him anymore...

Akame: I believe you've still got me around, don't you Leone ?

Leone: Aha ! How could I ever forget my best friend ! The big fight's getting close, let's drink it up tonight !!

Akame: Sure...

"Well at least, you're not taking out on me this time..."

Najenda: Speaking of. You have some things to explain, don't you ? So I'll go straight to the chase: Who are you really, Tao ?

"Haaaah... Of course the Ex-general would have noticed that, huh ?"

Leone: Noticed what ? If that's what he does with Budo, didn't he just scream really loud ?

Najenda: Not just scream... The "Voice of the Ruler", a powerful aura commanding anyone holding great loyalty to this country... I only heard of it in books, but... It's said only those of the Imperial blood can possibly use it.

Leone: ... Imperial... Blood... ?

"... ... ... ..."

Najenda: So I'll ask again. Who are you ?

"... ... Well, better come clean then... I am Taoreta, 'The Fallen one'. 48th descendant of the first Emperor and rightful ruler of this country."

Honest: Haah... How very sad indeed. For this brat managed to slip through my fingers once more, and now with the enemy forces, hundreds of thousands of human beings, being slaughtered... It makes my appetite for ham decrease by a slice.

Dorothea: Fufu... I must say, I never expected the Emperor to actually have still living relatives. Wasn't that a blunder of your part, Minister ?

Honest: My only mistake was leaving the clean-up work to Budo instead of going myself. He was already too old and mature for me to lead by the nose, so I had to dispose of him and let Makoto on the throne. To think he'd still be a thorn in my side, even years later.

Dorothea: Heh. I guess it'd be fitting to call him their secret weapon, isn't it ? But speaking of weapons. Supreme Imperial Arms. Because of their massiveness, they start to show signs of wear in small distinct spots. I've finished the upgrades, Minister~.

Honest: Nufufu... Thank you very much... With the addition of alchemy, we've truly upped the ante on our strength.

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