Chapter 37: Reunion

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Tatsumi: Shouldn't you be trying to get some rest right about now ?

Akame: ... Tatsumi. Thinking about tonight makes me too restless.

Tatsumi: Actually, we wanted to talk to you about that. We're tagging along, together with you.

Akame: No. This is a problem between us sisters... We ?

"Glad to see my camouflage is as sharp as ever. Even if I'd be dead he moment I tried any kind of attack..."

Tatsumi: But that's right. This is your problem. And since you have a problem, and we're friends, we're going to help.

Akame: I told Kurome that we would come alone.

"Exactly. We're not planning to interfere at all in your sisterly business, no matter what happens; And while i'm sure Kurome plans to come along, we can't be sure someone else won't try any underhanded tactics."

Tatsumi: If this situation were to play out, then we'll eliminate that party. It's your wish of letting the two of you resolve this matter yourselves.

Akame: You two... But Tatsumi, I could've sworn the boss insisted that you not fight anymore until the war...

"Why do you think I tagged along without telling him, exactly ?"

Tatsumi: That's only because she was worried after she saw my condition when I last equipped Incursio. The teigu doctor concluded that I could only use it 4 more times. So that's why I've been restricted to hold off until the war. But if tonight I had to use one of those times up... I wouldn't give it a second thought !

"So yeah, long things short, we're tagging along, and we're not taking no for an answer."

Tatsumi: Hey. It's not that I have a death-wish. I've got Mine to come back to... I don't intend to exceed the 4 times limit. But if I'm relaxing here simply looking after myself while I still have the strength to fight... And meanwhile, something should happen to any of you... then I... I just... !

"... Has anyone told you you're too selfless for your own good, Tatsumi ?"

Akame: Heh. Thank you. Even if it means putting yourself at risk of having to equip your Teigu... You're still determined to come along.

"No ifs, ands or buts there. And if he starts going bonkers, I can just rip Incursio off him before things get too serious."

Akame: ... This Murasame has a secret, ultimate technique. But the way I am now, I can't use it.

Tatsumi: That's right... You told me that once before while we were traveling.

Akame: To use the secret technique of a cursed blade such as this, I need to discard my humanity... That is what I was taught.

Tatsumi: Throw away your humanity ?!

"... ... Don't you dare make that joke."

Tatsumi: Who are you talking to... ?

Akame: Slaying, carnage, and bloodshed... Only when your heart embraces the demon inside, can this technique be wielded... At least, that' how I had always interpreted it. I think the time for that may be near.

"And... What makes you think that ? The war ?"

Akame: Wave of the Jaegers told me this...

Wave: No matter the circumstances... For you to even consider killing your own sister as a way of "saving" her... You're fucking nuts.

Akame: he's probably right... That's probably why I'm able to wield Murasame at all.

Tatsumi: But... You're still going to try to persuade her tonight, aren't you ?

"I wouldn't count on that working, if I were you..."

Akame: I know. So if I am unable, I will not hesitate to kill her... That possibility is far from unlikely. So, I have a favor to ask. If my heart should come to embrace the demon within... And I should become possessed by this cursed blade... I would then become Night Raid's target. At that time, I want you to kill me. Dying at the hands of Night Raid would be an honor.

Tatsumi: ... Fine, then I've got a favor to ask as well. If I should ever get taken over by Tyrant... then I want you, Akame, to be the one to kill me. To die at the hands of my comrades would be an honor.

Akame: ... ... !

Tatsumi: Sounds dumb as hell, don't it ?! "You've even got Mine and you're still acting like a coward !"... is what you're probably thinking. The old me felt the same way as you. And yet you still made a promise that I wasn't going to die... Isn't that a bit unfair ?

Akame: ... I'm sorry. At the time, just like now, I truly felt like I was truly and utterly helpless...

Tatsumi: All we can do now is open up our hearts and give it our all... Put everything we've got into it.

"Agreed... But in the end, some of us will need to go."

Tatsumi: Not you too, man. Seriously...

"Tatsumi. By now, the inner circles of the Prime minster must be aware of me. And as long as they are, even if we kill them, the empire will still have a chance to come back. Some will use me as a scapegoat to get their way, and I can't let that happen. The Empire will fall, and I'll bring it to the grave with me."

Noble: Whaaaat ?! You all dare come back here without killing a single soul ?! YOU FUCKING SCUM !! You all call yourselves an assassination squad ?! Worthless ! All of you !! I sure as hell hope you vermin are ready to face the consequences ! YOU'RE ALL GOING TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS !!

Esdeath: For something like this to have taken place... Inded, someone will be held culpable.

Noble: Ooohh... General Esdeath ! Well then, let's march these pathetic weaklings to the torture cha-

Esdeath: The old senile fool who ordered a suicide mission with zero chance of success has been put out of his misery.

Kurome: CAPTAIN !!

Esdeath: I never imagined that your leadership was lacking to such a degree. It must have made your jobs all the more tougher. The supervision of the special forces shall now be under my watch. I will relay all of this to the prime minister. Until the war, you are free to do as you please.

Wave: I see. That sounds awful.

Kurome: But I feel so worthless. Even though it was a hopeless assignment, I still wanted it to succeed. If I could have come through, we would have been all the more acknowledged.

Wave: ... ...

Kurome: W... Wave ?

Wave: Don't focus on all the negative aspects. For now, go to sleep. Night battles have a tendency to be very draining.

Kurome: ... I can't. With what happened, there's simply no way I can get myself to sleep...

Wave: Well then, would you like to hear a lullaby they sing to children ina little fishing village ?

Kurome: Huh ? You're going to sing, Wave ?

Wave: Yup ! I'm pretty atrocious... Bad enough in fact to make you pass out. But that's why they call it a lullaby, right ? C'mon, cheer up ! I may suck, but I did get 8th place at a singing competition once !

Kurome: Ahahaha... Lemme guess, it was only out of 8 though, wasn't it ?

Wave: ... ... !

Kurome: You know... It seems... I've nearly run out of time now...

Wave: D... DON'T TALK LIKE THAT !! Once the war is over, we're going to quit the dark squad and get you off those damn drugs, you hear me ?! We've given up so much and worked too hard not to ! We'll devote ourselves to finding you a viable treatment... We'll go pay a visit to all best doctors there are ! Once we do that, then we'll surely be able to increase your life span !

Kurome: Wave...

Wave: And if anyone has a problem with it, I'll open up a large can of whoop ass ! That's the only reason why I'm distinguishing myself in this war ! If I have my merits and medals to stand on, nobody will dare say a word against us !

Kurome: But... My only reason for even living this long has been to fight... If I get taken off these drugs, then the commander will no longer look at me as a battle asset anymore.

Wave: Even without these drugs, you're already plenty strong ! If your commander tries to remove you from military service, then i'll just have to get promoted until I can be your commanding officer and watch over you ! So all you need to focus on is getting off those drugs and then putting your best foot forward !

Wave: Don't make me beg... Just, at the very least... Try to give yourself a reason to live...

Kurome: ... Fufu... I can't ever imagine myself serving under you, Wave...

Wave: What's that supposed to mean ?! I'd let you eat whatever snacks you wanted whenever you wanted to eat them ! You could do anything you wanted and I'd never say a word about it ! It'd totally be awesome !!

Kurome: Just maybe... It would...

Wave: Right ?!

Kurome: Sis can be in charge of cooking... But she'd probably go and blow something up... So being my aide would be best. Natara can be in in charge of cleaning and tidying up... And Ran can be in charge of bookkeeping and such... That sounds about right... Yeah, that sounds like it'd be a fun workplace.

Wave: ... !!

Kurome: To tell you the truth, sis called me out so I'm gonna be heading over there soon... For a one-on-one match. I'll kill her with Yatsufusa and drag her corpse back.

Wave: ... Kh !

Wave: You can't. Don't go.

Kurome: ... Why ? Step aside. We're comrades, aren't we ?

Wave: We are... And that's exactly why I'm stopping you ! If you leave, I'm going to report this to the commander ! And then we'll all leave together ! I'm going to protect you !

Kurome: ... Wave.

Wave: ... Gurf ?!

Kurome: I'm sorry. But if you really are my comrade... Then as far as my sister is concerned, let me do as I please; I want to fight it out with her, one-on-one, and settle this once and for all.

Wave: ... Kuro... me...

*In the dim, gloomy depths of this forest near the Empire... Is a section known as the habitat of the Dangerous... Where none of the citizens dare thread...*

Kurome: ... Yo, big sis !

Akame: Kurome...

Kurome: ... hrmm ? This presence...

Akame: Forgive me. Some of my comrade are tailing me... But I've told them not to interfere with our match. If anyone interferes, they'll intercept them and handle things. They understand our resolve and our decision to do this.

Kurome: So they've come to make sure we settle this on our terms... Fine. As long as you say so, sis... I brought these along with me. Want one ?

Akame: ... Sure.

Leone: ... It appears as thought the two of them have started eating sweets...

"You know, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if she already knew we're here..."

Leone: Says the invisible man standing... Probably in plain sight, I can't even see you...

Tatsumi: What a complicated relationship... You'd never guess they were enemies... the two of them trust one another...

Leone: ... As of now, I sense no other presences nearby. We'll leave it in their hands...

Kurome: this really takes me back... When we would meet back up, we'd always come here to train...

Akame: We were inseparable back then... You'd drag me along to bathe with you as well...

Kurome: Drag ? Hardly, that was mostly you just wanting to tag along, sis. You even went to bed the same time as I did... We had the weight of the world on our shoulders back then... But even still, having you there alongside me made it all worthwhile, sis...

Akame: ... Yeah...

Kurome: Mmm.. Reminiscing like this sure is calming. Let's stay together from here on out as well... Sis.

Akame: Fine by me. If you come with me... We can go back to the way things used to be.

Kurome: ... You never cease to amaze me, sis. In your current situation, you're in no position... To be making demands. If you prove yourself worthy, no matter how strong we may be, I still may be able to find a place for you here ! Then we can continue fighting for the Empire !

Kurome: otherwise, the remorse I feel... For everyone who's already died would overwhelm me... Just do the right thing and come back to the Empire, sis.

Akame: ... You know I can't do that.

Kurome: I figured as much. Even though I knew you'd say that, I still find it funny... Just how stubborn your will is... To the point that you'd forsake everything, even your own sister. But, fighting to change the world for the sake of others... I've always loved that serious, thoughtful side of you too, sis.

Kurome: I can't forgive you... But I love you... Those two opposing thoughts keep going 'round and 'round inside my head. I don't want you to kill anyone else but me.

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