Chapter 38: Shattered rules

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Wave: 'The captain is with the war council at the palace. So the only option is for me to look for her myself ! She couldn't have gone far... She's got to be fighting somewhere nearby... ! An explosion... or some kind of roar... Anything at all ! Just give me any kind of clue to track her down !! Where are you... Kurome !!'

Akame: ... 'It's just as Kurome says... From the moment I dedicated myself to all of this, I should've prepared myself for this very moment.'

Kurome: Before I came here, I took a potent version of a powerful enhancement drug. You won't have the luxury of holding back and taking it easy on me like you did when you pulled out of the Empire.

Akame: ... 'She's right... Holding onto any lingering attachments in the midst of battle... Can even adversely affect the likes of Esdeath... I've got to resteel my resolve;'

Akame: As of now, we're nothing but mutual enemies. When we battle, I will show no mercy. If you wish to stand down, speak up now... Otherwise... Kurome, I will bury you.

Kurome: Looks like you've flipped your switch for me. Fine then, let's do it, big sis. When I defeat you, we won't only be together again, but I'll also restore your honor. Which means I'll be able to have "Our" existence even acknowledged by the Empire.

Akame: Let us see... Whose resolve will win out ! Come ! Kurome !!

Kurome: HERE I AM !!

Akame: 'She's not activating Yatsufusa... ?!'

Akame: Nghk !

Kurome: So this is the potent super enhancement drug... Incredible ! The way I am now... Crushing you isn't far-fetched, sis !

Akame: 'What insane drugs... For them to have strengthened her this much...'

"... Things are taking one hell of a turn with all this..."

Leone: Stay vigilant. So long as they didn't settle it down, we can't let ourselves be unguarded

"I know, I know... Things can always take a turn for the worst-"


"God I hate being right like that ! Tatsumi, brute strength !!"

Tatsumi: Got that !

"O- Okay, not that brute ! Geez, try to hold back the Tyrant a bit, would you ?"

Kurome: Wave...

"Ahhh... You came here to stop their duel, didn't you, Wave ?"

Wave: That's right.

"Then we might have a problem on our hands there. We can't exactly allow you to do as you please with that..."

Wave: You and what army ? I will be stopping this fight. Outta my way !! I'LL BE RIGHT THERE, KUROME !! And if you don't move... I'LL MAKE YOU !!



"... Yeah, I'm not putting myself in the middle of this when a single hit from either of them will shatter me. Tatsumi, we do the usual strategy. You go and pound his shit in, and if things gets dicey, give me the signal."

Tatsumi: Sure thing. I'll handle this one, you just focus on the surroundings. Maybe he didn't come alone...

'... Honestly, I'd rather be concerned with the state you're starting to end up in...'

Wave: 'Such power... What the hell... His strength's shot through the roof since the last time we fought. Just taking a few of his attacks back then... Was nearly enough to finish me...

Tatsumi: if this really is for the sake of your comrade... Then you'd better be prepared to take whatever form you need to. If you stand up now, then know that all bets are off. I will put you down.

Wave: ... 'Tatsumi... Tao... It can't end like this... But I... I... I just can't... !'

Wave: '... Ran... When I saw you flying in this direction, I knew you'd take me to her... You led me here on purpose, didn't you ? I'm sorry... You're always cleaning up after my messes... I have one more thing to ask of you... Please indulges me...'

Tatsumi: ... I told you to stay down.

"... Be careful, Tatsumi... I can't put my fingers on it, but something's different now... Whatever he's doing, it sure doesn't smell good at all..."

Tatsumi: Then we need to finish this before he can do anything ! You brought this on yourself, Wave !!

Wave: 'Please, lend the power... Of Mastema !!' Gh... AAAHHHH !!

Tatsumi: Two at the same time... You'd go this far...

"It's not a question of going far, this is supposed to be impossible ! That's an iron rule for Teigu user... But he managed to pull it off ?! This real bad !!"

Wave: 'This power is... With this, I'll be able to do it ! I CAN REACH KUROME !!'

"... Tatsumi... There's no running away from this one."

Tatsumi: I know. Neuntote !!

Wave: Grand Fall... FLUGEL !!

Kurome: Haah... Haah... Haah... Hngh !!

Akame: the drug you took before the fight was too powerful, wasn't it... At its peak, you had surpassed me... But now with its effects waning, the side-effects are kicking in... The match is decided... Surely, you're aware of this. Lay down your sword, Kurome.

Kurome: ... ... If... If that's how it is... Then I'll just keep taking more... !

Akame: Don't do it !!

Kurome: But I don't know any other way to fight than this !! This is how I've made it this far... It's what brought me here !! IF I WERE TO ADMIT DEFEAT NOW, THEN I... I...

Akame: Kurome... !!

Wave: Stop right there !

Kurome: WAVE ?!

Wave: Up 'till now... I've been absent from all of your most important battles... But this time... i'm here !

Kurome: Why... ?


Wave: I'm not moving an inch ! I'm stopping this fight, and I'm taking Kurome far away from here !

Akame: Hold on... Tatsumi, where is Tao... ?

Tatsumi: He, Uhhh...


"Such power... i'm not looking forward to having to face him to retrieve his teigu-"



Tatsumi: ... Stray rubble shot... Wave. Kurome is the one who wants to settle this more than anyone.

Kurome: ... he's right, wave. You may have come to try and stop me as my comrade, Wave... But... That's actually the last thing I wanted.

Wave: ... before, as your comrade, I would have simply asked you to stop... But now... things are different. Now, I'm stopping you as the man who loves you. I'll protect you at all costs !!

Kurome: W- What... ?

Wave: That kiss... It caused something to burst open inside of me. Feelings tucked away in the hidden recesses of my heart... They were there from the very beginning... From the moment I became your comrade. It just took me until now to realize it... That I don't just see you as my comrade. I see you, and love you, as a woman.

Kurome: Wha... Wh- Wha...

Akame: ... Protect ? And jut how do you plan on protecting her ?

Wave: Kurome and I are going to defect from the Empire. We'll go to the secret springs and I'll devote all my time and energy to curing and treating Kurome.

Akame: What happened to your speech about changing the Empire from within ?

Wave: ... When I said these words, it wasn't untrue. I sincerely felt that way. That was the path that Ran showed me... And I had every intention of following it to the best of my ability. But there was one thing that superseded that... one thing that took priority... That something was Kurome... Who became the single most important existence in my life.

Wave: if I had remained clueless... If I were trying to rescue Kurome as only her comrade, I know it'd be a lost cause. And left here, I have little doubt she would end up dead. That is why it is my duty to stop this fight. Because from this point forward, i'm never leaving Kurome's side ! Upon making that decision, that is the conclusion I've reached. When a man of the sea falls in love, he dives in head first !

Kurome: What... You're making an awful lot of assumptions there, Wave ?! I mean... i'm happy that you would want... To be with me... But defecting from the Empire cannot be forgiven !

Wave: Look. You've given it your all. I'll forgive you !

Kurome: WHAT ?!

Akame: if you're really defecting, then you can join us...

Wave: I can't do that. I have no intentions of fighting against my master to whom I owe my life to. Nor do I have any intention of joining the rebel army. Kurome and I, are withdrawing from this fight.

Akame: So before the war starts... Without joining one side of the other... Your plan is to run away and disappear ?

Wave: Yes. We're going to throw it all away... The Empire and everything that comes with it. And i'm perfectly okay with that. As long as I'm with Kurome, I'll never want for anything else.

Tatsumi: You really love her that much ?

Wave: Yup. My feelings were so strong, that they bubbled to the surface and overwhelmed me...

Tatsumi: You were definitely driven by something extraordinary during our battle.

Leone: I searched for any other presence nearby. But there's nobody else around. He snuck out and came here all on his own. Oh, and I also got that back on my way.

"Tatsumi, you massive knucklehead... before smashing everything, maybe consider that not everyone around you is made out of solid steel, fucker..."

Tatsumi: Uuuhhhh...

"Whatever. Even though you had to use up one of your uses of Incursio, it was still able to remove two Jaegers out of the picture, so I'd say it was worth it."

Wave: Akame... I beg of you, pull out of this fight... And entrust your sister to me ! I swear I'll make her happy, no matter what it takes !

Akame: ... Seeing as how Kurome is cuter than anyone or anything on this planet, it's only natural that you'd end up falling in love with her. Kurome. The choice is yours to make. What will it be ? If you want to continue and keep going, I'll be your opponent. But you've got someone here who is literally willing to throw everything away for you. So you decide.

Kurome: I... I just can't... The Empire... There's no way I can leave it... I can't ! I can't be forgiven ! Because so many... So many of my comrades have given their lives ! And all for the sake of the Empire... they fought to their very last-


"I swear... When a man pours his heart out for you, but you keep on chasing ghosts... try to rethink your priorities. The moment leaving the Empire became unforgivable, you lot just became slaves to the whims of the Minister."

Leone: Yatsufusa ?!

"Kurome and Wave of the Jaegers were confronted by night raid, and taken out in the battle. How does that outcome sounds to you ?"
Wave: Sounds about right. And while i'm at it...


Tatsumi: Th- They shattered it...

Wave: Kurome... This is what you needed, closure. If those ghosts rear their ugly heads and haunt you... I'll be there to make sure they're nothing more than a distant memory... So, take my hand... And come with me.

Kurome: ... Uu... Uuuuu...

Wave: Kurome...
Kurome: E- Even though you're saying allof these wonderful things for me... My head won't stop pounding... It feels like it's ready to split open... So please ! Just take me away !! Make it so I never have to think about anything other than you, Wave...

Wave: I- I will !!

Akame: Kurome... I see...

"... ... When two Teigu users fight, one of them is fated to die... That has been the iron rule for over a thousand years now... And yet, by throwing everything away... He just shattered that rule..."

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