Chapter 39: Gentlemen, I *Love* War.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Wave: We're going to get far away from the Imperial Capital.

"And we'll make it look like the two of you were smashed to bits and killed in the line of duty, don't worry. And with the remains of Yatsufusa as proof, it shouldn't be that hard."

Wave: If the Empire caught wind of that story, then I suppose we really would be free. We're in your debt.

Tatsumi: By the way... You look pretty good for someone having wielded two Teigu...

"And you look pretty good for someone with a bunch of scales and horns all over his body."

Wave: Yeah, the way you are now, it's not something that'd make you even flinch... But I feel like a crash of elephants just danced on me... but it was all I could do just to keep up with you... Truth be told, I got off pretty easy...

"yeah, imagine that between the three of us, the one who got hurt the most was the one not directly involved in the brawl..."

Wave: heh. Well, if a certain someone hadn't powered-up so much, I wouldn't have had to throw caution to the wind to bridge the gap in strength... '... I owe you another one, Ran... Put it on my tab...'

Akame: You really are incredible, Wave. You saved my sister.

Wave: Nah, you guys are incredible ones... Holding steadfast to your convictions and seeing this through. After all, we're the ones turning tail and running.

Akame: ... You have my gratitude. I'll leave my sister in your hands.

Wave: Just leave it to me. I'll be living for that sole purpose alone.

Kurome: Sis !

Akame: ... You had great comrades, Kurome.

Kurome: Hey, sis... Even if I could do it all over again, i'd still want to be your little sister.

Akame: ... Same here. I'd happily choose to be your big sister again too. Live a happy life.

Kurome: I will ! See ya ! Take it easy...

Tatsumi: ... It feels awkward saying this out loud about your enemy... But I think we can trust Wave.

Akame: yeah. When he found out I was going to kill Kurome, he completely lost it... of all the people, I can definitely entrust my little sister to him. ... Uu... Uuuuu... Kurome... Kurome... !

Tatsumi: Akame... You should be jumping with joy. No one had to die today. I can't think of a better thing to celebrate !
Akame: ... Hmm...

"Celebrate, huh... Well, not exactly quite yet, I'm afraid... Esdeath and the Minister are still around, and they will be the hardest to deal with by far..."

Leone: Can't you just be a little more upbeat, please ? There's only these two remaining.
"As much as I'd love to... We're really starting to push them back now. This is the last stretch, so let's throw ourselves into this battle... This Empire forcing two sister to kill each other, will be erased..."

Leone: Yeah, let's. Then afterwards, we'll throw a huge party. In light of all the recent somber and callous events, it was refreshing to see something so heartwarming... I hope we can ride this wave all the way to the very end.

'.. Why stop there ? Not to the final battle... But right through it. Innocent blood has been spilled... And from then, the new fruits will be born...'

*Jaegers: One remaining*

Najenda: We can worry about tomorrow, tomorrow... So let's just kick back and cut loose today !

Tatsumi: Dayum ! You went all out !

"Well, you're welcome. I made sure to empty the paltry for this, so dig i- okay, there was no need for permission..."

Leone: He-ll yeah ! This is what i'm talking about~ !

Najenda: Drink up ! I don't wanna see a drop of booze left in any bottle.

Leone: Damn straight.

Najenda: That free-spirited optimism of yours... It's during times like these that it really shines through...

Leone: Whet's this now ? You're giving out compliments , Did you fall and hit your head ?

Najenda: It's the night before the war. I guess I'm just talking crazy.

Leone: Okay ! If crazy's how we're doing it, then I may as well come clean now ! I've actually been sneaking into your secret stash of booze !

Najenda: I thought it was drying up rather quickly... Ah, well... I can let bygones be bygones...

Leone: I'm not done... When you sent me on missions to the Capital, I'd end up blowing all the expenses on gambling.

Najenda: Well... the assignments got completed so... I can let bygones...

Leone: Hrmm... There's also that time... And oh yeah, that time... I should come clean now while I can...

Najenda: Just do me a favor and reminisce about them after the fight is over !

"... Something the matter, Tatsumi ? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Tatsumi: Even worse... Akame, what's wrong ?! You're eating so... Slowly ! What's wrong with you ?!

"Holy hell, you're right ! Emergency, that's an emergency !"

Leone: Yiikes.. That's a pretty grim look she's got on her face there...

Najenda: What's wrong, Akame ?!

Akame: ... Nothing... Sorry... I apologize for spoiling everyone's good mood... But I was just... reminded of everyone... Sheele... Bulat... Chelsea... Suu... Lubbock... Mine... And all of you. It's thanks to everyone that, at this moment, I'm still standing here now.

Akame: Our final mission... We will eliminate those who have rotted and corrupted this country... At any and all costs ! That is our sworn duty as those who have survived ! NOW THAT I'VE GOTTEN THAT OFF MY CHEST, LET'S EAT !

"Finally, the flood-gates open. You got us worried for some time there..."

Najenda: How very Akame...

Akame: ... It's funny, isn't it ? I'm sorry, Tatsumi. You've always been so much stronger than I ever gave you credit for.

Najenda: Says the person who's steely resolve and unmatched resiliency was far greater than I could have ever hoped for... So make sure you come home alive to.

Akame: Sure. When this is all over, let's all take a boat to some foreign country together. We made this promise back at Kyoroch, remember ?

Tatsumi: Of course I remember. We said that we'd go together with Mine.

Akame: By some chance... If by some chance that actually comes true... I hope Kurome would be willing to join us...

Akame: If that trip actually ends up happening... It would be the most amazing trip ever...

Wave: Some remote hunter's cabin... It looks like it hasn't been used in a while. We should be okay here.

Kurome: And it's a good deal away from the Imperial Capital. Are we staying here for the night ? You're still recovering from your injuries, aren't you wave ?

Wave: Just between you and me, I feel like shit... I mean... using 2 Teigu at the same time is strictly forbidden for a reason... We still have some medicinal supplies, but I won't be needing them.

Kurome: Then it's settled. Instead of rummaging through the mountain ridge in the pitch black of night... this place sounds much more appealing.

Wave: I'm really glad you're so comfortable opening up to me about how your body's doing... It makes it much easier for me to treat you when you do...

Kurome: Unlike you Wave... I'm really bad at reading your body language so if you had not spoken up just now, I'd have assumed everything was fine.

Wave: E- Ehh... i'm sorry for having been so stubborn all this time. From now on, I won't hold back... i'll tell you anything. Anything you ask of me, I'll tell you !

Kurome: okay !

Wave: ... ... !!

Kurome: What's going on, Wave ?

Wave: 'I could've sworn I felt something's presence just now... Was it just my imagination ?'

Noble: Tomorrow, the fated day... The main assault shall commence. For it to have fallen this far away from the hearts of the people... It's highly unlikely the Imperial Capital can come out victorious...

Officer: If the entire Rebel Army were to rush in on us... We would have little hope of fending them off.

Minister: ... perhaps if we were to capture the Minister... And deliver him on a silver platter... As a "present" to the rebel army... What do you think of our options then ?

Officer: if we did that... They'd have no choice but to be grateful to us, for sure.

Noble: Shall we then ? They may even allow us to defect and recruit alol of our palace guards to join their cause... We've got the perfect chance to do it.

Honest: Oooh ? All that talk of subterfuge and conniving is really bringing me down, my esteemed colleagues... My tear ducts are very sensitive and I'm prone to fits of letting the water works fly... So please, don't give me a reason to.


Honest: I mean, this would be the perfect opportunity to switch alliances... I'd be an idiot not to keep tabs on those around me. You've been all too happy to feast on my leftovers with little to no consequence... But you were never above reproach. Skin them all... But do it while they breath... Let us make an example out of them.

Suzuka: Yes sir~ ! I'm feeling in a rather giving mood right now.


Honest: Sigh... With all this stress over being back-stabbed and betrayed, I might even end up going anorexic. Now then... I should probably see to it that his majesty doesn't worry about anything unnecessary...

Spy: I... Impossible ! The Empire... Still had this up their sleeve... ?!

Spy: Soldiers of ice... Can they actually substitute for regular infantry ?!

Suzuka: They're actually called the Ice Cavalry.

Suzuka: This is General Esdeath's trump card. Simply put, a single person with the ability to manufacture tens of thousands of military troops. Incredible, isn't it ? For such a mundane power like ice manipulation to be developed into something of this magnitude... 'I... I was born to meet you... That i'm sure off~ !!'

Suzuka: 'Fufu... I know very well why you ordered me to let them go... You wanted the intel to slip out to let them know exactly... What kind of trump card the Empire had hidden up its sleeve. Besides, with all the rigorous training the ice cavalry was undergoing... It was only a matter of time before news of their existence leaked out...'

Honest: excellent, excellent ! If warm bodies are what we lack, then we can just create more soldiers out of thin air ! This is unprecedented ! Our opponents will surely be at a loss for words once they learn this truth !

Esdeath: My troops have currently fortified their position in the West. Without a doubt... This will be the war to end all wars...

Esdeath: ... 'If Wave and Kurome died... It simply meant they were too weak. Such things are outside the realm of my control. The 6 of us were such a happy and rambunctious bunch. And we shared plenty of wonderful times together...' The festival of blood tomorrow... Will be a tribute to all my subordinates ! Yes... My long-awaited war has finally arrived !!

Honest: What do you think, your majesty ? As long as we have General Esdeath in our corner, the Empire will never know defeat.

Emperor: Something unexpected is always bound to happen ! But these are the same opponents that managed to defeat the Great General. No matter how peerless general Esdeath is... I must stand up and do something myself !

Honest: ... Ohhh, how magnificent ! You truly... You truly are a wise, benevolent lord... !! In that case, you majesty... Do us all the honor of using the "Supreme Teigu". The rebel army would be rendered speechless at the very sight of yet another one of our Trump card.

Emperor: H- Has the time finally come... You're going to let me use it ?

Honest: Yes... After being remodeled and restructured by the greatest alchemist minds at our disposal, it has reached fathom unimaginable.

Emperor: *Glups*

Honest: there's no need for concern, your majesty. i'll be here with you every step of the way...

Emperor: ... O... Okay... I'm counting on you, Minister !

Honest: ... ... 'Now, bring it on... You shit scum army ! Rebels, assassins, failed rulers... WE'LL LEAVE A MASSACRE SO PRODIGIOUS, IT'LL STAIN THE ANNALS OF HISTORY FOR ALL TIME !!'

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