Chapter 40: Declaration

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Suzuka: I beg of you... Allow your lowly Suzuka in this time of war, by your order, to be the messenger between the Minister and General.

Esdeath: ... You don't hesitate to show your face around me when you desire something... I can't help but respect that kind of moxie and spunk. Do whatever you want.

Suzuka: Yes, ma'am. Well then... I shall start by licking your boots clean~ !!

Esdeath: No need. If the person you wish to lick allows you to lick them, right from the very start, it kind of defeats the whole purpose.

Suzuka: 'Neglect !! By meeting her lordship here, I was hoping to get a good beating today... But this neglect... Now this is truly sadistic... It's so marvelous~...'

Your POV:

'Uhhh... I just felt cold sweat going down my back...'

Najenda: Just a few more hours, and the assault on the Imperial Capital will commence. Upon discovery of their ice cavalry, our plans have slightly changed... So listen carefully.

Leone: An army of ice... Esdeath really could fight an entire war on her own...

"And nothing would make her more extatic than that, for sure... And since they probably purposefully let us know of that trump card of their..."

Najenda: For starters, she's not someone we can simply ignore and push to the side. Akame, Leone and Tao will both act according to the plan thus far, and that's to infiltrate the Imperial palace. I will join the General offensive and lead the Teigu troops. Tatsumi, you'll be coming with me.

Tatsumi: So I'll be out and in the open ?

Najenda: Esdeath's overwhelming power is beyond our imagination. If she attacks us and you're not around, there will be no hope of stopping her. I know this will put an even greater burden on you three...

"Send the warriors to the front lines, and the assassins to infiltrate enemy territory. I don't see how that would be considered a bad decision."

Akame: No one's going to have it easy out there ! We'll be fine !

Leone: Well, if my best friend and future boyfriend are saying that, I guess I'll have to give it my all too.

"... i'm sorry, what was that last part ? I don't remember saying anything about... H- hey, back off ! Stop ! CONSENT IS NOT INCLUDED !! AAAAAAAAHH !!"

Najenda: Leone, please...

Leone: Fine, fine, geez...

Najenda: Right ! Then it's time to go over Night Raid's final targets !!

*The prime Minister, Honest ! With an insatiable desire for political power, he is the very root of all the evil that has corrupted this country.*

*General Esdeath ! A demon who delights in nothing but war, sowing the seeds of revolt. A being who cannot exist in times of peace.*

*Koukei, Ministry of military affairs. Diverting munitions and arms through illegal channels for his own private personal profit. Conspired with the Prime Minister to slander generals that opposed him, then had them found guilty of crimes they did not commit.*

*Saikyuu, the Prime Minister's aid and cohort in all his evil deeds. A man of great ability and even darker temperament. He was the one who thought of establishing the assassination squad in order to execute the rebels.*

*Youkan, a bottom-feeder sycophant obsequious to the Prime Minister. Unlike Saikyuu, he has no ability or talents whatsoever. He came up with all sorts of distractions to entertain the Prime Minister such as guessing the gender of a pregnant woman's baby and then cutting open her belly to see if they were right.*

*Dousen, extorting vast amounts of money from all different regions at the cost of great suffering to the people. Climbed the ranks and gained success through bribery and payoffs*

Leone: Fufufu... All the big players have come out to play for this final battle ! My fists are itchin' for some action !

"I hope you don't mind me keeping tabs on Honest... I've got some personal beef with this pig..."

Najenda: It's possible the targets may possess Teigu. And if you capture them alive, they might escape. Therefore, bringing them alive is not mandatory. Kill them on sight... With extreme prejudice. If you cannot make it a public execution, then be sure to put the corpse on display.

Akame: This is the most important detail. I'll handle it.

Najenda: Even if the palace falls, these men will do anything to try to protect themselves and survive. We don't know what means they'll use to that end.

"Then it's our job to make sure they never set one foot outside the Palace grounds. If they didn't dig out any other secret tunnels since I was exiled, that should be doable."

Najenda: Then please do. But for now, the three of you should concentrate on your assassination targets. These lowly vermin... No matter what happens, if they don't fall, the rage of the persecuted will never be quelled. If any of them escape... That's as good as defeat.

Akame: Everything understood.

"Clear as day. Hear that Tatsumi ? You better be able to hold your own until we're done on our part. I'd hate to be the one saving your ass again."

Tatsumi: Speak for yourself. I'll be pulling out all stops from where I am as well.

"It's a promise then."

Najenda: intel about the ice cavalry definitely caught us off guard but they're still without their 3 Jaegers. So until you come back, we'll manage.

Akame: ... 'Esdeath... No matter how many new techniques you create... as long as i'm alive, I swear I'll take you down... Just you watch... I will have your head. In order to keep you from killing Tatsumi... I must...'

Akame: ... Night Raid will bury... All the final targets !!

"... Najenda, there's one last thing I need to talk to you about... And I'm afraid it's rather important..."

Esdeath: Enemies as far as the eye can see... How wonderful.

Suzuka: They're planning to come at us from every direction. Haaaa~...

Esdeath: ... let's see how they react when they're faced with our ice cavalry.

Esdeath: LOOK !! They're greeting us with waves of cannon fire !

Suzuka: 'She looks so elated... !'


Officer: A... All of the cannonballs... Destroyed in an instant...

Najenda: It's all going according to plan. We're fine.

Officer: Ahhh ! So we're aiming to make her gradually use up all of her energy... I get it now !!

Najenda: 'I'd love for that to be true... But I never imagined she'd make such quick work of every last one... I always knew, when the dust settles, the last one standing in our way would be you... Esdeath !! We'll take down the Empire's mightiest, with everything we've got !'

Suzuka: Uwaahhh !!

Esdeath: A Danger beasts-controlling Teigu, is it now... they must be planning to destroy the Palace walls with that... Well, too bad... We've got a similar Teigu on our side ! Give the signal !!

Suzuka: Yes, ma'am !!

Esdeath: Hahahaaa ! A fitting ceremony to commemorate the final war !! Now that appetizers have been served, let's get to the main course ! ICE CAVALRY, CHARGE !!


Tatsumi: Each one of these guys are formidable all on their own. If I let my guard down for even an instant, it could mean my life.'

Honest: ... According to the messenger, General esdeath and the others are currently holding the enemy at bay.

Emperor: Oooh ! I'd expect nothing less of the General... !

Honest: But we cannot rest on our laurels. Let us at least be prepared.

Emperor: O... Okay. Right now, this is what I can do... The Supreme Teigu.

Honest: yes... Without the blood of the Great Emperor, the power of that Teigu cannot be unleashed. Which means no other human is capable of using it.

Emperor: ... All right ! It's time for it... My first battle !

Honest: Splendid, your majesty. How heroic. Our benevolent Lord truly shines in our most perilous moment ! Even from behind... You are the spitting image of your late father, the previous Emperor.

Emperor: Oh... ? Hearing that, brings me much joy...

Honest: 'Actually... I killed the last Emperor with my own two hands, by slowly and methodically feeding him poison through his food... I simply did what needed to be done. It was a humane, merciful poisoning. Such a soft-hearted Emperor was far too problematic.'

Emperor: Father was a great emperor. So great that mother committed suicide to follow him in death. So I, as their heir... Without any hesitation or doubt, shall gladly inherit the title of Emperor.

Honest: 'His mother... Committed suicide ? Well, if by suicide, you mean... I forced poison down her throat, and then called you all over and said she was poisoned... then sure, why not.'

Emperor: ... Prime Minister... Once this is all over, I'd like if my late brother was honored as a hero as well... After all, he would've been the one to sit on the throne, if not... For these rebels scum using the confusion to infiltrate the palace, and...

Honest: 'Hm ? Oh, right, that brat... That's what happens when I don't do these things myself, I guess... But what choice did I have ? He was older, too old to be swayed, in fact... And suspicious as he was, there was no doubt his first act as Emperor would have been to put me to death... But he escaped, and now came back as a massive pain in my side...'

Honest: 'Your majesty... As long as you listen to and follow every word I say, I'll be sure to take excellent care of you. So, go on and keep working your little ass off. Gufufu !'

Youkan: Uahhhhahhhh !! Aaaaaahhh ! A- Akame !! Night Raid !!

"Hm... And here I thought I remembered your face... Guess you joined that cornucopia of maggots after my exile ... well, no matter. Akame ?"

Youkan: W- Wait !! Akame, wait ! I have a child I love and money !

Akame: Target. Eliminate.

Youkan: Is it the end... Then please listen to this at least. I thought of a splendid phrase for my death. I'll say it now. I-

Leone: There's the first one. Since most of the guards are outside in the battle, this is pretty easy.

Akame: The map that the survey team gave us was accurate too. We avoided most of the traps.

"In that case, how about we move on to the next target ?"

Leone: Ohh, the throne room ?

"... No. This would be the last place where Honest would be. If anything... he's most likely at 'That' place."

Emperor: The control manual... It's flowing... Directly into my head ! The Imperial Teigu... This is unbelievable ! Minister !! This weapon might destroy humanity itself ! It is too dangerous !!

Honest: That is precisely the reason why your majesty must wield it with your wisdom ! We cannot end the great Empire that has lasted for 1000 years !!

Emperor: ... 'Father... Mother... Big brother... Please give me the power... To save the Empire !!'

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