Chapter 44: Born for war

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Makoto: Ha... H- Haaah...

"This battle... This war... No, this entire Empire is finished. This is your last chance to surrender and avoid any more bloodshed."

Makoto: ... Not only... Did you dare raise your hand against the empire... You use the name of my late brother to do so... YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU INSECT !! IT'S FAR FROM OVER !!

Officer: The Imperial soldiers are pouring out in mass exodus !! All of the castle gates have been opened !

Najenda: ... With their own allies inflicting collateral damage on them from the rear, their morale in all likelihood is non-existent. 'We ourselves were on the brink... Having to not only deal with that giant Teigu's arsenal but also Esdeath's might... And yet, they brought ruin to themselves. Or rather... While Tatsumi lit the final fuse of their self-destruction... Tao made sure the fire spread as wide as possible...'

Soldier: So then... The empire... Has fallen... ?

Najenda: yes. We may have endured immense casualties from their latest assault... but now, the battle amongst our fellow countrymen is over. ALL THAT REMAINS IS TO TAKE DOWN THAT GIANT TEIGU AND ESDEATH, THEN TOTAL VICTORY SHALL BE OURS ! ALL TEIGU USERS, ASSEMBLE !!

Makoto: Preparation for all-cannon simultaneous fire... Will be completed shortly. I don't care who or what... I shall blast off all these rebels !

"You never get it, do you... You have already lost. What I'm giving you is a chance to get out of here with your head held high."

Makoto: SHUT UP !! FIRE !!

*... ... ... ...*

"... Aaahh... The deafening silence of sudden realization..."

Makoto: What... What is that ?! You scum, what did you do ?!

"Oh, I'm truly sorry. I just bleed a bit all over the commands on my way here. So let's get you out of this stupid globe."

Makoto: G- Get back !! This is the Supreme Teigu... I... THIS EMPIRE WILL NOT BE DEFEATED !!

"Both have already been defeated, Makoto. I told you, didn't I ?"

Makoto: Hnnngh ! Stop toying with that, you rebel scum !! ONLY THE EMPEROR OF THIS NATION CAN CONTROL THE SUPREME TEIGU ! IT IS NOT A TOY FOR PEASANTS !!

"Nor should it be left in the hands of a child, but at this point, I think we both know how little all of this is for Honest."

*Imperial bloodline confirmed. Standby mode activated. Awaiting orders.*

Makoto: What... I never ordered that... Why are the commands not responding ?!

"... Okay, you're not eve listening by yourself at this point... Whatever. Hrm-hm... Initiate self-destruct sequence.

*Self-destruct sequence initiated. Countdown beginning*

Makoto: Only those of Imperial lineage can... Who even are you ?!

"And I said to get out of this stupid globe, you frog stuck in the well."


"As for your question... We are the people you're supposed to govern. we're the very soul of this Empire ! But first and foremost..."



Makoto: It... Can't... Be...

"It's time for you to open your eyes and wake up... You've been blinded for long enough. Little brother..."

Makoto: T... Tao...

*The great Empire that has flourished for the past thousand years... Here, this very day, has finally fallen.*

Esdeath: The Supreme Teigu has fallen... The Empire is finished. Which means that starting now, this is my fight. Ah, well. At least you entertained me for a while. After the smoke clears from all this destruction... Perhaps I'll travel to another land... In search of another war... Or maybe I'll even start one myself~...

Akame: ... i'll never let that happen... I'll see you dead here and now !

Esdeath: And how exactly are you going to defeat me ?


Najenda: Sorry to keep you waiting, Akame... You've done a great job in keeping Esdeath occupied here... Thanks to you, we've been abelt o surround her and get everyone in formation and assembled.

Najenda: 'She knew very well that she was being surrounded... And she didn't make the slightest attempt to escape... Goddamned monster of war...'

Esdeath: NAJENDA !! Apparently you've got some kind of secret Teigu to use as a counter measure against me ? According the the information I've been receiving.

Najenda: ... You've already had us figured out ?

Esdeath: that's right !

Najenda: 'Or is it ? We leaked out bits hinting at the existence of a secret weapon to try and stall for time... But it's just our bluff ! Alright, everything's going just as we'd planned, Akame. As soon as the chaotic brawl breaks out, you slip into the ranks of the soldiers and wait for an opening, then assassinate her. Stay focused and don't rush it !'

Najenda: 'I'm a bit worried that Leone or Tao aren't here... But even without the Holy Retriever, the plan stays the same ! In order to defeat Esdeath, what we need... Is over 100,000 soldiers... At least 10 or more Teigu users... And Akame ! As long as we've satisfied those conditions... Our military force alone should be equivalent to over 1 million men !'

Esdeath: You're brimming with confidence over there, Najenda. I can't wait to see that face of yours twist in despair.

Najenda: The Empire's soldiers have surrendered. We've taken out all of the other key players... And your Jaegers are gone. The only allies you've left here are your ice cavalry. But as of now, even they have been surrounded and won't be coming to save you. WE'LL TAKE YOU OUT IN A WAR OF ATTRITION !! WE'LL CRUSH YOU UNDER THE WEIGHT OF A MILLION SOLDIERS !! FIRST WAVE, CHARGE ! SECOND WAVE, GET READY !! WE'LL CONTINUALLY ATTACK IN SHIFTS !! DIE, ESDEATH !!

Esdeath: ... Did you really think you could defeat me... With a mere measly million men ?

Najenda: What did you say... ?!

Esdeath: Allow me to show you the true form... Of my anti-army trump card ! You could also consider it a technique I could only use now that I have no allies here anymore.

Soldier: ... What is this ?! The power she'd distributed to her ice cavalry...

Najenda: It's all returning back to Esdeath ?! I had no idea she could do that... BE ON YOUR GUARD !!

Esdeath: I had been creating the ice cavalry one by one for the past few days... Which means I've been storing up the last few days' worth of power in them, and it's all coming down on you now... AND NEXT... ! ICE STORM COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF !!

Najenda: Wh... What... ?!

Esdeath: I'm sure you're aware of the term "Russian Winter" ? This is exactly that. A massive portion of this country is now covered in ice and snow... And it will kill not just you here, but every single one of your friends anywhere in this land... Now don't give me some weak "Battle of attrition" shit. Put your lives on the line... Come at me like you're ready to die !


Esdeath: ... Out there would be out of this range. I do have a little concern and consideration for their families... Well... A little, anyways...

Najenda: Gh... 'The Supreme Teigu was a Teigu capable of attacking the Imperial Capital and Castle. But she herself is capable of attacking this very world and its lands. Esdeath, you truly are... A born slaughterer.'

Esdeath: Those with strong enough vitality will survive against this snow and ice, and the weak will die. Simply so. Fighting against those that make it through this weeding out of the weak... Is something I look forward to.

Soldier: She's not human... She's a natural disaster with a consciousness... And a wicked one at that. COME ON, EVERYONE !! CHARGE !! IF WE DEFEAT HER, WE CAN STOP THIS SNOW !!

Esdeath: ... With is snowing like this... I've got full access to my abilities.


esdeath: ... Now that's a wonderful face, Najenda. Just what I wanted to see... Even if you don't defeat me now, your mission would still be complete. But if you don't defeat me here and now... It will never be over. Shiver and freeze... Beneath the storm of my allmighty power.

Soldiers: ... What ?! Why did he end up turning into a dragon ?!

Doctor: ... It's most likely that attack had fatally wounded Tatsumi. Which would have lead to his transformation being undone... But the armor itself forced him back into action. he's been possessed by Incursio.

Soldier: ... I had heard that anyone not compatible with that armor who tried to don it would be killed instantly... But I had no idea it was that dangerous of a Teigu...

Doctor: That's because even after being stripped and used as materials to build that Teigu, the Dragon's flesh was still alive.


Soldier: But he was fighting against that Giant Teigu ! That had to be his own will, right ?!

Doctor: His overwhelming burning passion had seeped into his very body and still lingered on... It's incredible to think about. But as for what will happen now... I've no clue.

Soldier: ... What can we do to save him...

Doctor: 'Yes... If there's anything I can do... I want to save him... Because he's the one who brought an end... To this dark age, where life was so trivial...'

'... ... ... ... Huh... Not dead... Yet, at least...'


Doctor: Whoaaa !! He's going berserk !! I won't be able to examine him as a live sample at this rate... This snow that's falling... It must be Esdeath's doing...

Soldier: Wh-... What's happening to him ?!

Doctor: It's undergoing fusion. The dragon that was used to create the armor... It's using Tatsumi's body as a vessel for reincarnation... So that it can regain its former dragon form... Within that body now is a fusion of Tatsumi and that very dragon. Both of their lives have become intertwined... One dependent on the other. The body itself has already become a dragon, and his human heart which is in all likelihood hanging on by a thread... Will eventually succumb and become the Dragon's as well.

Soldier: To think... Even after being turned into a suit of armor, it's till able to do all this in order to revive itself... I wonder if all the other Teigu users have to face this obstacle eventually ?

Doctor: Huh ?! 'How could I not have realized ?! When Tatsumi began to fuse with Incursio, why did it not occur to me for a second that the other Teigu users might have subjected themselves to the very same danger ?! But from the beginning of this long era in which we've exploited the Teigu... A side-effect like this has never been reported, documented or otherwise.'

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