Final Chapter: Silent ruler

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Akame: Tatsumi !! Hang in there !!

Tatsumi: ... Kill... Me... My consciousness... Is already... Fading away... I can't stop it... Any longer... You... Promised... Didn't you... Hurry... !

Akame: ... Yes... I promised. Very well. I shall kill you.

"... ... ... What a weird dream..."

Doctor: He's coming by ! Thank goodness...

"Oh... The last thing remember, I was inside the Supreme Teigu... How long was I out ? What happened ? And why is it so cold ?"

Doctor: Well, just a few minutes, Esdeath is still fighting and... Esdeath is still fighting. I managed to patch up the bullet wounds you had, but it will take a lot more to-

"I don't have the time to waste waiting to heal. If Esdeath is still alive, then this will never end..."

Doctor: You're in no shape ! You already did enough by stopping that Giant Teigu, now let Akame and the others-

"Shut up and stand aside."

Doctor: Urk...

"Like I said, i'm going. And if any of you try to stop me... You will meet the same fate."


Doctor: ... the same cold wind, even though all that snow and ice... But didn't the Holy Retriever get destroyed... ?

Soldier: Gaarkh... Gh !

Esdeath: This is natural selection taking place... Preyed on by the higher in the food chain !

*The countless lives she had taken before this moment... The carnage... The slaughter... The bloodshed... But it was now, regardless of the circumstances, where she had once again thrust her blade into the body of a friend. The first time it had happened was when she first acquired Murasame.*

*If bad came to worst, Akame had resolved herself to kill even her own little sister. This type of conviction is what led Murasame to strongly acknowledge her as the true owner and wielder of the cursed blade. Simply put...*

*She had released its trump card, Ennoodzuno. (Little War Horn)*

Esdeath: Akame... ?! You are a sly one, Najenda... Keeping a secret Teigu up your sleeve has never been how you do things. It's you, Akame. It was always you. From the very beginning, you were the countermeasure she'd been building up against me. Even in this battle, you were the only one able to wound me...

Akame: ... My final target... Will be Esdeath... I will bury you !!

Esdeath: You've strengthened yourself with the curse's power. So that's it, is it ? This looks like it may be an entertaining fight, after all. You lot... Are all in the way !!

Soldiers: NGHK !!

Esdeath: What ?!

Akame: You're the one that's in the way... Of the New World we're trying to usher through. You've been called the master of torture... And up until this point, you've scarred and engraved agony into countless lives... So this time, you'll be the one who is tormented.

Esdeath: Hmph ! And is that your plan ? To try to get a rise out of me like that ? Pointless ! Come at me like you always would ! I'll return the suffering right back at you. This truly is shaping to be a good fight. I DON'T WANT IT TO BE INTERRUPTED BY ANYONE !!


Soldiers: YES, MA'AM !!

Najenda: 'With how drastic of a power-up that was... It will only be able to last a short amount of time. Will she hold out ?'

"Step aside..., This is something I must do..."

Najenda: What ?! T- Tao...

Esdeath: This is so fun, so thrilling, Akame !!

Akame: FUN ?! THIS IS FUN TO YOU ?! Don't you dare lump me in with you ! You goddamned war-beast !! Killing you will bring happiness to the people of this country, that has been what I've believed in... And it's never faltered all this time. Someone like you... Who talks about slaughter, massacre and torture as if it were fun... YOU MUST BE PUT DOWN... AND I WILL BE THE ONE TO DO IT !!


Akame: 'I've been shot... ! I see... So that's what this is...'

"... ... Melt."


Esdeath: ... H- Huh... ?

"All of this ice... It brings back unpleasant memories. So I'll have to ask you to cut it out right here and now, Esdeath. If you persist on attacking this very Empire... I guess I will need to put you down myself."

Akame: Tao... ?

Esdeath: ... He... Hahaha ! Yes, this must be fate ! In the end, it has to be this way !! if my feelings won't reach you... then you will die by my hand, Tao !! HAGEL SPRUNG !!

Akame: T- Tao !!

"... ... Begone."


Akame: ... How did that happen... ?

"... When two Teigu users clashes, one of them is fated to die... So let's shed these last drops of blood and definitely leave that rotten Empire behind."

Esdeath: ... 'Even the Holy Retriever could only slice through that ice at best... Yet it's almost like he simply ordered it to disappear... Could it be... Like Tatsumi has fused with Incursio...'

Akame: The voice of the Emperor...

"*Cough cough*"

Esdeath: ... I see. Being able to order people and Teigus alike. Truly something only the true Emperor could be able to pull off. But that must be incredibly straining and taxing on your body, isn't it ? So let's see how long you can keep this up in this cold !! We'll settle it with this.


"... Akame, I'm counting on you for that one... I'm afraid I'll only be able to issue one last order before my throat gives in. use it and break through."

Akame: Her movements have slowed down because of that armor... All we need to do is smash through both the ice and you !!

Esdeath: When you put so much power into it... the path of your swing is all too easy to read. NOW FREEZE ! This troublesome, dangerous katana... I'LL SHATTER IT TO PIECES !!


Esdeath: 'With the threat of Murasame gone, it's down to pure physical abilities. All of this is-'


Esdeath: What ?!

"... Get out of this country, and down to your own freezing hell ! Just you try... And heal your way out of this one !"

Esdeath: ... I let my focus... Slip from Murasame after I had shattered it... I had no idea he would go as far as to grab the blade itself...

Akame: More importantly, you had exhausted your energy from fighting against everyone else... That was the opening we used to win. Even with all that strength, in the end, you're still all alone... And that's what brought you down."


"Tatsumi... He's still alive ? Or is that Incursio... ?"

Akame: He is... After all, just like you, he still has people waiting for his return. Just like you. I think Leone is still waiting for you.

"... That woman will be the death of me... But it's true, that I have some things to live for still..."

Esdeath: Huh... Hmmm ?!

"... Let that be a parting gift... That even for a split second, those feelings of yours reached me."

Esdeath: ... I lost as a General... I lost as a warrior... I lost as a woman. Yes... this is utter and complete defeat. Now, I die...

Esdeath: 'I lived my life... Taking and having everything I ever wanted. And yet... You never once turned to look at me with that smile, until the very end... That is my last and only regret. Tao...'

"... ... Hngh !"

Akame: Th- The curse...

"... One order left... One single word... And one left enemy. I'm gonna have to ask Najenda where she got her arm. Hr-hm. This goes out to every Teigu in this country... SLEEP."


Akame: ... Every single Teigu in this country... The only way to finally cut free from the Empire... Mission... Accomplished.

*Yeagers: All eliminated. (Kurome and Wave ran away)*

Najenda: Well down, Akame, Tao ! It's all over, with even her reduced to pieces.

Akame: It's thank to everyone's sacrifices... Not just my strength alone...

"... ...Hhhhh..."

Najenda: yes, we'll need to work on that... getting your throat fixed up...

Doctor: Well, maybe if you didn't make all Teigus go extinct, Perfector could help with that... Seriously...

Najenda: Tatsumi, too... Somehow, regardless of what else, he's still okay.

Akame: It may have been because he was reincarnated into that dragon... But when I touched Tatsumi's body, I could feel two life forces. One was powerful, and the other felt so weak, it was ready to disappear at any moment... So when I stabbed him, I killed just the powerful life force.

'You were able to do something like that ?'

Akame: please don't come so close just to talk...

'Hey, my vocal cords are literally tattered all the way into my lungs. This is the only way I can be heard...'

Tatsumi: I'm happy, just to be alive... Akame, Tao... Thank you. Now, we can go home.

Akame: ... We had a promise, after all. You said that you wouldn't die. I was just making sure you kept it.

Tatsumi: Oh... That promise...

'... Why can't I help but feel like something's missing... ?'

Tatsumi: Seriously man, no one can hear you now...

*With the death of the Empire's strongest... Everyone felt the war had come to its end. But...*

*This man... was still alive*

Honest: I can't believe it... They even got to General Esdeath ?! I've got to escape through the secret passageways. No one... No one... Will ever be able to judge me !

*Evil that the heavens cannot judge... Will be dealt with, in the Darkness*


Honest: Hmph ! Those rebel scum are all pouring in now... But you're all too late ! Hah ! But still... They might... Shit ! If only I still had Shambhala, I'd be able to escape easily ! I can't believe it got broken ! I shouldn't have left that moron in charge of it... !


Leone: ... I don't know what's the most surprising... How Lionelly got destroyed all of a sudden... Or how I ended up fusing with the Danger beast like Tatsumi... Even I was caught completely off-guard.

Honest: Ghhhh... !! 'I was in so much of a hurry that I didn't even notice her sneak attack coming... God damn it all ! I'm at my wits' end !'

Leone: Even though, I have a good idea who did it... And it's thank to that I was able to catch up...



Honest: Wha... What in the world... Are you... ?!

Leone: This Empire... Its people... Their representatives... You manipulated, exploited and squeezed out all you could out of them, didn't you ? And now... You're the final shit stain that needs to be cleaned !

Honest: GWOOOOOOOH !! Gwaaaaaghhh... My... My stomach... ! Wh- What are you doing... You stinking mongrel... !

Leone: That's right... I believe you said something about having thoroughly trained and built up your entire body so that you could live through anything and enjoy a fruitful life...

Honest: 'Hngggh... It's no good... I can't move my body...'

Leone: You were always the one pulling all the strings... So it's only right that you die the most cruel, repulsive, ruthless death possible.


Leone: ... What's that ? I can't hear you... After all, I'm just a "worthless good-for-nothing, stinking mongrel". There will be no mercy for you.


Leone: Oh, you don't say ? Well, have fun enjoying the rest of that long life of yours. You worthless fuck.

Rebels: It... It's the Prime Minister ! The Prime Minister Honest ! HE STILL LIVES ! This whole time... He was just hiding away instead of fighting !!

Rebel: ... Kill him. KILL ! KILL ! KILL ! KILL ! KILL !

Soldier: Wait !! He's got a huge bounty on his head ! And there are countless people that have an axe to grind with him. i'm sure we can find some way, to make sure everyone can get their pound of flesh from him...


Soldier: incredible... We've cut him like a slab of livestock and he's still breathing.

Rebel: Apparently he underwent some extreme special training process for his body. But that's all the better for us. Every last person needs to get in line and carve out their pain from the body of that son of a bitch...

*Prime Minister Honest's execution was not censored and left in the annals of history as the most gruesome, ghastly event it was. They had literally drawn out every last scream from his body before his life came to a merciful end.*

Akame: L... LEONE !!

Leone: Yo ! Looks like we both filled our quotas... one man, one kill. Say, where is that one ?

"... ... Hhhhhhhh..."

Akame: Well, he's mostly fine... But he'll have some trouble expressing himself from now on...

Leone: I see... I guess I'll just have to stay veryyy close to know what he's saying from now on~

'... ... I'm not even gonna complain. i'm just happy all of that is over with...'

Leone: ... Tatsumi made it as well, huh ? That's a relief. After all, I've got that wild streak in me, like you. At least, I want to choose where and when I die.

'Let me guess, as late as possible ?'

Leone: And as close to you as possible~.


Makoto: ... Time for my beheading... ? I may have failed as an Emperor, but at least... There is this one final job I can see through the end... If I were to burst out in tears here and now, not only would I leave nothing but a laughingstock of my legacy, but it would disappoint my big brother even more... So the least I can do, in the end, is face my death with my pride intact.

*Thus, the Emperor was executed before the people. And in stark contrast to the Prime Minister, he stayed firm and resolute to the very end.*

Suzuka: Ah, man... I can't believe I gotta go on the run now... It really sucks being the loser in a war~. But, it's not all bad... Fufufu... In all the commotion and chaos at the end, I was able to sneak in and make off with the greatest "Severance package" ever...

Suzuka: Me, the masochist, and you, the sadist... We were the ultimate pairing... And now, we'll be together, forever~.

*Suzuka vanished without a trace, along with Esdeath's hand. Of course, there was no way to bring Esdeath back to life from the hand alone, but thanks to the work of alchemy, that hand was preserved and kept from rotting. And for her... Well... That was all she needed.*

Tatsumi: Mine... I'm back... From now on... I'll be right by your side...

Mine: ... ... Tatsumi... ?

Akame: It's wonderful, isn't it ?

Najenda: yeah. Was it just caring nursing and time that healed her ?

Akame: I think it was the overwhelming power of love and memories.

Najenda: ... I still can't believe she was pregnant with Tatsumi's child ! When did they...

Akame: Once, in the middle of the night, when I went to the kitchen to get a cup of water... Mine was all fired up... And I can tell someone else knew as well.

'It's an unspoken rule between men to not meddle with one another's love life.'

Najenda: For the last time, no one can hear you when you talk now. But it looks like they're still totally into each other. This is an end I can get behind.

Mine: You stupid, stupid, stupid idiot ! You're always pushing yourself too far !

*After the Revolution, Tatsumi and Mine bid farewell to their fighting days and retired to the countryside to nurse the wounds to their bodies and hearts. They had children and lived out a quiet, gentle, peaceful life. Thanks to a regular allowance, no one in Tatsumi's village even went hungry again. Eventually, Tatsumi, who had become a dragon, returned to his little village causing quite the commotion.*

*Kurome and Wave lived on together... Together with Wave, along with the usual visit from her sister, Kurome had finally found her happy ending.*

Najenda: What about you, Akame ? According to the doctor...

Akame: Well, this is a curse after all... So I can't exactly do anything about it hurting all over my body. I've already gotten used to it for the most part. I'll have no issues taking on new assignments.

Najenda: So... You knew this whole time ?

Akame: Everyone is permanently scarred from the batles and are now living peaceful, quiet lives... So for the sake of their lives, until the new chaos and disorder in the kingdom had been eradicated... I will keep working.

Najenda: Forgive me... For dragging you back into the dark abyss of the battlefield again...

Akame: That is why I was born... That is why I live...

Najenda: ... Me as well. I will burn out the remainder of my days fighting for the new Royal family.

*True to her word, Najenda continued fighting until the end for the new Kingdom. She did end up adopting a child, but remained single. And just like that... The new kingdom was born.*

*The revolutionary army who raged against corruption threw themselves into the employ of the new kingdom, together with the able-bodied and capable members of the former Empire. And together, these survivors worked to become the strength of the new kingdom. Those that worked for and aided the Empire up until the end had their evil deeds overlooked and continued to support the new country. Even the stout and strong civil officials aided the new kingdom. The rebels who rallied into their just cause in fighting against an Empire whose people were suffering, were finally quelled and found their place once the Empire was destroyed.*

*The cruel and dark days of the Empire's rule had been overcome and abolished, and the people now worked in happiness. The snowfall that Esdeath created had originally created a very intense cold, but when it all vanished in an instant, it served to strengthen morale all throughout... Along with nourishing the plants and crops. Any influential or prominent members of districts found acting overly ambitious for their own devices...*

Governor: 'At last... The Empire has finally fallen... Which finally gives me the perfect window of opportunity ! I'll stir up a rebellion and get this whole district to be independent... Then I will be king !'

Akame: ... ... ...

*Like a dormant, lethal virus... When work needed to be done, it is made out to be an accidental death, as it slips out and rips life away. The foreign people of the North had been stamped out during the Empire's reign. Now, they've made an alliance with the people of the West and diplomatic relations have been opened between the two. After being completely and utterly crushed at the hands of the seemingly omnipotent army of Esdeath, the people of the West no longer had the power left to even consider undertaking needless, unwelcome actions. And Esdeath's army, which had been exhausted and depleted from its battle against these foreign peoples' armies, were finally disassembled with the death of their General. Half of them were recruited into the Kingdom's border Guard.*

*True to his word as well, Tao tried his hardest to stay away from any politics, but after many and many begging and nagging from Najenda, he begrudgingly accepted a position of supervisor, which was actually just a fancy word of Najenda to put him in charge of the Kingdom until the situation calmed down and a proper new government could be formed. His throat never recovered, leading to a permanent loss of his voice, causing the people to soon nickname him the "Silent ruler" much to his dismay and to Leone's amusement, who happily stayed by his side as both a secretary and translator. Under his lead, not only the Prime Minister, but all his traitorous successors were found and properly disposed of... To ensure that no more seeds for disaster and misfortune remained to be sown. The new Kingdom's administration was now stabilized. And thus, from the dark times where the value of a life was worthless... The Kingdom blossomed into a gentle era where peace prospered over the land...*

*Night Raid. As the era of the Empire draws to a close... They were known as a criminal organization that shook the Empire to its very core. There will be found not even a word or mention of their existence. They would remain the Darkness that kills the Darkness... Sometimes accompanied by another killer, all draped in white.*

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