Chapter 7: Ubiquitous

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Ieyasu: Tatsumi... It's about time for us to get going.

Sayo: We're heading this way. You should go back now.

Tatsumi: What are you talking about... ? The three of us will go together...

Ieyasu: You've already found new friends, haven't you ?

Sayo: You can't rely on us forever, you know !

Ieyasu: Later, Tatsumi... If there'sa heaven, we'll see you there someday, okay ?

Tatsumi: Wa... Wait... !

*Please... Don't leave me alone...*

Tatsumi: ... What a painful dream...

Sheele: Hmm... Tatsumi... Rzzzz...

Tatsumi: ... Guess she dozed off.

Sheele: Tatsumi will be... Working with me today... It seems. Let's... get along... Zzzzzzz

Tatsumi: ... A wild airhead appears...

Your POV:

Lubbock: Hmm... I'm wondering if it's really smart to put Sheele in charge of Tatsumi.

Najenda: It'll be fine. I think they'll get along fine together.

"What makes you say that ?"

Najenda: It's good for you newbies to have a more experienced teacher.

Leone: I've got dibs on using Tatsumi next ! Although~... i'm not complaining by having the other half with me right now- GUAH !

"Personal space, please."

Najenda: And see ? She also has talent.

Lubbock: What the hell !! That's so unfair !!

Najenda: ... "To an assassin, more experience means a better killes. What do you think... ? I said something cool, didn't I ?

Leone: ... ... ...

Lubbock: ... ... ...

"... ... ..."

Najenda: ... I guess not ?

Tatsumi: GUAH !!

Sheele: Well done, swimming in that armor.

Tatsumi: So heavy... This is hell !

Sheele: This is the curriculum I came up with for assassin training. Since I don't have a job at the hideout, I can concentrate on training you.

Tatsumi: Why don't you have a job ?

Sheele: ... ... I got the normally cool Akame angry when I tried to cook. When I tried to do the cleaning, all I did was make a bigger mess for Bulat to clean up. When I did the shopping, I mistook salt for sugar, Leone couldn't stop laughing. And when I tried to do the laundry... I carelessly washed Mine with the clothes.

Tatsumi: For some reason, I don't mind that last one. That was sort of well done.

"Yeah, I somehow can see them getting along pretty well."

Leone: Stop ruminating about that already, we have a job to do.

Man: Hello, Leone. I could use another shoulder massage next time you come by.

Crowd: Lookin' hot today, babe ! Come drink with us tonight ! Come hang out with us, Leone !

"This definitely feels more lively and homely than your average slum."

Leone: Souls as strong as weeds. It's what happens when you struggle to survive all your life.

Crowd: Leone~ !

"Aren't you awfully popular around these parts..."

Leone: It's my home town after all. Was born and raised here ! I made a name for myself working at a local massage parlor. How about I show you these skills when we have some time alone later-


Leone: Whatcha think ? Interesting place, huh ?

"That's just the word. Honestly, you don't need your Night job to be kind of a wanted criminal."

Leone: Aren't you just a sweet talker~.

Soldier: I have a report. It's about Generals Nakakido and Hemi. They are gone. They have joined the Rebel army !

Officer: ... the military genius Nakakido has... this will make the rebel army a much bigger threat... if we don't get a handle of this, the Empire...

Emperor: Do not let your thoughts run away with you !! After all, they are down in the South, we can deal with them at any time ! The rebels gathering together just means they will be easier to clean up !

Emperor: ... So, did I handle this wall, Prime Minister ?

Minister: Ufufu... As always, your majesty is a mountain of calm in a sea of chaos. We have a closer problem than some far away rebel army. This is the problem that we should be focusing on. The leader of the Imperial Guard, assassinated. My own relative Iyokaru, dead ! Even that serial killer was killed by Night Raid, and they kept his Teigu !! I want them dealt with so badly... ! I've been so obsessed with this, I've gained weight... !! And on top of that, there's this Snow whatever running around now, stealing Teigus left and right !

Emperor: that snow-cloaked death is something, but what of Night Raid ? Are there not professionals searching for their hideout ?

Minister: They haven't been in contact. they're probably dead, but I have another plan.

Emperor: Oh ?

Minister: I've already called in someone reliable to help me express my uncontrollable rage ! The one who recently succeeded in subjugating the Northern tribes. I have called for General Esdeath to return to the capital !

Officer: B- But Great General Budo is in command of the capital forces, is he not ?!

Minister: But to ask the Great General do something as low as hunting rebels would be an unforgivable wound to his pride, would it not ?

Emperor: Esdeath, hmm... She is a hero that rivals the power of General Budo. i'm relieved !

Minister: She is the ice-hearted woman who executed 400,000 enemies by burying them alive. She will bring to task the hopelessly incompetent Imperial guard. This is no longer a question of life or death ! These animals are getting stronger day by day. SHE WILL HUNT THEM DOWN AND KILL THEM ALL !!

"Soooo... This is a predicament..."

Leone: We need to split or they'll catch up to us ! Meet me at the bar tonight so we can get the job done !

"Okay, so... I turned left here... Two right there. Here was a 270° spin Casper flip with airwalk, Tony would be proud... So if I write everything down, I get to... ... ..."

"... ... Holy fuck, I have no fucking idea where I am now..."

???: Oh my. My justice sensor is acting up ! You there ! Can I help you with something ?

"... ... Imperial guard ?"

Seryu: I am Seryu of the Capital guard forces. A warrior of Justice !

"You're serious ?"

Seryu: No, i'm Seryu

"I know you're Seryu, but are you serious ?"

Seryu: I keep telling you, my name is Seryu !

"Yes, I heard ! I'm asking you, serious, if you're Seryu ! No, wait, the other way around..."

Seryu: Are you serious with this ?

"No, you're Serious ! Well, Seryu... Gah, forget it !"

Seryu: To be Honest, that's a bit too much.

"Are you seriously... Let's stop with that. It's kinda unusual to see one of you guys down in these slums."

"... And that ain't a normal dog, is it ?"

Seryu: You've got good eyes ! This is Koro, the Teigu "Hekatonkheires". But please don't be worried. he's harmless to all except for those who embrace evil.

'... Magical beast transformation Teigu... Boasting enormous strength, durability, and regeneration abilities...'

Seryu: By the way, what seems to be the problem ?

"Nothing important. I just got a bit distracted on my way here and... Kinda lost it."

Seryu: Don't lose your way ! We can't have that ! I'll show you the way while I continue my patrol.

"No, really... I don't need help, I'm not in a hurry, per say..."

Seryu: This way. let's get you to where you need to be, okay ?

"Do you even listen to what I say, girl ?!"

Koro: Kyuuu !! Kyuuu !! Kyuu !

"... Aren't these 'Teigus' things like, super rare ? How did you get your hands on one ?"

Seryu: You're right, I'm the only one of the guards who has one of them. Koro is... Oh, that's the name I gave him. He won't move unless his user has perfect compatibility with him, you see. It seems among the higher-ups, there were none who were compatible. So they tested the compatibility of those even in the lower ranks. During my exam, it seems Koro responded to the justice in my heart. And so, he's now my partner ! Right, Koro ?

Koro: Kyuu~ !

"Is that so... ... ... I think I can go on my own, pretty sure of where is what I'm looking for."

Seryu: if you say so. Don't hesitate to call me if you stumble upon evil ! i'll immediately come and destroy it for you !

"That's... reassuring... ? I guess..."

Seryu: Let's go, Koro, you're still hungry, right ? How does five death-row prisoners sound ?

Koro: Kyuuuuuu !

"... ... Yeah, that girl has a few screws loose... Or completely unscrewed. Gotta have to keep an eye on that Koro. But on the meantime, let's thank Leone for using that distinctive brand of laundry. Nose, guide me."

Seryu: 'Helping someone on a whim is good and all, but I must hurry and find that one... The "Snow-cloaked death"... Captain Ogre...'

Ogre: Hahaha, nice attack ! I think you've gotten stronger again, Seryu !

Seryu: That difficult Teigu has chosen me. I must make myself stronger ! Justice shall never yield to evil ! That's what my papa who died in the line of duty always said !!

Ogre: Oh ? If you want to become stronger that badly... Would you like to attain a so-called "Trump card" like ability ?

Seryu: Really ?!

Ogre: A doctor friend of mine has been telling me how he wishes to conduct an experiment. However, the test subject will experience enough pain to wish they were dead. Think you can handle it ?

Seryu: Of course ! I'll do anything needed to attain the skills to defeat evil !

Seryu: 'The evil... That killed my teacher, Captain Ogre... ! I will never forgive you ! I swear... I'll taint your snow red with your blood !'

"Red light district, huh... Just being here really gets the blood going..."

Leone: Fufu... You know what you're talking about ?

"Huh ? Sorry, my nose is about to fall off from every single fragrance mixing together in here. Mind if we move on fast ?"

Leone: Okay, then, time to work. I've got debts to pay ! Transform ! Lionelle !!

Leone: Alright ! Changing into this form always gets me raring to go ! Let' sneak in, we've got killing to do.

"So we need to observe he guards to see faults in the shifts..."

Leone: I have a better idea. Hold on tight.

"What do you- GAAAAAHH !!"

Leone: Phew, made it.

"S- So your idea of 'Sneaking in' means 'Rush in so fast they can't react'..."

Leone: Hey, get over here. Hurry it up. Look.

"What, down here ? What's in there to- Gurg !!"

Leone: ... hey, you okay ?

"Slow, deep breathes... Remember, Tao, breathe through your mouth, not your nose..."

Leone: Yeah, the smell alone would make anyone sick, so you... Just try not to make too much noise... Our targets are here.

Yakuza: Ohhhoooo. Very nice, very nice. Hey there girls. If you keep earning money well, I'll make sure to send around some more "Medicine", alright ?

Girls: Okaaaay~ !

Goon: Hm ? Boss, take a look at this one.

Yakuza: Ahh, damn it. This one's done. She smells like fish, she's broken.

Girl: Haahhhhh... I need some of your drugs~...

Yakuza: Deal with her. We'll get a new one to take her place.

Goon: We'll have to call up another stupid bitch from the slums, right ?

Yakuza: Yeah. Those good-for-nothing will do anything as long as they get paid after all.

"... ... So, our targets just designated themselves..."

Leone: The one he just hit... Was someone I knew from the slums... they make me sick. let's put an end to their business, permanently !

"Now you're reading my mind."

Goon: Boss... It's about time we expand our drug delivery route, don't you think ?

Yakuza: true, huh... Wonder if we should go over to Chibul-sama's place to discuss it.

"I don't know about that 'Chibul-sama', but I heard hell is in dire need of those things you sell."

Leone: So why you two get down there for a delivery ?

Goon: I... INTRUDERS !! KILL 'EM !!

"... As the cold wind blows from the land up ahead..."

Guard: What ?!

"You don't know it yet, but you're already dead."

Guard: Nani ?! GUARG !!

Leone: Our targets are the drug smuggling ring leaders. But you also share their guilt... So you can all die together.


"Indeed she does have another assassin watching her back, your point being ?"

Goon: S... Snow-cloaked...

"yes... Let that terror invade you... AND TAKE IT DOWN TO HELL WITH YOU !"

Yakuza: Gah... What do you want... ? Money, drugs ? I'll give you whatever you want if you just let me go !

"isn't that just the most beautiful music ? Them begging for their lives ?"

Leone: Sure is. We don't want either of those things. What we want, is your life.

Yakuza: Wh... Who the hell are you guys...

Leone: ... We're nobodies. And therefore...

"Disposing of the trash suits us just fine."

"Okay, I know this isn't really our problem anymore, but... What do you think is gonna happen to those girls now ?"

Leone: Hmm... There's an old doctor in the slums they can be taken to. Though he isn't that skilled. We'll see him and explain the situation. He's got a thing for young girls, so I'm sure he'll be happy to help.

"Somehow, that makes me even more concerned for them... But it's not like we've got much choice, right ?"

Leone: Well, the possibility of saving them isn't all that high in the first place...

"Isn't that why you guys work in the first place ? To make their lives a bit happier ?"

Leone: ... You're a strange one. Taking that mission of yours with such glee... And going as far as claiming you're white as snow while bathing in all that blood...

"I never said I enjoyed taking lives like that, it's just... The prospect of making things better, little by little... I think that's the only thing that could keep me going."

Leone: ... Fu... You know, when you say something like that... It's really cute.

"Once again, personal space, please."

Leone: Aww, don't be like that. You don't want Onee-san to mark you ? I want dibs on you when you grow up to be a good man.

"... ... Please, stop making these innuendos. I've already been mistaken for a snack once, and that's something I'd rather leave behind."

Leone: better be careful then. Or that lioness' gonna eat you right up~.

"... ... ... ... Haaaaah..."

Leone: Fu. So. I wonder how the others are doing ?

Mine: That Chibul guy was way too wary of attacks.

Sheele: But in the end, it didn't cause too many problems.

Mien: An enemy ?! 'Who is this... I didn't notice her at all...'

Sheele: 'She seems different from the other imperial guards...'

Seryu: ... I knew it. It's the same face as on the wanted poster... You are definitely Sheele of Night Raid ! And judging from the Teigu she has in her hand, the other girl is also a member of Night Raid !

Seryu: Hiding myself and waiting night after night was definitely worth it... Finally... I've finally tracked you down, Night Raid ! Imperial Guard Forces, Seryu Ubiquitous !! IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE, I WILL ABSOLUTELY MAKE YOU EVILDOERS PAY HERE AND NOW !!

*Because of their power, when Teigu users clash, "Death" is called to the field. Even in this battle that's about to begin... With no exceptions.*

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