Chapter 8: Royal Canin

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Mine: So, you know who we are. Why are you here ? I don't think you came here just to die...

Seryu: ... No matter what happens... I will deliver Justice ! For my father who fell in the line of duty to villains like you ! And for my beloved teacher who was murdered by your kind ! YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN !!

Mine: She's really intent on doing this, huh ? Okay then, the first to strike has the advantage !!

Seryu: ... Koro !

Sheele: Mine, that thing's a Teigu !

Mine: Seems like it, but that's a biological type, right... ?

Seryu: Tonfa Gun !


Seryu: 'I don't think attacking from this distance would be very effective.' Koro ! Prey !!

Sheele: ... i'm sorry.


Mine: Don't you remember what was written in the book, Sheele ? Biological Teigus gave a core hidden somewhere in their bodies. If you don't destroy that, it'll just continue regenerating. It doesn't have a heart, so even Akame's Murasame wouldn't be able to kill it.

Sheele: It would seem we have a somewhat troublesome opponent this time, huh.

Seryu: Koro ! Arms !!

Mine: Gross... It looks like we don't have any choice but to do that, Sheele.

Sheele: I understand.


Sheele: Mine ! Get behind me ! Kh... Strong... A storm of attacks...


Mine: And she's called for reinforcements... This is what I would call... Being in a pinch !! LET'S DO THIS !!

Seryu: Its power increased ?! But...

Mine: Shit ! It's already started regenerating... What unbelievable life force... !

Seryu: Don't underestimate Koro's durability-

Sheele: The Teigus are just tools. All you need to do is kill its user to make it stop !

Seryu: 'Was she aiming for me from the start ?!'

Sheele: I'll use my secret skill...'

Seryu: The metal is generating light ?! This ability can't... !!

Sheele: It's over.


Sheele: 'She blocked the hits ! So the user herself is strong as well.'

Koro: Guh !

Mine: Did you forget about me ? I won't let you go ! 'It may be too strong for me to take down, even in a pinch.. But keeping it occupied should be enough. I can try to find its core by process of elimination...'

Sheele: 'She sacrificed her arms to prevent a killing blow... Either way, it's over with this next attack !'

Seryu: Justice will... ALWAYS WIIIIINN !!

Sheele: Body modification ?! She hid guns in her arms ?!'

Seryus: This is the trump card given to me by my captain ! TAKE THIS~ !!


Seryu: 'She blocked it ?!' Guh... I'm not done yet !

Seryu: 'Koro will overheat and be unusable for a few months if I do this... But I have no choice !' Koro !! Secret skill, BERSERKER !!

Mine: Uwaaaahh ! 'So she had a secret skill as well !'

Seryu: CRUSH HER !!



Sheele: I seem to have made it just in time...

Sheele: My body... Won't move...



Seryu: ... heh.

Mine: ... How dare you... ? How dare you so that to her... ? I... I'll destroy you !!

Guards: over there ! They are battling ! Call for more back up !!

Seryu: What ?!

Guards: What the hell is this light ?! Be careful ! Something's going on !

Sheele: Ex... Tase...

Mine: Sheele !

Scheele: You need to get out of here now... Mine...

Seryu: That woman... She's still fighting in that state... ?!

Mine: But you...

Sheele: ... ...

Sheele: 'I'm happy... I was able to be useful in the end...'

Seryu: Koro !! Hurry up and put an end to her !!

Sheele: 'Night Raid... The place where I belong... It was really fun... I'm sorry, Tatsumi... It looks like I won't be able to hug you again...'

Guards: Hey, what was with that light just now... ? Hey, Seryu... Are you alright ?

Seryu: Ahaha... Ahaha... I did it... ! Even though she abandoned her evil comrade, I fought well... What a half-hearted person. Papa... I defeated the evil villain on my own ! The light of Justice shines upon the world ! Ahaha ! Ahahahahahahahahahaha !!

Akame: Sheele was...

'Sheele... We shared so much... We talked, like, once... I think... What's for dinner ?'

Tatsumi: Wh... Where is the person who did it... ? Mine !

Najenda: Wait ? What do you intend to do, Tatsumi ?

Tatsumi: It's obvious, isn't it ?! Revenge !

Najenda: Stop. If you go off half-cocked, all you will be doing is increasing the body count.

Tatsumi: Hey ! Our friend was killed !! Do you think I'm just going to sit here and stay silent ?!

Bulat: STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD, TATSUMI !! COMPOSE YOURSELF !! When did anyone ever say that we couldn't be harmed or killed ?! You knew this could happen when you agreed to join us !!

Mine: ... 'I knew you were doing your duty... I know this is our punishment... I know all of that, but... But you killed Sheele. And you will be hunting us from now on... If that is how it is !! SERYU UBIQUITOUS !! I WILL CERTAINLY TAKE YOU DOWN !!'

Najenda: Sheere's death was certainly not pointless. The Empire will now finally understand, it takes a Teigu to fight a Teigu ! And now they will bring in more Teigu users to fight for them.

"... Meaning more teigus to reap and collect for us."

Najenda: Indeed. But this also is the beginning of a life or death struggle, Tatsumi, Tao.

Esdeath: I'm home. Capital.

Akame: Mine.

Mine: leave me be, I can eat on my own, you know.

Akame: I'm trying to help.

Mine: Alright, alright.

Tatsumi: ... 'Sheele has been killed, and yet, Akame is so calm and indifferent about it...'

'The difference between feeling and showing, Tatsumi. But to think it was that girl... I just wish I could've reported about her before all of that happened...'

"... Starting to realize how heart-breaking this line of work really can be ?"

Tatsumi: Yeah... You're not showing much either...

"I've been working alone for most of my life. I know that bonds can be a downfall for an assassin. So i'm very careful about who I call and don't call friends. It also helps with the stains."

Tatsumi: Stains ?

"The ones that stays. The one that cling to you for the rest of your life. The knowledge that the target you killed had a family, maybe children, and that to them, he was just a good father. These stains will always remain within you."

Tatsumi: I suppose you just have greater mental fortitude... Will you tell me how you got into this line of work ?

"I'm afraid none can do. It's not that I don't trust you, but if you guys get captured and interrogated, I don't want to take any risks."

Leone: Hey, hey, All that mysterious aura you have is making you all the more-


Leone: Agagagaaaaaa...

"All you have to know about that is that it's a third party uninvolved with either the Empire or the Revolution."

Tatsumi: ... On one hand, I admire your skills with the knives... On another hand, could you free Leone ?

"Only if she agrees not to be so aggressively flirty all the time."

Leone: Aww. You really don't know how girls works. By trying to avoid me, you just make me want to get you even more~...

"... Aight, more knives."

Leone: H- hey, don't... HAAAAAAAAAAAA !!

Tatsumi: ... Even if she did steal my money when we first met...

"Oh, trust me. She's an outlaw, and a bold one at that."

Torturer: Come on ! Let's see if you can scream even louder ! This is what happens to those who oppose the Prime Minister !!

???: What is this... ? Looking at you all is just pathetic.

Torturer: What was that ? You want to join- UWAH ?! L- LADY ESDEATH !!

Torturers: We didn't know you returned, Ma'am ! W- We're terribly sorry !!

Esdeath: You guys are quite unskilled in the art of torture. Truly pathetic. For instance, what's with the temperature of this cauldron ? If it's this hot, they die too quickly, right ?


Esdeath: If you lower the temperature a bit, you can prolong their suffering even further.

Torturers: Y- Yes, Ma'am !! Thank you for the valuable lesson, Ma-am !

Esdeath: let's go.

Torturer: ... That's Lady Esdeath for you, such an extreme sadist... She's a sadist, heart and soul...

Torturer: As well as the ones following behind, the Three Beat-Warriors. When the northern tribes were executed by being buried alive, it seems they were the most gleeful about carrying out the job. They certainly are a bloodthirsty group of animals... i'd love to be invited into their group !

Torturer: But from what I hear, the training for the group is so horrible that almost everyone dies before they can finish...

Emperor: General Esdeath.

Esdeath: Yes, your majesty.

Emperor: Your conquest of the northern lands was superb ! We are prepared to reward you with 10,000 pieces of gold for your efforts.

Esdeath: I am grateful, your majesty. We left not a soldier alive in the North.

Emperor: Splendid. Now I must apologize, I realize you have just returned. However, there is work to be done. An atrocious group know as Night raid has begun running rampant around the capital. I wish for you to focus on purging this group from the city.

Esdeath: I understand... In that case, I would ask one thing of your majesty.

Emperor: Um, soldiers, is it ? You may use as many as you wish.

Esdeath: I have heard that the enemy possesses many Teigu. It takes a Teigu to fight a Teigu, your majesty. And as such, I would like for a group of six Teigu users to be assembled. That will be sufficient for my needs. I will form a group of nothing but Teigu users that will maintain security in the capital.

Emperor: ... Doesn't the general have a group of Teigu users... ? Those known as the three beat-warriors ? And yet you ask for six more ?

Minister: Your majesty, I believe we can rest easy by entrusting this task to general Esdeath.

Emperor: If you say as such, then I will not question it. Will you handle the preparations ?

Minister: Of course, your majesty. I will see to it personally.

Emperor: Then I can be assured that peace shall return to the capital !

Minister: Makoto, General Esdeath is a very loyal subject. '... Esdeath has no interest in politics and amassing political power. Facing and then crushing an enemy is everything to her ! While I keep the country under my thumb, all she desires to do is fight an enemy. As far as having an advantage goes, she is the ultimate trump card !!'

Emperor: I don't believe just giving you gold is a suitable reward for the task. I wish to give you something special. Is there anything you desire... ? Such as titles or land ?

Esdeath: There is one thing... if I may dare say...

Emperor: What is it... ?

Esdeath: I was thinking... It may be nice to try being in love.

Minister: ... ... ... ...

Emperor: ... ... Th-... That's right ! You are of marriageable age, and yet have not married.

Minister: However, the general surrounds herself with those who adore her, does she not ?

Esdeath: Those are "Pets".

Emperor: Then may I suggest this ? What of the Prime Minister ? He's a good man !

Minister: Wait a- Your majesty !!

Esdeath: As you say, he is a good man. However, with his blood pressure being so high, it is uncertain whether he will live to see tomorrow.

Minister: I am in perfect health, thank you very much. Well then, what type of person would suit you best, general ?

Esdeath: ... Written on this scroll, are the things I most desire in a partner. Please inform me if anyone meeting this criteria should appear.

Emperor: I understand. We shall keep an eye out.

Esdeath: As always, you do as you please, prime minister.

Minister: Of course. Those who don't agree with me are killed. When I wish to eat, I eat only the best meats. What type of thrilling person would it take to fill your desire, though ? Ufufufu.

Esdeath: You really have become sick, huh... ? Though it is quite strange... 'Till now, all I have ever cared about has been carnage and warfare. Even I... Don't understand where these feelings have come from.

Minister: yes, well. As a living being, it's only natural that you would desire the opposite sex, is it not ? I actually though you were a little slow in this area. 'though talking about things like love doesn't suit her at all.'

Esdeath: I see... This is a sort of bestial instinct, then ? Well, for the time being at least, I plan to have fun hunting these rebels now.

Minister: Speaking of that... I think it's a little too much to request six teigu users.

Esdeath: Though in the end, you will take care of it, right ?

Minister: Ufufu... I will take care of the preparations... Though as for what you can do for me... There has been a certain rapscallion running around the capital lately, getting his dirty hands on oh so many precious Teigus...

Esdeath: Is that so...

Esdeath: I have new orders for you three. Though it's somewhat different than normal...

Moustache: Give us any sort of order, Lady Esdeath.

Smol: the three of us are your faithful servants.

Beeg: We will accept any orders, at any time, ma'am.

Esdeath: Good.

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