7 minutes late

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White, white walls, white floor, white sheets, white everything and all I could do was sleep and the only person who ever visited me was Arthur and all he ever wanted to talk about was what happens over the last two months, mainly all the qouestions based around my Oliver or.... I hardly told him anything nowing fully well any important information I had would lead him to what had happened... I don't want to go to jail. I was being moved from this hospital today Arthur said he'd be here around 2pm I watched the clock as the seconds hand ticked away. It been 3 weeks since when I first woke up here I have had many surgerys since then and I was on anesthetic most of the time, when I wasen't I was in agonising pain. They say it'll be 9 weeks till my leg heals and when ever I want to move somewhere I have to use a wheel chair. My arm should take 6 weeks they say. Shoulder well that is 6-8 but the worst is my hip they had to realign it and put metal pins so it wouldn't move and I couldn't even go to the toilet properly. I had to take so much medicine every day. I hated being confined to this bed. All I ever did was sleep and have people examine me, I couldn't even think straight half the time. I let out a small sigh, I could at least sit up now. "Miss (L/N)" a nurse called walking into my private room. "yes" I breathed, feed up of being here already "Arthur is here to see you" she moved out the way letting him in the left without another word. "Your Late" I stated looking at the clock 7 minutes late. "Well I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do about traffic" he huffed angrily straighten put his bussiness jacket. "well are you finally ready to go back home?" he asked giving me a distant look, I nodded my head. He said I would be staying at an aqatiance of his that is currently at England on business. He didn't live anywhere near my house but the thought of being back in my home country made me feel ecstatic. I had casted all qouestions I held to the side focusing on seeing my mum once more. Arthur had even told me they had my sister and she was already in England, I was glad she was at least safe. "Have they given me the all clear to be able to go yet?" I qouestioned knowing the doctors where apposed I left saying they atleast want me to have my arm to heal before I was moved hospitals let alone countries. "No but your fit enough for transport they just have lingering worries, so you'll have to sign papers to decomposition yourself" Arthur sighed opening his bag and pulling out a papper and pen. laying both on my dinner slider I read over them. I really do wonder why he keeps helping me, he might be rude but he's all I've had for company these last few weeks. I picked up the pen feeling it's weight in my hand it felt weird I haden't need to use a pen in months it reminded me of school. Pulling up a chair he pointed towards two underlined areas "you'll need to sign here and here" he looked so relax, when ever I looked at him I couldn't help but think of Oliver espically whenever he looked so peaceful. I didn't realise I was staring intill the green orbs stared back into mine and a catapliar eyebrow furrowed a curious smirk on his lips. I averted my gaze down to the papper ignoring him I quickly scribbled my signature were he had pointed. My signature cams out sloppy but I didn't care . I gathered up the papper and shoved them towards him "here, can we go now?" I qouestioned never rasing my eyes to his gaze. I could hear a small chuckle then he anwsered "just need to hand them in then we are all ready to go" he took them from my hands his shoes taped on the floor as he left the room probably off to reception. I looked apon the blank room one last time a Lilly sat in a plain vase beside my bed on of the nurses gave it to me probably out of pity. One pure white petal had fallen from it and started to turn a sickly brown as it shriveled up. "You ready" his voice called as he strided through the door and across the room he pulled a wheelchair from the corner he set it up and some nurses came in. They started to untie me form the many cords that stuck out of my arms. I didn't dare look in the mirror since I'd been here, I'm sacred too see what I'd look like with wires feed to my nose and the cuts I knew littered my cheeks to. The wires went to my nose to help. I never wanted to see myself so, so weak. Bathing was even a problem the nurses had to do it for me luckily they where kind enough to always to do my hair for me everyday. My wheel chair had metal brace that would hold my legs in a position so the pins wouldn't hurt. Both nurses then pulled at my covers and asked Arthur to leave so they could change me. Arthur handed them a set of clothes he brought. I had to tell him all my sizes, everything he was either embrassing or dull. They helped me dress from my simple horrid hospital gown into a pretty white flowing dress as wearing jeans or anything along those lines would mainly be too much of a fuss as the casts where too big. Luckily the dress came down to my heels so it didn't matter how far my leg was raised in my wheelchair. Simple mat black platforms where placed on my feet to be fair I wasn't going to be using them but I'm glad I had them. He'd even gotten me a small shawl. Both nurses lifted me into my wheel chair and called Arthur back in. "like it?" he asked "Yeh it's comfy" I smiled thankful for the clothes. "good, good we'll be on our way now" he said pushing away "bye" one of the nurses giggled they always tried to flirt with him while he was here no clue why he seems like a right grump. My eyes gorged on the new scenes of the plain hospital sick of the white wall and ceiling of my own room. Soon enough we where outside the wind nipped at my (s/c) skin and ruffled my hair. Old colours such as green and gray seem to bring back life to my vision. Arthur stoped by a red car it looked brand new as it shined in the sun . He could see my curious look and seemed to anwser "I had to buy a new one after mine was stolen form the crime scene I suspect your captures took it" he snarled slightly. I hated how he talked about them but bite my tongue knowing over all he was doing me a favour. Without warning he plucked me from my seat shocking me; carefully and slowly he placed me in the passenger seat of his car and lent over and strapped me in. Then packed away my wheelchair in the back. I hated being so useless if only my body worked I could do such simple things again.

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