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(this is a sequel sweet tastes and alluring scent is the first of the two)

Warmth bathed me, nothing came to mind. I felt weightless. Is this what it feels like to be dead? I jolted forward pain shocking through all my being. Light flooded through my forgotten eyes. Electric passed through me charging my dieing cells. My chest burnt and my lungs screamed out in pain. I tried to move but I couldn't, was this just a dream after death... I would be able to move if I was alive right? Another shock followed but this time I moved and god Damn did it hurt. My eyes where forced open my entire body was numb, everytime I tired to move all I felt was a sharp unforgiving pain. I scanned the room quickly remembering why I died in the first place. White slowly faded into the shape of faces. So many unknow faces leaned over looking into mine. "She's Alive!" a person holding metal things grinned. "a-alive" I choked my mouth was dry and felt rusty. "Yup sweetheart you alive isn't that just dandy" a women smiled lightly "open your mouth for me please" another asked I opened my mouth slightly she shone a torch down my throat then asked me to look at the touch as she shone it in my eyes. "it's lucky we got you back it's not everyday someone falls from a 6 stories window and survives " the person form before spoke I could hardly see them as I couldn't move my neck and I was lying straight down facing a blank ceiling. "I was dead" I breathed I couldn't comprehend what was happening I was to tired all unwanted to do was give up but the constant pain forced my eyes open "where does it hurt?" a women I presumed was a nurse asked "everywhere" my voice really did sound like sandpaper. " The anesthetic from the surgery must be waring off" she sighed "surgery ?" I qouestioned "You where send straight to sugery and they had to replace most of your ribs and bend back you arms and legs to there original position and make sure you organs where alright, then straight after the surgery your heart stopped. So we brought you back with....... "
She explained on as I faded back out too my thoughts. How did I get here? They took me to a new bed. I wasn't able too move either of my legs or my left arm and my right shoulder was broken, hips fractured. Luckily my skull wasn't damaged. I found it hard to relax; becoming sick of all the qouestions that had arose. I relaly hate being left with more qouestions. "She's awake" the familiar female spoke as a door swung open I couldn't see who she was talking to as I could only lay down because some of my organs that where damagedanf they would be taking me into surgery again tomorrow. The Anesthetic didn't help my head being clear either but for now I was thankful for it knowing without it I would be in amence pain. "I'll leave you two be" she spoke again us two? That means there was definitely someone else in here why weren't they talking. "Um hello" I breathed. "Evening I nice to finally met you" Oliver? No the voice was deeper less chirpy but definitely 100% british. "And you are? " I qouestioned eagar to move to see the man I could clearly hear. "Arthur Kirkland" Arthur? The dud name for Oliver, oh please don't tell me out of all the people in the world I've encountered another look alike. I heard the clack of footsteps. His face appeared in my field of vision, dirty blonde hair, big catapliar eyebrows, emerald eyes. This could still be Oliver, he could be using his duff name that's more likely then finding the lookalike right. Wrong. His lips where in a straight line, eyes seemed dull and didn't look the slightest bit happy to see me. "So you really are Arthur Kirkland?" I qouestioned just to make sure. "Yes sorry to say but I'm not Oliver" he sighed so I was right and he knows about Oliver? "Considering I saved your life you don't seem at all happy to see me" he scoffed folding his arms and looking away. "Sorry to say but 1 I don't know you and 2 I have no clue what's going on except I just got out of surgery" I spoke with spite. I heard a huff and sound of metal being dragged. "I guess I should explain" I could tell from his voice he was angery at my reply but he was still being reasonable. "Thank you for saving me though" I quickly said feeling slightly bad for snapping at him "your welcome" he seemed to brighten up slightly "So I know fully well your (F/N) (L/N) and you where kidnapped by your farther" he stated I hummed in response so he knew I was listening, well that was all I could really do. He seem to know quite alot for someone I'd never met "lately I had a lead at were you where and that's when I found you....

Arthur's pov: #Flashback#

I'd finally gotten a lead I pushed back my hair as my eyes scanned the road. First thing was to check the nearby area for any patientle places they could be, luckily I now know there not with Luciano that should make my job 10 times more easier. A fancy hotel Alfred normal stayed at came into view something waving in the wind caught my attention. I nearly couldn't believe my eyes a girl was hanging from tied together fabric. I put my foot down. I skid on the pavement and hit the breaks but I was too late she was already falling her scream stung at my temples I could hear the crunch of her bones on the concrete and someone screaming from the above balcony "(F/n)!!!" She's (F/N)? I got out my car without a secound thought this girl need help no matter who she was.

I knelt down next to her and put my fingers to her throat I couldn't catch a pulse so I place my head near her mouth. I could hear weak breaths. She's was alive I pulled my cell out and quickly dialed 999 almost dialling 911 in my haste. Luckily they where their within minutes I got in th cab with her without a secound thought; leaving my car behind in the panic. She was rushed into sugery as soon as we arrived. I rung up the police's main hub in London as soon as I got a moment to sit down "I found (F/N) she fell 6 stories I'm in the hospital where she is at the moment" I stated without a hello "good work... where did you find her (S/n) could still be in the buildingI'll send some American police over as soon as possible". I told him the hotel's name and that I'd keep an eye on miss (L/N) intill she has recovered and also so I could qouestion her. I hung up. And waited slightly anxious, I didn't know the girl personally but I could only imagen what she's been though with those psychopaths. "Fu##" I cursed I knew fully well it would be a Miracle if she came out of that operating room alive.

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