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"urgh" it been weeks I've been stuck here for weeks. Tapping my feet to the tune that played in my ears I sighed. All that was left was to stay here intill they let me out. My sister was dead. They then took me and fled.

"Bang" I shot to my feet in fright. A gun shot, why is someone shooting. Desperately I searched for a weapon.
A vase, a remote, a pillow. None of these were good enough. Then it snapped I pulled at the chain round my neck. A small dagger hidden as a pendent. Lutz gave it to me before we were rescued. The blade look slightly dull. Muffled shouting. (F/N) must be terrified. She thinks I don't know what she's been through as if I'm oblivious to everything. One night I heard our retched farther take her and as a child I was curious. How dumb I was back then. That sight has haunted my nightmares ever since. Knowing she could snap at anytime terrified me more. Shaking my head I broke the horrible train of thought. I had to focus, no time for pointless worry. Quietly I shifted open my door. Sneaking out I stared down the long hall way. Nobody. Though grunts and words echoed of the walls. Heavy stomps of boots caught my attention. They were clearly heading my way. Hide, I need to find a place to hide. Ducking into the nearest room I closed the door. Scanning the room I noticed this was a bedroom but who's? Hiding in the wardrobe I distracted my self with my thoughts. All those friends (F/N) spousely met 3 day before we we abducted then rescued us made me feel slightly on edge around them. She was too trusting of people. They didn't seem normal either. Matt and Al suffered some anger issues. Francis was an alcoholic clearly. Oliver well he just seem overly chipper 24/7. They were all hiding something. Also for them to know my Farther that just spells bad news. They were clearly dangerous but who am I to judge I have a killer sister and a psycho family. Sometimes I think I'm the only sane one. Well except for mum. Tapping at my head I sighed my mind was trying to stop me panicking with stupid qouestions. "stomp, stomp stomp" I held my breath my chest tightening. "Creak" No that was definitely this door. Damn! I readied my dagger. Who was it? I didn't even know what was happening. It could be a 'friend', a foe or someone I never even met.

Listening carefully I could tell the person had paused. Suprising them might work. Yet if it's a skilled fighter I have no chance. Small creaks of steps drew near and nearer. This is to close for comfort. They know I'm here. Snapping my eyes shut, my stomach curned. Then the door swung open. Slowly I peeled one eye open I was still hidden they opened the wrong door. It was only a matter of time till. "aaaahhhhhhhhhhh" a scream priced my ears and made the person who was searching run from the room. That voice no it can't be. Leaving my hiding place my curiosity and fear led me to the noise. That's when I noticed out of the massive window. A body, a crumpled mangled body sprawled among the pavement. "No..." I covered my mouth shock took me by surprise.


Heh all by myself now. Great. I'm glad they came when they did or I might of had to go with him. "(S/N) what's wrong? your pulling that face again, don't make such an ugly face out a pretty one" A blonde man walked in and chimed. "Yeh,yeh" I replied dully staring out at the dimly lit street. "You know staying here is for you safety I'm not trying to be mean" he tried sitting down on the bed next to me. "I know Flavio it's just so much has happened lately and now I'm stuck still" I sighed. "Yes I understand, how about to cheer you up I'll take you shopping" he smiled lightly seeming shaken slightly aswell. "Only if your paying" I laughed jokingly he nodded more chipper "of course, after all it been ages since I last took you out".


Running down the corridor in a panic I ran to the elevator only to be greeted by Francois. "Down stairs 4th floor" was all he said before I fled into the elevator. Without secound thought I followed what he said my head to messed up to even comprehend. I walked out to be met with a familiar face "(S/N) it's been too long" he pulled me into a hug. I was too shocked to move my lips let alone speak. "come on now calm down for me, ok you need to be strong" I nodded even though all I wanted to do was break down and cry. He jumped out a open window onto afire escape. Of course I followed fearing my life. I knew fully well I could trust Flavio even if he was brothers with my father he'd hated him ever since their brother went missing. "Get in quickly" I opened the car door and jumped in making sure to do up my seat belt. That's when it caught my eye a blonde man knelt down beside her body, only being a quick glimpse for a secound before it was replaced with buildings.


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