Tora's friends

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Reader's pov: "Hey get in here" my arm was yanked into a room. I'd been in this place for 2 months and was still shaken by Evelyn's , Feliciano's and even Tora's similarities to my family. After I told Arthur the information he'd only visited twice only to tell me the situation with my sister. They'd been scouting out the place and found a window of opportunity, he told me they be going in this month. Tora stared at me "(F/N)?" she qouestioned "uh-hu" I sighed not really giving her my full attention. Tora never asked qouestions yet she was clearly curious about why I looked nearly identical to her. Once she qouestioned her dad while I was in the room to if I was her missing twin, of course it was a no. "Now you can walk by yourself why don't we go out?" she smirked. my Rehabilitation only just finished and I struggled to walk long distances. Also I had to wear a metal brace around my hipps. Luckily no more nurses were on my case or intruppting my privacy. Her face twisted seeing my look ofclear distress. "Come on, I want you to meet my mates" she grinned. It would be nice to go outside again and move by myself.

"ok" I agreed, within secounds I was dragged from her room and out the door "Byeee taking (F/N) out!" she slammed the door. Within secounds a car pulled up infront of the house. No matter what she would have taken me no matter what I said. "Get in quick" doing as she said I jumped in the back. "step on it" she ordered. The Boy behind the wheel did as she ordered, slight panic fleeted as I quickly yanked at the seat belt and buckled up. "So this is ye twin you've been talking about" the blonde man spoke so happily it made me slightly uneasy. He didn't seem to match Tora's rebel persona at all. "Yeah (F/N), Fred. Fred, (F/N)." the blonde turned in his seat giving me a small wave. Allen? No its another lookalike... it's the person Allen was disguised as. "Alfred" I spoke. The boy let out a small awkward laugh "Yeh that's my full name".

After a quick ride of just the radio playing we soon pulled up to a house. "Come on" Tora opened the door as I undid my seat belt. "Welcome to my place make yourself at home" Fred smiled leading us into the big house. "Hello Tora" a small voice greeted. Scanning the area I soon spotted a blonde and of course he reassemble Matt. "Hey Mattie" she called as she took of her Jacket and shoved it over the couch. "This is (F/N)" Fred pointed to me. "It's nice to meet you" Mattie smiled. My mind couldn't deal with this amount of stress, everyone looked the same but they were complete opposites I don't belong here. I Don't Belong. Placing my hand on my head I tried to focus through the constant haze. "(F/N), everything ok? You look pale" Tora jumped from her seat she'd taken by Matt and held at my arm as I stood there breathless, my head splitting in half in pain. "I need some fresh air" I tried just needing to leave. I Need To Get Out. NOW! As I shuffled to the door. Reaching my arm out to open it my vison blured into a grey. What's happening to me. My legs stiffened seizing up. Move! Pins and needle spiked at my body. "(F/N)?" a voice called faintly.

Before I could even respond familiar emerlad orbs apeared in my line of sight. He shook his hand infront of my face trying to find a response. Desperately I tried to use words but all that happen was my lips pathetically trembling. "Alfred, Mathew help me take her upstairs!" His voice sounded so faint yet I new just by looking at him he was shouting. Getting picked up my visons line change, Fred was carrying me.

"Matthew get a glass of water" Arthur spoke again. "Shouldn't we ring an ambulance!?" Tora asked. That's was the last thing I heard before my hearing was replaced with a single high pitched sound, that killed at my ears. Ceiling all I saw was the ceiling my eyes were stuck in place. What the hell is happening, why can't I move? I was laid on something soft. The blonde looked worriedly at me. Then Arthur apeared again. He placed a towel on my head. His lips were moving he was staring straight at me. Trying to talk to me. Desperately I tired to lip read "can.... Hear...." "Can.... Hear..... Me.....ove". If you can hear me move. I couldn't hear him yet I still tried to move. Everything seemed laced in cement. Arthur stopped repeating himself and looked down at me he lifted up my hand so it was just in view. My finger was twitching. Again he started speaking but it wasn't to me. Then he turned his attention to me again. He was asking me qouestions but I could hear them, he seemed to notice. Then started repeating a phrase again. If you can hear me twitch once if you can't twitch twice. It took me 10 repeats to get it all. Twitching twice he stopped. His face twisted in worry. He left, we're is he going? Fright hit me. Was I dieing. What was wrong?

Arthur appeared again he placed something near my lips and pour it down my throat. The substance burned aty insides. Tears ran down my face my eyes still wide open. The high pitch sound started to die down. Soon mumbles of sounds started to appear. "c...y. r.e" Arthur was talking again after a minute I could make out what he was saying "Can you hear me, twitch" I replied with a twitch. He let our a sigh of relief. "Ok listen carefully, sorry this happened and I didn't warn you sooner. This is all because of the opposites I mention earlier. This might sound crazy..." he paused briefly taking a deep breath. "but you have to believe me, once there were two words completely the same except every person was diffrent in the opposite world, somehow these worlds combined leaving both world's people in the same place. You probably have guessed who's opposite is whos, like when you first reconsidered me as Oliver" he paused his eyes then locked with my lifeless ones. " normally opposite will hand round with there world's people, for now to make it easier for me to explain let's split those world's people onto groups. 1p being my group and 2p being yours." my body was slowly becoming less numb as I carefully listened.

"Its dangerous for an 2ps to mix the 1ps of people they know, visa versa. Seeing any over 5 normally means trouble. As your brain can't deal with the familiar faces but opposite personalities, your freeze reflect kicked in once your shock was over the max level." He was basically saying this happened because my brain can't handle it. "I know it's sounds kinda insane but it's true, sorry this all could have been prevented of I just warned you." he sighed he looked so crest fallen and serious I missed the grumpy sod who use to sit by my hospital bed and moan.

"Come on you are busy looking for my sister how can I blame you" my voice was like sand paper but I was glad I could atleast communicate again. My eyes slowly started working and my arms moved slight but were awefully sore. "Yeh about that. She wasn't bl##dy there..." he mumbled not breaking eye contact with his hands. "What?" my voice was nothing but a faint whisper. How? What if Oliver and the rest have her. "If she's not there, there is no need to search anymore; she's safe" a small smile formed on my numb face. "Safe..." Arthur's voiced turned cold so hollow.

(Sorry it's late and a boring chap but as I'm losing interest it's harder to write. So I might wrap it up earlier then originally planned.)

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