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(here it is the long awaited update :D after some chapter of building then stuff will start falling into place.)

Normal pov: was I safe? I felt so cold. No sound, nothing. My eyes weighed down not wanting to check. Yet my brain was curious, I opened one eyes slowly. Arthur had his face placed in his hands and was sat on the bed I was liad on. Don't tell me I -I, no... I dragged my self to a sitting position. Noticing Arthur glancing at me his eyes were clearly confused, qouestioning. "What did your farther do to you?" his voice was so quite like he'd seen a ghost. He mustn't know I'll be locked up for a life time, executed. "I-i... " I reached a hand out trying to explain, trying hard to make an excuse. My words were stuck in my throat, what was I going to say? "you hurt Feliciano luckily he only got a cut" he explained bluntly "who?" my mind was so confused I had attacked my farther. That's right Arthur betrayed me. Glaring at him he anwsered me "He's Feliciano he's the opposite of your farther and he's going to be looking after you" he informed like it was nothing "b-but he looks like... The girl looked like (s/n), how can they..." confusion bathed me. "all I can say for now is that they are opposits, I'll explain more at a later date"he tried to make out like it was nothing. "Arthur you can't just leave it at that, why are you leaving me with strangers, strangers that reassemble my family?" was he trying to give me a heart attack "it's the easiest way to keep you safe, nobody will expect you to be here. Not even him..." his eyes locked with mine.

"Arthur, I'm sick of qouestions. I'm sick of being left in the dark!" I seethed "I'm sick of not knowing what's happening". Withdrawing his eyes I held my gaze. "tomorrow, I'll tell you tomorrow I'm sure you can survive a day" he replied "now come on you need to apologise" picking me up I let out a sigh "Are you going to carry me around everywhere?" I asked I wasn't comfortable with this. "Your wheel chair is coming tomorrow with the rest of my language" he anwsered slight agitation in his voice. "would you rather me leave you immobile?" he qouestioned with a small sigh. Scoffing at his response I anwsered "well it's not my fault I fell..." I covered my mouth, damn I promised myself I wouldn't give him any information even if it was irrelevant. A small smirk formed on his face, he'd been trying for weeks and now by fluke he'd got something. "So who's fault was it then?" he asked success in his voice. "A person" I replied bluntly. He wasn't to accepting of my anwser but he left it as it was, well for now I'm sure he'll integrate me later. I was brought to a room I guessed I was laid in earlier. Arthur sat me down on a couch, then took the seat next to me. The man was being tended to by the girl, a plaster being put over the wound on his face. His resemblance was scary itself let alone the person he was reassembling. What if he was him and just pretending? What if Arthur was lying to me. The man smiled at me "Hello I'm Feliciano sorry if-a I scared you-a earlier" his words came out nervous. I knew fully well no matter what my... would never play weak. "No it was my fault I'm so sorry for hurting you" I apologised.

Before any other words could be uttered a slam of a door an a yell interrupted the moment "I'M HOME" that voice. A girl walked into the room and lazily looked over at the others then her eyes fell on me. "Who the hell are you?" she spoke lowly pulling a straight face "(F/N)" I anwsered confidentially studying her. Violet eyes, pure white hair everything expect that made me feel like I was looking in the mirror. "Tora" she grinned and placed her hand out, I shaked it the best I could with my broken bones. "Ye look a right mess" she stated looking over my casts and brusies. "most people do when they fall from 6 stories" I smiled slightly. Something clicked between us. It made me feel ecstatic but and the same time unnerved me. "Wow really that's rad how'd you even survive that? What happened?" she sat on the arm of the couch looking at me intently. "Well that's a long story" I anwsered brashly. She didn't seem to pleased by my response. "So your the girl my sister saw at the cafe she works part time at over the summer?" she changed the subject quickly. Taken back slightly by the qouestion I then was struck with the memory. I looked up at the girl I assumed was her sister. Nodding to qouestion I was positive she was definitely the girl from the cafe.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner I'm Evelyn" she smiled warmly. All their faces were so familiar but all of them were strangers. The silence lingered. "Well I have to be off" Arthur stood from his seat. Glancing at him I begged him to stay. He was the only familiarity here it played with my mind so much with these faces. "Why not-a stay for a night? your always-a welcome" Feliciano piped in he'd clearly seen my distressed face. Arthur turned to me his green orbs softened. I felt so out of place as I remember Arthur also was a lookalike of Oliver... "ok I'll stay but I can only for tonight" he sighed seeming a tad agitated. It made me feel slightly at ease to know that. "Well I'll be off to bed good night papa" Evelyn gave he farther a peck on the cheek and walked off. Getting a small tut and a roll of eyes from her sister. "Night see ye tomorrow (F/N)" be ready for qouestions" she warned give me a playful wink. I replied with a small "good night". Feliciano looked over at both Arthur and I with a small smile. "(F/N) I hope you-a enjoy your stay here and can relax ve~" he spoke so sweetly I nodded uttering a small thank you. "let's get you off to bed" before I could protest I'd been hoisted into Arthur's arms "oi! Warn me before you do that" I gave him a small glare. Only to receive one back with a scoff. His eyes held bags and he definitely looked shattered. "Cheers Feliciano good night" Arthur mumbled "Good night" he smiled back. The awkardness still lingered in the air.

Arthur and Feliciano didn't seem to close yet I could feel trust between the two. Arthur placed me down in bed and tucked me in, I still wearing my dress from earlier. To be fair I didn't really mind even if I had more clothes with me it's to much effort like this it get changed. "Arthur" I called before he left 'my' room. He let out a small hum in response to let me know he was listening "thanks for everything". "No problem"'his voice faded and I heard the door swing close. The bed was like sleeping on clouds compared to the hospital bed it was easy to fall alseep that night.

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