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GUESS WHOS BACK YES ITS ME THE AUTHOR :D one more exam tomorrow then done Yeh! Lets just hope all my studying paid off anyways here's a quick update hope you like it :3

The landscape laid out before me as we speed down the motorway. Arthur said the airport would be coming up at the next turn. I haden't been in the Us for long, I was never even able to sightsee. Well I guess it would be hard now like this. "Can't wait to get home" Arthur sighed I could tell by his features he was tired, I knew to well after all this commotion the effects of jet lag.

-Time skip cus reader is lazy and doesn't want to describe the entire trip-

After an what felt like and eternity on a plane and we where finally in England and it was about 6 am English time. I tried to sleep on the plane but and uneasy feeling kept my eyes open. Nothing reminded my of my home and nothing seemed to be familiar. Arthur yawned, he didn't seem to get much sleep either. "Where are we going?" I qouestioned. "south but that's all I can tell you" he vaguely anwsered. How far south? Which city? Near the coast or inland? "You know instead of anwsering my qouestion you've given me a ton more" I sighed dryly. "I spouse but not telling you is for your own safety and benefit" he reasoned. Taking his point I decided to relax and close my eyes for a while.
shifting uneasily, I opened my eyes. I was confined to a small room, one small lonely room. A dark damp place; looked like it'd been abandoned for years. The only window was boarded up but a few steams of light still reached the silent lonely room. I loathe this room. I stood up and walked to the window and peeked through the small gaps. Trees nothing but trees. The door? It might be open but something compelles me to stay. I'm waiting for someone but who? Did I ever know to begin with. I was able to move so freely this place mocks me, my dreams mock me. I sat back in my corner, I guess I'll wait a little longer I'm sure they'll be here soon.

Voices? The presence of the room faded away like mist, blackness and voices replaced it. "So this is the girl I saw?" a quite voice qouestioned "yes" a simple response replied. "It must-a have been terrible falling from-a such a height" that voice. No,no,no, no, no not that voice. Anything but that voice. Why would Arthur betray me like this. What.... What can I do. Panic enlaced me, stuck I was stuck. My chest tighten, I couldn't breath.

Arthur's Pov: "yes the fall almost kill her" I informed our morbid conversation was thrown into a flurry of action. (F/N) opened her eyes and withdrew from her laying position curling into a ball her eyes darted around the room "(F/N)?" she ignored me the other two looked at me curiously wondering why she acted so... so frightened she was just fine in the car and hour ago. Her eyes landed on a glass bottle of champagne set on the side. "Do you want me to get you a drink or anything?" Evelyn tried yet again no response. (F/N) snatched the bottle and in a swift movement smashed it on the side. Her eyes! Her once peaceful (e/c) eyes where a startling crimson. Dread fell over me. Her eyes landed on Feliciano, sh#t. I didn't think she'd act like this, I should have prepared myself for the worst. Even with her broken legs she still some how managed to lunge herself from the sofa towards Feliciano. She swung to his face he could hardly hold her back. Evelyn scream in horror trying to pull (F/N) from her farther. My reaction was delayed from shock I soon came to my senses and pulled the crippled girl back. Luckily Feliciano only escaped with a small cut to the face, I can only imagen the damage if she wasn't in this state. She struggled I'm my grip, damn! she was strong I almost let her go 2 or 3 times though soon enough he body became limp and all her weight was put in my arms she'd passed out. So this...was the killer instinct her files warned about I never thought it would be this serious she must have been through hell and back. What the F#ck did Luciano do to her?

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