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Before another word could be uttered a smashing sounded through the house. What? Arthur looked up, alert yet fearful. His eyes scanned the room then landed on me. "Stay here" he ordered "It's not like I can move" I mumbled back. Sighing at my reply he spoke again "I'll be right back".

Opening the door he hurried out I heard a faint click before his footsteps carried on away from the room. He'd locked the door. Trying not to worry I closed my eyes and hummed a familiar tune.


Clanking drew my attention I tried desperately to ignore it. Opening my eyes the window was shaking slightly. From my position in the room I could barely see a figure. Scream, (F/N) scream. Just as I was about to scream the window flew open and in jumped someone who trapped my breath. "Ello poppet~" a smile spread across his face. There stood the bright coloured man. His natural hair colour was visible at his roots and his blue eyes shone brightly. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"O-oliver..." I cried. His grin was pure joy as he strolled up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. My shoulder became soggy from his tears. Desperately I wanted to hug him back but my body was still to stiff. "I thought you were... I'm so happy to see you" finally I was greeted with a familiar face one with the right personality. "Come on let's go" he took my hand. "You are not moving don't you want to come with me..." his smile fell "No I just can't...". "You hate me don't you..." darkness suddenly feel over the room the wall faded into a sickly black and purple swirls. "No I don't why would you say that...". ".........." silence choked me he didn't reply his grip fell leaving my hand to fall. He didn't reply his back just faced away from me. The one light source in the room started to flicker, worry feel over me. Dread filled my brain. The light completely went leaving me in black. "O-oliver..." I called suddenly my vison was fazed in crimson.


My mind was murky opening my eyes, misery fell. No Oliver. Just a cruel nightmare. Looking around I was in the same room as before. Silence laced the walls. Dim light filtered through the window panes. Without even thinking I sat up. Then realised my ability to move. Getting up I headed straight to the door. Were is everyone. Stuck, oh right Arthur locked the door. I'm sure he would have unlocked it by now. Did something happen? Banging on the door I tried desperately to grasp attentions of anyone who maybe out side. "Hello anyone there?" No anwser. "Hello?" I could hear faint shouting "(F/N)! Were are you?" a voice called. Tora. "In here the door is locked" I shouted back. "Where's the key?" she asked from the other side. "Arthur has it" I replied. "well him and Fred went out hours ago and they won't be back for a while". "I can wait...". "No Arthur said to take you home once you were up, it's apparently dangerous here... considering his line of work I can't argue, he should of at least left the key" she rambled. Sighing she spoke again "Ok stand back from the door". Stepping back like she said I stared at the door. Is she going to break it down. "You back?" she asked. "Yeh" thinking she was going to ram it I prepared for the bangs instead the sound of a drill was heard. She drilled out the lock mechanism the door slowly opened to reveal her conflicted expression.

"ok let's got, chuck this on" chucking a red and white hoody at me I slipped it on. A red maple leaf was printed on the front. Leading me downstairs I was met with the other Matt from before. "Good she's awake... ok take this" he placed a set of keys in her hands worry clear on his features. "Here" he placed some glasses on my nose they blured my vison, adjusting them for comfort I was completely confused. "Are you sure you'll be fine on your own mattie?" Tora qouestioned. He nodded slowly "yes don't worry about me" he waved his hand as if his safety was irrelevant. "Ok see ye" Tora grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the door before we stepped out she stared into my eyes pulling up my hood she spoke "I'll explain what's going one once we get back, just act natural." nodding I partly understood the situation. My vison was a haze from the blur that the glasses caused but I knew if I didn't wear them the disguise was less likely to work. It wasn't the best disguise but considering the situation was dangerous I wasn't qouestioning anything for now. Walking out I followed Tora to a car. Getting in the passenger seat I struggle to find the seat belt with my vison. Something burnt at my skin even though I couldn't see I knew someone was watching us. Was it... His hench men maybe Lutz or Karou. Dismissing my thoughts I kept my eyes straight as Tora drived down the blurry road.

Someone had found me. Who? Knowing Arthur saw both my family and friends as a threat. The idea of either was either joy or horror.

(Thanks for telling me you're still out there, glad to see I'm not just writing this for the hell of it. should wrap up in next chaps thanks for sticking around)

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