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(I'm back, back again guess who's back, don't tell a friend. Yup I'm hate leaving things so I'm goanna finish this or atleast try)

As we pulled up to Tora's house we were greeted with her family waiting at the door. "Hello how are you" Evelyn came out with a smile and spoke to me as if I was a stranger. Anwsering with a shrug of my shoulders within seconds I was being ushered inside.

"This is bad I'll call Ludwig, I'm sure he'll know what to do" as soon as the door shut Feliciano started to panic. The house was dark as all the curtains were closed. Taking of the glasses I turned to Tora "What's going on Tora? " I qouestioned. Taking my hands she gave me a serious face that didn't seem to suit her at all. "You have been found. Last night the person who's found you gave a warning by throwing a brick through the window with a note." she stated simply. "What did the note say?" I qouestioned eagar to know the details. "Something like 'I'm coming for her' and 'something about knowing Luciano's location' I didn't get to read much before Arthur snatched it from me" Tora explained. "... " I couldn't help but worry." What's wrong?" she looked at me confused. "I'm fine..." I replied. "You sure ?" seeming worried she asked again. I'm sure Arthur hasn't told her of the opposites thing so even if I tried to explain who could have sent that message she'd get even more confused. "don't worry" I sighed.

Still seeming confused Tora shrugged her shoulders. Taking a seat at the kitchen table I stared down at my cast on my arm. If one person found me... Who else has? I need to see who it is. Though everyone was keeping a keen eye on me. Escaping would be hard. "What are you thinking about (F/N)?" I jumped slightly as Evelyn said my name. "Thinking... Just about my family" I sighed not lieing in the slightest. Standing up I walked off to my room. Closing the door I placed a heavy box infront of it. What to do... Opening a draw I pulled out the knife I has earlier stored away. Looking at the shiney blade sent shivers down my spine. Protection it's only for protection, I kept telling my self. Placing it in my pocket. I opened the door stepping out I headed to the back door. Laying my hand on the handle a voice stopped me "(F/N)?" turning I glance at Tora. She stared at me as if I'd killed someone. Opening the door I ran out not listening as she shouted my name. Were would they be? Into the woods behind the house I ran aimlessly. My running soon ceased when I smashed into something. Purple eyes stared down at me "(F/N)..." he stared down at me. A small smile graced his features. Arms pulled me in. "Matt" I breathed relieved.

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