Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Love. Something so special yet so limited. You can find it in anyone if you have enough in common. Anyone can feel it, except Lizzi.

Lizzi, looks to be an average 18 year old girl. Don't judge a book by it's cover. Lizzi's hair is blonde with pretty brown highlights, her eyes sparkled like a diamond. She always wore her lucky grey hoodie, a charm hung around her neck, a small flower. A glistening choker against her neck.

She was a traveler, she'd been all around America, gone to Turkey, and Norway. Her next stop was going to be Japan.

When Lizzi got there, she rented an apartment for a month or so and settled in. The first day went well, she went to the festivals and enjoyed the food. The TV was on whilst she was practicing her Japanese.

'Local killer still out, please lock all doors and windows if you live in Nara, Takayama, or Hakone.'

Lizzi had rented her apartment in Hakone. She ran over to the window and door, locking it immediately. She sat back down to get more information.

'This killer has long black hair, their eyes yet to be shown. Not much is known about them except that their name is Akako Ayame.'

Lizzi thought about the name as it had sounded familiar. She researched the name and found that it had ment Red Iris. "Odd choice name.." she thought aloud to herself.

A knock at the door was heard. "W-Who is it?" She said in Japanese.

"New roommate." It was a girls voice, the girl on the other side of the door tried to speak in English, probably could tell that Lizzi wasn't Japanese.

Lizzi rushed to the door, quickly unlocking it, opening it, pulling her in, and then closing it once more. "Can you speak English?" Lizzi asked.

"Yes. But not well." The girl spoke again.

Her hair was long and black as night. She had her eyes covered by her hair. She wore a long sleeve, light blue shirt, a choker clinging on to her neck.

"What's your name?" Lizzi asked.

"Akasuki. Nickname is Suki." She said. "What's your name?" She copied what Lizzi had said.

"Lizzi. Nice to meet you Suki." She reached her hand out and they shook hands.

"Where is room?" Suki asked. Lizzi lead her to a room that was empty, all except for a dresser, nightstand, and bed.

"This is going to be your room. I'll be next door." Lizzi closed the door behind Suki as she nodded.

Lizzi went to her room and studied more Japanese. While Suki on the other hand was making herself comfortable.

Akasuki dropped her suitcase on the bed and opened up, only to reveal a few knifes, long light blue shirts, and two masks. One mask was a doctors, it had a smile with stitches drawn on it. The other mask was just a piece of ripped cloth with two giant X's right where the eyes should've been.

Suki put the masks on and crawled out through the window, leaving for the night.

The next morning, Lizzi awoke to grey clouds out the window. "Probably gonna rain today." Lizzi thought as she closed the window.

Lizzi stepped outside her room and went to check on her roommate. She cracked the door open and saw no one in there. "Suki?" She softly called out. "Are you awake?" Still nothing.

Lizzi sighed and closed the door, she walked to the kitchen to prep some breakfast, "Maybe Suki got up early and went out." She thought.

She turned and headed to the couch, a plate of quickly made waffles in hand. As she approached the couch, she noticed something hanging off the arm, a small white blindfold with two giant X's over the eyes. She recognized it to be one of the killers masks.

She dropped her plate and ran to her room, she was going to pack everything and move out as quickly as possible. When everything was ready, she headed towards the door when she heard footsteps. "The killer's still here. Oh god." She thought.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Lizzi? You there?" Thank goodness. It was Suki. "What are you doing locked in your room?"

"I think the killers in the house. I saw the mask on the couch, get your stuff together! We need to leave here!" Lizzi opened the door, Suki loomed over the short Lizzi.

"Oh I don't think so." Suki stepping inside the room, slamming the door shut and locking it in the process. "You aren't leaving." Suki's terrible English and sweet tone washed away and was replaced with well English and an intimidating tone.

"W-What do you mean?" Lizzi said, hoping her roommate wasn't working for the killer or was the killer.

"Either your really dumb or your holding onto hope. Get the hint roomie." Akasuki pulled a knife out, dry blood painted across it.

Lizzi kept ahold of her hope, "Th-That's something else, r-right?"

'Akasuki' let out an insane laugh, "Are you just that stupid?!" The black haired female pinned her against the wall. "I'm the killer, idiot."

"A-Akako Ayame.." Lizzi cowered in fear and squeezed her eyes shut, hoping something will come to her rescue.

Akako smiled, "Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" Akako jumped back, "And I dub you as my assistant!" She pointed her blooded knife to Lizzi.

Lizzi opened her eyes and looked at her in disbelief. She shook her head.

"You want to live or not?" Akako's voice toned down to something much darker as she got closer and pointed her knife at Lizzi's throat.

"I-I'll be your assistant!" The blonde threw her hands up.

Akako smiled insanely and backed up, "Good!" The killer grabbed the blonde's arm and ran to the front room.

"W-What are you d-doing?"

"Finding a mask for you!" She picked up a little half mask. "To keep your identity a secret my assistant!" She strapped it onto her, "Perfect fit!"

She put her own masks on.

"Let's get going now!"


"Well ya. I need to see how well you do for your first time." Akako grabbed her hand and left the apartment.

The killer taught Lizzi everything she knew in order to be the perfect assistant.

Then she pointed to a random person who was alone, "I want you to distract them, tell them anything about me coming and you'll be next."

Lizzi nodded and took her mask off, to avoid suspicion, Akako disappeared as Lizzi approached the lonely person.

The person looked up at Lizzi, "Hey there." Lizzi sat next to him, "Looking pretty lonely. Need some company?"

"Ya." The person said quietly said as they nodded.

The two talked for a bit until Lizzi heard the smallest shuffle. "I better get going now." She stood up and backed away.

"Oh.." The person looked down. "Well it was nice talking to you Ms..?"

Lizzi put her hands behind her back. "Now." She looked away as Akako brutally killed him.

Not even a scream left them. "Good job my little assistant." Akako grabbed her chin and made Lizzi look at her.

Lizzi had small tears in her eyes. "W-Why me?" She asked, looking down in shame.

"You're so pretty, you'd be a perfect distraction to guys and lesbian girls." Akako explained, petting her hair with her knuckles. "Plus you give off such sweet vibes, anyone could trust you."

Lizzi blushed but cried anyway. "I don't want to do this.." She mumbled.

Akako frowned. "Fine. Only one kill today and then we can do more tonight when less people are around."

Lizzi didn't want to kill anyone but despite her mind yelling 'no' her heart spoke for her. "Okay.."

The two then walked home together.

( This was five pages on google docs )

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