Chapter 2: Growing Feelings

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It had been at least 5 weeks. Lizzi obeyed every one of Akako's orders. But over that time, they got more comfortable with each others presence.

Lizzi didn't fear her as much because they would have, 'Open Up Wednesdays.'

They would tell each other their problems in life, and Lizzi learned that Akako is an absolute softy and only kills because of what people have said about her.

Lizzi actually got to see her eyes, with she loves to look at now.

The left eye is green and the right is red.

They have movie nights each Friday now, just kinda a night off where they can just watch whatever and relax.

Lizzi woke up earlier than Akako and decided to watch the news.

"Kill count from the infamous killer, Akako Ayame, has recently gone down."

Something just snapped in the blonde, something told her to tell her killer roommate, something told her that they needed to go back out there.

Lizzi got up and knocked on Akako's door. "Kako..are you awake?" She stepped into the room and nudged the sleeping body of Akako.

The black haired female stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes, "Ya Liz?" She said in a tired voice.

Lizzi had a big lump in her throat as she told Akako the news. "Your kill count has gone down." She whispered, terrified of what would happen next.

"WHAT?!" The killer fell out of the bed. "Since when?!"

Lizzi shrugged and helped Akako up, "I just saw the news this morning."

Akako ran to the front room and turned on the T.V.

"There has recently been a pattern of disappearance from the killer." The screen listed Fridays and Wednesdays.



"-dge." Akako sighed, "We have to go out tonight!"

Lizzi sighed as well. "Fine. But only because I know you care too much about your kill count."

Akako smiled brightly. "Gotta reach 1,000 kills!" She exclaimed proudly.

The blonde giggled, "How about some breakfast?"

The killer nodded quickly and kept smiling. She headed into the kitchen to make some pancakes.

After a few minutes they were ready, the two girls sat at the small table and ate in comfortable silence.

Lizzi thought something and chuckled. "What?" Akako asked.

"It's just. I hated working with you at first, now it's like I love every moment of it." She smiled while Akako blushed, but she smiled brightly anyway.

"That's because killing is fun!" Akako flips a knife she had, "And it's even more fun with someone to help you with it." She looked at Lizzi and her eyelids drooped a little.

Lizzi tilted her head, "You tired? Well I did wake you up earlier.." Lizzi scooted next to her, "Here, you can lean on my shoulder." The blonde offered.

The raven haired female smiled and leaned her head on the offered shoulder. "Thanks hun." She muttered, making the other female blush.

"N-No problem!" Lizzi squeaked out. Akako shrugged off the fact that she stuttered and took another bite of the food.

After breakfast, the two get ready to go out, Akako flipped her hood up while Lizzi put her hat on.

"Ready?" Lizzi asked the taller girl. She hummed a, 'yes.' And so they left the apartment and headed out to a market.

Both decided to separate, Akako going to find them some new clothes, blood doesn't wash easily. Lizzi going to get groceries.

Lizzi picked up an apple, looking around it to make sure it was good, which it was, after checking out a few more things, a guy came up.

"Hey babe~" He said seductively, and in Japanese and the author doesn't trust Google Translate.

She rolled her eyes and paid no attention to him, until he grabbed her chin, making her look up at him. She said nothing while he spat flirts at her, until he leaned closer..and closer..

The tension grew inside of Lizzi, she was put in cat-calling situations but none were taken this far. He puckered up and was about to kiss her when he was kicked from behind.

He fell to his knees in pain, and behind him was a pissed Akako. "Hands off my girl!" She yelled. The killer took her assistances arm, "Come on Lizzi, let's go." Lizzi followed and stuck her tongue out at the man.

"I say we get him later." She whispered to Lizzi. The blonde smiled and nodded. Akako chuckled and looked down at her, "You use to be so innocent and scared of me." Lizzi laughed at this too.

"Maybe I've just grown to like you more." Akako smirked and blushed, she admits in her head that she's grown to like Lizzi.

Lizzi felt the exact same, yet the two were both too shy to tell each other.

Time passed quickly and it was yet another, 'Open Up Wednesday.'

The two girls sat down on the couch, Lizzi holding their drinks, she gave Akako her drink and two just started talking.

It started normal, Lizzi talked about her travels across the world and Akako talked about some of her kills that she was very proud of. But the conversation soon got a little deeper, they moved onto love life.

"I've never really felt anything for anyone, I normally stay for a month at a town or country, then move onto the next. Never became familiar with faces." Lizzi admitted.

Akako felt a little disappointed, probably because she felt that if Lizzi left, then she would forget her. "To be honest, same. I mean I've had past assistants but really it's ended with them trying to rat me out. So I killed them!"

She giggled and flipped her knife again. Lizzi looked at the killer before her, completely triggerhappy. "Careful about flipping that knife around, you're gonna hurt yourself." She sipped her tea.

"No I won't-" She cut off by cutting herself with the knife. She laughed, "You can predict the future now!" She joked, getting up and getting a bandaid.

Lizzi rolled her eyes and smiled at the childish behavior. "You're such a goof Kako." Akako jumped over the couch and plopped down.

"I know love." She yawned, Lizzi blushed from the nickname.

Akako leaned against Lizzi, "Tired?" The blonde asked. The killer nodded and started to pass out.

Lizzi dared not move as she slowly passed out with her killer love.

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