Chapter 1

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*My first Jeff Fanfic so bear with me :$*

Chapter 1

Another day of school. Another day of feeling like a freak. Another day of wishing I wasn't like this. Another day of eyes staring at me like a parasite. Just another day. Nothing new. My name is Elizabeth Umber. I'm a Junior in high school. But sometimes I feel like a freshmen who doesn't know the ropes of surviving in the prison of teens with too many raging hormones. Sometimes it's not all that bad. I mean barely anyone talks to me. Only my friends, which aren't as much as one usually has. My two friends, Addie and Johanna, three if you count this one guy in algebra. Everyone at my school says it's pretty lame to have only two or three friends. In all honesty I don't care. They're enough for me to actually be happy at school. I'm a straight A student, meaning I get called a nerd a lot. But I've learned to just say 'Thank you' because when they call you a nerd it just means that they're saying you're smarter than they'll ever be. Who knows, maybe I'll become the next Bill Gates, and they'll become the next 'Guys who will work for Bill Gates' . It brings joy to me when I think about that. Devious joy.

Nerd isn't the only thing I'm called. I'm called a freak, lame-wad, weirdo, reject, loser, even a bitch at some point. But they don't really notice me. I'm like a weird, derpy ghost that hangs around but people just walk past me and go on with their lives. But I'd rather be a ghost then a fake. All of the 'popular' kids at my school are all fakes. The girls are everything fake. Fake hair, fake lips, fake body, fake boobs! The guys are no better. They act like something different just to fit in to this society. In reality they don't have to do that. They're all insecure to be themselves. I mean I am too but at least I take a little pride in it

But enough about that kind of stuff. It makes me retch whenever I think or talk about it. All you need to know is that I'm a freak, simple as that. I feel like this everywhere I go. I can't even stop the feeling at home. My parents get worried because I'm not as social as I used to be. Well, they're right. I don't like to talk with many people and I'm just awkward all around. I panic sometimes, which worries my mom and dad even more. But sometimes I get the feeling, like I'm not even human. As I've grown and developed my senses I've come to think that there's something wrong with me. Not mentally or physically. I just feel like I'm not just a teenage girl. I'm something more. I just don't know what.

"Ellie!" my mother calls from downstairs, "We're leaving now! Hurry or you'll be late for school!" I sigh and slip on my jacket and messenger bag. I go downstairs and see my mom, waiting for me at the door. She gives me a smile and I smile in return. But really I just want to frown and die. I'm not suicidal, I just really, really, really hate school. I only like learning and talking with my friends, that's it. We started walking to my mom's car, saying bye to my dad as he waited at the front door. After about a couple of minutes of driving we were at my school. I got out of the car and walked in through the front doors. Some kids stare at me like a circus clown. Not out of amusement, out of disgust and prejudice. Yep, nothing new at all.

I head to my first class, Writing. I like that class. I like learning and expanding my vocabulary more. I actually appreciate my words unlike some who don't even use proper language. Mostly slang. I use slang sometimes but it just doesn't feel natural. Whenever I do talk like that my tongue feels weird and my brain seems to churn from the effort. So I usually speak big words that not many people understand. My friends do though, because they've gotten used to it and so have my parents. They even talk like that at home to make me feel more comfortable. I think that's pretty impressive, if you ask me.

I walk in and the first thing I'm greeted with is laughter. I sigh and take my seat at my the very the back of the room...away from 'fakes' and just people I don't feel like talking to. I sit back here to avoid as little interaction as possible. Remember, I'm socially awkward and tend to panic at moments. My parents say it might potentially become a phobia at the rate I'm going. That's not very good. So I just avoid as much as I can. The teacher is a bit troubled because I don't sit at the front. He says since I'm a straight A student I should be up at the front, listening to lessons better then straining to hear from the back. But I just refuse and reply "Leave the front seats open for the kids who really need the knowledge." He just nods and understands what I'm saying. Literally, most of the kids here need it.

Like bad.

I relax at my seat, occasionally hearing snickers from a couple of girls. I don't like them. Seriously, they get on my nerves. I'd actually be willing to ruin my reputation as a good student just to see their 'pretty' little faces smacked into a wall. Yeah, they're that bad. But I don't do a thing to any of them. I mean that wouldn't make me any better of a person than them. I sigh and take the whispered insults between them. If they had the guts then they should say them straight to my face. But they're just looks. All bark, no bite. They may look better than me, but really I'm the better one, not to be arrogant about it but it's true. But I'll let them have their fun...for now.

*Victim POV*
*The night before...*

As I ran through the dim, empty streets I wondered to myself 'Will I die tonight?' That thought sickened me so I pushed it aside and ran. Before this all happened I was just taking a stroll in the local park to get some time away from the wife and kids. Now what has this night come to?


Immense terror.

I can't believe this is happening to me. He came out of no where. He just came out. I didn't see him coming. He just showed up. And now he's after me. He longs for my blood. He ain't no vampire. He wants my blood. He just wants it splattered all over that sick face of his. I can't get the image out of my mind! That cruel, disturbing face haunts me. I kept running, hoping, praying that someone will come and save me. That someone will stop him. Anything! Please! My breath was coming short. I'd have to stop soon, but then I'll die. He'll catch me and kill me! I must keep running.

I saw a house up ahead. If I'm quick enough, maybe I can run in without him noticing where I'm going. It's a long shot but I take the risk. Anything to get away. I knock on the door. Maybe someone lives here. If so then they can help me! I knock about a dozen times but no answer. I was stricken with some grief until I heard him near the front yard. 'Ah, screw it!' I thought and went inside anyways. The house had furniture but no one seems to live here at all. I looked around quickly and ran into one of the rooms. It was a bedroom. As soon as I went in I heard the front door open and slam shut. I panicked and ran into the closet and shut the door. I hid in there and stayed quiet. For what seemed like forever was only seconds. As time passed I realized he wasn't checking in on this room. I thought maybe he just gave up, or he's still searching but in the wrong places. I took this to my advantage and opened the door a crack. The coast seemed clear. He wasn't anywhere in sight. I saw a window on the other side of the room that didn't seem to be locked. I counted to three then made my way over. I got to the window and opened it quietly. Luckily it didn't make a sound so I was still in the clear.

I opened it wide enough for me to slip out and I smiled. This is it. I'm home free. I'm off the hook! That bastard won't catch me! Not today! Not tomorrow! Never, ever will I see that revolting face again! I placed my foot on the window sill and made my way out when I felt a sharp pain strike my side. I look up and see it's him. He was waiting for me right outside. I just didn't see it. I jumped back inside and tried to close the window but just as it was about to close, pale, white fingers grabbed hold at the bottom and lifted it back up. I gasped and ran out of the room. I went into the kitchen and looked for a weapon. A kitchen knife or something! My side was bleeding from where he stabbed me and it hurt so much to stand. I looked around. They're weren't any knives or nothing! Every kitchen should have a couple of some decent knives. Who the hell used to live here?! Jesus!

I still searched when I heard a thunk. It was a footstep. I slowly turn around and see him. He stares at me with those cold eyes of his and just stands there. My hair is standing on end now. What do I do? He had a hand behind his back. He slowly raised that hand. I was terrified now. "Is this what you're looking for?" he said in his dark, malevolent voice. In his hands were all the kitchen knives. He started to chuckle as he threw them at me. I ducked in time and when I look up I see that they are planted into the cabinet that was behind me. I stand up and try to take one out but it's stuck in good. I use all my strength but no use. He was nearing me, walking slowly tor wards me. I turn around to see him right in front of me. He's too close for comfort.

He smiles and takes out his original knife. I go wide eyed and tremble. I sink to the ground and start to sob. "No...please. You don't want to do this...I'm an innocent man...I've got a family to take care of...spare me please!" He didn't show any remorse, whatsoever. He really is cold hearted. I tried again. "Look, if you let me go I promise not to tell a soul, not even God! Just please let me live! Is this to teach me a lesson? To show me to not take things for granted? To be better person?! If it is then I'll change! I will! I can change!" It was quiet for a few seconds until he chuckled a bit. Then he said, "Hmm, you're all the same, aren't you? Every one of you sick vile humans show terror. All you ever do is plead to live. Why can't one of you actually give me a little smack talk and tell me that they're not afraid to die. Maybe then would I be impressed with your kind. But sadly, I haven't met anyone who was brave enough to do so. But why should I get my hopes up, huh? None of you would do that even if you're life depended on it, which, ironically, it does! No matter, you'll die anyways. The only difference is I won't be satisfied with the results." He raised his knife in the air and looked at me evilly. I shook my head violently and yelled. "No! Please! I only want to live! LET ME LIVE!!!"

He chuckled deeply then abruptly stops to say something so casual but menacing in his voice. Calmly but hastily he hisses... "GO TO SLEEP" and plunges the knife into my heart.

*Hope you liked that :) I must say I feel I have some pride for this story. I'll be making more if my brain lets me :P but anyways hoped you enjoyed! Now...go to sleep....*

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