Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Class was drawing to an end. Lunch would start in a few minutes, which meant that I get to see Addie and Johanna. Thank god, I can leave these people. The bell rang and I let the rest of the kids leave. I left when they were all gone and found my way to the cafeteria. I bumped into some people, who weren't too pleased with it. I ignored their insults and kept on. I saw Addie and Johanna at the cafeteria doors, waiting for me. I smiled and walked to them. They greeted me with happy hellos and so did I. Addie cheered and I giggled. Addie is a perky girl with a flamboyant personality. Sometimes she doesn't act her age but she's still a good friend. Her wavy, curly brown hair makes her seem like a little girl but she's only sixteen. I look up at Johanna. She's a tall girl with glasses and dirty blond hair tied into a low ponytail. She's kinda like a mother. She's always there for me and Addie and makes sure we're always okay. If anyone threatens us or hassles us she's the one to bite back and teach them a lesson. I'm a girl with very light skin, black hair and I give off a small demeanor. Compared to Addie I'm the tiniest. Addie just acts small, I on the other hand am actually small. I'm very secluded and shy. That's why Johanna worries for me more because I'm easy to hurt. Please, if she could see what goes on in my mind she would see that I'm capable of doing some hurting of my own.

We walk into the cafeteria together and get in line to grab our food. The food is okay. It's not the best but it's decent. In elementary it was awesome. I used to be pretty plump. But when middle school started I stopped eating all together. The middle school food sucked! I wouldn't touch the stuff even if you tortured me! I became smaller when I didn't eat at school. My mom offered to make me lunches but I kept refusing. Once high school started I ate a little more because the food got better but not as good as elementary's was. I got some of my plumpness back so I'm average now. All that matters is that I'm finally eating again!

We get our food and take a seat somewhere near the back. Addie and Johanna know I don't like to be in the center of a huge room. They know I'll panic so they've learned to sit at the back with me now. I feel like it's a bother to them but they never show anything to let me sense if they don't like it. I'm sure they want to be at least somewhere near the center of the room. There's barely anyone in the back, I'm holding them back from meeting new people. But then again by the time the first semester ends we'll all hate everyone. Still...I hold them back....And I feel guilty for it.

"Ellie?" Johanna asked in a soothing voice, "are you all right? You look down." Ah, damn, let my guard down. Now I'll have to explain. I can't lie. She'll see right through it. She always does. That's just how good she is. I was about to explain when I saw Addie squeal and look at her phone. Johanna and I looked at her, surprised on why she was so suddenly excited. She looked at us with gleaming eyes and said, "I got an update on the news!" Me and Johanna frowned and she pouted. "What?" she asked.

"Since when are you so into the news?" Johanna asked, unamused. Addie smiled and said, "Because! Recently there's been killings around town! I'm super curious on who's behind the whole thing. I just got a report on a man named Jeremy Miles who was killed last night. It says 'Police had found the body of Jeremy around 7:00 p.m. last night. They won't give any details on the scene but all they can say is that it's gruesome.' There's been so many killings! It's like a thing now with the town. I overheard my dad saying that his buddies at work were actually betting on when the next kill will be. I guess Roger will be getting that thirty bucks today." She didn't say anymore as she kept reading more of the update. It worries me that she's interested in this kind of stuff. But then again she is a strange girl and she goes through weird phases. She goes from My Little Pony to The Walking Dead quicker than lightning. She's bipolar when it comes to the things she likes. It's always hard for me to get her a gift on her birthday every year because I never know what she freaking wants at that point!

I sigh. I scoop up some of my food with my fork and was about to eat when someone violently puts their hands on my shoulders and shakes me a little. I scream and drop my fork. I hear laughing and turn to see the culprit. "What the hell, Ian?! You scared the crap out of me! I keep telling you not to do that!!!" He chuckles and smirks. "But you're so easy to scare, Ellie. I can't help it!" I groan and he takes a seat next to me. Ian is the guy from algebra I was talking about. Sometimes I wonder why he's in such an advanced class judging by how stupid he can be sometimes. He has tussled hair yet it looks to always be styled somehow. He always wears a smile on and is constantly messing with me. Sometimes I hate him and sometimes he's okay, yet he still annoys me no matter what. "So, whatcha girls on about?" he asks. Addie takes the chance to explain why she's excited. "There's been another killing," she says with glee. It's still scary. Ian giggles and says, "Well, well. Jeffery strikes again!"

"Oh not with this again," Johanna sighs and practically face palms herself. He laughs and teases, "What? Afraid little Jeff's gonna get you tonight? Aw, poor baby!" She grits her teeth and hisses, "I'm controlling the urge to punch you right now, you sneaky, deceiving bastard...!" He chuckles and sticks his tongue out at her. I'm surprised she hasn't lunged by now. She must be really trying. I look at him and say, "You know Jeff is just a scary story spread around school to freak everyone out. He isn't real. It's not possible to burn your eye lids and cut your face into a smile without going into shock. It's physically impossible unless you have the ability to not feel pain. But the feeling would still be there. Also I don't think surviving a burn like that is possible either." Ian frowns and mutters, "Jesus, sometimes you can be a real kill joy, ya know?" I shrug and say, "I'm only stating the facts."

"Well, screw facts. Facts is for babies! And assholes! I'm trying to have a little fun! I was the one who spread the story around in the first place. If you go around stating your facts, people won't be scared anymore and my rein of terror will end." I roll my eyes. I guess I can let him have his fun. It's just a story after all.


I walked home. My mom and dad are usually busy with work when school is over so I'm forced to walk. I get home and hang my messenger bag on the coat rack, near the front door. I sigh and take off my shoes before falling down on the couch and going into lazy mode. I eventually get up and turn on the TV. I watch a couple of shows when I start to get hungry. I walk into the kitchen and head for the pantry. I rummage around for a snack. If I eat even more than just a snack now then I won't be able to eat dinner. I grab one of my mom's Kellogg's chocolate bars and unwrap it on the way out of the kitchen. I was about to take a bite when I get a sudden feeling. It was cold. I turn around and see the window above the sink is open all the way. I frown. I'm sure either mom or dad must've opened it.'s the beginning of fall, and it's already so cold. Why would any of them risk freezing up the house and possibly catching a cold? I go and close the window and lock it too.

I still feel cold though, even with the window shut tight. Is there another window open? The only other windows down here are in the living room and the kitchen. They're both closed. And if there's a window open upstairs it wouldn't give off this much coldness. So why am I so cold? I try to ignore this feeling and nibble on my chocolate bar. I walk to the living room again and sit down when I notice the TV is changed to those channels with the colored blocks. I don't remember changing it. And the channel I was watching was working just fine. It had a perfectly working signal and everything. I grab the remote and change it back to the channel I was on. It was working fine. Why was it changed? I felt even more cold and I felt uncomfortable now. I was starting to panic. I pulled out my phone and called Johanna. She can calm me down. It rang about four times until I heard a sweet voice. "Hello?" she said. I breathed and told her that I was panicking. She immediately took action and talked to me. I started feeling better with every word she said. Eventually I was calm again and I relaxed. "Better now?" she asked. I hummed a yes and she said, "Good. I'm glad I could help." We talked for a while. I didn't tell her about the window and TV. Deep in my gut I knew I should but I can't bring myself to explain it.

I hang up and watch TV again. The coldness is gone now. I guess it was just me, huh?


My parents are back home now. My mother is making dinner and I'm upstairs in my room. I read a book while huddled up in a warm, cozy blanket. This is my paradise, unlike other kids who'd rather go to the beach or live in places like Hawaii, L.A., or Vegas. I don't ask for much because I find it rude. My dad says it's all right to ask for a lot. But I never listen to him. That's why I don't have a TV of my own in my room. Just books and a little laptop. I usually watch things on there though. I hear my mom call me and I head downstairs. Dinner is ready, and it smells ready too. I smile. I always feel so happy when mom cooks. I guess that saying 'Food does good for the soul' is true. I eat with my parents and I listen to my mom and dad talk about their day. I don't usually talk much about school. They know this. They know I'm transparent there so they rarely ask. Only if there was a school event do they ask. But, yeah, I'm the quiet one, surprisingly. My dad says I should be the one chattering away since I'm a teenager and a girl. I smile when he says that. He used to be sarcastic about that but now I sense that he's being serious but he hides it with a smile. Like Johanna, I know when they're troubled.

After dinner I grow tired and take a quick shower then head to bed. I fall asleep like a rock as soon as I hit the pillow against my head. I had dreams, casual but happy dreams. I felt warm inside and I was peaceful. But then I felt that cold feeling again and my dream was blown away like mist and replaced with darkness. I felt my heart rate speed up and I couldn't take it anymore. I woke up in a cold sweat. I was facing the wall, My back turned to the rest of my room. I panted and wheezed. That's never happened before. I mean, that darkness would come sometimes but never before would I feel that coldness along with it. This is too weird. I calmed my breathing and sat up. I brushed my hair back and sighed. Maybe that chocolate got to me. I always had a sensitivity to sweets. I take a deep breath and lie down. I look up at the ceiling and sigh again. I close my eyes and turn to face the room. I was nodding off when I felt something was wrong. The coldness is so's suffocating me now. I knew that. Something. Was. Wrong.

I couldn't take it anymore and I opened my eyes. It was dark in my room, and only a glint of moonlight shown through the curtains of my window. Even though it wasn't enough I could see what set me on edge. the correct term...who set me on edge.

Dangerously close to my face, nearly touching it, was another face. It was pale white, the skin stood out in the darkness like a light. The eyes seemed to glow a whitish haze and around those eyes was a border of black. And it's hair was jet black, darker than mine, and messy. The eyes and skin were okay. What got me...was It was wide, practically from ear to ear. I could see the red of the inside of the cheek, and the teeth stood out unnaturally. It...was just...horrifying. Absolutely horrifying. I wanted to scream and hide under the covers, but of course this...person...has already seen me so it would be no use. I just lied there, staring back at it with wide eyes, wider eyes than the person has. Finally the silence was broken when he said three words that made him sound mad...


*I know it seems pretty (kinda idk) long but i got into it :3 anyways I'll write another chapter soon. amazingly my brain is working at full speed so ill be updating a lot possibly. but oh whale what can u do??? ^u^*

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