Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I felt someone's arms around me, gently holding me and keeping me from falling. I felt steady breathing on my forehead and finally opened my eyes. I jolted when I saw Jeff's face right in front of me. Since when did I turn around? Holy crap this is awkward. But apparently I was just so tired I didn't give a damn, so I went back to sleep, slightly cuddling into Jeff. I'm cold, it's not my fault his hoodie is so damn fluffy. It really is. I actually want to wear it but I'm sure he wouldn't let me. After a couple of moments I open my eyes as a realization hit me. It's Monday today! What time is it?!

I sit up and grab my phone from off the coffee table. I press the on button and see it's 9:45. Dammit! The school won't let me in past 10:20! I have to go now! I uncover myself and leap out only to have my foot snagged on the blanket making me trip onto the floor. I moan and push myself up. I looked up at Jeff and see he's still asleep considering my little tumble. I roll my eyes and get up, careful not to wake him up. I was about to get up the stairs when I feel my nose tickle slightly. Then a lot. I sneeze and sniffle. Even though I usually sneeze like a kitten (Addie and Johanna seem to think that I do) this time it was loud. But Jeff didn't wake up. I smiled and sighed in relief. Suddenly Jeff bolts up, shouts "Don't rape me!", then leaps over the couch only to slip and face plant. I just stared at him and shook my head. Seriously, he wakes up from just a sigh? What. The hell? He got up and panted. He waved at me and said, "Good morning!" 

"Yeah...," I said, "good morning. That...that was quite a show there...yeah." He scoffs and shrugs awkwardly. "Well ya know? Always gotta get a good start to the day," he chimed. 

"By yelling 'don't rape me'," I asked. He stared at me then said, "Always gotta get ready for jail!" Then he lowers his voice and says, "Never know when you might drop the soap-."

"Okay!" I exclaimed. "That's nice to know Jeff. Really it is, but I have to get ready for school." I turn around to go up and I hear him say, "They still have that?" I turned and gave him a look. "Yes Jeff, they do." I run up before anything else went wrong. I grabbed some clothes from my room and put them on. I run into the bathroom and get my hair straightener ready. I run downstairs and grab a little snack. I rush through all of my morning routine. Once I finally fixed my hair I slipped on my shoes and put my jacket and bag on. "I'm leaving Jeff! Don't stay long, "I say hastily and run out the door before he could respond. I run all the way to school. After a while I can see the school's front gate. I take a sigh of relief as I can see it's still open. I run through and head for the office to get a late slip. Once I get my slip I head for the class I'm supposed to have at this time. I go in and people stare at me in awe. Then total hatred and ignore me. I disregard it and take my seat. Even though I'm given those looks almost every single day, this time it doesn't feel right. They didn't look at me like that because I'm the outcast. It's something else. And I have a pretty good idea about what it is. 


I was sitting with Addie and Johanna in lunch. Johanna told me that word gets around fast. Almost everyone in the entire school knows about what happened to Ian. Even the fact that he'll be getting the transplant. "But why is everyone angry at me?" I ask, "I'm not that one that did it." 

"We know," Addie says sweetly, "and everyone else knows too. But they're starting to think that you're bad news, Ellie." 

I stare at her for a while and say, "Wh...what do you mean?" Johanna gives me a sympathetic look and says, "Everyone's saying you're bad luck. You bring evil around, not that it's true. We wouldn't believe in that crap." 

"But," I start, "it's not like there's any other evidence that I'm 'bad luck'. 'Ian was attacked by some maniac and it just so happened to be at the outcast's house'. That's not enough for them to accuse me of such things." 

"Well, that didn't stop them," Addie says, "and...besides, they got a couple of reasons." I laugh and say, "Like what?" 

"Well, for one," Johanna speaks up, "people think you're weird and they're all just judgemental bastards and whores."

"And two," Addie says, "more news got out. Apparently you might be in a secret satanic cult." I laugh for a few seconds then realize that they're not bluffing. My mind immediately goes to the marks on my wrists. And the only other people that know are Addie and...the girls. One of them must of spilt it and now everyone knows. I bring my arms up and slightly move my sleeve to reveal the marks. Johanna and Addie stared at them in shock. Johanna gulped and said, "Please tell me that last bit of what Addie said isn't true." 

I sighed and replied, "No it isn't true. Look, if it helps I dont know what they are either. All I know is one night I was feeling weird, some things happened and before I knew it these marks show up. Can't take them off. It's like my actual skin. If there were a way to take them off I'm sure ripping off my flesh will do it. No matter what I try it's as useless as trying to stable water to a freaking tree!" 

"We can figure something out," Johanna says, "but what I want to know is how word of this got around. I'm sure you'd try to hide it. How'd it get out?" 

"Maddy and her friends," Addie said for me, "I know because I was there when they saw it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but it seemed personal for Ellie." 

"Well, it sure as hell isn't anymore," Johanna muttered. I covered my wrists and sigh. "I'm sorry guys," I mumbled, "maybe...maybe you shouldn't hang around me anymore." 

"Elizabeth," Johanna starts, "you're a smart girl. Don't be stupid now. We won't leave you just to protect our reputations. Hell, I don't think we even had any in the first place! But we're always together no matter what. You're like a little sister to me. Both you and Addie. You're my responsibility. We look after each other. If one of us is in a fight, then all of us start a war. That's how it is. We will never leave you behind. No matter who thinks it's wrong, we're staying with you through this. Even if it ruins us." I stare at her in awe. She could always persuade me with words. She's just that good. I smile and say, "Thanks guys. I appreciate the loyalty." They both give me warm smiles and lean over to hug me. I'm really glad to have friends like these two. Without them...I don't think I'd be sane. Nor would I be alive either. 


As the bell rung and I walked out of my last class I saw Travis. I smiled but thought that I shouldn't get my hopes up. I stop and look at him for a while. I know he's heard of the rumors. He probably thinks I'm bad luck. I bet he already deleted my number from his phone. I was about to storm away when Travis grabbed my shoulder gently and said hello. "Hey there, Elizabeth," he said, warmly. I smiled slightly and looked away. He fidgeted and cleared his throat. "Listen...," he starts, "about what's going on-." 

"Look I understand," I snapped, "you don't want to be around me. I get it! I'm bad luck and a satanist! Just leave me alone all right. You don't have to tell me you don't like me. People come and go. Especially if they used to know me..."

"But, Elizabeth, I'm not mad," he said. I gave him a puzzled look and asked, "Why not?" He smiles and says, "Because I can't hate you. Even if these rumors are true...I'll still always want to talk to you. You're a nice girl. I know you are. And a nice girl shouldn't have to be left alone." I feel a tear start to form and I sniffle. He's willing to stay...after all that's been said about me...he still wants to keep in touch. He's more of a weirdo than me. I giggle and say, "Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better." 

"Yeah, I can tell people have been rough about this whole thing," he said. I nodded and he ruffled my hair. "Don't worry," he said, "if they mess with you, you tell me all right. I won't be afraid to teach them a lesson or two." I nod and he runs off to go home. I guess I should too. I make my way home and decide to kill some time. I don't feel like going home just yet. People are working on my window and I don't feel very comfortable about that. I go to the park instead, hoping maybe that I can go to that abandoned lake area. I walk around the park and see more people than last time but it's still not as much. I take a couple of detours when I suddenly hear whining. I stop walking and listen. I hear somebody whining and other people hissing threats. Somebody's being hassled. Good thing I came out here. This area is secluded too, no one would've heard the commotion. I follow the talking and see a small area where these three guys were messing with this smaller looking one. I watched as one of them shoved him to the ground and called him...oh crap, never heard that one before. Damn.

I couldn't let him get hurt. Even though I have nothing to defend myself I went in anyways. I stepped out of the trees and said, "Hey, stop hurting him. Or else." All three of them laughed. One of them spoke up and said, "Or else what, little girl. You gonna call daddy to get the ol' shotgun!" 

"No but I'd really like one right now," I growled. They all laughed again and the first one said, "Feisty one. Well, today's going to be fun boys. Not only do we got freak-of-nature pipsqueak here.." he shoved down the smaller guy into the ground and smirked, "but we get this little doll here too." 

"What should we do," another one says. The first chuckles and says, "Grab her." I turned to run but one of them caught my arm and put me in a choke hold. I struggled to get out of his grip but he wouldn't budge. The other two look at me, like they're examining me, and the first smiles. "Why don't we have our fun boys? I'm sure she won't mind a little screaming." They all laugh and I scream for help but no one would respond. That smaller guy from before ran off. Too bad, I would really like his help right about now. The second guy gives me a distasteful grin and holds my face. "She's a pretty one. Digging her eyes. And the rest of her too..." His gaze dropped down to my chest and in return I spit in his face. He growled and gave me a dirty look. He raised his hand to strike me but the first guy stopped him. "No, not just yet, buddy. When we got her stripped." He gives me a smile and I glare at him. "Hey," I heard the guy that was holding me, "why don't we give her a test run. Ya know, to see if she's worth our energy." 

The second guy nods in approval and the first chuckles. "Yeah, that sounds good." They all laugh again and the second guy pulls out a rag from his pocket. He gags me with it and I thrash and kick. The first puts his hands on my waist and starts to tug off my pants. I scream but they come out as only muffled groans. I knew this is when I'll be totally scarred for life. My life is just getting better and better huh? Just as the first guy pulled down my pants and went for my underwear I heard a loud metallic thud. Then another. Before I knew it the two first guys were lying unconscious on the ground. The guy holding me choked me tighter as he yelled for someone to come out. No one responded and he was getting paranoid. Suddenly I hear that same metallic sound again and I feel him stop holding me. I immediately put my pants back on and take the rag off of me. I look at all of the guys and shake my head. "Poor, perverted bastards," I grumbled and got my bag. I turned around and saw a figure standing in front of me. I scream and whack it with my bag. It doesn't attack or do anything but whine and beg for me to stop. 

I did and I looked closer. It's that same guy from before. There was a shovel next to him. So he was the one that saved me. I knew he'd come around. I look at his face but...I didn't exactly see his face. He was wearing a mask. It looked interesting really but it was a bit creepy. "Sorry," I apologized, "I didn't know it was you."

"I-I-It's okay really," he said. He had a small quiet voice. I knew he wasn't someone to pick fights. I give him a smile and say, "Well...thank you for saving me back there." 

"Oh! Don't thank me, Miss. If anything...thank the landscaper. He had the shovel lying around." he said. I giggle and give him a hand. He's hesitant to take it but he does and I help him up. We were about the same height, he's a few millimeters taller. "Hi," I started, "I'm Elizabeth. And you are?" He seemed to get uncomfortable and he looked down. "Um...uh...," he mumbled. I chuckle and said, "Don't be shy. I won't judge or hurt you. Go on." He nodded and breathed in a little.

He finally said, "Uh...m-my name, name is Masky." 

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