Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I walked with Masky through the park. He's a really nice guy. He's sweet and funny. He's very shy and quirky but that just makes him all the more adorable. We chatted and laughed at the stupid things we would say. I honestly think he's an interesting guy. But I guess no one else thinks so, considering that he wears that mask all of the time. I bet he doesn't look very approachable. Well, I've hung out with Jeff long enough for things like this not to phase me. I'm not sure if I should be happy or disappointed by that. Either way, it's done and I can't change that. As me and Masky were chatting I heard a grumbling sound. I looked around and I heard it again. "I think we should go," I said. We kept walking and the grumbling only got louder. I was getting frustrated. I swerved around to yell, "All right! Fun is over! Whoever is out there stop screwing with us!"

"Um, Elizabeth," Masky muttered. I turn to him and he says, "I think our culprit is my stomach." I heard it grumble and I laughed. I'm so dumb. I stop laughing and say, "Sounds like you're hungry. Wanna grab a bite to eat?" He nodded and I slipped his arm into mine. We headed out of the park and as we got to the exiting gate Masky suddenly stops. I give him a puzzled look and ask, "What's wrong?" He shifts in his spot and mumbles, "I didn't know we...we had to go out...there." He points to the outside of the park and I feel him shake. I give him a smile and say, "Yeah, but don't worry. I won't let you get hurt, I promise. I won't let anymore guys like the other three hurt us. Come on." I gently tug him forward and he eventually starts walking normally with me. We were barely out of the park and already people stared at us. Mostly him though. I told him to ignore them and to just get to a place to eat. He did as I said and kept walking with me. The more we walked the more I could feel him ease up. We saw a place a few blocks up and headed for it. We walked in and more people stared at us. I could feel Masky turn into jello again but I squeezed his arm to make him pay attention to me and not everyone else. 

We sat in a little booth and rested our feet. We were walking for a long time and I'm sure his are sore too. A waitress came and offered us drinks. I asked for coffee and Masky just took a soda. She nods and walks away with a smile. She didn't seem to mind Masky and his appearance, which is good. I sit with him and we talk again. That's when I decide to ask, "So why do wear that mask? Doesn't it get annoying to wear over a period of time?" He shrugs and says, "Well, not anymore really. I've grown quite used to it so really it doesn't bother me."

"Do you ever take it off?" I ask. He shakes his head and says, "No. Only if I'm sleeping or maybe showering but I always wear it for everything else." I nod and ask him another question, "Why do you wear it?" He goes quiet and I knew I might have gone too far. Then he says, "I...I just don't like my look. And nobody else would either so...I hide behind this mask. It's not a bother to me or anyone else so I wear it all of the time. Although sometimes I feel like this mask doesn't help much considering the glares and insults I get sometimes. But I know if I didn't have it on then it would be a whole lot worse. Not even you would want to be around me anymore." I give him a sympathetic look and say, "Looks don't matter. All that does is if you're a good person or not. Appearance may be the first thing to judge but really it comes down to personality. People just don't get it yet. So don't worry. No matter if you're deformed or perfectly fine I'll still find you to be a very nice guy." I couldn't tell whether or not he was smiling but deep down I knew he was. "Thank you Elizabeth," he said. I smiled. "You're welcome," I said. 

The waitress came back with our drinks and asked if we wanted to eat now. I just ordered a sandwich. Masky looked at the menu and asked, "Can I, the cheesecake?" The waitress nodded and   wrote it down. She left us again and I gave Masky a look. "You're not going to get any food?" I giggled. He looked up at me and said, "But...cheesecake is food." I giggled at his adorableness and said, "Well, kind of. It's dessert." 

"I like eating desserts, especially cheesecake," he said. I smiled. As long as he gets something to eat. He grabs his glass of soda and grabs the straw gently. He slightly raised his mask and sipped his drink. Even though I was curious on how he looked like I knew it would be rude to try and peek. He stopped sipping his drink and put the mask back in place. "Do you always have to do that in order to drink and eat?" I ask. He nods. "Like I said," he starts, "I don't ever take it off. Even if it is hard to get around with it I still keep it on." I nod. I'm sure he's already used to maneuvering with it on. But it still bothers me in some way. The waitress comes over with our food and I have to say, Masky made a good choice. The cheesecake looked pretty good. But I already got my sandwich so I can't order it now. I'll come back some other time and get it. I roll up my sleeves and pull my plate closer when Masky suddenly grabs my arm and looks at my wrist. I feel him tense up and he shivers. "Y-you're the proxy?, no, no, this is bad this is really, really bad. How is it you? Oh, dear..." 

"What's wrong," I ask, worried. He realized that he was making me scared so he let go of my arm and sat back quickly. "Oh it's nothing to worry about, Miss." he says, "I'm just being a little paranoid that's all." 

"About what?" I ask. He stops and shivers again. I was getting worried for him. He seems really freaked out about my marks. What is it about them that gets people freaking out about them? First Jeff, then Ben, then Ian and now poor Masky. Who else is next? I just want this to stop. Masky finally speaks up and croaks, "'ll have to endure the consequences ahead of you." I gave him a questioning look and he said, "I know it sounds strange're in danger." 

"No it's not strange at all," I said, "In fact...I've been told that ever since these marks appeared. Could you tell me what they are exactly." He shakes his head and says, "No, I am terribly sorry Elizabeth but I cannot tell you. But there is someone who can."

"Who?" I feel on edge now. I need to know who I can talk to about this. Maybe they can help me get these marks off or something. Masky fidgets in his spot and says, "I-I cannot tell you that either. But you might find out eventually." 

"Well, can you at least tell me where to find him? Please, I'm desperate for the answers." I pleaded. He shook his head and said, "You have no need to worry about finding him Miss. Because...he will find you." That makes my tremble. Who exactly will find me? I just feel so confused and scared. I give Masky a sad look and say, "I'm scared. Who am I? Wh...WHAT am I? I feel so afraid, Masky. I don't know what's going on and I feel like what ever is happening will hurt me somehow. Maybe even kill me. I'm just scared that I won't be ready to face these consequences you were talking about. I truly feel afraid."

"It'll be okay Elizabeth," he says sweetly, trying to calm me down, "I promise nothing will go wrong. At least not for a while. But by then you will have your answers." I nod and start to feel my shoulders ease. I felt a lot better hearing that. Even though he may seem to be the scared one at times, really he's the one to make you feel better. I'm the one who's scared. Terrified even. I just hope he's right about what he said.

*Masky's POV*

I shouldn't have said anything to her. Now she's nervous. I know she's only hiding it and she's even trying to calm down but I can tell she's still worried. Oh dear, what have I done? Oh he'll be mad. So so mad! He'll scold me and give me a very long speech, and they're so boring! And what's worse, I can't keep this a secret from him. I'm just terrible at lying. No matter who it is I will crack under pressure and spill the truth. Well, no problem. I'll just stay away from home. Aw, but I really do like home. I like my bed. I like my room. I like my fridge. I can't stay away from home. Besides, he'll send someone out to look for me. The last time I didn't come home he got terribly mad and sent Ben out. Oh god, if I don't go home please don't let it be Ben. He took me places after he caught me. I saw things. My eyes are not innocent anymore. I didn't know women could bend like that!

I shook my head and whined. No, I'll just have to face it like a man. A very small, flimsy, and whiny man. I calmed down and sat with Elizabeth a bit longer. I ate my cheesecake, it did make me feel a lot better. I really love cheesecake. It's delicious. It helps my nerves. Everyone back at home doesn't seem to think so though. They say that cheesecake is gross. Well, uh...screw them! I don't need their opinions about what I eat. I can eat what I want! It's my body! My small flimsy body. I seriously need to lift. 

"Hey Masky," Elizabeth called, making me stop dazing. I looked at her and she said, "You done yet?" I nodded and she paid for the food. We left the little restaurant and started walking. "Um, would you like me to take you home," I asked her. She nodded and gave me a smile. She really was a pretty girl. But I'm not into her like that. I just find her beautiful and nice. Hopefully we can be friends for a long time. I usually don't make normal friends. Or human friends for that matter. I walk her home and I see her house. I stand in the yard with her and look at it. It was a lovely house, I can tell it's pretty cozy inside. No one seemed to be home. Good, no one else can see me. I'm sure they'd freak out if they saw me with Elizabeth and they'd think I'm some thug. Elizabeth walked up to the door and turned to me. "Thanks," she said, "for the wonderful afternoon." I felt myself redden and I stuttered, "Well, it really was no big deal, ya know? I-I was just being nice." She smiles and then does something no one else has ever done in a long time. She hugs me. 

She squeezed me and she felt very warm. I just stood here, stunned. It's been so long since anyone has ever hugged me. And on purpose too. I slowly bring my arms around her and hug her back. She really was a nice person. She pulled back and gave me another pretty smile. I wish I could take off this mask to have her know that I'm smiling back behind it. But then I hear someone behind us. 

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my ol' buddy Masky," I heard. I turn and see a man, with dark, messy hair, wide cut smile and lidless eyes. I knew who he is. I've known him practically forever. I can never forget his look. Who could? And seeing him now, I'm not sure to be happy or afraid." 

"H...hello...Jeff," I said. He chuckled and started walking towards me slowly. The closer he got the more I saw how tall he was. I'm short compared to him. Well of course I am. He's like 6'3! I'm not even close. Jeff was right in front of me then he raised his hands and grabbed me harshly. I whined and I heard Elizabeth curse at him. "Relax Sunshine," he cackled, "just messing with him a little, is all!" Then he gives me a noogie and I flail my arms. He soon lets me go and lifts me up. My feet dangle and he laughs. "Wow you are light!" he remarks, "I would think with all of those damn cheesecakes you eat you'd be a fat-ass!" I shrug and he suddenly drops me. I groan but then he helps me up, only to spin me around and play with me like a rag-doll. Then Elizabeth comes over and smacks his head. Oh he's not going to like that. He lets me go and slowly turns to her. She doesn't back away or anything. Wow, I'd think she'd be afraid of him. Even I am a little. 

Jeff grabs her face gently and leans in. He gives her a crazy look but she still isn't phased. He chuckles and says, "That really hurt Ellie." 

"It was supposed to," she said flatly. He grins wider and backs up. He turns to me and whispers to me, "Was she a pain in the ass? I'm sure she was right?"

"I can hear you!" she growls. He laughs and says, "You were supposed to!" Then he laughs harder and I watch Elizabeth punch his shoulder. He actually flinched and groaned. How could she even get close to him without getting slaughtered? She must be tough to hit or insult him. They started having an argument and I just stood around and did nothing. I'm sure I shouldn't be involved in this. If I try they'll start to fight with me and I really don't think I'd like to take them both on. Especially Elizabeth. I'm not even as worried about Jeff hurting me than I am about her. I know she won't hurt me but I don't think I'd like to have an argument with her. She makes the saying "The woman always wins the fight" true. Eventually they stopped arguing and Jeff turned to me. "Long time no see Masky," he says with mischievous glee. I nod and he brings me in only to give me another noogie. "How's everyone back at home?" he asks. I look up at him. Even though he's hiding it I can still tell he was very, very concerned. Jeff hasn't been home in months. Everyone back at home have nearly forgotten about him. I can tell he just wants to hear an excuse to come back again. 

"Oh they're fine...I guess," I said. He seemed to be taken aback by the answer and muttered, "Oh...well, that's cool. Yeah...that's real cool." He's upset now. I should've told him something else instead. Like how we all missed him or we were thinking about him. To tell the truth, no one has said a thing. I'm the only one who brings up Jeff half the time. I don't go a day without wondering if he'll come back. But I can't let him know this. He'll think I'm gay or something...which I am not! 

I slip out of his grasp and tug on his sleeve. "Can we talk for a minute?" I ask. He didn't seem to want to. Jeff looked over at Elizabeth and then back at me. He sighed and nodded. We walked around to the side of the house. I looked up at him and cleared my throat. "Listen Jeff...," I started, "if you want to come back home all you have to do is say so." 

He scowled and grumbled, "What makes you think I want to go back to that dump huh?"

"Because I know you're curious about whether they'll take you back. I know that's what you're thinking," I stated. He seemed dumbfounded. He knows I'm right. I'm always right. He stares down at the ground and clenches his fists. Then he says, "I don't need to go back. I'm fine! Maybe...maybe someday I'll visit or whatever. But not now. I'm busy." 

"With Elizabeth?" I ask him. I know she's the reason he's still staying. She's the proxy. She'd be in danger without protection. Jeff nods and says, "You know who she is. I have to stay and see that nothing bad happens to her. I'm not going to let them take her. I have to stay...for now. After this whole business is done I might decide to come back." 

I sigh and say, "That's going to take a while ya know? Being the proxy is serious business. It nearly takes a life time before it's all over."

"Which gives me enough time to decide to either go home or stay here," he says, with a bit of a growl. I nod and cross my arms. "All right. But you know she's safer at our place."

"I'm not going to let her leave her family, Masky!" he snaps. I flinch at his harsh tone. It's been so long since I've heard him yell at me, I almost forgot how aggressive and loud he can get. He relaxes and sighs. "I can't let her life be over. She deserves better than this. She's taken a lot of crap her whole life. Ellie needs to enjoy it while she still has it." I understand him. I guess he is right about one thing. I'm still a bit worried but there's no point in trying to argue with Jeff. Especially since he might still be a little mad right now. We stop talking and we go back around to the front yard. I stand out by the curb and watch Jeff go up to the front door. He looks back at me and and shouts, "Take care of yourself, little guy!" I smile behind my mask and nod. He goes inside the house and I start walking back to mine. I won't be able to face anyone back at home. I'll probably tell them everything. In a way they deserve to know, but on the other hand they don't. It'll only mean more trouble for Elizabeth and Jeff. I tremble. I'm going to tell them all anyways. Some of them might not be too happy. Especially the boss. Hopefully he doesn't come after Elizabeth just yet. But I fear when he does...the tension between him and Jeff will grow stronger. And if that happens...he'll never, ever come back home. 



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