Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The people working on my window are gone now. I walked inside while Jeff and Masky talked. I didn't think Masky would know Jeff. Who else does he know? God, I don't think I want to find out. I put my stuff away and rested in the living room. I sigh, "Today has been shit..." I lay down instead of watching some TV. I can't fall asleep though because I don't want to. I don't know what I want to do. Or need to do. I just feel blank and lifeless, while processing what I feel like doing. My mind trails off to Travis for some reason. Maybe I can text him. But, maybe he's busy. Or he might not even answer back. If I text him will he think me to be desperate? I don't want to seem like that. Especially after today. But will he understand that I just need someone to talk to? I let out a gruff sigh and grit my teeth. Maybe I shouldn't text him at all. At least not yet. 

I started walking upstairs when my phone rang. Thinking it was Travis I gasped and answered. I was so intent on talking to him that I called out his name to see if it was him. Unfortunately it wasn't him. "No this isn't Travis. It's your mother." she said. I felt awkward now. Dammit Elizabeth, why can you be so stupid sometimes?! Now she'll think there's a boy in my life. Just great. I manage to get my words out to her. "Oh uh sorry. So, what's up?" 

"Ian woke up a couple minutes ago. Would you like to come and see him?" she said. At the mention of Ian I felt my heart race. I so desperately want to see him. I want to see him awake and smiling. I want to hear him tease me with his little remarks about how short I am. I just want to see him. "Yes," I said, excitedly, "I'd love to come and see him!" I heard my mom chuckle and she said, "Well, all right then. I'll keep him up for you. Can you catch a taxi? I'll pay for it when you get here." 

"Sure mom," I said, "I'll see you there." I hung up and smiled. I'm going to see Ian again. I really needed to see him. I go upstairs and get my jacket and grab my spare house keys. When I go downstairs I see Jeff, sitting on the couch's arm and looking at me. He seems a "What is it?" I ask him. 

"Where are you going?" he asked. He seemed annoyed. I frowned and said, "What's up with you all of a sudden?" 

"I asked you a question, Elizabeth," he said. He hasn't called me by my full name since ever. He's only called me Ellie or Sunshine. Now I know something's up. "I'll answer your question once you answer mine," I said, firmly. He scowls and gets off the couch's arm. "I don't want any bullshit from you now," he growled, "now tell me where you're going." I felt myself go uneasy by his sudden anger. What's wrong with him? What did I do to make him mad? I don't bother trying to figure it out. I tell him, "I'm going to see Ian at the hospital."

"Will Travis be there?" he asked. I was taken aback by what he said. I gulp and say, "No he won't. do you know about him?" He chuckles and growls, "I'm not stupid Ellie. I know what's going on in your life. I know the rumors going on about you. Especially the recent ones. I know you have a little crush on this Travis guy. Were you expecting him to text or call you just now?" He said that last sentence with a hint of mockery. I was getting angry. "No I wasn't. And my social life is none of your business." I snapped. He laughs and says, "Everything about you is my business. Even your little social life." I gave him a look. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked angrily. 

"You know what it means," he growled. My face turned to shock as I knew what he meant. Then I frowned and yelled at him. "Just shut up! I don't need to listen to you!" I storm towards the door when he grabs me and doesn't let go. I glare at him and growl, "Let me go!" He doesn't respond, only scowls. I try yanking his hand off but he had a tight grip. It started to hurt and now I was just scared. "Jeff let go! You're hurting me!" 

"What if that's what I want," he says darkly. I look at him and sneer. I still try to get away but I knew he would never let me go. I punch his chest but he doesn't even flinch. "What is wrong with you?!" I snap. His grip got a whole lot tighter and he gives me a look of complete anger. I was afraid he'd break my wrist at this point. Then I feel him slightly jerk me towards him and he started leading me upstairs. I struggled but it was all of no use. He nearly dragged me up the stairs and when we got to the top he pulled me forward to my room. What if he's going to kill me now? Even though I'm the proxy, as everyone says, he can still kill me. He's supposed to be my protector. Jeff...he was going to keep me safe. He said so himself! He promised me! I can't believe he would lie to me like that! I thought I would be safe with him. I guess I'm just too stupid to realize he's still a killer and always will be. He jerked me into my room and he closed the door behind us. I started to tremble uncontrollably. I tried to stop but it wouldn't work. I was going to die now. I stared down at the floor and sobbed silently. 

Then after a couple of seconds I felt the pressure of Jeff's grip become softer but still firm. I didn't look up though. Then I hear him say, "I'm sorry." I stopped crying and finally looked up at him. Did he...did he just apologize to me? I sniffled and mumbled, "For what?" He gave me a guilty look and said, "For making you angry and for making you cry just now. And also I'm sorry for hurting both your wrist and your feelings. I didn't know what I was saying. I was just...angry for some reason and...I took that out on you. I didn't mean for it to happen. I was being...stupid. I'm sorry for all of that." I looked at him for a few seconds. He was genuinely sorry and guilty. I sniffle again and say, "It's okay...I forgive you. I guess I was being a little stubborn back there. In a way it's kind of my fault too." 

He shook his head and said, "No it's not. You did nothing to make the situation worse. I started the whole damn thing. So don't put any blame on yourself." I nodded and stared down at the floor again. I felt him let go of my wrist. We both stood there, not really knowing what to do now. It was extremely awkward. More awkward than shouting Travis's name when it was my mom who was calling. It was weird and I definitely felt a huge tension between us. It's like we both wanted to do or say something. Well, at least Jeff. He was shifting in his spot a lot meaning he must want to do something right now. I didn't know what I wanted to do. Without even realizing it I walked up to Jeff slowly and hug him softly. WTF brain?!?! 

He flinched and I felt him tense up. Why did I do this? What is wrong with me? There was crack in that sandwich right? Please tell me it's just the drugs and not just me. I'm okay with the drugs. Please let it be drugs. I felt my face go hot yet I didn't let go. I knew if I did he'd think that there's something on my mind and he'll question me. I don't feel like talking with him right now. On one hand I want to push him away and punch him across the face. On the other hand I just want things to be calm and quiet like this moment. I was still hugging him, digging my face into his chest. He felt really warm. And his hoodie is still soft too. I felt him hug me back but hesitantly. Then he relaxed and hugged me completely. Now he felt even more warm. He rested his head on the top of mine. I blushed and dug my face in deeper to hide it. I didn't want him to see me red. I didn't want him to see my face at all. I closed my eyes and saw only darkness. I could still feel him hug me which was enough for me. I knew if I were to see my surroundings I would feel even more uncomfortable. 

I was holding my breath in a lot. I didn't know what to do next. I was hoping Jeff would do something for me instead. Then I felt him move a little bit. He raised a hand to my face and grabbed my chin. I looked up wondering what he was doing. I was about to open my mouth to speak when he suddenly leans in and puts his lips on mine. I feel a rush of heat and adrenaline bolt through my entire body. From the tip of my nose to my toes. No rhyme intended. Now I definitely didn't know what to do. So I just closed my eyes and let him kiss me. I didn't mind it really. In was...pleasing. My face felt like it was on fire. I'm sure I look like a cherry and tomato combined. I slowly put my arms around his neck and tip toe slightly. Jeff pulled me in closer and there was no more space between us. After what seemed like forever he slowly pulled back and put his forehead against mine. He raised his hands up and cupped my face. I clutched his hoodie and took a shaky, deep breath. I saw his face was a little red and that made me smile slightly.

Then he mumbled, "I have no idea what the hell I just did." I chuckled and said, "I haven't a clue either." He laughed a little. Clearly we both know what happened just now, but we're too surprised by it to talk about it. "Are you mad," he asked me. I shook my head slowly and said, "Not really." He pulled me in for another hug and leaned in to the side of my head. He got so close to my ear that I could feel his lips slightly rub against it. It actually felt kind of nice. Then he whispers, "Good." His voice sent chills up my spine. But they were nice chills. I stood there with him still holding me. I didn't expect for this to happen. Especially not this. But it did and I have no way of changing it. 

I was about to break the silence when my phone vibrated. I looked and it was my mom. I must be taking forever. I have to go and see Ian. I pulled away from Jeff slightly and said, "I have to go and see Ian, before visiting hours are over." Jeff's a little sad about me leaving, I can tell. Especially since we just kissed and all. But he understood and let me go. I hurried downstairs and said good-bye to him. As I was walking I wondered what will happen now that what just happened, actually happened. Will things be awkward or be the same? I don't know. All I know is that now he's got something to blackmail me with. God dammit Jeff...

*Jeff's POV*

As soon as Ellie left I felt bored and lonely. I should've made her stay somehow. I could've seduced her.  I could've just taken off my shirt and like flex or something. She wouldn't resist it. Meh, maybe next time. I walked upstairs to her room. I fell on top of her bed and took a nap. She wouldn't mind it. After a while I woke up from my nap and stretched. I looked out the window and saw it was nighttime already. Damn, how long was I out for? Oh well, screw it. I got up and walked out of Ellie's room. No one is back home yet, not even her. She must still be at the hospital visiting that Ian guy. I sighed and walked back into her room. I looked back at the window and thought about going out. I might as well, there's nothing to do here but either sleep, watch TV or raid the fridge. A smile comes to my face...well...there's always a smile on my face but I'm smiling for real! The thought of killing again was exciting me. 

I went over to the window and opened it. I laughed and leaped out, closing it behind me. I made my way to the ground and put my hood up. I looked around, trying to decide which way to go. I decided to go west and I walked. I snuck through yards and sidewalks, looking around for my victim. I was in the mood for some outdoor killing. No one seemed to be out walking. Of course not, it's nighttime dammit, who in their right minds would be out this late? I was about to give up and just sneak into a house when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a boy, no older than thirteen, sitting at a bench with his earphones on. I chuckled and started making my way towards him. He didn't notice me yet. He's making this too easy. I start to draw out my knife when I see something else. Another boy, possibly a couple years older than the other, ran up to the younger one and scared him from behind. The younger boy yelped and cursed at the older one. "What the hell man?!" he exclaimed, "you scared the crap out of me!" 

"That's the intention dumb-ass," the older one chuckled. The younger boy scowled and said, "Why do you always gotta pick on me?" he asked. The older boy laughed a little and said, "Because I'm your big brother dork! I do it out of love." He then starts to ruffle the younger brother's hair and they both laugh. I felt an ache in my chest and groan a little. What's this feeling? God damn, it's annoying. "Come on," the eldest said, "let's go home before mom gets worried." The youngest nods and gets up from the bench. They start walking away but I wasn't about to let them get away. I snuck behind them, hearing them laugh and tease each other. The pain in my chest kept getting stronger and stronger. I'm too young to have a heart attack, so I know it's not that. What is it? Ugh, it's annoying! I kept sneaking behind them and got closer and closer then I heard their conversation. "You still having trouble at school," the eldest said. The youngest nods and says sadly, "Yeah...those guys keep messing with me. They keep asking me for money. I'm scared though. Today they threatened me because I didn't give them all money yet." 

I was shocked at what he said and listened in closely. The eldest said, "You serious? Those bastards hurt you, you tell me and I'll take care of it. You won't have to be afraid. We'll fight this together." He ruffles his little brother's hair but he doesn't seem happy by what his big brother said. "Yeah but...what if we get in trouble? What if they hurt you too? What if they hurt me and it'll be too late? And everyone won't like you anymore. Mom and dad might send you to boot camp. I don't want you to go." The pain in my chest was immense now and I still didn't know what the hell it was. The eldest clapped the little one's shoulder and said, "It's okay. I promise. I'll take the fall and I'll make it out with no trouble." I was gritting my teeth. Why does this sound so familiar? What was it? Why can't I remember? I kept listening and heard the youngest say, "Thanks. You're the best." 

"You know I am!" the eldest exclaimed and laughed. They kept walking and we got near a small area of trees. Here's where I have them now. I sneak around them and I slowly come out. They stop and stare at me. I smirk and remove my hood. Even though it's dark I can see their terrified faces, and they can see mine. I cocked my head to the side and drew my knife out. They were too petrified to move. Like I said, too easy. I laughed and said, "You should never be out this late. Never know when people like me can come along." I pointed the knife at them and they gasped. I chuckled and said, "Now...why don't you two...GO TO SLEEP!" I raised my knife higher to stab the younger kid but then the eldest got in the way. I stopped my knife before I could hit him and eyed him. The brat made me mess up. Then he yelled at me, "If you want my brother you're gonna have to go through me! I'm not going to let you hurt him! Even if it kills me!" 

I laugh and chime, "How ironic of you to say that!" I raised up the knife again to stab this kid in the heart but for some reason...I couldn't bring it down on him. I stared at him and then finally realized why I've had the pain in my chest. They remind me! I will never think about that! EVER!

I growled and yell. I stabbed the knife into a nearby tree instead and hiss, "Why can't I kill you two?!" They seemed surprised by this and said nothing. "TELL ME!" I yelled at them. They flinched from my harsh voice and the younger brother said, "We...we don't know...just please leave us alone. We don't want any trouble." I stared at them, giving them an angered look. I was seething and shaking from all the rage inside. Then I said, "You should know. Look at you two. You guys are...happy. You guys look after each other. Especially you." I pointed at the eldest and he gulped. He said, "Well yeah. W...we're family. We look after each other until the end. He's my little brother and it's my responsibility to keep him happy and safe." The younger one nodded and I looked at the ground. I took a shaky breath and looked up at them. "You two...," I started, "are good kids. You're doing a good job being there for each other. That's good. I think you two will be one of my good memories." I chuckled and they both smiled slightly. Then the youngest brother said, "That's cool. Does that won't hurt us?" 

I froze for a moment, looking at them with a blank expression. Then I said, "Why would you ever think that?" Their expressions turned to terror as I pulled out my knife from the tree. "I like you two," I chuckled, "I really do." I took a step forward and my expression went from mischievous to blank again. "But I could never," I started, "let you go. I have to do this. Do you perhaps know why?" Neither one of them said a thing. I laughed manically for a few moments. The air around us was only filled with my constant laughter. Then I abruptly stop and say quietly,

"You remind me too much...of who I used to be."  

I raised my knife and stabbed the eldest in the neck with one swift move. I yank out the blade and he drops like nothing. The younger one gasps and starts to freak out until he realizes that it's his turn. He starts to run away when I quickly reach over and grab his hair. I yank him back and put my bloody knife against his throat. He had already started crying and his face was streaked with tears. He mumbled, "Please don't do this! Don't hurt me please! I just want to go home. I don't want to be here anymore. Just let me go home!" He cried and he cried, he wailed and he wailed. I wasn't phased. I lean in close, nearly putting my face near his. I whisper into his ear, "Would you like your brother back?" He sniffles and nods slowly, trying not to let my knife cut into his flesh. I chuckle and say, "Well, I can't bring him back. I have no magical powers. I'm only human. But I can bring you to him." He goes wide eyed as he realizes what I meant. Before he could scream I slit his throat and watch him fall. I stare at both of their lifeless bodies and sigh. I hull both of them over to a big tree and put them sitting up against it. I put the younger brother's head leaning on his big brother's shoulder, and the big brother had his head on his. At least they died together. 

I carve the words 'go to sleep' into the tree, so it's right above them. Then I get their blood and fill in the words with it. I cut a smile like mine into both of their faces and once I'm done I crouch down in front of them. I stare at them for a while. My face feels wet and I suddenly realize that I was crying. I wiped away the tears aggressively and frown. I stand up and say, "I was never happy or safe. You two make a good memory...but remind me of a bad one." I walk away, out of the area and go walking out into the street again. I sigh and then start to laugh manically again. My laughter dies down and I keep walking. Now...who's next?


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