Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I felt myself being carried away. I didn't hear Smile anymore. I hope they didn't hurt him. Jeff's gonna be pissed if they did. I could still see nothing as I felt the man carrying me walk. He trudged and I would hear the little girl from time to time, occasionally talking about me. The man didn't talk throughout the entire way, it was only the little girl talking. I tried to squirm but I was unable to move for some reason. I wanted to go home. I thought this was all over. I thought I wouldn't meet anymore people. But then again Masky did warn me last week that I would be in danger. I just want to run right now but I can't! I hoped and prayed that I would be saved somehow.

Just as soon as I thought of being rescued I heard the little girl scream in surprise and I went tumbling. I felt twigs, rocks and dirt hit me as I went down hill. I finally stopped and lied there, still unable to move or see. I heard struggling, like a fight, I'm not entirely sure what's going on but I know things may end badly. I tried moving as hard as I could, using all of my strength to regain my mobility. Finally I felt my fingers move and then everything else. But I was still blind. I started walking, making my way to where I thought was the opposite direction. I just hoped no one else showed up to hurt me while I couldn't see. I felt my way around trees and the ground. I had no idea where I was going but as long as I'm somewhere else other than with that little girl and strange man then I should be fine. At least I thought.

*Jeff's POV*

I was roaming around the park with Smile. We both needed a walk and some time away from everything in this world. I was calm. I haven't seen Ellie in a while so maybe today I'll come by. Smile barked and I turned to him. I chuckled darkly as I saw he had some dead raccoon in his mouth. "You little weirdo," I said and pulled it out. I looked at it and grinned. He did a number on the poor thing. Oh well. I pulled out a bone and threw the rest of the mangled corpse aside. I threw the bone and yelled, "Fetch!" Smile went after it and I kept walking. Today was pretty boring, killed a jogger but she was nothing special. I don't even know why I wasted my knife on her.

I saw Smile coming back with the bone. I pulled it out of his mouth and threw it again. He was about to bound after it but then he stopped. So did I. He raised his head in the air like he was sniffing for something. He grunted and then went running the other way from which we came. I groaned and followed him to wherever he was going. I saw he stopped for a brief second to sniff the air again then he started running, more faster than before. I frowned and called to him but he didn't obey. What's that dumb mutt doing now?

I ran after him out of the park and through alleyways. I unfortunately lost him and cursed under my breath. I started walking to where he might've gone. I came to a neighborhood and recognized it immediately. This is Ellie's neighborhood. I guess Smile ran to see her. I chuckled and started heading for her house. I got to some area where I could see the woods. I remembered last time, when I found her in there being attacked by Ben. That little dumb-ass. I walked again when I had a feeling. Could she be in the woods again? she wouldn't go in there again. She had some bad experiences there so why would she go in there? Even though I tried to reassure myself I still had this feeling. Feeling of worry, fear and anxiety. I heard barking from a distance. I detected the barking to be coming from...the forest.

Could Ellie and Smile have gone in there? That little mutt should know better than to lead her anywhere without my permission! Especially the woods. I ran in, hoping to find the both of them. I followed the barking and growling. When I got to where the noise was coming from, nobody was there. I looked around, getting angry. I look down and my feeling grows stronger. Ellie's messenger bag was on the ground. So she was here. But...I know she would never leave it here. I immediately knew what happened and went running through the forest again. They took her. I don't know exactly who but I know they took her. I hope I can catch up in time to beat the crap out of them and take back Elizabeth. I ran and ran, without stopping for a single breath. I was used to not resting while running. Especially if I was determined about going wherever I needed to go. And that was to Ellie's rescue.

I stopped for a split second and looked around. Still nothing. I knew who wanted her the most now. I knew what direction I needed to go. I ran to the right and kept going, remembering the way like the back of my hand. I knew they were taking her to my home. I haven't been there in a long time but I still remember where to go. I eventually saw two standing figures walking. I took a closer look and saw who it was. A little girl in a pink nightdress with a teddy bear in her hands, the other figure was taller and I knew it was a guy by his structure. He wore all back and I recognized that blue mask anywhere. I was annoyed now but when I saw that the guy was carrying a possibly unconscious Ellie I snapped. I pulled out my knife and charged after them. I tackled the guy and we both grunted as we fell to the ground. I pinned him down and raised my knife. He managed to reach over and pull out one of his own. He blocked mine and the sound of metal scraping filled the air. I growled in his face...or mask...whatever.

He pushed me off and I fell on my back. He leaped on me but I kicked his gut before he landed and he fell. I stabbed at him while he was down but he would scooch away and I'd miss and hit the dirt. He swiped his blade at me and I ducked. I stabbed his leg and I heard him grunt and he kicked my face with his other leg. I panted and laughed. He got up and started running at me but I dodged him and slashed his side. He got me back by punching me and cutting my arm. He was good. But that's not going to keep me down. I slashed at his torso, giving him some cuts here and there and he kicked and punched me. He jumped and stabbed down at my shoulder, piercing it. I growled and threw him aside. I held my shoulder and felt blood flowing out freely. I snarled and tackled him down again. I tried stabbing his throat but he blocked my knife with his again and I was struggling to push back. He managed to roll me over and do the same to me but I pushed his knife away with mine. If I let go then my throat with me slit. I growled and said, "Is this...the've got...Jacky Boy?!"

"Don't call me that," he hissed. I punched him off and stabbed at his side. I pierced him but he didn't flinch. He reached around and sliced into the skin of my arm, leaving a gash. I didn't pull away though and I pinned him down again. "Stop trying to fight me...Jeff," he muttered. "We can reason."

"Reason, my ass!" I shouted and punched him. He grunted and pushed me away from him. I flailed my arms around, trying to cut into him. He sighed and said, "It's best if you let us handle her."

"Never!" I yelled and tried stabbing at him again. He caught the arm with the knife and he clenched my wrist, making me growl and drop my precious weapon. My fingers twitched as I tried to pull my hand away but he had a grip. I chuckled slightly but then he twisted my arm. I yelled in pain and then grabbed his throat with my other hand. I started strangling him violently. He clawed at my hand with his other and I felt his legs kick. I started to laugh when I felt a huge pain at the back of my head. This made me falter and I released the hand on his throat. I stopped moving all together and slumped to the side. The back of my head felt wet and I managed to get a glimpse of the little girl from before, holding a bloody rock in her hands. She panted and muttered with an annoyed tone, "What a block head." She walked out of my line of vision and before I could shout out my vision faded and everything went dark.

*Elizabeth's POV*

I was still blind. I tripped on rocks and other things frequently. I had no idea where I was going and I still felt like I wasn't safe. I kept stumbling and I tripped on something bumpy. I hit my head on the ground and groaned. I opened my eyes to see that my vision was starting to come back. I don't know if it was the bump on my head that kick started it but I can't worry about it now. I quickly stood up and looked at myself. My clothes were dirty with dirt and grass stains. I tripped a lot as I can see. I looked back and then started running forward. I kept running, hoping that I get to the edge of the forest. I ran but I couldn't do it for long. I was growing tired and I barely had any breath left. I stopped for a while, regaining my stamina. I looked around. The forest was quiet, I heard no animals or anything. It was just quiet. I couldn't hear cars so I knew I still wasn't anywhere near civilization. I sighed and kept running. To be honest I have no idea where the hell I'm going. I might be getting towards help, I might just be putting myself in deeper shit than before. Hopefully I can be ready for whatever comes.

I eventually ran out of breath and I stopped again. I leaned against a tree and panted. I really wanted to go home but I had a feeling home was a long way from here. I dropped my bag when that masked guy took me. Sad thing phone was in there. I face palmed myself and groaned. I'm such an idiot. I can't call for help or call any of my parents. I have no way of making it out with help. I'll just have to hope I can navigate myself out of here unharmed. I start walking when I hear twigs crunching. I stopped in my tracks and stay still. Something is here...near me. I slowly looked around and saw nothing. I turned back around only to be pulled forward and put into a choke hold. I managed to look at my attacker and saw who it was. "Ben?!" I said. He laughed and gave me a smug look. "You happy to see me, girly?" he teased. My eyes widened in fear as he had his sword out. I struggled to get out but he made me stop with one quick flex of his arm and I choked a little. "Just...," I croaked, "let me go...please." He chuckles and hisses, "No can do. And this time you won't get away so easily. Whitey isn't here to ruin things."

"But he will come around soon," I growled. He burst into laughter and grinned evily. "Jeffery is taking a little nap somewhere out there and I have a feeling he won't wake up for a while. Maybe never. Who knows? But he won't be coming to the rescue today." I got scared. I sneered and shouted, "What have you done to him?!" Ben looked at me and said, "I didn't do anything. A little friend did. You might see her later if you behave well enough." I cursed at him but he only smirked. He started walking away with me and I knew I couldn't let him succeed this time. I raised my foot again to do what I did last time but he kicked my calf with amazing strength and I cried out. My leg felt numb afterwards and I limped. He saw that move coming. What can I do now? I couldn't pry his arm away, he's too strong and if I try to reach for his sword he might choke me again or stab me. I don't have any good options. All I can do is let him take me away but I can't have that.

Just as I was about ready to give up I heard barking from a distance. The only other dog that could be around was Smile. I hope he is the only dog. Suddenly both Ben and I jerked forward and hit the ground. Ben had let me go during the fall so I was free to move. I looked up and saw the dog I wanted to save me. Smile was growling and about ready to pounce on Ben. Smile looked at me for a split second and motioned his head to my right. He's telling me to leave. And maybe telling me to go in the direction to home! I nodded and quickly got up and ran. I hope Smile will be okay. And Jeff...? What's happened to Jeff? Where is he? What did Ben mean by "taking a nap"? Could he, no he's not. He can't be. Jeff can fight back hard and...and he wouldn't just die. Especially now when I'm in danger currently. I pushed the thought of him out of my mind and focused on getting home. I was running and my breath was getting short but I had to keep going, at least just a little more. Suddenly I tripped and my reflexes took action to break my fall with my hands. I winced and looked at them. They're cut up real bad. I need to get this fixed soon.

I tried to get up but was still too weak. I sat there, trying to rest as much as possible. I heard a weird noise after a while. Like...a TV. When you hear a TV from far off, the static. But I must be hearing things. I took a deep breath. I suddenly got cold. Not because of my feelings but the air just suddenly changed. It was freezing and with the weather being so cold already it was horrible. I shivered and the static noise just annoyed the hell out of me. I got up shakily and started walking quickly. It just kept getting colder and colder and colder. The static just kept getting more louder and louder and louder. stopped. It still really cold but the static noise stopped so suddenly. I sighed and kept walking when I felt like...I was being watched. I looked all around but saw no one. The feeling grew stronger every passing second and I knew I had to run. So I did and even though I was still a bit sore I kept going. I stumbled a few times but I got back up and kept running. I looked all around frantically but saw no one. I heard distinct whispers and my feeling just got worse. My wrists started to burn and I took a glimpse at them. My marks were glowing and it felt like I was being branded but the heat wouldn't stop. I tried ignoring it and kept going but it still hurt. The whispers got louder. They didn't sound right. I didn't like these whispers. There's something out there and whatever it is...

It's following me.

I was nearly about to panic when I suddenly tripped and fell into a small ditch. I groaned and managed to crawl out. I heaved and tried standing up but suddenly the whispers stopped and the static started...only it was way more louder. It became scratchier and more like a blaring siren that just won't shut up. I covered my ears but it was no use. Even then it was surprisingly loud. It rattled my brain and my ears hurt. I couldn't take it anymore. It hurts too much. Just as I was about to scream out in agony it stopped. I only felt the cold but along with it...a presence. I turned around slowly to see a figure. I looked up...and up and up. This figure was tall...way too tall. It was unnatural. I managed to get to the head and look at its face. It had none. No eyes, no mouth, no nose or ears, just a pale white face that seemed to be facing down at me. I shivered in fear. This very tall figure wore a suit for some reason but that didn't mean that this thing wasn't scary. I don't know what this is but I know I had to run. I got up but I felt something grab me and I could feel myself getting lifted up. I looked to see a strange black tentacle and it lead to the creature. I looked to see more of those things come out of its back and wrap around me, nearly covering my whole body.

I struggled to get free but this thing was too strong. As if Ben wasn't bad enough, now I got this thing trying to kidnap me. But its different than Ben and the other two. It's different from Jeff and Smile. This thing was stronger, in a supernatural sense. I had a feeling I probably can't step on its foot to make me let go. And I'm up high in the air so I can't do anything. I was about ready to just cry and stop squirming when a smaller figure jumped up and stabbed a knife through the tentacles. The creature dropped me and before I could hit the ground I was caught. I hoped it was Jeff but once I saw who caught me I knew it wasn't. But I was still relived. "Masky?!" I said. He stopped and put me down. "What are you doing here," I ask. He pants and says, "I'm here to save you. I can't let them take you. Not now." The static started and I knew that thing was ticked off. Masky could sense it too and he picked me up again. He was surprisingly strong. He ran with me in my arms. He was fast too. I thought that this would be it and all of this madness would be done. I thought wrong.

I saw that creature's tentacles move at us in amazing speed and it made Masky trip and tumble, along with me. I heard him grunt and I saw he hit his head on a rock. I crawled over and tried helping him but he could barely talk. He was unconscious. I panicked. "Masky! Come on, wake up! Please! I need you! Please!" I cried. I shook him and did everything I could but he was passed out already. I cried. He was my only hope of getting out of here. I sobbed slightly and put my head on his chest. Today is so not my day. I shuttered and felt the creature's presence become stronger. I trembled uncontrollably and slowly turned to face it. It was standing right behind me, facing down at me. Its blank face was unsettling. I don't know whether it's angered or just insane. Maybe both. It scared me more than anything ever has. The static got louder but I was too emotionally numb to care about the noise. I stared at him and it was like the more I looked the static got more scratchier and louder and my vision seemed to have a white haze around the edges. I didn't know what was going on and my fear was rising until it was at my throat. Within the blink of an eye the tentacles were up in the air. My eyes widened and before I knew it I saw the tentacles speed at me. At the last moment I let out a loud, agonizing, and bloodcurdling scream that echoed through the trees but I knew no one will ever hear.

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