Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It was quiet. Am I dead? Did that...thing kill me? I don't seem to feel dead. I wouldn't know how it feels to be dead. So how do I know? I can't understand what's going on right now. I open my eyes and see that I'm lying in a bed. It was somewhat comfy. I sat up only to have a bolt of pain run up my spine. I winced and laid back down. I rubbed my eyes and saw that my hands were all bandaged up. That's right, they got cut up from breaking my fall every time I tripped and fell. And I was in different clothes, I was wearing a white shirt and white sweat pants. After the pain subsided I slowly got up and slid off the bed. I was barefoot so my feet touched the cold surface of a hard wood floor. This isn't my house. I'm not sure where I am or what's going to happen but I know I should probably get out of here first. My jacket was on a nightstand next to the bed and I grabbed it. I slipped it on and started walking to the door. I had a slight limp in my right leg but it should go away eventually.

I opened the door and looked around. No one was walking about. I started walking quietly through the hallway and saw many, many rooms. I must be in a mansion or something. I walked down the hall and saw stairs so I started taking quiet steps down. So far I'm doing okay. No one has heard me I think. I get to the bottom of the stairs and I get into a small corridor. I see a doorway and peek through it. I nearly gasp but manage to hold it back. It was a living room and inside were the blue masked guy, Ben and that little girl. All sitting on the couch watching TV while the little girl played with dolls on the carpet in front of them. On the other side of the room was another door-less doorway. That must lead to the hall where the exit is. It's a guess but it's all I got. I silently sneak over, crouching low so none of them would see me. I stopped right behind the couch as I thought one of them was going to get up. Luckily none of them did and I crawled my way to the other side. I quickly get behind the wall and take quiet breaths. I look to my left and see the exit. I crawl over and open the door slowly. I was home free.

I opened it but then quickly tried to close it. Someone was right outside. I was too slow and he saw me. He opened the door and looked down at me. He wore a yellowish colored hoodie and I couldn't really see his face. Only a black mask, red eyes and a stitched frown. I crawled back but then bumped into something. I looked up to see the blue masked guy looking down at me. I screamed and covered my face, almost crying. I was curled up into a ball and I didn't want to look up. I just rocked back and forth, hoping that this is all a dream. I sobbed uncontrollably and I guess the one with the blue mask didn't like this. He came around and picked me up. I freaked out, I kicked and threw my arms around, trying to make him let go. I just gave up trying and sobbed into his black hoodie. He set me down on the now empty couch and I moved into a fetal position. I looked up to see all of them looking down at me. I whimpered and then I heard a voice. "All right," it said, "that's quite enough! Stop making her uncomfortable!" They all backed away and I covered my face again. I felt someone touch my shoulder and I flinched. I heard a sigh and the same voice said, "See what happens when you come on too strong? Now she's never going to see us as allies."

I heard Ben say, "Hey it's not our fault. She's the one freaking out! If she didn't then maybe we wouldn't have to use force!" I heard a thud and Ben whined, "Ow!"

"It's okay child," I heard the voice say. I calmed down. It was a gentle voice but I knew it could also be fierce too. I looked up and saw that faceless creature. I screamed and threw a pillow at it. It didn't do much and I yelled for this to stop. The creature sat me up and it rubbed my head softly. "It's okay. Nothing is going to hurt you. You're safe," it said, with the voice from before. So it was this thing talking. I sniffed and let out a shaky sigh. The creature walked around and took a seat next to me. I wasn't so scared of it anymore. I was okay with it being so close. I looked up at it and now I don't find it unsettling anymore. I looked at everyone else. I looked at that guy with the hoodie. I recognized him, he's the one I saw watching me and my friends when we were hiking. I didn't find them so cozy yet, unlike...I have no idea what the faceless creature is.

As if it knew it said, "Sorry about all the discomfort. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Slenderman." Oh...well, now I know. Even though it was an odd name he's an odd creature so really it goes together. But calling him 'Slenderman' all of the time is weird. I'll give him a nick name. Like...Slender or Slendy? Yah! Slendy! I nodded and mumbled, " name is Elizabeth..." He nodded and said, "It's a very lovely name." I smiled a little and looked over at everyone else. I already knew Ben, although I regret knowing, but I didn't know everyone else. I looked away and stared at the floor. "And...," I started, "who are they?" Slendy looked up at them and said, "The little girl is Sally. The one in the hoodie is...well, his name is Hoodie. The one in the green outfit is Ben and the one in the blue mask is Eyeless Jack. But feel free to just call him Jack." I looked at them and remembered all of their names. Sally smiled and gave me a little wave. I waved back. She was quite adorable.

I looked at Jack and felt myself feel uncomfortable again. His mask is a bit unsettling. I saw him look down and put his hands in his pockets. I wonder if he knew I wasn't feeling right. I felt bad about thinking that way but what could I do. Maybe he just did that because he was uncomfortable himself. If I say anything then maybe he'll actually feel bad and that'll just make me seem like a bitch. I don't want them to think that way of me. Well, except for Ben, I'm sure he already thinks I'm a bitch. I sigh and look at up at Slendy and said, "Why am I here?"

"So you can be safe," he said. I give him a puzzled look and said, "But aren't all of you the ones that are after me?" He chuckled slightly and said, "No, we aren't. In fact you're much, much safer being with us. There are others out there. Those are the ones you need to look out for. But you don't have to worry. We won't hurt you." I believed him and sighed in relief. "I don't get why all of this is happening to me. Well, I know I'm the proxy, or whatever, but what exactly does that mean? No one has told me a thing no matter how many times I plead for the answers. Can I know the truth now?" Slendy said, "Of course. Now that you are in my protection I'll tell you. And you deserve it after all we've put you through." I smile. I'm finally going to get the answers I need! Thank god, I've been dying to know. Slendy clears his throat and says, "The reason these things are happening to you is because you are someone special. You're the proxy. Now, the proxy is a person of amazing abilities which can be very unpredictable. You've been the proxy ever since you were born but it's not until now does it show. The only way it would show is if you were to meet someone like us. And you have."

I realize what he means and mutter, "Jeff...?" He nods. "Yes, Jeff. When you met with him he activated it in a way." I flashback to when he put a hand to my chest where that glow was. Then after the bright flash the marks appeared. I look down at them and then ask, "These symbols showed up right after Jeff activated it. What are they?"

"They are the given symbols of being the proxy. It shows who you are. And it also shows that you are connected to me. You are, in a way, my student. But you are special. And just know that you haven't been the only one."

I jump up and say, "You mean there are others out there like me?!" He shakes his head and stated, "No, but there have been. You see only one person per generation can be the proxy. You are the only one now. See, being the proxy is like being the host of a, for example, a virus." I gave him a weird look and said, "So I have a disease?"

"No, no, no! Not like that. But this little energy inside you is what makes you out to be the proxy. And once it is done using you to be its host it moves on to someone else. It never dies, not even when its human host dies. If that happens it will find someone else to use. But...once its done using its host the human will deteriorate." I went wide eyed. I'm going to wither away once this thing inside me is done?! What the crap?! "But you have nothing to fear," Slendy says. I start to calm down and listen to him talk. "You see, your family is special. I don't know how but this energy inside you is using your family as its hosts. I'm guessing one of your ancestors was chosen and used and once the energy was done that person did not deteriorate. So now, whenever a new child is born into a new generation that child is born being the proxy until the day they are activated by someone like us." When he explained that my ancestors used to be hosts I thought of my father. I took on his family name, Umber. And at some point he was the new child of a new generation. Does this mean that my dad used to be the proxy?

"Was my dad the proxy?" I ask. Slendy shook his head. "No, he was not."

I was confused. "But you said with every new child of every generation this energy-."

"I know. But there's an explanation for that. Your grandmother." he said. I thought about it. My grandma? She's not an Umber. She's on my mom's side. I've never met my dad's parents. "Your father's mother," Slendy said, "stopped all of this from happening to him."

"How did she stop all of this? I've never even met her!" I said. Slendy sighed and said, "Well, that's because-." Suddenly there was a loud bang coming from the front door. Ben ran around to check on it and he gasped. "Holy crap!" he exclaimed. "What's going on," Slendy growled. Then I heard shouting. I recognized who it was. Jeff. He was shouting and hitting the door. He's totally pissed. Slendy knew this and ordered Hoodie to run upstairs and take Sally into her room. He nodded and grabbed her. He sprinted up the stairs and that was the last I saw of him for now. I saw Ben bracing the door, trying to keep it intact. I heard a loud snap and I knew a piece of the door broke. Jack ran to Ben's aid but then Slendy said, "No Jack! Take Elizabeth and hide her!" He looked at me and nodded. Jack ran over, grabbed my hand and started leading me upstairs. The banging got louder and louder. As soon as we got to the top of the stairs I heard a loud snap. Jeff finally broke down the door. I heard him yell, "Where is she?!"

"What are you talking about?" Slendy lied. "Don't screw with me! I know you guys took her! Where the hell is she?!"

"Bro chill out!" Ben said. "Shut the fuck up!" Jeff snapped, which made me tremble. I've never heard him so angry before. I heard Ben and Jeff start to fight. Before I could hear anything else Jack started running, leading me down the hall. "What's going on?!" I exclaimed. Jack shushed me and said, "Don't yell. He'll hear you and come up here."

"But I want to see Jeff," I pleaded. He shook his head. "I don't think you want to see that Jeff," he said. I heard pounding footsteps come up the stairs. He was coming up. I gave Jack a scared look and when I looked back I saw Jeff at the end of the hall. He was seething with immense rage. He was clutching his knife, which was a bit dirty with fresh blood. Once he saw me and Jack he came running at us. "Come on!" Jack told me and started running with me. We took a right turn into another hallway and then another but Jeff would still know which way we went. I was scared of him, more than ever. He's not just annoyed, he's totally enraged that not even a freight train could stop him. Jack quickly opened a door and we ran in. He closed the door and as soon as he did, Jeff's knife went through. I gasped and we kept running. He opened another door which lead to another room. We ran in and he did the same thing. "Are all of these rooms connected?!" I asked him. He shook his head and said, "Not all of them. I just know which ones to go through." We ran into another room and he put a chair up against the locked door. I heard Jeff hit the door, trying to break it down.

"That door's not gonna last long," I said. "I know," Jack replied, "that's why were getting out of here!" We ran out of the room and into the hallway again. We ran down the hall, into another room and kept quiet. Jeff managed to break down both doors and I heard him growl in frustration. He started walking slowly down the hall. His boots making the floor boards creak. He didn't open doors as he came down, he only walked past them. Then he suddenly stopped in front of ours. I was shaking and Jack held me. Bracing me for whatever was going to happen next. Jeff stayed in front of the door for a few minutes until he lost interest and started walking away. I relaxed but Jack didn't let go of me. He stayed tense. It wasn't over. Suddenly a portion of the door broke and made a hole. Jack grabbed me and we ran into another connected room. We did this again and again until we stopped. He lead me into a closet and said, "Hide here. Whatever you do, do not come out! I'm going to go into the other room and lead Jeff there. Once he's out of this room you run and find Slendy. Find the door with a plaque next to it. It should say study."

"But wait, won't Jeff look in here?" I ask.

"No, he's too pissed to pay attention to the little things," Jack said. We heard the door in the other room break and that's when Jack closed the closet and I sat there in silence. I heard him run into another room and then Jeff barged into the one I was currently in. He stormed through and into the room Jack was in. I heard them argue and then there was a loud thud. I knew that they would fight for a while so I took my chance and escaped. I ran out of the closet and out of the room, into the hall. I frantically look around and run through the hall. I looked at every door and finally found one that said study. I ran in and closed the door behind me. Inside I found Slendy. He shot a tentacle at the door, locking it firmly. I panted and took a seat on the couch inside. Slendy came over and said, "Are you all right? Are you hurt?" I shook my head and took a deep breath. I'm sure he's looking at me in concern right about now. I grab a throw pillow and hug it tightly. "What's wrong with Jeff?" I ask, trembling. Slendy sighed and said, "He's just very, very, very angry. We took you from him and he's outraged. I'm sorry you had to see him like that."

I shuddered and mumbled, "Will he calm down?"

"Eventually," Slendy said. I look at the door and panic. "He's going to break the door down." Slendy put a hand on my shoulder and said, "It's fine. It's built for occasions just like these." I looked at him. "Has this happened before," I ask, shocked. He nodded and said, "Sadly, yes, it has. But the door is strong so he won't break it down so easily. By the time he thinks it'll break he'll be too worn out to try again." I nodded and felt safe. I didn't want to be scared of Jeff. He's absolutely angered. He's not stable right now and it's because he's pissed that I was taken away from him. But he's my protector so I can see how he's angry. I guess he's upset that he didn't save me. He promised me that he'd protect me no matter what. I guess he doesn't take that lightly. Besides, he cares about me. A lot. Like...a whole lot. So much that he kissed me. I felt like crying but I knew I shouldn't. At least not in front of Slendy.

It was quiet in Slendy's study when I finally broke the silence. "What is it you were going to tell me? Before Jeff raided the mansion," I said. Slendy chuckled a bit and said, "Well, I was going to tell you about your grandmother. She stopped all of this from happening to your father."

"How?" I asked. "By putting a hex on him," he said, "When the time came that her time of being the proxy was over she knew that it would move on to her son, your father. So she used what was left of her abilities to put a hex on him, so he wouldn't become the next proxy. But she didn't know that in doing so she was leaving you directly in line of becoming a host. Even if it was going to happen there was a chance you could've not been chosen. Although I highly doubt it but now it's already been done." I looked at him in disbelief. My grandmother did this to me? Well, I still would've become the proxy but I would've had a chance to live a normal life. Yet this doesn't explain why I've never seen her or my grandfather. I asked Slendy that and he said, "Your father was a child born with no father of his own, or in simpler terms, a bastard. So he was raised by his mother and his mother only. Then a few days before your mother gave birth to you she went missing. No one knows where she is. But none of us worry about her since you've taken her place." I look down. I've been clutching the bottom of my shirt this entire time.

I feel like I want to see her. I want to know where she is. But then where would I even start. I can't talk to my dad about this. It may strike a nerve. I was about to speak when there was a loud thud against the door. Jeff found me. I heard him shouting, demanding that Slendy opened the door. We both stayed silent. Jeff tried breaking it down but it wouldn't budge. After minutes of hearing him kick the door he stopped. Slendy was right about him growing tired of trying to break the door. I relaxed and sighed. I wonder what will happen. Hopefully Jeff calms down. I want to talk to him. Suddenly I hear wood snapping and see a portion of the door had been broken. I stood up and panicked. "You said it was built to resist him!" I exclaimed. "It's been a while since the last upgrade," Slendy grumbled and pulled me back against him. His black tentacles ready to push back an angry Jeff. The door finally came off its hinges and Jeff barged in. He tried running at Slendy but he wasn't quick enough. Slendy wrapped tentacles around Jeff's ankles and wrists. He pinned him down to the floor and I watched as Jeff thrashed and growled. He was like a wild animal trying to get out of its cage. Although I think Jeff is worse than any wild animal at this point. I looked down at him as he yelled and cursed at Slendy.

"I have a feeling he won't calm down on his own," Slendy said. "Elizabeth, darling, distract him for me."

"What do I do?" I ask, my voice cracking. "Anything," he said and rummaged through his mahogany desk. I got on my knees and leaned over Jeff. Once he saw me he calmed down some but he was still enraged. I wanted to touch his head. I wanted to hug him but I knew if I did I'd possibly regret it. "Elizabeth," he mumbled, giving me a sad look. I couldn't help but melt. I held his bound hand and squeezed it tight. He squeezed back but I don't think he knew how much pressure he was using. I managed to act like I wasn't hurting and smiled. He let go of my hand and turned his head away, yelling in anger again. I needed to calm him down, at least a little. So I did what I could. I pulled his head back, making him face me. I leaned down and gently kissed his lips. I felt him tense up but then relax a little. I was calm. I knew he wanted to hug me as he clenched his fists, nothing he could do though. I pulled back and gave him a smile. He just looked at me in disbelief. Before he could say a word a syringe was inserted into his neck. It was Slendy. The syringe had a pale green liquid in it and it slowly transferred into Jeff's veins as Slendy pushed the plunger down. I saw Jeff slowly lose his adrenaline and he fell unconscious.

I squeezed his hand and brushed back the hair covering his black ringed eyes. Slendy came around and examined him. "He should be okay," he said. I looked up at the faceless man and said, "You sedated him?" He nodded. "I had to. He was never going to calm down on his own. Trust me, this is for the best." He picked up Jeff and he walked out of the study. I followed him to a larger room which seemed to be a sort of laboratory. The room had hospital beds in it. Slendy opened up a closet and pulled out a bed from it. It had built in straps on it. He put Jeff on it and strapped him in. "Just to be safe," he said as he tightly buckled the straps. Once he was done he turned to me and said, "You should rest Elizabeth. Don't bother waiting for him to wake up. The sedative is strong so he probably won't come back until tomorrow morning." I nod and lie down on one of the other beds. I hear him sigh and he left the room, closing the door behind him. I looked over at a still sedated Jeff and sighed. Closing my eyes I wondered about my parents. I'm sure mom and dad have noticed my disappearance. They must've called the police by now. I started to cry and cry and cry, soaking my pillow in tears. I drifted off to sleep in my own tears and in my own anxiety and concern. I felt like I was going to lose it. I just hope this will be over with soon. But deep down I knew that I was totally. Wrong.


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