Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I said good-bye to everyone as I walked into the woods. Sally let me keep that Fluttershy figurine when I told her she could have it back. She said she had enough toys which is odd for a child her age to say since they always beg for more when it's already too much to have. But she was sweet so I could understand that. She was a bit scary at first but I realized she's just a little girl. Slendy got my stuff ready and I had changed and left soon after. Jeff was coming along with me since he was still my protector. I could tell he was still a bit upset after that argument he had with Ben. As I walked through the forest with Jeff by my side. Ben's words echoed through my head. 'Home is not a safe place right now', 'She'll just get her parents killed', 'She can't live a normal life. She's not normal now and she never will be. Ever.'

I know I'm not normal. I've never felt normal. Not even in my own home have I felt normal. But after all of this how can I tell what is normal and what isn't? And what is a safe place? All I can think of is home but Ben said it wasn't. Why? Could I just be leading danger into my own home? I've been leading Jeff and Smile in, and they're both the very embodiment of danger! Especially Jeff. Maybe I'm the real danger. Ian got hurt because of me, whether it was my fault or not. I was too naive. And now more people will get hurt because of me. Including my very own parents. As soon as I step foot back in my house their lives are at risk. I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad will happen to one of them. And it will be my fault for coming back home.

I turned to Jeff and said, "Could I really get my parents killed if I go back?" He gave me a surprised look and groaned, "Don't listen to all the crap Ben said back there. Nobody's gonna get hurt. I promise."

"How can you be sure," I muttered. He frowned. "Don't start this with me, Ellie. Just trust me." I nodded slowly and kept walking, feeling bad about questioning him like that. I just felt nervous and concerned for my parents' safety is all. I love them to death and if something were to happen to them I would die. I don't want to lose anyone I love. Jeff lead me back to my house eventually and I was nervous. What if things are awkward? What if they ground me for running off? It wasn't technically running away but that'll have to be my excuse. I can't tell them a bunch of monsters kidnapped me and gave me hospitality. I'd make myself look insane. It's the only excuse I have. And if I say some random criminal kidnapped me I'll be sending police on a wild goose chase for someone who doesn't even exist. I don't know what to tell them when I come inside. I'll just have to hope they don't question me too much.

Jeff left me at my doorstep. I sighed, realizing that I could've lied better with him around. I rang the doorbell instead of opening the door with my spare key. I didn't want to come in myself. After a few seconds I heard the door unlock and it opened. My mother was standing right in front of me and once she saw me she leaped out at me, hugging me tightly. I hugged her back as she started crying into my shoulder. I saw my dad come out and see what the commotion was. Like my mom he came over and hugged me. I was happy to be in their embrace again but also still very very worried.


My dad contacted the police, saying to call off the search now that I'm back. Of course they had to check to make sure. Two officers and one detective came over and asked me questions. They asked me where I went, who took me and if they did anything to me. I told them I was in the forest the entire time. I told them that I was being followed and that the pursuer drove me into the forest. I told them that he stopped following me and that I was lost out there until I found my way out. They asked if it was the killer that was on the lose. They were referring to Jeff. I told them that I wasn't sure because I was in too much of a panic to see if it was him. The detective thanked me for telling them everything and they soon left. My mom and dad were relieved but concerned about my health now. My mom made me take medicine, saying that I could've gotten some kind of pathogen out there. I kept telling her I was fine but she didn't believe me and kept making me take medicine.

My dad bought me a meal to eat since he said I must be starving. I ate the meal anyways and once finished I took a shower After that I contacted Addie and Johanna, possibly hearing of the news. Of course they did, I missed a day of school and they know I never do that unless it's really important. And I always tell them when I have some sort of appointment for something so they must be worrying. I waited a while for both of their replies and eventually they both did. Johanna asked if I was okay and Addie asked what happened. I told them my lie and they bought it. They were glad that I was okay and that all of us will have to talk tomorrow. I stopped texting them and laid on my bed for a while. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate and I looked to see who had texted me. My heart raced as I saw Travis' name on the text. I read it. He was worried. He said he didn't see me at all today and found out that I was missing for a while.

I answered him immediately, telling him that I was fine. He replied with,

-Okay that's good to hear :)

I smiled. But it soon faded as another message came up right after. It said,

-People are saying that you killed yourself and not in a sympathetic way...

I frowned. Why would they be sympathetic? Some people tell me to kill myself sometimes. Why would they be sorry about having something they wanted to happen actually happen? But of course they would deny it. I didn't kill myself though and I never least now...

-I would never, I replied.

-Good, he texted.

We kept texting after that and suddenly he asks me something I thought he wouldn't ask. He said,

-Wanna hang out on Friday? :3

I practically hyperventilated. I didn't know what to say. I want to say yes but then that would make me seem too eager and if I say no well then I am a total bitch! I just said sure. It's a casual answer right? Nothing too special about it. He was happy about me accepting the offer and we stopped texting each other soon after. I relaxed on my bed, wondering what will happen on Friday. I hope I don't make a total fool of myself. I'm just a total derp. I don't think I can survive. I'll just hope I can play it cool in front of him.

I wonder if I should mention this to Jeff. But then again he did get pissed off the last time. Maybe it'd be better if I didn't say anything about Friday. Nobody gets hurt and I don't have to deal with the stress and drama. Besides it's not like it's a date or anything. I'm just hanging out with Travis. But...what if it actually is a date? What if he tells me something that day? Oh god, what would I even say?! Travis would be confused, Jeff would be pissed and I'll be rolling around on the floor clawing my hair out while crying away as a part of me just DIES inside. Damn. Great, now I've stressed myself out. I sigh and pull my blanket over me. I cuddle into it and close my eyes. I'm only making this confusing. I need to stop thinking about the consequences and just focus on getting through it. I start to fall asleep and feel relaxed after a while.


The next day I went to school. Nothing changed, I'm still a big outcast. No one worried about me but Addie, Johanna and Travis. I shouldn't expect people to care though. These people suck. And today I've felt weird. I feel like something is watching me, following me. Maybe Jeff is keeping a closer eye on me. But I would've seen him and he hasn't been around all day. I'm getting a little nervous because of this feeling. I know there's something watching me. But I really hope I don't find out.


I decided to visit Ian again. He's looking a little better. He'll go through surgery this weekend and then after that he'll just be spending his time resting and healing. I'm really excited to have him back soon. I miss his insulting jokes and his creepy stories. I'm lonely in algebra without him. I'll be so much more happy with him back to keep me company. I'm just glad he'll be going home eventually and he'll be fine. I kept him company while at the hospital. I'd rub his head and just listen to his heart monitor. I think I fell asleep because a nurse came in and woke me up. She said I would have to go home now. I looked at Ian, seeing that he was asleep now. I smiled and left. I went back home and just as soon as I was opening my front door I heard a car pull up on the drive way. My dad was back. He got out and gave me a smile. "Hey baby girl!" he said. I waved to him and headed inside.

I went up the stairs and put my stuff away and then went back downstairs to hug my dad. I watched TV in the living room while he was talking with my mom on the phone. As I was watching TV I heard a faint little scraping. I was wondering where it was coming from but I just disregarded it. Then it grew louder and louder. It was starting to annoy me now. My dad didn't seem to notice the noise though. It was bothering me a lot so I told my dad to check it out with me. The scraping seemed to be coming from the back. We walked out the back door and took a look around. The noise just stopped as soon as we walked out. "I don't see anything," my dad told me. Even though there was nothing I still felt that something was watching me. We looked around some more until I just decided to give up and just go back inside the house. We were walking back to the back door when out of the corner of my eye I see something move. I spin around to see what it was but see nothing.

It must've been a stray cat. I can't really tell since it's growing dark out. But the thing I saw was too big to be a cat. I look around some more and as I'm scanning the area I see something glowing. Two dots. But they weren't dots. They were...eyes. Big, wide, gaping glowing eyes that were inhuman. I started feeling uneasy. My dad came over to my aid but then saw the eyes too. He went quiet and told me to go back inside. I wasn't sure if I should but I had to listen to my father. I slowly made my way over to the back door, clinging onto my dad's arm. With every step I anticipated the worst. Suddenly I tripped and I accidentally brought my dad down with me. We both fell to the ground and suddenly the mysterious creature came running at us. We quickly got up and ran for the door. I felt my pant leg snag on something and I looked. That thing had grabbed me. I got a glimpse of it and saw it didn't look so human at all.

It hunched over and it was very bony. It had huge eyes and a wide mouth full of jagged teeth. It was hairless and just plain disgusting. But what scared me was that the legs were shorter and the arms longer. And it had huge, razor sharp claws that were just impossible to have. This thing had a claw snagged through my pant leg. I jerked my leg away, taking a piece of my pant leg off. It hissed and swiped with its other claw and scratched my bare leg. I winced and started to run for my house again. I felt myself fall and a heavy weight was on my back. It had pounced on me and was hissing into my ear. I screamed for help. I saw my dad running up to it and hitting it with a broom from the kitchen. The creature growled but didn't fall. When my dad tried hitting it again it caught the broom with its mouth and bit down violently, taking a chunk off. My dad was surprised at first but then tried hitting it with what was left of the broom.

The creature dodged it and then leaped up at my dad. I screamed as it swiped at my dad, putting claw marks on his chest and face. I bolted up and tackled it off of him. We crashed to the ground and I started punching its bony body. It just hissed and growled. I dodged it when it tried to swipe at me with its claws. I kept trying to hit it but then it suddenly thrust its arm out to me and I felt its claws punture my stomach. I stopped and stared at it then at my injury. It still had the claws in me and I started to make small choking sounds. Then it suddenly yanks its claws out causing me to shudder intensely and let out a small, distressed shout. I fell forward and gagged. I felt blood on my tongue as I threw it up. A pool of the dark crimson was already starting to form on the ground, letting the cold dirt soak it up. I couldn't cry, scream or talk. I was scared. My dad is in trouble. This...this is what Ben meant. I put my father in danger and now we're both going to die by that hands of that thing! I should've stayed at the mansion instead of coming back. Now I'm dying from blood loss and the guilt of getting my wonderful father killed.


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