Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

As I lay, practically dying on the ground I can hear the distressed shouts of my dad. I slowly and weakly lift myself up to try and look at the situation correctly. I want to cry but I can't. My father is trying to hold that thing off. He looks so beaten up. I want to help him but what can I do. I can't even lift a finger without feeling pain. I'm going to die here, and it'll be all my fault. I can't hold up my own weight anymore so I fall back down to the ground. I wheeze, feeling thick warm blood seep out from under me. I feel my eyes get heavy and I did the only response I could do. I closed them. I didn't want to but I couldn't help it. I just feel so tired. I'm weak. So I closed my eyes. My whole world around me going dark.

*Jeff's POV*

I decided to head over to Ellie's house after a long day without seeing her beautiful face. I like being around her. No...I love being around her. She means everything to me. Yes, at first I found her to be a little annoying but then I developed feeling towards her once I felt that I needed to be around her. Now I'm her protector and I'll never fail her. I walked towards her house but before I could get near her front yard I heard distressed yelling. It sounded like a man in the back yard. I heard hissing. I recognized that infernal hissing anywhere.

I sprited around to the back yard and saw Ellie's dad fighting off the little bony bitch now. I growled and pulled out my knife. I was about to walk up into the rumble when I saw something out the corner of my eye. I turned and my heart dropped. My face contorted into total devastation as I saw Ellie laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood. My hands trembled. She can't be dead. No...please god don't let her be dead!!! A wave of intense rage washed over me and I ran into the fight between her dad and the bony, idiot creature. The Rake.

I tackled Rake down to the ground and stabbed him in the chest. He didn't take that lightly and threw me off. He sprinted up and clawed at me, cutting my waist. I growled and grabbed his neck, gripping it tightly. He kicked with his short legs and I yelled in his face. "You fucking monster! What did you do to Elizabeth?!" I heard him start to chuckle quietly in a wheezy, raspy tone. Then he started laughing manically. Then I heard him speak. His voice sounded as if he has never spoken in years. It was just that damn raspy. "It'ssss not my fault she'ssss dying. But if it makes you feel better...she'ssss died while putting up a fight!" That didn't help me one bit and I rammed his head into the dirt. I've hated this little dick hole since the first time I've met him! He's taken things from me, stolen clothes just to annoy me, stolen my food, stolen my knives, even stolen my damn dog for some reason. But I'll be damned if what he's stolen next is the life of my precious little Sunshine.

I tried stabbing Rake again but he rolled away and grazed my side with his claws. I growled at him and kicked him in the face. He hissed, "I've forgotten how harsssh you can be in a fight."

"Well fimilarize yourself cuz I'm about to go over my limit!" I growled and tackled him again. He pushed me off and pinned me down on the ground. He raised his claws but I thrust my knife straight through his hand, seeing the tip pop out along with little droplets of blood. Rake screeched and yanked it away only making the pain worse for him. He wheezed frantically then slashed my chest. My skin is cut and my hoodie torn open. I punch him and he falls to the side. I step on his chest and watch him flail around. I raise up my knife to stab him straight in the head when I heard a scream come from behind. I look to see Ellie's mother in total shock at what is going on. In that moment I feel myself start to fall and I hit the ground. Rake looks down at me, smirks wickedly and runs for Ellie's mom. I get up to stop him but he's already there, holding Ellie's mom in a tight grip. I heard her start to sob and mutter a prayer. I heard Rake say, "If you don't want to ssseee her mutilated on the ground then I suggessst you run off like a little bitch and never return!" I am not a little bitch. But if I try anything than Ellie's mother will be killed and I can't have that. I thought about my options and the outcomes they'll have.

So far I don't think any of them will work out well. Suddenly I heard a loud thud and Rake let go of Ellie's mother. I saw that her dad hit him with a stick from behind. He said, "Don't you touch my wife you monster!" She crawled away from Rake and Ellie's dad held her tight. The Rake groaned and glared at me and Ellie's parents. Then he said, "Ugh! I don't need any of thisss shit! But I'll be back for you, Jeffery! We'll sssettle the ssscore!" He then got up and ran off into the woods. I huffed and muttered an insult to him. Then I looked back at Ellie's mom and dad. They were looking at me in fear. I put my knife away and approached them. Ellie's father gulped and said,"Th-thank you for...fighting that thing off...." I nodded and looked to Ellie. Her eyes were closed and there was a lot of blood around her. I clench my fists and slowly walk to her. I fall to my knees and touch her face gently. She was cold and unmoving. I felt my throat clench uncomfortably and I hung my head. I couldn't save her, protect her, help her. I couldn't do a damn thing! I grabbed her body and cradled her close to me, staining my dirty white hoodie with more blood. I leaned my forehead against hers and held my breath. I want to cry but I can't. Not when I need to be strong. She can't die now. I snuggled my face into her neck and shuddered. Suddenly I felt her vibrate as she moaned weakly. I looked at her, overwhelmed. She's alive. Thank god she's alive!

I smile wider and hug her tight, making her groan. I kissed her forehead and felt so happy. But she was still hurt. I needed to help her or else she'll eventually die of blood loss. I pick her up and tell her parents that I need help. They understood and we all headed inside to fix up Ellie, my little Sunshine.

*Elizabeth's POV*

I felt arms holding me and a gentle kiss on my forehead. I recognized these strong arms. I slightly opened my eyes and saw Jeff smiling wider than ever. He lifted me up and carried me inside to my house. He laid me on the island counter and my parents ran around looking for the first aid kit. Jeff put a damp, hot rag on my head to heat me up from the cold outside. I looked up at him and he stroked my hair. "You'll be fine," he whispered to me. I believed him and held his hand. He kissed my nose gently and grazed his thumb against my hand. My mom came over and got the right supplies. She lifted up my shirt and examined my wound. I gave her a puzzled look and mumbled, "Wh..what are you doing...?"

"It'll be okay sweetie," she said, "just don't move."

"Listen to your mother honey," I heard my dad. I started to panic a little. "Wait what's happening?" Jeff cupped my face into his hands and kissed my cheek. "It's okay Ellie, you'll get better," he said. I looked at all three of them frantically and started to panic a lot. My dad held me still and my mom started cleaning the blood off of me. I struggled. I don't know why though. They're helping me. But I know it'll hurt so I don't want to go through with it. Jeff didn't look at me, he only watched my mom get the alcohol ready. I took one last gasp until my wound stung immensely. I screamed as it seemed to burn my skin. I started to cry and I closed my eyes, hoping that it helps to ignore the pain. I squirmed under Jeff and my dads grip to keep me still. I couldn't do anything and I had to go through the treatment.

After what seemed like forever my mom finally fixed up my wound and I panted heavily. Jeff looked at me and stroked my hair. "See that wasn't so bad now was it?" he asked. I glared at him and said, "Shut up asshole." He chuckled and kissed my cheek again. He lifted me up and put me on my feet carefully. I looked up at my parents and smiled. They both gave me a smile and came to hug me. They held me gently, careful not to touch my wound. My mom cried into my shoulder and my dad just held me. I managed to peek past them at a stern looking Jeff. I knew something was on his mind. I knew just what it was.

"You know what this means right?" he said. My parents let go of me so I could face Jeff completely. As much as I didn't want this to happen I knew it was going to eventually. I nodded and he said, "Pack up your stuff. We leave tonight." My dad seemed to be triggered by this and he spoke up. "Whoa wait, pack up? You are not taking my daughter."

"It'a for the best sir," Jeff said calmly. My dad wasn't as calm. "You're taking my only child away. It can't be for the best!" Jeff didn't say anything and my mom said, "She can't leave now. Not after what she's been through! Please don't take her."

"I'm sorry," Jeff said, "but it's better for everyone if she comes with me."

"You're wrong you bastard!" my dad growled and stepped up to Jeff when I grabbed him. "No dad," I mumbled. He looked at me and backs away. I touch his elbow and said, "Look...we were just attacked by a monster. We can't have that again. And it's my fault. I put you, mom and myself in danger and I can't let it happen again. I shouldn't have come back in the first place."

"What are you talking about?" my mom said, "You had to come back home. You were lost."

"No I wasn't," I confessed. "I lied about what happened. I've been with other people the entire time. They're good people. They're like Jeff." My dad looked at him and muttered, "That doesn't give me any closure here." I sighed and said, "Anyways, they're good people. They said I shouldn't have come back since I'd be putting you and mom in danger. And I did. So it's best if I leave and don't come back for a while." They both looked at me in shock and my mom's expression turned stern. "Elizabeth we are not letting you leave. Who knows what's out there? You could get hurt out there than here!"

"I'll be fine. Jeff will protect me. He won't fail," I told her. My dad spoke up, "How can we trust him? You could be getting yourself in more danger just by leaving!"

"Dad just trust us!" I exclamied. He went quiet and I went on. "Im sorry...but I have to leave. I'm just putting your lives at risk and I can't lose you two. And I will be safe. I want to explain so much but I can't right now. I have to go. So please...just understand that I'm not safe to be around and let me go. But I promise one day I'll come back and we can live a normal life again. As a family." They stared at me for a while, trying to come to terms with the fact that they will have to let their baby go. They exchange whispers to each other and then my mom walks up to me. I can see the tears in her eyes and she says, "We...we understand how serious your situation is. And so...we'll let you leave." I smile slightly and pull my mom in for a hug. I thanked her and she just sobbed. My dad crossed his arms and stared at the floor, clearly upset over this. Jeff spoke up softly, "I'll let you three spend a few moments together before we leave." He went upstairs leaving me with my parents. We didn't say much, we all just hugged and gave each other sad looks. Once Jeff came down with bags of my stuff I stopped hugging my parents and put my shoes and jacket on. Jeff opened the front door and I stood in front of it. I looked back at my mom and dad and could tell my mom wanted to grab me and never let go. I gave her a smile and said to them, "I love you." She started crying and my dad held her. "Be safe, baby girl," he told me and I nodded. I left my house and started walking with Jeff, back to the mansion.


When we got to the mansion I was greeted with a happy little Sally. She hugged me and I smiled. Masky was glad to see me and so was Jack, Hoodie, Ben and Slendy. And Smile was back so he was definitely happy to see me. Jeff and Slendy had a talk about what happened before we got here. I played with Sally during their talk and talked with Masky. Later on Slendy told me to put my stuff away in a room. He gave me directions and I followed them. I found my given room and walked in. It was awfully messy, with clothes thrown everywhere. I wondered if this was even supposed to be my room but I just ignored it. I walked in and sat on the bed. The room was cozy looking despite the clothes. The bed was black with black blanket and pillows. There was a large window next to the bed, giving a nice view of the forest. There was a black desk with a red laptop on it. I felt uncomfortable as I saw a dirty magazine next to the laptop. I looked away from it and scoffed. I heard footsteps and Jeff came in. He stopped abruptly and said, "What are you doing in my room?" My eyes widened as I realized just now that this isn't supposed to be my room. What's worse is that it was Jeff's. I smiled uncomfortablely and said, "Oh..uh...sorry I didn't realize it. But I should have considering the clothes and the stuff and that ol' dirty magazine you got there..."

"Dirty magazine?" he said and then I heard chucking from outside the room. Jeff frowned and exclaimed, "Ben!!!" Then chuckling turned ino full blown laughter and Jeff growled. He grabbed the magazine and threw it at Ben. "Jeffery you little scoundrel you!" Ben joked. "Take your magazine back you little bastard!" Jeff yelled.

"You should be saying that to Jack!" Ben exclamied.

"Shut up Ben! It's not even mine!" I could her Jack's distant voice from somewhere. "Admit to your sins Jacky!" Ben cackled. "It's not mine! Ben stop dragging me into this!" Jack yelled back.

"Bet you didn't mind dragging your face all over that magazine!" Ben shouted.

"Shut your face Ben!" Jack exclaimed.

"Confess your sins or else Satan shall bring a rein of wrath upon your soul!!!" Ben shouted.

"Stop being weird!" Jack yelled.

"Nevah! I'll shout it at the roof tops if I have to! I'm weird and I'm proud!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jack yelled.

"Help I've fallen and I can't get up!" Ben cackled.


"YOLO!!!" Ben shouted.

Jeff made a weird look and yelled, "Where are we going with this conversation?!"

"I don't know!" Ben said. Jeff shook his head and rolled his eyes. He turned to me and said, "Sorry about that. Anyways..."

I laughed nervously and said, "I think I should go get another room. This is yours after all." I started getting up when Jeff closed the door and smirked. "You don't have to go just yet, Sunshine," he said. I felt uneasy as he strode up to me and leaned over to look me in the eyes. He grabbed my chin and said, "You can stay with me actually, in here." I gulped and he chuckled and kissed me. He kept leaning in until I fell across his bed. He suddenly stops and licks my bottom lip. I blushed insanely and closed my eyes. I felt him lean in to my neck and bite my ear seductively. I squeaked quietly as he did so and bit my lip to keep from squeaking again. I clutched his hoodie as he placed his lips on my neck and started to suck. Holding back a gasp I just lay there. He started off soft then he was practically trying to suck my flesh right off. I know I'll be having a wicked hickey after this. After five minutes of him doing this he stopped and looked down at me. I felt my skin unighten once he stopped sucking on it and my neck felt sore. I touched the sore spot and flinched. It was really really sore.

I gave Jeff a shocked look and he smirked. He chuckled and said, "Love how it looks on you." I blushed and turned away. He leaned in and kissed my fresh hickey and I flinched. He got off of me and said, "You should probably sleep. You need the rest." I nodded and got up. I found my actual room and put some of my stuff away. It was almost like Jeff's only less decorated. I took a quick shower and then got into some comfortable clothes to wear for bed. After my hair dried a little I got into my bed and laid there. I couldn't sleep though. My mind was on my parents. Will they be okay without me? Will they even get over this? Of course not, their only daughter/child just left them and I'm not even eighteen yet. I wish I could have stayed but this is for the best. They'll be safe without me there and I'll be safe too. But damn do I miss them. I held a pillow and shook. I want go home but I can't. But someday I will and I'll live happily with my parents again like old times. I start to sing a song softly as I think about them.

"Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone

Cuz I know that someone, somewhere's praying that I make it home

So here's one from the heart, my life right from the start

I need a home sweet call my own..."

I sang that song for a while until I knew that I couldn't sleep alone. So I made my way quietly to Jeff's room. I knocked on the door and luckily he was still up as he opened it. He looked down at me and was about to speak when I hugged him and cried softly. He hugged me back gently and brought me inside. He sat me down on his bed and cradled me close. "I miss them," I moaned. He leaned his head against mine and said, "I know..." He laid me down and got in bed with me. I held him as I stared falling asleep. He rubbed my back and right before I fell asleep he kissed my forehead and sighed. I drifted off, feeling a little better but feeling terribly homesick.

*Hope you kinda liked this one. If you're wondering the song is called Someone, Somewhere by Asking Alexandria. Elizabeth be hardcore! Nah just kidding but I guess you could say she does listen to them supposedly! Anyways I just thought I'd but that song in for the hell of it! Hope you enjoyed. Later! :3*

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