Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I woke up groggily and moaned as I stretched. I felt around me only to realize that I'm the only one in the bed. I'm still in Jeff's room but he isn't in here. I sit up and sigh. It's morning already so I get up and go to my room to put on some clothes. Once I got dressed I walked out and headed downstairs to see if I can get breakfast. Along the way I feel someone grab me. I yelp as I feel someone up against my back and arms around my waist. I knew who it was of course and groaned. "Morning, Sunshine," Jeff said. "Morning," I muttered and tried to get out of his grip when I smelled something nice. It smelled like my dad's soap whenever he'd get out of the shower every morning. I turn my head slightly realizing it was Jeff. He must've taken a shower. But once I turn my head I realize that he never finished putting clothes on. My face flushed red as his bare chest leaned in more against my back. He chuckled and I panicked and leaped out of his grip. I slumped against the wall in a fetal position and looked up at Jeff. He only wore pants and had a towel draped around his neck to keep his damp hair from dripping. I couldn't help but look at his body. I mean it's not like I want to. It's like something that just happens. Like...when you accidentally look at someone's ass without meaning to. It's kind of like that only that person is turned around so they can't see you staring. Unfortunately Jeff could see my eyes and that they were staring at him. He gave me a smirk but I said nothing. I just kept looking at his body up and down. His...still water beaded body...his very...white and lean muscular chest...his waist...dear lord he has a hell of a god...his stomach so tight and fit...DAYUM!

I shake my head and look away, noticing how stupid I'm being. After familiarizing myself with the once in a life time image and keeping it in my head I manage to mutter out a few words. "Please p-put a shirt on..."

"Awwh, but you seemed to like staring at my wet body," he said slyly. I blushed and mumble, "N-no! I don't...just...put a shirt on please!"

He chuckled, "Anything for you Sunshine." He then turned and walked back to his room, shaking his hair like a dog as he left. Once he left I closed my eyes and remembered that image. I shuddered out of excitement and snapped out of it soon after. I stood up and walked quickly downstairs before anything else happened. I saw Jack, Masky and Hoodie on the couch just watching TV. Sally was eating Fruit Loops on the floor in front of them. I smiled and said good morning to them. They all greeted me back and I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast of my own. Slendy was in the kitchen reading a book casually. "Hey Slendy," I said. He looked up at me and said, "Hello, Elizabeth. You must be hungry. What would you like?" 

"Oh, nothing much really," I reply, "I'll just get cereal for now."

"Nonsense child," he said and set his book down to get up. "I'll make you something. You need the food too. After what happened last night you need some good energy," he said. I thanked him and took a seat at the breakfast table. Speaking of last night, what was that thing that attacked me? It seemed human but it wasn't. I decided to take this up with Slendy. "Would you happen to know what the thing was that attacked me last night?" I asked him. He seemed to sigh in annoyance and said, "Unfortunately yes I do happen to know," he said, like he didn't want to even think about it. "What is it?" I asked. He turned to me and said, "The creature you encountered is known as The Rake." 

I gave him a puzzled look. "His name given because of his claws. He's a humanoid creature that roams around a lot but mostly in this forest. He's a bit of a pain...okay he is a total pain but he usually doesn't mess with us. Although Jeff and him have some problems with each other."

"What does he do?" I ask out of curiosity. Slendy answers, "He roams around a lot, usually doesn't attack, only when provoked. He likes to stalk people. Sometimes he watches them at the foot of their beds at night. He can drive people into insanity and sometimes suicide. He haunts their dreams. Mortals dream of him watching them and when they wake up he's actually there. He's a bit of a creep. And though I don't see what business he'd have with you, he shouldn't mess with you again now that you're under my watch." I feel better knowing that. A couple minutes later Slendy comes over with a plate of breakfast. I thank him and eat up. I can tell you this, he's one hell of a cook!

When I finish I decide to take a walk outside. I walk out and suddenly something tackles me. I groan under its weight. I hear a happy bark and I giggle. "Hey boy," I cooed. Smile barked happily again and got off of me. I stood up and pet him. "Didn't expect to see you out here girly," I heard someone say. I turn and see Ben. I shrug and say, "Well, I came out here for a little walk, is all." He smirked and walked over. "I was just taking Smile out for a bit of exercise," he said. Smile barked again, probably growing impatient. "Mind if I come along?" I ask Ben. He nods and starts walking. Smile follows after him and so do I. We start walking along a dirt path through the forest. It was quiet despite Smile's panting from time to time and our footsteps. I decided to strike up a conversation with Ben. "Sooo..."I started, "how are you?" 

He looked at me funny and said, "I'm about you?" I did the so-so sign and he nodded slowly. Welp, so much for a conversation. I kept walking along side Smile and Ben until we reached a clearing. Smile started running around while me and Ben stood around watching him. I felt a tension between us and knew something had to happen. Then I hear Ben scoff and grumble, "Hey, uh...look I'm sorry I've been kinda...mean to you, ya know, with what happened last time before you left and all. And sorry if I made a...bad impression on you. Didn't mean to be such a douche...." I stared at him blankly for a while. My lips slowly curved into a smile and I chuckled a little. "It's fine," I said, "besides...a lot of stuff was happening then. Now we can at least relax." He smiled slightly and nodded again. 

Smile came back around and I petted him. "So," Ben started, nonchalantly, "you and Jeff got a thing together huh?" My face flushed and I turned to him. "What would make you say that?" I asked. He laughed aloud and said through laughs, "'s pretty obvious! The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you, the way he acts around you. You totally got him under your little 'spell'! He's never been like this with anybody else. And he never really had anybody else much if you get what I'm saying?" I nod and he adds, "I have to say, he's into you. Question is...are you into him?" He gave me a mischievous grin and I felt uneasy. I shrugged and kept petting Smile out of nervousness. Ben walked around and crouched down to look at me. He was still giving me that little grin, like he was expecting me to give him an answer. I tried ignoring him but he would keep leaning in until he would loom over me with that grin. I pushed him back and said, "All right! All right! Jeez! Look...I don't know how I feel, okay? Sometimes it's just hard to be around him and at other times I need him desperately. I just feel confused towards him." 

Ben chuckles and pinches my cheek like a baby. "Aw, that means Ellie Wellie's in lovey wovey!" he cooed. I frowned and smacked him away. I stand up and say, "Come on, shorty. Let's get back to the mansion."

He scowls and said, "I'm not short! I'm just fun sized..." I giggle and remark, "Whatever you say, Benny Wenny!" 

"That doesn't even sound cute! You messed up the whole thing," he whined. I stuck out my tongue and pulled my bottom eye lid down at him and he gasped, giving me an offended look. I laugh and keep walking, not waiting up for him as I walk along with Smile. We eventually got back to the mansion and walked in. Jeff was sitting on the couch...well, if you could even call it sitting. He was sitting the totally opposite way of just sitting. With his legs hanging over the top of the couch and his head hanging over the bottom. He looked funny. I smiled and he craned his neck to look at me. He was about to say something when Ben ran over to his legs and started pulling up his pants. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" Jeff exclaimed as Ben cackled, practically taking off his pants. Jeff squirmed around the couch but it just seemed to make the situation worse for him. Eventually Ben took off Jeff's pants and he rolled off the couch in only his boxers and hoodie.

He glared at Ben but then noticed that I had witnessed the whole thing. I saw his bleach white face turn into a light shade of pink as he blushed. Then he snapped out of his embarrassment and glared at Ben.   He was laughing really hard and he waved Jeff's pants in the air. "Come and get your pants back Smiley face!" he cackled. Jeff growled and ran after him, all around the living room, through the kitchen and then back again. "Ben!!!" Jeff yelled, "Come on bro! Give me my pants back!" 

"Nope!" Ben shouted and kept laughing. He kept calling Jeff things, I laughed when he called him White legs. They were pretty white. Ben stopped behind the couch and taunted Jeff. He swung around his pants so he couldn't snatch them away. Then all of a sudden Ben shot his hands down to Jeff's boxers and, what I could guess since I couldn't see much, pulled them down. Jeff yelped and pulled them back up. Ben laughed and then Jeff slapped him across the face. "Ow, my cheek meat!" Ben whined and ran around to me. He quickly said, "By the looks of it, he'll be good in bed."

"What?!" I said, blushing. 

"Ben!" Jeff yelled and tackled him down finally. They fought for the pants and after a while Jeff got them back. Ben lay sprawled across the floor, groaning from Jeff beating him up to get his pants back. Jeff quickly put his pants back on, looked at me, blushed and scoffed as he walked away like all of this did not just happen. I looked down at Ben and asked him, "Why would you look down there?"

"Why would I not?" Ben said in a gay voice and snapped his fingers. I couldn't help but laugh. I helped him up and he dusted himself off. He leaned on me and said, "I'm serious though, he's gonna make you scream." I turn red and exclaimed, "What makes you think we'll do that?!"

"Who doesn't do that?" he said and flipped his hair only to have some go into his mouth and just ruin the whole thing. He stared at me and then walked away awkwardly. Today has been just all kinds of weird. 


I was sitting in the living room with Hoodie, watching some random TV shows. I got no calls or texts today on my phone. I hope everyone is all right. Masky came over and handed me a piece of cheesecake gingerly. I smiled and thanked him. Today was pretty relaxing despite the mayhem that has happened. In the past few hours Sally pelted Ben with her dolls, Jeff rode Jack's back like a race horse, Masky had eaten four full cheesecakes while Hoodie timed it, Slendy had to separate Jack from Ben because he had colored Jack's hair like a rainbow, and I saw the toilet on fire. Don't ask me how, I just walked in and noped the fuck outta there. But yeah it was a pretty relaxing day. 

Jeff came into the room and hugged me from behind. He pinched my cheek and said, "How's my Sunshine doing?" I smiled. "I'm fine," I said. He leaned his head in closer and rested it there. "Are you sure?" he whispered. I froze and sat there, tense. I slowly nodded and sighed. Jeff let go of me and started walking when Ben ran up to him and said, "I'm bored. Do that thing you do with your knife!"

"Kill somebody," Jeff said, questionably. Ben rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No that other thing. That song," Ben said. Jeff was silent and then he seemed to realize what Ben was talking about. He laughed and said, "Yeah, all right, I'll do it. Ellie come and watch," he called me. I was curious to what they were talking about so I followed them into the kitchen. Jeff had his knife out and Ben was watching him intently. Masky and Hoodie decided to come in too. "What are you going to do?" I asked. Ben giggled and said, "Just watch." I did and Jeff scoffed. "I might sound rusty but who gives a shit!" he said. He cleared his throat and started to...sing. 

"There is an old tradition,
A game we all can play
You start by getting liquored up
and sharpening your blade!
You take a shot of whiskey
and grab your knife and pray
and spread apart your fingers
and this is what you say!" 

During the song he was doing as it said and he started. 

"Oh, I have all my fingers,
the knife goes chop, chop, chop
If I miss the spaces in between
my fingers will come off
And if I hit my fingers,
the blood will soon come out
But all the same I play this game
because that's what it's all about!" 

I was getting nervous as Jeff stabbed between his fingers repeatedly. What the hell is he doing?

"No, you cannot use a pencil
You cannot use a pen
The only way is with a knife
when danger is your friend!
Some may call it stupid,
some may call it dumb
But all the same we play this game

Oh, I have all my fingers,
the knife goes chop, chop, chop
If I miss the spaces in between,
my fingers will come off!
And if I hit my fingers,
the blood will soon come out
But all the same I play this game 
'cause that's what it's all about!

And then he gets me sacred as he goes faster with the blade. 

I'm picking up the speed,
and if I hit my fingers
then my hand will start to bleed!

He quickly removes his hand as he slams his knife down in its spot and huffs. He chuckles and says, "Damn that's fun!" I stared at him in amazement and couldn't find the words. Masky, Hoodie and Ben clapped and Jeff twirled his knife around and put it back in his pocket. He walks over to me and ruffles my hair. "You should try it sometime, Sunshine," he said, "it's a real rush!" I laugh nervously and say, "I think I'll keep my fingers, actually." He chuckles. "Suit yourself," he said and walked out of the kitchen. Things went back to normal and I think the toilet is on fire again. God dammit. How do these people live? Oh well, I'm gonna have to learn. Although I am seriously finding the problem for our flaming toilet!


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