Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

It was another morning. I stayed in bed for a while, not wanting to get up today. I heard everyone walking about through the hallways. No one seemed to notice that I wasn't up because no one bothered to check my room. Not even Jeff. He must think I'm just sleeping still, even though I'm not. I didn't want to get up. I feel so heavy. I manage to sit up and look out the window beside my bed. It's beautiful out for such a cold time of the year. I slip out of bed and check my phone. I saw only a few messages, most were from my friends, and my parents. And there's one recent one at the top of all of them. ...Travis...

That's right...I said I would see him on Friday. Today must be that day. I read the message he sent me. 

-Hey, uh, I know I haven't seen you around lately and I'm worried :( so I hope you get this message and meet me at the fountain in town square this afternoon. I hope you see this and come. It'd make me feel better to see you okay...and alive... 

I sulked. I wanted to send him a message but I feel that would be unfair for everyone else who I didn't respond to. If I text or call my friends they'll wonder where I am and things will happen. They're better off not knowing. And besides, they wouldn't believe me. And Ian...he must be recovering better. I don't know, I haven't gone to visit him. My mom hasn't said anything about the surgery yet so I don't have to worry about coming to the hospital just yet. Although I wish I could. 

I said I would see him today. Maybe I should see him. I can take a break from the mansion, right? No one will mind. I get up and take a quick shower then go back into my room to get dressed. I made sure to look like usual so Travis would see that I'm still treated right. I waited until I thought was the right time to head out. I was walking out when I heard Slendy. "Where are you going dressed up?" he asked suspiciously. I told him what I was planning to do and he shook his head. "Absolutely not, Elizabeth," he said. 

"Please, sir," I pleaded, "let me go out just for a couple of hours! That's all!" He shook his head. "I am sorry but you may not go out and that is final," he said in a strict tone. I knew it was no use to try and argue with him so I slowly made my way to the stairs. "Wait, sir," I heard Masky say was he came into the room. Both of us turned to him and he twiddled his thumbs. "Sir...Hoodie and I could escort her and keep an eye on her. We'll make sure she's safe." Slendy gave an exasperated sigh and after a while gave us an answer. "Fine! But if I hear that she has so much as a bruise on her then you and Hoodie will be punished! Do you understand little one?" Masky nodded frantically and Slendy nodded, walking away into another room. Masky looked at me and said, "Well, that was scary." I nodded and we called Hoodie to come along. 

"Ellie," Masky mumbled. I turned to him. "Whatever you do...don't trip and hurt yourself." he said. I smiled and nodded. The three of us walked out of the forest and made it into town. Hoodie put his hood up more so I could barely see his face now and Masky couldn't do much so he just tried avoiding eye contact. People kept starring but I didn't mind. We're not hurting anyone so we're perfectly fine. I heard a little kid make a remark about Masky and Hoodie and the mom just pulled the kid away. How rude! 

The closer we got to town square the more people we came across. But we stopped getting so many stares since there were too many people around for others to bother with us. I saw the fountain far up ahead. I started getting real excited and I hurried over. Once near the fountain Masky and Hoodie separated to watch me from afar in different directions. I looked around the fountain but Travis wasn't here. I hope I'm not too late. It's noon so he should be here or he'll get here eventually. I waited for at least twenty minutes. I must be too late now. Damn. I got up from sitting on the fountain and started to walk away when I heard someone call my name. "Elizabeth?" they said. I turned and my heart fluttered with joy. Travis was there with a confused smile on his face. I ran over and hugged him tight. "Elizabeth, you're okay!" he said to me. He gave me a happier smile and said, "Thank god, I thought I would never see you again! You've been gone for days. What happened?" 

I lied and told him that I came down with an illness and needed to be at home for a while. "Are okay?" he asked me. I nodded and said, "I'm fine. I'm feeling better. I'm still a bit weak but managed to get here." He gave me a warming smile and said, "That's good. We should get out of this cold and get inside." I nodded and we went into a Starbucks shop nearby. I felt warmth when I walked in and sighed in relief. We sat at a cozy little table and talked. Travis told me about how everyone was acting at school. Since I'm the number one outcast that everyone knows about, but not in a good way, and now that I'm gone some are wondering if they took things too far. But everyone else doesn't seem to care. Some are saying I was kidnapped, some say I was killed by the killer on the lose (Jeff), and others say that I took my own life. 

I'm completely disgusted by these speculations about my disappearance. What's worse is that people say they're better off without me. Completely, and utterly disgusting. Yet I still want to go back to school. I told Travis not to tell anyone about where I am even though it's all a lie. He wanted to protest but I told him that if he told anyone then the school might do something about it. He understood although I knew he desperately wanted to give people the answer to where I am. I wanted people to know too but not now or ever. Not until this whole proxy thing is done. But that may take forever, even a lifetime just like Masky said it would. I can't stay at the mansion forever. My home is with my parents and friends. And it will always be my home no matter how comfortable I get at the mansion. 

"Don't you miss going back to school at least a little," Travis asked nicely. I shrugged. "Yeah, I feel bad about missing out on lessons and also not seeing my friends. But you live and learn right? I just hope missing lessons doesn't take a toll on my education. Can't afford it." He smiled and he drank his coffee that he had bought. He got me one too and also a little brownie. I took little bites out of it and Travis would chuckle every time. I never expected this to ever happen. Me hanging out with the well-known Travis Wilson that every girl dreams of having. I have to say that even though I never wanted it to be an accomplishment now that it's's an accomplishment! I mean, have you seen me? Eh...

After we had enough of sitting around in Starbucks we left to go somewhere else. We walked around town square and visited some shops. I took a interest in a Barnes & Nobles nearby. What can I say? I'm a sucker for books. I had bought a book about literature and poetry since I love words. And Travis bought a comic book. I smiled when he gave me a giddish smile and showed it to me. We left and kept walking about. We saw little kids running around with scary masks on. It was near Halloween so I'm guessing they're having their early fun. I giggled as one popped out at me and made funny noises. But I pretended to be scared for the little guy. I came across one with a legion mask who was looking around, watching the other little kids scare people. I decided to walk up to him and give him a little wave. The little kid looks up at me and says nothing. He was wearing a black cloth around his mouth with the mask hiding the rest of his face. I was about to ask him what he's supposed to be when he motioned me to come closer. 

I leaned in more and looked at him. His eyes were scarlet which is not a normal color. He looked me straight in the eye and said, 

"He comes...

I gave the little boy a puzzled look. He made a shushing motion to where his mouth is and walked past me. He caressed my wrist where one of my marks was as he walked away. I stood there, staring at where he used to be. I quickly turned to try and see him again but...he was gone. I scanned the area for the little boy but only saw the other little kids. I looked at my mark. There was nothing wrong with it but there was a black dot. I touched it and it stuck to my finger. I wiped the rest onto my fingers and felt it. It had a gooey consistency. I retched and flicked it off of me. It didn't land back on me but I'm wondering  what the hell it was. I went on with Travis, trying to figure out who that kid was and what he meant by "He comes"...


As we walked out of town square and stopped at a light pole Travis and I were laughing. I had a lot of fun with him today. He was very sweet and goofy. But the afternoon was drawing to a close and I had to go home. "I really hope to do this again," he said. I smiled. "Me too. Today was fun! I really enjoyed spending time with you," I said. He smiled warmly and said, "I hope you come back to school soon. I'd like to see you there so I won't feel worried." I nodded and replied, "I'll see if I can. But for now I'll be at home." He gave me a sad look but then brightened up. He shifted around looking bashful. I looked at him. "What's wrong," I giggled. He shook his head and said, "Oh, nothing. Just being weird." I chuckled and sighed. I have to go home now. It sucks that I'm leaving Travis but I'll see him again. I just hope. 

"Well, I'll see you some other time," I told him. He nodded and said, "Yeah. That'd be great. Get better soon." I smiled. Before I left he brushed the hair off of my forehead, leaned in and kissed it. My face flushed, not expecting this to happen. He kept his lips on my head for what seemed like forever then he pulled back, letting my hair fall back in my face. He looked at me, not understanding what he did himself. I smiled just to make things less uncomfortable. He smiled shyly and said, "Well, see you next time Elizabeth." I nodded and he walked away, stumbling a little on the way. I chuckled to myself and started walking back into the forest. As soon as I past my first tree Masky and Hoodie came back. They eyed me closely. I frowned. "What is it?" I asked. 

"You know what it is," Hoodie said flatly. I was caught off guard by that. Crap, they saw what just happened. "It's not like I kissed him," I said, "I didn't even know that would happen but it did." 

"Well, did you enjoy it?" Hoodie asked. I scowled and didn't answer him. Masky spoke up. "Elizabeth, it's okay. We didn't expect it to happen either. It wasn't your fault and you're not in trouble for something that you didn't expect. We're sorry. We won't bother you about it." I sighed and heard Hoodie say, "Let's hope Jeffery doesn't find out." I got tense thinking about what he would do if he did find out. He'd be so pissed and he'd probably go after Travis. Holy crap I can't let him know about this! It's wrong not to tell him but it's safe for everybody and every door if he doesn't know. I just hope I can keep this from him. No matter if it kills me inside not to tell him.


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