Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I was lying on my bed, thinking about what happened. Let's see...Travis kissed me (not fully), some weird-ass creepy kid said something just as creepy and Masky, Hoodie and I got a secret to keep from everyone, mostly Jeff. I sighed. My mind was mostly on that little kid. What did he mean? It's bugging the crap out of me! I know it was just a little kid and he must've just said all of that stuff to spook me but something about his demeanor. He was mysterious and just eerie all around. And what the hell was that black substance on my wrist. It didn't feel right. I mean I know it's gooey and gross but it didn't just feel off physically. Something about that little boy and the black substance set me on edge. I didn't tell Slendy about it, because I'm afraid of finding out the answer if it does mean something. Was that kid warning me? He comes... Who comes? Dammit why do people nowadays have to make things so complicated?! It's all thanks to mystery and horror movies. It's because of movies and their wise lines. Fuck you movies!

"Yo, Sunshine," I heard Jeff as he walked in. I sat up and looked at him. "Are you okay?" he asked, curiously. I nodded. "Why do you ask," I said. 

"Well, you just shouted 'Fuck you movies!' just now," he stated. I blushed out of embarrassment. Crap, I said that out loud! I laughed nervously and said, "Well yeah...who doesn't shout 'Fuck you movies!'? Everyone does it..." He gave me a weirded out look and nodded slowly. This is uncomfortable. "Well," he started, "I just came in here to tell you that dinner is ready. Come on!" Jeff motioned me to come downstairs. I stood up and followed him. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Instead of the regular breakfast table it was switched out for a bigger dinner table. I took a seat next to Jeff who was already sitting. Everyone was already down here. Even Smile was waiting with his doggy bowl next to Jeff. Jeff patted him softly and Smile barked. We were given plates of our dinner by Slendy's many tentacles, which I found very cool. "Eat up," he said. I can tell everyone was pretty hungry because they didn't hesitate to start. 

I giggled as Sally, whose chin could barely reach the table, would pick up some food with her fork and would lift up her hand high to eat it. She needs a booster seat at least. But she looks so cute trying to get her food into her mouth. And what made it all the more adorable was that Slendy would help her from time to time and would wipe her mouth whenever she'd dirty it. I admit, my heart gushed and I aw'd to myself. I ate my dinner and once finished, sighed and relaxed. "That was good," I said and drank my drink. Eventually everyone departed from the dinner table and I followed along. I went upstairs and went to my room. It was dim outside so it was nearing night time. I sat at the foot of my bed and stared at the floor for a while. Then I looked out my window to see the wonderful view of the big forest outside. 

I feel like walking around to set my mind straight. So many things are fluttering though it all at once that it's hard to keep up with it all. But it's getting dark out so I can't go outside, sadly. I sighed and stood up to stand in front of my window. The view was quite pretty despite all the possible creatures that lurk in the darkness out there in it. I placed my hand against the glass and stared at the now rising and bright moon. I looked down but jump up as soon as I did. Outside, on the ground that little kid with the legion mask... Wh...what is he doing here? The little boy was staring up at my window, looking at me with those strange scarlet eyes. What does he want from me? did he get here, much less know where I live? I stared back at him, hoping that he will leave soon. After fifteen minutes of staring I couldn't take it anymore. I have no curtains so I could only back away to my door. I wanted to run to Jeff for help but I feel like if I try then when he comes to check that kid will be gone, just like in every fucking movie!

I gulp down my anxiety and press my back against my door. What the hell do I do? Is the kid even there anymore? I decided to be stupid and just check on him. I slowly made my way to the window and looked out to see if he was there. He was gone. W...was I just...imagining him...? All of this weird stuff could just be getting to me. I'm sure it's nothing! I laughed at how silly I was being and went to my door to walk out and go get a glass of water. 

Tap, tap, tap... 

I froze in my spot. It...was coming from behind...from...the...damned...window.... I didn't want to turn around but then the tapping got louder...and louder...and louder and louder!!! Until there was a loud BANG! like someone was hitting the glass. I shook out of fear and confusion and turned around. Right at the window was that little kid with the legion mask. Just staring into my room, staring at me. The cloth around his mouth seemed to move slightly, like he was smiling in victory after trying to get my attention. I stared at him again, more afraid than weirded out. What did this damn kid want?! This is too much for me! I was about to reach for my doorknob when I heard a squeaking. I looked to see the little kid smearing his fingers against the glass, making that annoying squeaking. But I noticed he was smearing some substance. It was that black ooze from before. He kept smearing it on the glass, creating words. Once he stopped I read the black words.


 I still didn't know what the hell that meant but I was scared. The kid cocked his head slowly to the side and I gulped. He placed his hand on the glass, leaving a black hand print then he made the same shushing movement from earlier. I closed my eyes shut, trying not to be afraid, trying to ignore all of this madness. I slowly opened my eyes to see that the little boy was gone yet the words still smeared on my window. As soon as I was sure that the kid wasn't going to come back I bolted out of there, looking for Jeff. 

I looked downstairs and saw him playing video games with Jack and Ben. I slowly came into the room and Jeff noticed. "Hey Ellie! What's up?" he asked. I didn't say a word. I was just too shaken up to speak a word. Jeff saw my quietness and told Ben to pause the game real quick. "What's wrong," he asked, concerned. I couldn't hold back the tears of frustration. I teared up and sniffles, clutching my shirt, trying to fight it back. Jack and Ben started getting worried too and I couldn't take it anymore. I fell to my knees, head hanging and me sobbing horribly. Jeff ran up to me and rubbed my back gently. "Ellie," he said, "what's wrong? What happened?" I sniffled some more and I mumbled my words. "The...the li...little kid at the o-ooze...le..legion mask...the sc...scarlet eyes...he...he comes...he w...wrote...he...comes....ah...ahh...I...don't know wh...what to d-do...he comes...wh...?" That was all I could muster out. I hugged Jeff tightly, shaking uncontrollably. He held me close and told Jack to get Slendy. He didn't hesitate and he ran off to go find him. Ben went to get me water to calm me down. I honestly don't think anything will calm me down at the moment. Not even Jeff's warm hold on my fragile body. 


I told Slendy what happened just now in my room. He seemed deeply concerned about this. I even told him that I saw that kid before just today. I was completely and utterly scared. I didn't want to go into my room, fear that I'll see those black, smeared words all over my window. Masky and Hoodie went to check out my window to see if my story was true. They came back saying that they saw nothing on my window. I shook my head over and over again. That can't be right. "Child," Slendy spoke up in a gentle tone, "are you sure you didn't imagine it all?" I glared at the faceless man and said, "Of course not! I wouldn't hallucinate such a thing! I saw what I saw! You don't believe me, do you?" 

"Well, I would if there was any evidence," he said. I looked up at him in shock and anger. "Oh so you need evidence to proof that something weird happened with a creepy little masked boy but you find long nailed stalker creatures and this whole proxy business completely legit?! You have to believe me! With all the shit you've seen in your life this can't be too far from the supernatural could it?" He thought for a second but said nothing. I held my head and said, "I'm going crazy here...." No comment from anyone. I decided to end the discussion and go to the bathroom. I walked in and locked the door behind me. I sighed and looked in the mirror intently. Am I going insane? I couldn't be. I just couldn't. I don't want to be insane. I wasn't hallucinating. I just wasn't! 

I washed my face and dried off. It at least helped a little. I stared at my reflection. Could I really have imagined that little boy just now? Could he have really spooked me so much that I imagined him at my window? Was he even real to begin with?! For all I know I could've just encountered thin air today at town square. I can't understand what is happening anymore. I just want to go home but I can't. I don't want any of this madness. I can't go insane. I just can't! 

I stayed in the bathroom, trying to get a hold of myself before I go back out. I walk out and find Jeff nearby. I ask him if I could stay in his room tonight, since I was scared to go into my room. He said it was fine. He decided to get some stuff for me since I didn't want to go back into my room. I got dressed in my pajamas and hung out in his room. He only had black sweat pants and a black shirt on to wear for tonight. I hugged one of his pillows the entire time I was in there. He would occasionally look up from his laptop to look at me. Each time his expression got more worried and worried until it seemed he had enough. Jeff shut his laptop and walked over to me. He sat next to me and held me. He stroked my hair gently and I sighed. "It's okay," he whispered. "You'll be fine. You're not going crazy. You're perfectly normal in the head." He poked my temple and I smiled. He leaned in and kissed my cheek softly. He leaned his head against mine for a while, gently rocking back and forth with me. 

I felt like a baby but I didn't mind it. I felt relaxed. "Listen," Jeff started, "I know that you were telling the truth. I believe you and always will. I promise I'll keep you safe. If anything like that happens again then come to me. I'll trust you and believe you. Always." I smiled, feeling better knowing that he has my back no matter what. After a while I was growing tired and Jeff laid me down in his bed for me to rest. He turned off the lights and then went to bed too. He held me as I slept. I felt safe and calm. But I had a feeling that it wouldn't last. 


It was dark and I could see nothing around me. This lasted for a while until I heard weird distinct mumbling. Then it grew louder into this weird deep and demonic sounding voice saying something that was clearly not in English. I covered my ears as it was making me nervous too much. That didn't work and it only got louder. I looked around, still in darkness. Then I saw a flash of something far off. I looked closer and then trembled. It was a body. A dead one at that. But what disturbed me was was mangled. It was strung out over the floor, a rope around its neck. The spinal cord was coming out a little as if the head was yanked slightly. It's arms and legs twisted at impossible angles. Its stomach cut open with maggots on it, which also seemed to be dead. Part of the body had raw fleshy patches like acid burnt it off. And the eyes were empty, only sockets leaking blood, and the mouth was wide open and the tongue seemed to be in there but it was cut off. I wanted to puke but I was incapable of doing so. 

This was the most gruesome thing I have ever seen. No horror movie could compare to this. I looked away from it only to find another body. This time it had its arms holding open its torn stomach like this person was forced into his demise. The top of his head raw as if scalped. Just like the other one there were dead maggots all over it and it had empty eye sockets and no tongue. I didn't want to look anymore. I closed my eyes and ignored the bodies. I heard what seemed to be their cries of agony. They screamed at me, cursed at me, pleaded for me to save them. Then I heard an uproar of what seemed like a thousand agonized souls. I covered my ears but to no avail. I kept hearing their wails. That demonic voice kicked in and it just got worse. Suddenly my arms were pulled down and I yelped. I looked down and saw that a strait jacket was wrapped around me. Where the hell did this come from?!

I struggled to get free but it was too tight. I fell to my knees and shook my head. I could feel my mental state deteriorate gradually with each and every scream. I started screaming myself, like a madman. Then I heard 'He comes' from some of the screaming souls. They said this over and over. I started shouting out, asking them who comes. None of them gave me an answer but kept screaming and shouting. I screamed at the top of my lungs, my throat burning with every sick wail I cried out. What the fuck is happening to me?! I'm in a damn strait jacket and screaming like I'm insane. Am I really? Could I really be insane? For all I know this could be reality. I can be hallucinating this whole thing right now. Maybe I am insane. Maybe...just...just maybe I am! I...I'm insane! That's it! I'm totally crazy! I'm insane! I'm completely insane... I'M FUCKING INSANE!!! 

I started laughing manically over the screams of the souls. He comes, they say. Who comes? Who will come?! I want to fucking know he who comes! He made me this way! He's making me insane! I'm insane! He made me like this! He made me this way! He did this! He made me INSANE! I laughed maniacally again and waited for he who comes. I looked down at my strait jacket and saw blood on it. I wondered whose it was but I realized that it was mine. Blood was soaking the cloth from the inside. I felt my flesh tearing apart behind the jacket. My bones breaking with every scream. Eventually I couldn't feel the bottom half of my body and I fell over, unable to support my own weight anymore. My organs seemed to sizzle and burn inside. They turned to mush as they progressively got worse and worse. I started coughing up blood and it started flowing out afterwards. I couldn't keep it in. I threw up what must've been my destroyed insides. I knew I was hollow inside but I didn't seem to care. My insanity didn't let me give a damn! I endured the torture for what felt like an eternity until I was eventually turned into one of those disfigured bodies. My eyes weren't there anymore and my tongue ripped out on its own. I was utterly helpless. The last I heard was the sounds of the screaming and demonic voice talking and one last word that I hadn't heard any of the screaming souls say.



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