Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I woke up screaming and thrashing around in the bed, with the blanket tangled around me. I couldn't slip out. I couldn't do a thing. I kept screaming. It immediately woke up Jeff the first time and he tried calming me down. I wouldn't listen to him and I just kept screaming. He tried picking me up but I was moving around too much for him to get a good grip on me. He ran out of the room quickly and I was left on the bed, thrashing and screaming. The blanket acted like the strait jacket and the bed was my cushioned cell room. I don't want to go insane! I can't! 

A couple of moments later, Jack, Hoodie and Jeff came back and started to get me out of the room. I was still thrashing like a lunatic. I yelled at them to let go. I didn't want to but part of me wanted to sit in that room and feel my throat tear apart until I couldn't scream or even breathe anymore. What the hell is wrong with me?! We didn't make it to the stairs so they had to put me down on the floor for a bit. I was still acting crazy. I want to stop. Wh...why can't I stop?! I know I can but then...I can't! Everyone was looking down at me, not sure of what to do. I started screaming, "Let me out! I'm not crazy! Let me out!" What was happening to me?

I saw a tall figure come into my vision and knew it was Slendy. The scared, innocent and small part of me wanted to call for help, to tell him that I'm afraid, but then the crazy, wild and practically possessed part of me wanted for him to go away and if he wouldn't then I would tear off his tentacles one by one. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!? Someone help me....

I started to cry while screaming. I don't want this anymore. I'm being tortured inside my own mind. I want it to end. Please let this end. I started banging my head against the floor, over and over again, hoping to black out with every hit. It hurt. It hurt so much. But this had to end! Even if I end up taking my own life...

I'm not insane...

I'm not...

*Jeff's POV* 

Elizabeth started hitting her head on the floor with a lot of force. I had to stop her or else she'll hurt herself. I reached down to stop her but she shot a quick glare at me and suddenly bit my hand! I yelled out and looked at it. God dammit! She punctured my fucking skin! This had to stop. I ignored my slightly bleeding hand and pinned her down. She struggled under my weight but I wasn't going to give in. She would curse at me, beg me to let her go with sad eyes and then go back to cursing at me. I had no idea what was happening to her but I wasn't about to stand back and watch as she loses it. I called Slender over. "Yo, Slendy," I said, "get that sedative you always use on me!"

"Jeff I cannot," he said, "it's too strong and is only meant for you. If we give her a dose she might die from it."

"I'll take my chances," I growled. 


"Get the damn sedative Slender!" I screamed at him. I knew he was going to kick my ass later on for yelling at him like that but this was serious. He quickly teleported away and came back a few seconds later with a syringe. He came around and leaned in close to Ellie. He hesitates for a second and says to me, "Are you sure you want to do this?" I nodded and gave him a serious expression. He sighs, slowly bring the needle close to Ellie's neck and then quickly plunges it in. She stops abruptly and stays still as Slendy put the sedative in. She let her tears drop and she mumbled quickly, "I don't want to go back to sleep. I don't want to dream...please..." Then she passed out as the sedative kicked in. I waited for a while, making sure she was completely unconscious and then got off of her. I sighed in relief and picked her up. I take her to the laboratory and put her in a bed. 

Slendy comes in, faces Ellie's still body and then turns to me. He walks over and says, "I hope it's not too strong for her." I gulped and looked down at her. What happened to her that made her act this way? And what did she dream about just now? She said she didn't want to dream again. Why? I couldn't control myself as I threw a nightstand across the room in rage. I huffed and muttered, "What the hell is going on with her?" Slendy turned around to face me and said, "I think I have an idea..." I looked at him, egging him on to telling me what it was. He looked at Ellie then back at me. He then said one word that sent horrible chills down my spine and through every bone in my body. It wasn't really a word, but a name. A name which belongs to a being who every monster fears. The one and only.......Zalgo. 


"That seven mouthed son of a bitch made her crazy?!" I roared. Slendy nodded and said, "But not permanently. He must've slipped into her mind somehow and corrupted her dreams. He makes people go insane Jeff. And what just happened to Elizabeth is exactly what happens to every victim Zalgo has cast his malice upon. I should have believed what she told us earlier. I should've casted a protection charm on her but...for some reason I didn't even do it though I knew I should've. Damn if only I had believed her...!" I was a bit angry at Slendy for not believing her but then again he didn't feel right about it. Which is odd because he never feels this way. Things are going to shit. 

I sighed and scratched my head. I quickly managed to bandage my bleeding hand and I left it alone. "Okay well," I started, "what do we do? How do we know he won't corrupt her mind again? How can she be safe?"

"She can't," Slendy said, making my bones ice cold. "But," he started, "we can teach her how to protect herself against his influence at least. So she won't have to endure this as much."

I looked at him, confused, and said, "What do you mean teach her?" Slendy walked over and loomed over me. He said, "It is time that we start training her Jeff. Training her to use her powers." I turned away from him and sighed, frustrated. I didn't want her to train so soon. But now that this had happened I guess we have to take precautions and do what's best. I inhale sharply and asked, "When do we start?"

"Tomorrow," he said, "the sooner the better, Smile Child." I was angered at the thought of her starting so soon but like I said, we have to take precautions. I had no other choice but to agree to the scheduled date of her training. Slender nodded and said, "Very well then. Now I shall send everyone back to their rooms to retire. I suggest you go back too. I'll stay here and keep watch over Elizabeth. I'll be the one to break the news to her." I nodded slowly and walked out of the laboratory. I didn't want to look back inside since I knew I'd get angry at the sight of Ellie. I let out a shaky breath and trudged back to my room. I closed the door and fell atop my bed. I stared out the window and clenched my fists. If Zalgo thinks he can mess with my Ellie, than that seven mouthed motherfucker has another thing coming. And that's me. 


*Elizabeth's POV* 

I woke up to morning light. I feel groggy and nauseated. Something happened last night, I can feel it. But...I have no memory of it. It's vague...barely anything. All I can remember was feeling helpless, cold and mentally unstable. My sanity was on the verge of breaking, on the edge. Then I only remember a quick sharp pain and then darkness. Now...I'm here, in the laboratory, on a bed. I sat up and look around. Slendy was in here, sitting patiently on a chair. "Ah," he said, "I see you are awake now, child. Good morning."

"Ugh," I groaned as I rubbed my head from the pain, "just say morning. It's anything but good..." He seemed to chuckle and then he stood up. "I'll give you some pain killers and something to take the fatigue away. Stay in bed please." He then walked away to a cabinet and looked around for the right medicine. I did as he said and stayed in my bed, wincing at the pulsating pain in my head. Once he came back with the medicine I took it quickly, eager to take the pain away. I stayed lying down so the pills would kick in. I hear Slendy sit down on the chair again and he sighs too. "What happened to me?" I asked him softly. I had to know. I have no memory of it. I need to know what happened. Slendy inhales sharply and says, "You will not be able to understand. But don't worry. Once I give you the answers just know that you had no control over it whatsoever and never will. Forgive me." 

"It's okay," I sighed, "you're right. I might not have been able to understand just yet." As much as I would like to hear an explanation I'm afraid that I probably won't understand and I'm also afraid of what the answer will be. But I hope that what happened to me, wasn't actually me. And I pray that if there is something else that made me into whatever I was a few hours ago...I pray that this thing doesn't show up for a long time. There was a very, very long silence between me and Slendy. I have nothing to say and I'm sure Slendy has a lot. He's probably thinking about everything going through his mind. I have a lot in my head too but right now I'm choosing not to figure it all out. After a while Slendy spoke up. He said, "Elizabeth, dear, after what happened to you last night Jeff and I have come to an agreement."

"An agreement on what," I asked him. What was he talking about? He scoffed and said, "We have decided that starting shall train to come to your full potential as the proxy." I was a bit puzzled and after a few seconds I understood what he was saying. I went wide eyed. Slendy went on and said, "Everyone will all teach you at least one skill that is necessary for you. And I will teach you the magic that you have deep within you."

"I actually have magic," I asked, surprised. He nodded. "Every proxy has it as long as they are a host and as long as they have the marks." He pointed to my marks and I looked at them. These things are what give me the capability to have magic? That's...a little scary but maybe I will be able to control this. I looked up at Slendy and I said, "How long will this take?" He shrugged. "We can never be sure. It all depends if you are a fast learner." I nodded. I can do this. It's scary to think about what I will go through but everyone has my back. They'll teach me and help me through everything. I can trust them all. And maybe I'm not a fast learner when it comes to this stuff but I will learn eventually and I'll be able to protect myself from whatever is lurking out there. I looked at Slendy and gave him a determined look. "Okay," I started, "I'll do it...!" If he could smile I'm sure he'd be doing just that. "Well then it's settled," he said, "you start training at noon. I shall let you rest until then but don't get too lazy. You need to be ready for it. I'll serve you some breakfast." He started walking away and I started to lay back down. Before he left he said, "Elizabeth...," a long pause of silence, "prepare yourself, child...we may not go easy..." He then walked out, closing the door behind him. 

I shuddered out of nervousness. Now I'm not so sure if everyone will have my back. But it's only training, right? What could go wrong? I lay back down and stare up at the ceiling, wondering what will happen and just how long I'll be in a future coma for. I hope it doesn't come down to that.


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