Chapter 25

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 Chapter 25

I took a shower considering that I had not taken one since yesterday and I was terribly grimy and sweaty. After I was done I went to my room and laid down. My muscles were still so sore and I can barely move. I sighed and managed to turn over and stuff my face in a fluffy pillow. I couldn't see anything and that made me a little sleepy. I was dozing off when I heard someone open the door, trying to be quiet. I couldn't hear footsteps but I knew they were coming in. I suddenly had the urge to use the skills I was taught these couple of days. I waited for a few seconds then jumped out of bed and landed a punch on somebody. They shouted and I heard them say, "Son of a fudgenugget!" I've never heard that term before but I know who would say it. 

"What the hell are you doing Jeff?!" I said. He held his face and he muttered, "Wallowing in my own tears and blood..." I rolled my eyes and helped him up from the floor. He rubbed the spot I hit and said, "Jesus, Ellie, you pack a harder punch now than you did the first night we met." I remembered the first time I punched him and I started to laugh. He scowled and said, "It's not that funny. You caught me off guard."

"And I still do now," I cackled. He gave me a look that only made me laugh more. I stopped after a while and sighed. I sat down on my bed only to groan as my legs hurt. He leaned over and said, "Are you okay?" 

I gave him a look and said, "Yes, I can run a whole marathon...!"

"Oh cool," he chimed.

"No I was being sarcastic, Jeff...! I'm hurting," I grumbled. His face went blank and said, "Oh..." I rolled my eyes again and laid down. Jeff sat next to me and rubbed my head. I relaxed and closed my eyes. I'm tired and sore in places I never thought I could be sore in. I raised my arms towards Jeff and beckoned him to lean in. He did and I grab him and push him down next to me. "What are you doing," he groaned. I squeezed him more and said, "You shall be my plushie." He chuckled and put an arm around me. "Plushies don't hug back," I growled. He put his hands up and laughed nervously. I snuggled into him and fell asleep. I'm sure he held back the urge to hug me throughout the entire night. It was torture for him. 


In the morning I woke up and I had to get back to training immediately. I went outside again and saw Masky and Hoodie, waiting for me. Slendy was right next to them and he spoke. "Today Masky and Hoodie will be training you in stealth and agility. And as you should know they will be quick so pay close attention and there will be no problems." I nodded and looked at the duo. They lead me out into the forest while everyone stayed behind. We stopped in the middle of a path and Masky said, "This is going to be like hide and seek....only more dangerous. Hoodie is going to run off and we'll have to look for him. I will tell you a few things but once we start for real I can only be beside you. I cannot tell you anything to help you find him. Once you do see him you will have to be sneaky. Don't do anything else but sneak up. This is about stealth, not full out combat and mayhem." I understood him perfectly and he started telling me a few tricks that I could use. 

Once they decided they had told me enough, Hoodie ran off and we waited until we couldn't hear him anymore. Then Masky had me set out to find him. He followed me around and watched my every move.  I used the tricks he told me to do, I'd stop every now and then and listen intently to my environment. For a while I only heard small animals and birds. Then I heard some rustling that only big animals or people could make. I neared the faint noise and to my luck I saw Hoodie who was oblivious of me. I beamed at Masky and then started to sneak up. Hoodie was just walking, his guard up but he didn't seem to notice me. I made sure my footing was quiet and that I stepped on nothing but soft dirt. I was getting close but then suddenly Hoodie turned around and I yelped. "Try again," he said. I grumbled and went back to Masky.

Hoodie ran off again and I did everything again. I listened and watched my surroundings, searching for Hoodie. I soon found him again and started to sneak up on him. I made to sure to be extra careful this time since I must've slipped up the first time. I got close enough to which I jumped on him. His instincts must've taken over because he grabbed me and flipped me over and onto my back. I groaned and he looked down at me. "Opps," he said, "uh, great job! You did it!" I glared at him and Masky came over to assist Hoodie with helping me up. After a couple of other tries at sneaking up on Hoodie I got the hang of it and so they had me stop and we went on working with agility.

We got to a river nearby and we worked there. There were a lot of rocks sticking out of the running water and if anyone were to fall off I’m sure they’d get soaked or swept away by the water.

Oh no.

Masky jumped onto a rock and then another and another until he was nearly on the other side of the river. He stopped on a rock and stood there patiently. “Now,” Hoodie told me, “when you’re jumping from rock to rock the key is to relax and focus. Don’t let your mind wander or else you’ll slip up, literally. Now relax and focus. Once you’re ready start jumping across.” I nodded. Even though I’ll never be ready, EVER I knew I had to go sometime. I took in the breaths that may be my last and then started walking near the edge of the river bank. I looked at the water and thought of falling in. I scolded myself and focused on jumping. I set my sights on one rock in front of me and jumped. I managed to keep my balance and I stood straight.

All right Elizabeth, one down…about a dozen more to go…! I jumped from rock to rock, almost slipping once but I caught myself and kept going. Once I reached Masky he nodded and jumped across in the opposite direction. I followed him back, being careful and not letting my mind wander away. I reached the other side and Masky would jump back to the opposite side again. He did this every time I reached him and I had to follow afterwards. We stopped after a while and Masky said, “Now that you at least get the jist of it let’s see if you can be agile under pressure.” I gave him a puzzled look and both Masky and Hoodie jumped onto the rocks and beckoned me to get on too. I was in between them as the both of them were on either side.

“Let’s see if Jack taught you well,” Hoodie said as he sprinted up and tried landing a punch. I yelped and ducked in time. Suddenly Masky jumped over to me and kicked me. I fell back and into the water, which was extremely cold! I resurfaced and my teeth chattered. Hoodie helped me out and dragged me back to the river bank. I trembled from the cold and water but apparently that didn’t matter as I had to get back up and train again. I got back onto the rocks and had to fight again. This time Masky dashed up to me and tried to punch but I blocked his hit and pushed him back. As soon as I did Hoodie came up from behind and I spun around and kicked him. He jumped back and I jumped to a different rock.

Masky jumped over and tried to kick but I caught his foot in time and made him fall off and into the water. I didn’t have time to watch him resurface as Hoodie attacked again. He managed a punch and I nearly fell but I kept my balance. I jumped onto another rock and then another to give myself some space from him. He caught up to me and kicked. I blocked and brought an arm around to twist him over. He fell but then flipped onto another rock at the last second. I frowned but suddenly felt someone jab me. I turned to see Masky out of the water. I punched but Masky would block every hit. He elbowed me and I grunted. He was about to punch but I heard Hoodie coming up from behind. I grabbed Hoodie and flipped him over me and threw him onto a surprised Masky. They both went falling into the water and I sighed out of relief.

They both resurfaced and coughed. Both raised shivering hands and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and shivered as well since I was still soaked. After a few more fights on the rocks and in the water the duo decided that I had done good enough and they took me back to the mansion. There I saw Slendy again and he turned to us as we approached. “How did she do,” he asked the duo. “S-she d-did g-good s-sir,” Masky said through chattering teeth. Hoodie nodded and shuddered and added, “She did all that we expected. She’s covered for stealth and agility.”

“Especially that,” Masky bud in, “she’s very agile. It’s scary…” I giggled and we all went back inside. I immediately ran to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. I could hear Masky and Hoodie pleading for me to let them go first but I didn’t listen and I locked the door behind me. They whined and I laughed as they got more desperate the second I turned on the water. Just to torture them I said, “Man the water sure is warm! Aren’t I a lucky gal!” They whined and I heard Hoodie say, “You monster!” I laughed hysterically and then decided to take a shower already.

Once I was done I walked out to see the both of them sitting on the floor, shivering. They actually waited for me to get out. Wow they must be really cold. When I got out of the way they raced into the bathroom but got jammed in the doorway. They both started fighting and somehow Hoodie squeezed through and pushed Masky out while saying, “I’m not gonna be gay and share the shower!” He slammed the door and Masky whined, “But sharing is caring…!”

Hoodie popped his head out and said, “I love you bro…but not enough to share a damn shower.”

Masky beamed and said, “So you do love me! I knew it was a matter of time before you confessed!”

Hoodie gave him a look and then slammed the door. Masky sulked and sat patiently outside again. I chuckled and went to my room to cuddle up in bed and read a nice book to warm me up. Hopefully I haven’t caught a cold again these past couple of days. Nobody likes getting sick, now do they.

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