Chapter 26

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*Sally is scary x_x her teddy bear on the other hand..............................................THE FUCKING DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! TTATT*

Chapter 26

The next morning Jack woke me up although he was keeping his distance from me. I guess I punched him too hard. I got ready and went downstairs. Slendy gave me a quick breakfast and I ate quick too. I went outside and I saw Sally playing with her teddy bear and also with Ben. I can tell he didn't want to play since he kept making pleading looks at me. I walk over and ask, "What's up?"

"Help me," he muttered. I gave him a strange look and said, "She's not that bad is she?" 

"Pfft," he said, "Sally? She's fine. It's her god damn bear...!" I was confused by what he meant. Why is he so afraid of her little ol' teddy bear? "What's wrong with her teddy bear?" I asked, "It's not like he's possessed or anything."

He laughed nervously and said, "It brings dread to me that what you just said is so true...." He said the last few words quietly and I couldn't hear him that well. I was about to ask him to repeat himself when I heard Slendy from behind. I turned to him as he was about to speak. "All right Elizabeth, " he started, "now it is Sally's turn to teach you a thing or two." I looked at her as her eyes lit up with excitement. I didn't really think she'd help me train. It's a bit bizarre to me. She's only a little girl. What could she teach me? 

Sally grabbed my hand and lead me out into the forest. Slendy followed us and we came to a stop after a while. "Sally will help you with speed," the faceless man said. I gave him a confused look and said, "How is she going to do that? No offense but she's only a little kid." 

He chuckled and said, "True. But trust me, she'll help you out."

"And how will she do that?" I asked. There was an eerie silence for a few seconds and then Slendy said, "You're about to find out." I got a bed feeling from this and turned to Sally. This is the first time in a while that I've felt truly scared of her. She had a knife out and her bear by her side was grinning evily and it was also....standing up on its own...! I heard Sally giggle creepily and then something unexpected happened. The teddy bear....talked. He said, "Run." 

Out of fear I did run. I ran away from them and deeper into the forest. Thank god it's still daylight out! I'd be screwed if I had to run during the night. I could hear frantic little footsteps behind me and realized how Sally was going to help me with speed. I had to run from her. And if I don't run fast enough...

I'm dead.

I heard her little footsteps grow louder and louder and I had to pick up my speed. I can't let her catch me. Because One: I can't fail this training and Two: SHE IS GOING TO KILL ME!!!

I ran as fast as I could. So far she hasn't been able to catch me. I don't even know how long this will have to last. I just hope it ends soon. My chest started to hurt from the constant running. My breathing was growing heavy and so was my anxiety. At this rate I'll panic and I can't afford to do that. I tried to keep my stamina going but I knew that no matter what I do it'll be useless because eventually I'll have to stop. And I don't think that will end well for me. 

Still running with all my strength I could still hear Sally behind me. I didn't dare to look back and check. It'll just slow me down. I know better than to turn around. Never ever turn around. It nagged me to check on her but I couldn't. I had to focus on running. My chest was on fire now. It felt like it was going to tear apart! And my legs couldn't take much either. I bet they won't be able to work right after this! I tried keeping my arms stiff but they were just full on jello now. I had to stop. I was too worn out to stop perfectly that I tripped over and tumbled across the ground. I coughed and groaned and wheezed from the feeling of my chest about to implode on itself. My throat was dry and I could barely keep calm. 

I looked around, just anticipating for Sally to jump out and kill me. I could hear nothing but the forest. God I don't want to die unexpectedly! Especially not like this. I managed to sit up and I started to breathe a little better. My legs started to feel better and my chest didn't hurt as much anymore but the pain is still there. 

"Found you..." I heard suddenly. I went wide eyed and looked up just in time to see Sally jump at me with her knife ready to stab. I closed my eyes and waited to feel more pain but nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes to see Sally struggling to get out of a black tentacle. Slendy caught her just in time. "Sorry about the feeling of impending doom, but don't worry. I wouldn't let her hurt you," he reassured. Sally snarled and flailed her arms around, still trying to get out of Slendy's grip and kill me. Slendy told me to catch my breath for a while. I did as he said and rested up for a few minutes. Once I felt that I was ready to run again I got on my feet and told Slendy. He nodded and Sally giggled creepily again. Jesus, how is her teddy bear worse than her?!

I started running again and this time I made sure to be able to run longer. I ran and ran, my chest barely starting to get that burning sensation. I knew I can't suppress it but I could try to handle it more. I heard Sally's frantic footsteps and her faint giggling. I was afraid of her. I really was. As I jumped over tree roots, bushes and a few small ditches here and there I picked up my speed. Sally is dangerously fast, and I'd have to be faster. I nearly tripped about six times before but luckily I picked myself up in time for Sally to not catch me. As I ran past some bushes I felt something jump on my leg. I managed to take a glimpse while running and nearly jumped out of my skin.

Her teddy bear was on my leg, grinning up at me. What the hell is this thing?! It raised up a knife and tried to stab into my leg but I whacked it away before it could. I ran faster. This is the most intense part of training I've done so far. I have a friggin' teddy bear after me! God I'd take Pedobear over that little asshole any day!

I kept running and then I felt something on my shoulder. I looked and saw the teddy bear again. I groaned but instead of stabbing me it started pulling my hair violently. I yelled at it and batted it away. It suddenly dropped down to my feet and started to do something that I couldn't see. Suddenly I tripped over and tumbled again. I looked to see that my shoelaces on both of my shoes were tied together somehow. Oh that son of a polyester, cotton bitch! God dammit!

I tried untying my shoes quickly but the teddy bear pricked my hand with the little knife to keep me from doing so. I winced and kicked it away. Suddenly I see Sally leap out of some bushes and laugh maniacally. Only this time Slendy wasn't here to catch her. I rolled out of the way so she wouldn't land on me. I scooted away as she turned to me with a devilish smile. She started swiping her knife in the air and I raised my feet so she cut the tied shoe laces. I quickly got up and ran again. But apparently her teddy bear decided to be an ass again! He jumped on my face and I fell back. I pushed it away from me as it snarled like a wild animal, literally! I heard Sally coming from behind and I leaped away just in time. She sneered and jumped up at me. I stepped back but fell and watched as she was about to stab down at me. 

Suddenly something black shoots out and pulls her away. I sighed in relief as I saw Slendy emerging from the trees. He even picked up Sally's teddy bear, who was thrashing along with her. I panted and stood up. Slendy looked down at me and said, "Sorry again, Elizabeth. I hope they didn't hurt you too much." I glared at the teddy bear and muttered, "I'm perfectly fine. Not a scratch." It seemed like the teddy bear took that as an insult and it snarled even louder. Seriously, what the fuck is that thing?! I turned to Slendy and he said, "Well I think you have speed covered."

"You're not going to make me run again," I asked. He shook his head and said, "Of course not. Believe me, you lasted long enough for me to be impressed. You definitely have speed covered." I smiled and Slendy lead me back to the mansion, while he carried a still thrashing Sally and a little plush asshole. 

When we got back to the mansion I saw Ben outside playing with Smile. I walk over to him and give him a disturbed look. "What's wrong," he asked. I shivered and said, "I understand why you don't like that teddy bear..." He gave me a sympathetic look and pulled me in for a hug. "It's okay, little bit," he said, "I know your pain." We both held each other and I saw Jack come out the front door. "What's going on," he asked. Ben sniffled and said, "She's experienced the wrath of Sally's bear. She knows the pain." Jack gasped, put a hand on his chest and then came over to join in on the hug. He patted my head and said, "It'll be okay. You're not alone." 

I then saw Jeff come outside too. As soon as he saw the three of us hugging and weeping softly he said, "Teddy bear?" We all nodded shakily and Jeff said, "Fuck this. I'm out." He raised his hands in the air and then went back inside. He just doesn't get the pain of the wrath that Sally's bear brings upon us all. I'd still take Pedobear any day. Actually no bears at all. Little fucker made me afraid of bears now. God dammit. Fuck that teddy bear. Fuck all bears. Fuck animals! Fuck everything! Just fuck it all! Fuck!

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