Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Yet another day of training. Slendy says I'm accomplishing my sessions well. Better than the past proxies, which I'm sure he's totally lying just to make me feel better about myself. I'm sure I'm just average. I always check my phone every morning in case if anyone has tried contacting me. Only my mom. She says that Ian has already gone through surgery and has his new kidney now. She also said that if I could come over to see him then that would make Ian and her very happy. I didn't know how to respond. I probably shouldn't. I'll come by tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be let through. 

I went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone was doing their usual thing. Ben was playing his video games, Jack was reading a book, Sally was playing with her wretched teddy bear, Masky and Hoodie were playing UNO while Masky ate cheesecake, and Jeff was just bumming out like always. I ate breakfast real quick and came back to go talk to Jeff. He was still bumming out. I loomed over him and poked his face. He chuckled and did the same. I giggled and poked his stomach and he poked mine. The more we did this the more it started to become a little rough. He practically tackled me to the ground and started to tickle me. I kicked at him but to no avail. And then things got nasty as I pounced on him and started to suffocate him. What was supposed to be playful turned into something serious yet  just so stupid at the same time. 

Slendy came around and separated us from our roughhousing. "I did it out of love," Jeff grumbled as Slendy had scolded him for our fighting. I chuckled and Slendy finally let us go. We went outside and Slendy said, "Today it is my turn to train you, child." I got a little excited. He was actually going to teach me magic. It's insane but it's sounds pretty cool. I was eager to see what abilities I have. "Great," I said, "let's start."

"Not so fast Elizabeth," he said, "we must wait." 

"Wait for what?" I ask. 

Slendy chuckles a little and says, "I can't teach you alone. I called a friend over to add some assistance." I was curious to who his friend might be. Then out of the corner of my eye I see a flash from inside the mansion. Then I hear everyone scream and panic and Sally just giggling with joy. I wanted to run in and see what all the commotion is but I knew I should stay out here with Slendy. Then the front door swings open by itself and some smoke rolls out dramatically. I see a silhouette in the doorway. The figure walks out and I can see them perfectly. It's a woman. She wore a black dress, black leggings, black heeled boots and had black short and choppy hair. She had black lipstick, pale skin and bright red eyes. She looked like any other person, the only thing about her was...she had a longer neck than the average human. 

Slendy walked over and said, "Ah, what a pleasure to see you again."

"And what a pleasure to be back, Slenderman," she spoke fluently. She looked at me and smiled. "And I am guessing this is the young little mistress you spoke to me about."

"Yes. This is Elizabeth Umber, the new proxy," Slendy explained to the woman. She walked up to me and put out a hand. "Hello, Elizabeth," she said, nicely, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Ms. Pencilneck. But feel free to just call me Ms. P."


I took her hand and shook. This is the friend Slendy was talking about I suppose. I'm guessing she knows magic as well. We stopped shaking hands and I saw everyone from inside the mansion come out coughing and whining, except for Sally who was smiling happily. Ben looked at Ms. P and he groaned. "Seriously," he said, "every time you come over you always come in a flash of light and smoke! For fuck's sake lady!" She turned to him and said, "Watch you're mouth Benny Boo." Suddenly a black covering wrapped around his mouth and he struggled to take it off. He ran around, just pulling at the covering and wiggling his arms in the air. I started to laugh at this. So did Ms. P. 

She turned to me and said, "So, now that that's taken care of, why don't we start with your lessons, shall we?" I nodded and both her and Slendy took me out into the forest and into the clearing Ben, Smile and I were at a few days ago. Ms. P told me to sit on the ground in. She sat across from me and she said, "Now the first thing to do is to activate your magic. Give me your hands." I put out my hands and she turned them over to reveal my marks. She covered them with her hands and said, "Now just relax and focus on my voice. Simple isn't it?" I nodded. "Now, close your eyes. Don't talk, or move, relax and focus." I closed my eyes and stayed still but calm. 

She started speaking but it wasn't English. I didn't know what language it was but I focused on her voice like she told me to do. Everything else didn't matter right now. Focusing, I could only hear Ms. P's voice. My wrists started to burn after at least forty-five minutes. The pain started as just a little irritation but then it burned more and more, until it was like I was putting them in molten lava. Ms. P told me to calm down and that it was all part of the process. I tried staying relaxed and focused despite my pain. After another long while of being quiet and going through with the pain Ms. P finally told me to open my eyes and move.  I sighed and looked at my wrists. They were searing and glowing red. I have no idea what Ms. P did but something must've happened. 

"Now that you are capable of magic let's teach you some basics," she said. Out of thin air a black book popped up and she rested it on her lap. She scoffed as she turned to a page and said, "Recite this spell." She handed me the book and I looked at it. The words were strange. I couldn't read them. "Uh, I'm sorry," I muttered, "but this is a different language." 

"Check again, child, "Slendy said. I looked down and the words seemed to glitch and turn into English. I rubbed my eyes but they were English now. I started to say the spell. While reciting it my fingers twitched and felt funny. When I was done I looked at my fingertips and saw them glowing red but faintly.  "Now that you are done, focus on an object and point to it as well," Ms. P said. I looked around and set my sights on a tree far off. I pointed to it and focused. Nothing happened for a few minutes and I was wondering what was supposed to happen. Suddenly the tree started swaying and all the branches snapped off and fell to the ground. Then the tree started to crack until it literally fell apart. I stared at it, dumbfounded. 

"Did I do that?" I asked. Slendy and Ms. P nodded and she said, "It's a destruction spell. It can break down anything and anyone but be careful with it. It can only be used every so often so use it wisely. Do not waste your chances with it so easily." I nodded and my fingertips stopped glowing. "Will I have to recite the spell every time I want to use it," I asked. Slendy chuckled and replied, "That's the good thing about being the proxy. Once you recite a spell and have the spell's ability you have it with you forever. You don't have to say the spell every time. Just focus on the ability and you shall have it." I smiled and looked at my fingers. Thank god I'm the proxy. 


Ms. P and Slendy taught me so many things. There was the destruction spell, the invisibility spell (which is super cool to use), the spirit vision spell (making me see things in some sort of spirit realm), the time-freeze spell (but it doesn't freeze time itself, it only freezes the enemy without them realizing it, hence the name time-freeze), the shadow spell (I can bend shadows to my will, practically making them come to life!) and I've learned teleportation but can only use it every so often. Slendy taught me that one, fortunately for him he can do it whenever he likes. 

I was admiring my new fantastic abilities. I never knew this could happen. I never knew I could actually do these things. It's mind blowing really. This is just...awesome! I was asking Slendy if there was anything else I needed to know. He seemed a bit uneasy and said, "Well, perhaps there is one more you would need to know. But then's too dangerous for you and those around you."

"What is it..."I asked, curious but nervous. Ms. P came up to me and gave me an uneasy look. "It's called the shock wave spell. Although it is a very effective spell I highly recommend you do not use it and if you do, you must give great caution to it." I thought I shouldn't try it but me having my curious temptations I asked Slendy and Ms. P if I could try it. They looked at each other and then back at me.  It was quiet for a moment and then Slendy sighed. "All right, you may try it," he said, "BUT if you cannot handle it then you will never use it, do you understand?" I nodded and Ms. P made me recite a spell. After I finished nothing happened. She told me to relax and to focus on my inner energy. 

I stood still, trying to focus. Minutes went by and I grew impatient. "What am I supposed to do?" I asked, eyes closed. 

"Just relax and don't break your focus," Slendy said calmly. I groaned and waited some more. This is really starting to piss me off. I spoke again, "How long does this have to go on?"

"It should've started a while back," Ms. P said. I sighed, "You serious? God dammit...Well, how long do you think I'll have to wait for now?"

"Just a little longer, "Slendy said. I cursed under my breath and grumbled, "This can't go on forever..." Out of annoyance and impatience I slightly stomped my foot on the ground. And in doing so I scared myself shit-less. The ground under my feet rattled and I nearly fell over. A light aura rippled across the ground and I heard Ms. P yelp and Slendy cursed hastily. The shaking was small and brief to me but when I look at Slendy and Ms. P they look like they're going through hell. After it was done I looked around and said, "The fuck just happened?" 

"A bloody shock wave is what happened," Slendy grumbled. Ms. P nodded and stumbled from dizziness. I gave them a surprised look and said, "I actually did it...? I...I actually did it? Hold crap I actually did it...! I did it! Holy shmow cow I did it!"

Slendy groaned and muttered, "But are you okay? Did you hurt yourself in the process?"

I shook my head and said happily, "I barely felt a thing!"

Ms. P and Slendy groaned and I only chuckled to myself. This is amazing. I have magic! This is unbelievable but it's happening! I didn't think I had these capabilities. This is just so amazing.

Slendy and Ms. P walked me back to the mansion after my lessons. Slendy spoke up once we got there. "Since magic is something you will need a lot, we'll give you lessons from time to time." I nodded and looked at Ms. P. "Thanks for teaching me magic," I said. She smiled and replied, "No problem, Elizabeth! I enjoyed being with you today and enjoyed visiting the mansion as well."

"Why don't you stay for dinner Ms. P," Slendy offered. She beamed and said, "That sounds delightful!" I smiled. I really like Ms. P. She's nice, smart and very funny too. I hope to see her again. We all went inside where I made a shadow jump out at Ben who screamed like a little girl. Everyone had a good laugh and so did I. Oh, I think I'll have some fun with these powers. Loads of fun! 

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