Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I was in bed, resting for tomorrow, which will be the day where everyone will see my progress. It'll be the last day of this training. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. But I'm not nervous. I'm terrified. I have no idea what will happen. I was dreading yet looking forward to tomorrow. Am I ready?

Of course you are Elizabeth! Don't be stupid. All that hard work will pay off once you start tomorrow.

I heard my door open and I looked over to see who it was. My heart raced. "Hey Jeff," I mumbled. He closed the door behind him and walked towards me. He suddenly jumped onto the bed, making me jump up and yelp. "What the hell?!" I said. He laughed and got on top of me. I put my arms out so that way he couldn't try anything. But somehow he managed to get through and he planted a kiss on my cheek. He chuckles as his lips are still on my skin and I blush. I wrapped my arms around his neck and bury my face into his shirt. He nibbled on my ear and I smiled.

He kissed my neck, then went down to my collarbone but no lower. Jeff snuggled into my neck and I held his head there gently. His face was warm, that or it's just me. I sighed and said, "Why do you always kiss me on my bed?"

He chuckled and said, "Because I know you can't run away from me this way." I giggled and slapped his shoulder. He poked my stomach and I pushed him off. Things got nasty again as Jeff started slapping my arms and I kicked him off of the bed. He pulled me down and I faceplanted onto the floor. He laughed at me and I tackled him down. We practically threw each other around my room. I'm sure we made a ruckus because at this point I was shoving Jeff's face into the headboard of my bed over and over again.

"Fuck!" Jeff kept screaming and I only laughed. He suddenly kicked me a little and hit me where no girl should be hit. "Ow my boob!" I shouted. He started laughing hysterically and said, "Aw man, I didn't wanna touch it that way!"

"Pervert," I said and shoved his face back into the headboard. Suddenly my door opened and in stepped Ben. Both Jeff and I froze and turned to him, making a very awkward moment. It was silent for a few seconds and then Ben said, "What are you guys going?"

"Hurting each other," Jeff and I said in unison. Ben exhaled and said, "Thank god, Slendy was about to barge in here and kill Jeff cuz we all thought you guys were doing it or something!" I gave him a disgusted look and said, "What made you all think we were doing it?!"

"Well," Ben said, "we heard banging and loud moans."

"Oh that was me," Jeff said blankly. Ben stared at him for a moment and shook his head. "Kay, whatever. As long as you guys weren't getting it on." Jeff laughed wryly and said, "I wish...!" Then I violently shoved his face into the headboard again, making a loud bang and also making Jeff moan out of pain. Ben walked out awkwardly and Jeff and I kept fighting until Slendy yelled at us to go to sleep already. Jeff decided to just spend the night in my room and not bother going back to his. He slept in my bed with me and held me as he fell asleep. I couldn't fall asleep as easily as him so I just lay there and watched as he breathed gently, occasionally he'd give out small snores, which I found adorable. Eventually I fell asleep while thinking about how tomorrow...I won't be his Sunshine.


Slendy let me visit Ian in the morning. Of course someone had to chaperone me. Ben was the one to take up the task. I found out he can travel through gadgets so he took a trip into my phone. Before he did that I contacted my mom, telling her that I was coming by to visit. She said it was great and that both of them will be waiting for me. My heart ached at the thought of seeing my mom again, because I know I'll have to leave her again. I got a taxi and arrived at the hospital minutes later. I went up to Ian's room and walked in.

He was sitting up watching the TV and he noticed me. He smiled and I quickly walked over and hugged him tightly. "It's good to see you again, short stack," he said. I smiled and pulled back from the hug. "It's good to see you too," I said. I took a good look at him. He didn't have a breathing machine anymore and no more oxygen mask. He had a blood pressure machine next to him and tubes in his arms still but other than that he was great. "Do you feel better," I asked. He nods and chuckles "I whole lot better," he replied.

"I'm just glad you got a the transplant. I couldn't bear having you on dialysis forever," I said. He nodded and then his expression turned into a look of concern. "I heard you haven't been at school recently and that you left home...," he muttered. I gave him a sad look and said, "I'm sorry. I had to leave. I was going to put my parents and my friends in terrible danger. I couldn't stay. But I'm doing just fine so don't worry. I'm safe."

He didn't seem to feel assured but he let it go. "Well," he mumbled, "I hope you're right about being safe." I nodded. I heard the door to the room open and in stepped my mother. I turned to her and she smiled widely. She ran over and hugged me tight. She nearly cried into my shoulder but she held back and just hugged me. "Oh my god are you all right," she said as she brushed back my hair. I nodded and told her that I was fine. She kissed my forehead and hugged me again.

After a while of talking I finally had to go because Ben kept making my phone vibrate, meaning it was time to go. I told Ian and my mother my good-byes. Before I left Ian called me. I turned to him just as I placed my hand on the doorknob. He looked at me, sighed and said, "Be careful, please." I nodded and said, "I will." I then left the room and headed for the exit. I felt bad for leaving but I had to go back to the mansion and finish training. I'm nervous again. I wish I could've stayed with my mom and Ian longer but I had to finish this.


Ben and I got back to the mansion and as soon as I got back Slendy had me prepare immediately. Slendy gave me some protective clothing, I did some exercises with Jack, tested out my bracers again with Ben, ran around with Sally, Masky and Hoodie and went over my magic with Ms. P, who made the time to be here. Finally Slendy said it was time. I was nervous. I walked through the forest with everyone and we went into the clearing again. There I saw Jeff who was standing around, patiently waiting for me to arrive. He didn't wave and do something dumb, he just stood there with a stern look in his eyes. This isn't going to be fun and games. This is serious so both of us will have to be serious too. I just wish he'd say something to make me feel better before we start. But I know he couldn't do that.

I walked to the middle of the clearing, standing a few feet away from Jeff. We said nothing to each other as we stood there, waiting for Slendy's orders. After a while I finally heard his voice. "This will be to see if you've learned well, Elizabeth," he bellowed, "Your duty as a proxy is serious business. You must know everything we have taught you, nothing less. I will count down to three. Once I stop the fight will begin. Get ready quickly."

I nodded without taking my eyes off of Jeff. Slendy started to count down, just like he said he would.

"3," he started. I summoned my bracers from inside my marks. They wrapped around in a strange light and formed into their shape on my arms. While I was doing this Jeff reached into his pockets and drew out not one knife but two. He held them in his hands tightly, by his sides.

"2." I released the hidden blades on my bracers and got myself ready to trigger the spearheads. Jeff raised his knives up and got ready. I made my footing firm and grit my teeth. For what felt like forever was merely seconds. And then finally...


Immediately, Jeff sprinted at me, with his knives ready to stab. I leaped back and dodged him. As his back was still turned I triggered the spearheads and they shot out at him. But at the last second he dodged all of them and I retracted them back. I ran at him, ready to attack. I raised my hand to attack him with one of my hidden blades but he blocked it with one of his knives, making a loud clang. He brought his arm around to stab with the other knife but I blocked the attack with my other bracer. He suddenly kicked me back and I fell back. I rolled out of the way as he tried to pounce and stabbed the ground instead.

As he was distracted, trying to get his knife out I leaped up and jumped onto his back. He grabbed my shirt and flipped me over. He disregarded the other knife and used the one he still had to stab down at me as I was on the ground. I struck his arm quickly, making his aim off balance and I quickly got up. I kicked his head and he growled. Jeff finally managed to pull out the stuck knife in one quick move and he sliced my shoulder as I was caught off guard. I winced and held my wound. He kicked at me and I tried my hardest to move my arm despite the searing pain from the wound he inflicted. I blocked his first kick, he swung his knives at me and I blocked again. He kicked up again and I sliced his shin with one of my hidden blades. He grunted and used his other leg to kick me away.

I went tumbling back as he hit my gut. Even though I was doing well enough in combat I knew I had to use magic as well. As Jeff was running at me I pointed at the ground in front of him, using the destruction spell and making the ground break. He tripped on the hole I made and as he fell forward I grabbed onto him and put him in a chokehold. He groaned from the pressure I put and he struggled to get out of my grip. He suddenly elbowed my rib cage and I cried out. As I was caught off guard again he reached around, grabbed the back of my head and brought me around somehow and held me tightly. I couldn't get out of his grip and I had no choice but to teleport.

I teleported and showed up behind him. He looked around and when he finally found me he got up but I kicked him down before he could. Jeff growled and dodged my attack as I tried stabbing him with my hidden blades. He leaped up and onto his feet and ran at me. He swiped with his knives, one after the other, over and over again. I could barely keep up. He threw some kicks every now and then I'd block every attack. He suddenly dropped down and swept my legs from under me and I fell. He pinned me down by the throat and raised a knife up. I manage to bring my legs up, wrap them around his head and I threw him down. I had my knee on his throat and my other leg was pinning his arm down. I raised my arm to strike with the hidden blade but I felt a sharp pain in my back.

I screamed and fell off of him, realizing that he stabbed me while I wasn't looking. I ignored the pain and got up quickly before he did anything while I was down. I decided to run from him just to get some distance. I ran, looking back every so often. As I expected Jeff was running after me, determined to beat me at this fight. I managed to swerve my arm around and trigger my spearheads. He jumped over all three and I cursed. I looked around and even though the sun barely made any I saw my shadow. I got an idea and concentrated on it.

It suddenly moved and manifested into another me but it was in all shadows. It whirled around to see Jeff and it suddenly tackled him down as he was taken by surprise. I stopped running and watched as he struggled with the shadow, trying to stab it but nothing would happen. As Jeff was turned around I returned the shadow back to me and ran towards him. At the last second he turned around and I kicked him straight across the face. He stumbled back and I punched his stomach, stumbling back once more. I karate chopped the side of his neck and he grunted. Then I stepped back a little, ran at him, jumped up and kicked him back with both legs. He fell back and groaned. I stuck my landing as I had flipped back.

Jeff struggled to get up and once he sat up he glared at me. He spit out some blood and got up. This fight isn't over. He suddenly charged at me and he hit my gut. I yelped and nearly fell back. He knee budded my stomach and then struck the side of my head with his elbow. Why is he suddenly much more stronger and quicker? I tried to attack back but he would be quicker and strike me. I wanted to fall but he wouldn't let me as he kept advancing. Why is he so fast now? Then a realization hit me.

He was holding back the first time.

Jeff punched me and I finally fell. My chin was messy with my own blood and my face hurt. He leaned down, grabbed the collar of my shirt and then picked me up only to be flipped over him and hit myself on the ground. He threw me around a lot. He was having too much fun with this! He picked me up but the shirt again but I stuck him as he did. He snapped his head to the side as I hit him but didn't seem to be phased as he slowly faced me again. He suddenly raised me up and slammed me down onto his knee, which dug into my battered back. I cried out and he let me go, letting me fall off his knee and wheezing. I looked up at him as he held me down with his boot. I felt tired, beaten and weak. I didn't expect him to advance so much. I've practically lost the fight already.

He raised up one of his knives, ready to finish the fight but something inside me snapped. I wasn't about to let him win. I wasn't going to let him throw me around and tear me down like this. I won't be weak. Not anymore.

I suddenly pushed him away and he stumbled back. I got up from off the ground and pounced on him. I punched him over and over again without stopping. He flipped me over and I landed perfectly on my feet. I dropped down and tripped him. As he fell back I reached over, grabbed his neck and brought my knee over and slammed his head onto it. He shouted and I dropped him. I got up and he struggled but did the same. He ran over and swiped his knife towards me but I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to me. I knee budded his side and elbowed down on his arm. He dropped his knife and I flipped him over.

I kicked the knife away and now he only had one. He tried tackling me by the legs but I jumped over him and stomped on one of his legs at the last second. Jeff grunted and rolled over to get up again. He tried stabbing me but I dodged every hit. Finally I grabbed his wrist and twisted it, making him let go of his last knife. I kicked it away and I slammed him into the ground. I grabbed him, hulled him up and threw him across the ground. He got up weakly and seethed. I glared at him and we both went running at each other. He pulled his arm back for a punch but I dropped down and he missed. I spun around and grabbed his hair. I pulled him to me and he choked as I had stabbed his back with one of my hidden blades. I don't know why but I twisted the blade around, making him yell in pain. I could hear his flesh tear with every turn of my blade. I felt his blood splatter and drip onto my hand but I ignored the feeling.

I yanked out the blade roughly and let him go. He didn't fall forward though. He turned around to me and gave me a look of surprise once he saw me. He huffed and stepped forward one last time and then he fell and passed out. I leaned down to him and checked him. He was still breathing but was just unconscious. I had a weird feeling that I couldn't indicate correctly, but it was strong, desperate feeling. I looked down at my hands and grit my teeth. They were covered in blood. Even my clothes had blood splatters, and my blades too. It was so much blood. I clenched my hands into fists and shook my head. I felt anger and sadness when I looked at my hands. Maybe the blood was just disturbing me. Even though I thought that I knew that that wasn't the case. The thought of blood on my hands from hurting or even killing someone was disturbing. So much blood...

My vision pulsated and I'd see a haze of red around it. My face felt hot from my own tension. I was dizzy. I gulped and got a hold of myself. I heard someone coming over and I turned to see Slendy. He looked down at me but said nothing. Then he nodded and held out a hand for me. I smiled slightly and reached up to take it but I failed and I suddenly fell forward into unconsciousness.

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